THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921 NOTICE THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Now therefore, by virtue <>t cd and the paymen’ y, full of 1 be pur­ of Commerce, Portland. Oreg-;u, \i execution, judgment, order, 1:etee chase price the Master in Chancery torn ya for plaintiff. and order of sale, and in cor.. ...... ipl i. A. M. at the iron «'• real property will Issue his Master's <’ the County Court House in lhe i’UWl le purchaser of sail plep­ ^Dr J. E. SI.carer Dr. l>.y of Tillamook, County of TRla- erty. as to said poisqnal prop ivook, and Slate of Oregon sell at •irtv upon lhe cunl’rntui 11 Drs. Shearer and Crank public auction to the highes* I bi hUr j aid and the payment ■ MEDICINE 4L SURGERY for cash in hand, all the righ •- f ile >ric<* issue bts bill j and interest which the with! 1 de- I National Building T. iendants or any of them had on i he ■ Tillamook. Oyeron further 23rd day of July, 1919, the da. j . f to the _ ___ _ the deed or mortgage ige her her in in £.,« firi , | end with reference to the te closed, or since that date had tn 'in J I editions of sale r< tc the above described real property R. T. BOALS M. said decree, a copy or any part thereof, to sat'sfy said be found 011 inquiry Surgeon and Physician execution, judgment, order an.l de­ of i the Clerk of the' cree, interest, costs, accrued interest Districi Cot: I. O. O. F. Building foi the Dist tnd attorney’s fees. Oregon Portland, Ore TILAMOOK. OREGON Dated the 19th day of May. 1921 application to the undei JOHN ASCHIM Dated at Portland, O Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. 3rd' day of June ¿921. First Publication'May 19, 1921. BARRICK à HALL * ROBERT F. MAGl'iRr. Last publication June 23, 19'21. Master in U’11 ATTORNEYS AT LAW ' 703 Title & Trust Buildl ig. P..rt- iN THE DISTRICI COURT OF THE la-nd Oregon. National Building PAGE SEVEN Pursuant to Article Eight of the Charter of Tillamook City, notice is hereby given that: Whereas the Common Council r.f 1 illatnook City have deemed it ex­ pedient to open, lay out anil estab­ lish Sixth Street between Second a 1 euue East, V. «st to the East lin< Sixth Street ts now opened, that pniou of the tract belonging to Ida u tiny, described as follows- B ginning at a point which is rhe E. corner of Lot 8 Block 1 In ten Addition to Tillamook City, Ore- thence east 300 feet. hence t>0 feet, th nee West 300 1>X; hence North 60 feet to the place of ; a tract containing 0.41 to appropnate and condemn property therefor and eas the City Surveyor lies e the necessary surveys of said . rijr and made his report which report has been duly adapted Common Council by ordi- TALCUM powdl R j on your child’s delicate, sensi­ tive skin. Our talcum powder meets this special need. It con­ tains just the right ingredients tn the proper proportions tn benlfit the youthful epidermis Try a can to-day. E. E. KOCH, Druggist • therefor pursuant to Section Du of said article’Eight, the Com­ mon Council has appointed three dis- int rested freeholders of Tillamook City to-wit: p. E. King, Henry Ro- Why not let me show you plans and give yon ,gei> and J- Merrill Smith, who shall make an as-essment of the J images UNITED STATES FOR IIÍE titnates on the New Home which you expect to *t> a-li:> resulting from .stab Tillamook. Oregon DISTRICT Ox OREGON I SHERIFF'S SALE build this year. Why wait any longer. My prices I lishment of said street herein befor? No. E-8500 nf ued to and said viewers shall In the Circuit Court of th- Stat* arc right and satisfaction guaranteed. meet in the office of the City Record­ F. D. Small and D. C. Urie, Partners, 01 Oregon for Tillamook County, F. er on the 20th day of June 1921, at name and style of Sinnil & Urie F. Brandes, Plaintiff vsH. O Triplett 2 P. M. on said day. DR. O. L. HOHLFELD Plainr f’.s. Ed Hunt and Jane Doe Hunt, hi? All persons claiming damages by vs. Contractor and Builder wife, J E Coyner and Christina May VETERINARIAN reason of the appropriation of any property which will be affected by Sam Bauer, otherwise known •is Si- Coyner, his wife, Arnt Andersen Shop in rear of 109 Second St. B»ll Phonc 2F2. MutuulPhone such proposed extension arc h<*r' . . bls sometimes called Arnt Hfude.son, notified to file their claims for such wife, F. R. Beals and Ti'.ad Rob National Surety Co., a corpora:ion, Tillamook. Oregon damages with the City Recorder of ison, and the Mortgage Com­ Dant & Russell, a corporation. W Tillamook City, Oregon, on or before pany, Holland America, n cm the time so appointed. Lawrence, Henry D. Ryan, Charlotte The persons and property concern­ Notice is hereby given th: pur­ Tabor Sanders, W C Ilewit aid ed herein follow*» herewith, ro-wit: suant to a Decree of Foreclosttr.j aid Lillian Hewitt, his wife, II Taylor \ DR. J. G. TURNER R. N. Henkle, Lot 7 and 8, Block 1, Harter’s Addition; E. L. Knight Sale made and entered by ,h * l>.s Hill, W W Hale and Jane D*e Hale, Eye Specialist Lot 9 and 10. Block 1, Harters Ad­ trict Court of the United Simes f> r his wife, Defendants. dition; H. C. Boone, Lot 11, Block 1 the District of Oregon on the 14th State of Oregon County of J'iila- Permanently located in Tillamook Harter's Addition; M. F. Leach, Lat day of December, 1920, in the ahove I ntook. Private office in Jenkin’s jewelry 12, Block 1 Harter’s Addition, J. B By virtue of a judgment order, store. Latest up-to-date instru- Haskill, Lot 7 and 8 Block 1 Central entitled cause, I, Robert F. Maguire, Addition; M. Schnal, Lot 5 and 6, Master in Chancery in and for salu decree and i execution, duly ..-sued ments and equipment. Evenlngs Block 1, Central Addition; Mrs. M. Court and cause will sell at Public out of and under the seal i.f the and Sunday by appointment. E. Vaughn, Lot 3 and 4, Block 2, Auction to the highest bidder, < r above entitled court, in the above Central Addition; C. T. McKinley, bidders, for cash, at the front door entitled, to me duly directed Complete Lens Grinding Factory Lot 2 and 1, Block 1, Central Addi­ of the Court House of Tillamook and dated the 6th day of May 1921, A. F. WALLACE. I. 0. 0. F. BUILDING on the Premises. Any lens dupli- tion. Dated this 26th day of May 1921. County, Oregon, at the city of T ill- upon a judgment rendered and en­ Office phone 65-J and Mutual Residence 78-R FRANCES B. STRNAHAN amook at the hour of 2 o’clock P. M. tered In said court on the 2n 1 day of 5-26t4 City Recorder. | on the 11th day of July, 1921; May 1921, in favor of F. F. Brandes, The Southwest quarter of the plaintiff, against H O Triplett, Ed • NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Southwest quarter of section four Hunt, Jane Doe Hunt, his wlfa, J. E. Security Savings and Trust Company (4) and the Southeast quarter of the Coyner and Christina May Coyner, ¿SE52525E5i2SHSa5c5a5e52525E5H5H5H5a5a5E52SaSZ5ESH5H5H5H5Z5a5BSHSaSa525B§ A corporation, Plaintiff, vs W. W. Southeast quarter of section five h!s wife, Arnt Andersen sometimes Ridehalgh and Zoe C. Ridehalgh, his (5) , and the northeast quarter rf called Arnt Anderson, National Sur­ wife, W. T. Ridehalgh and Alana the northeast quarter of section ety Co., a corporation, Dant 5z Rus- | Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 Ridehalgh, liis wife and Ridehalgh eight (8) and the northwest quar­ sell, a corporation, W. Lav«*, ft Co., Inc., A corporation, defen- ter of the northwest quarter of Sec­ Henry D. Ryan, Charlotte I'nber 0. E. S. - dants. Stated communications first and tion nine (9), all in Township six Sanders, W. Hewitt and Lilliau Hew­ By virtue of an execution, ,u*lg- (6) south of range ten 10) went of itt, his wife, H. Taylor Hill W W. third Thursdays of each month In meat, order, decree and order of sale the Willamette Meridian, containing Hale and Jane Doe Hale, defendants, Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. LELIA D. DOTY, Sec. issued out of the above entitled Court 160 acres of land; also one hundred for the sum of $1600.00, with inter­ in the above entitled cause, to me di­ and sixty acres, more or less, la sec­ est at the rate of 8 per cent per an- Marathon Lodge No. rected, and dated the 26tli day of tions fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) num from the 23rd day of January 93, Knights of Pythiae 1913, and the further sum o' $46.19 April 1921, upon a judgment and de- in township six (6) south of range costs and $150.00 attorneys and Regular meeting Mon- cree rendered and entered in raid , ten (10) west of the Willamette MUTUAL PHONE day evening at 7:45 $388.66, taxes paid by plaintiff, and 1 Meridian, as follows: N. ourt on the 19 th day of October,' W. ’-4 of the costs upon this writ, command­ sharp. By order jMSKKaF the Chancellor Com- 1920, in favor of Security Saving.-* | ¡ S. W. 1-4, S 1-2 of S. W. 1-4 sect* ,n ing nie to make sale of the following and Trust Company, plaintiff, and I 14 and S. E. 1-4 of 8. E. 1-4 of «ec ntnnder. against W. W. Ridehalgh and Zoe C. I tion fifteen (15), containing WO ac­ described real property, situated In John C. Carroll, C. C. the County of Tillamook State or Ridehalgh, his wife, W. T. Ridehalgh res and being his homestead, Oregon to-wit: W. R. C. and Alana Ridehalgh, his wife, and together with eleven (11) cows, two Corlnlth Relief Corps, No. 64 Dept, The East one half of the North Ridehalgh & Co. Inc., a Corporation, (2) steers and five (5) heifers, be- west quarter, the East one half of of Oregon, meets or first and third defendants, for the Bum of Fifteen ing.all of the livestock situated utt the Southwest quarter, the West one Friday evenings of each month, at Hundred dollars ($1500.00) with in­ scribed and descrirbed in ’.liat cer­ 8 p. nt.. in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors half of the Southeast quarter, and welcome . terest at eight per cent per anum tain chattel mortgage dated May 3lh the WeHt one half of the Northeast Minnie Johnson, President from the 18th day of February, 1919 1919, in which said defendant Sam quarter of Section Three Tp. 6. Elizabeth Conover, Secy. and the further sum of Seventy Five Bauer, otherwise known as Simon. South Range 10, West of the W. M. | dollars $75.00) Attorney’s fees, and Bauer and Emma Bauer were inort in Tillamook county, Oregon Corinth Post. No. 35. Dept, of Oregon the further sum of Fifteen dollars i gagers and the plaintiffs herein v. eie Now therefore by virtue of ea>d Meets on second and fourth nd Twenty cents ($15.20) costs, mortgagees. 1 The said personal prop execution, judgment, order and de . Saturdays of each month and the costs of and upon th’s writ, erty ' and read pioperty will be of­ cree, and in compliance with I he at 1:30 p. tn. 1n W. O. W. commanding me to make sale of the fered for sale and sold separately. commands of said writ, I will, on hall. Visitors welcome. following described property, The plaintiffs by the terms of the 'le- Saturday, the 2nd day of July 1921, The Northwest Quarter of the property at any sale under said d*. H. W. Spear, Com’dr. at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. at Samuel Downs, Adjt. orthwest Quarter of Section 21, cree. the front door of the County Court ownship 1 North, Range 10 West The undersigned Master In Chan­ House in the City of Tillamook in Johnson Chapter No. f Willamette Meridian; also a cery is by said decree of foreclosure said County and State, sell at public R. A. M. r*ct of land described as beginning and sale authorized to sell said prop Stated convocations every auction, subject to redemption, tf first and third Fridays. t a point on ordinary high tide and erty, to make the amount due under the highest bidder, for U. S. gold Visitors welcome. *ter line 135 links South and 367 said decree from the defendants to coin cash in hand, all the right, title f. E. Keldson, Sec. s East of the meander corner be­ plaintiffs in the amount Of nv<* th n and interest which the within named at the difference a good range inaken in your fen Sections 20 and 21, Township sand sixty-seven dollars and seven­ defendants or either of them, h i 1 on Tillamook Lodge No. 57. A.F. & A.M. house work. Let uh show you North, Range 10 West of Wtlla teen cents ($5067.17) with interest the date of the mortgage hereto and Stated Communication sec etie Meridian; and running thence thereon at the rate of light p< r since had in or to the above describ­ ond Wednesday in each th 65 degrees East on ordmafy cent (8 per cent) per annum from ed real property or any part thereof I month. Visiting Brethern h water line 2.98 chains; thence the first day of September. 1920, to satisfy said execution, judginen* wecome. orth 19.15 chains; thence West and the further sum of six hundred order and decree interest, costs and Harvey Ebtnger, "ec’y .70 chains; thence _____ South ____ 17.89 dollars ($600.00) as and for attor­ all accruing costs. 7*1 “The Range With a Reputation” to the place of beginning, neys fees, less the amount of eight JOHN ASCHIM htaining five acres, less right of hundred ten dollars ($810.09; paid Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore­ y conveyed to the Portland Hall­ thereon on the 20th day of Decem­ gon. ey and Navigation Co., all In the ber, 1920, and the costs and expen­ Dated Tillamook Oregon June 2. Tuesday eve, 7:30 p. m. unty of Tillamook, and State of ses of this sale. 1921. Rebekak, Wednesday evening f?on , Upon the confirmation of tile salt Micelll & Graham, 925 Chamb;i t.aiup Z-4. l liuisday Piices On Lumber Are Down FRANK H. MATTHEWS CITY transfer Service to All Experienced Furniture and Piano Movers STORAGE !00M ract mined i.-rtly r, or a the on In enied irried Lodge Directory s CLAUDE I. MYERS, PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING 1102 E 2nd St TILLAMOOK - OREGON i YOU’D BE SURPRISED The Gieat Majestic Range ALEX McNAIR & COMPANY MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL "I. I I Y om Ve Got Us all Mixed up, \ \JLvr of mj ? humg A. ■W, l . LfeST MIGHT’, ItMCTÍ TW6^ WZ AM ah ' floor eoLLAPseol AM' YOU FttU \MTO TH' AMD \MUAT fcECfcUE OF NOU, FE«. PETE'S SAKE f OWTO TU' &OROÇ.R OF TU' 7--------- -U YOU K im guess '. ■—t 1 ïizp 00 <2750