ŒiHamoofc Weabligft A Weekly Paper Published Every Thiuscuy by the Headlight Publishing Company. Inc. Tillamook. Oregon Editor Leslie Harrison Both Telephones Entered aS second-class matter in the postofflce at Tillamooh, Oregon. Subscription Rates One year ................................. Six months ............................. Three months ........................ Payable in advance 32.00 1.00 .50 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River C juicy. L. Saldern, Plaintiff vs C. F. Fteel and Alice C Field, defendants. By virtue of an uttachniv-.it exe­ cution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County, upon a Judg­ ment for the sum of 31000.00 and interest on said Bum at the-rate of eight per cent per annum sl<>e<> no "f the best in the country and has a fine record. Will sell for «350.00 and deliver him. I have no me for him now. L. B. Newnhaun, X. F. D. 4, Hood River. 5-2Stl 5-26tl FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Fumed Oak sectional bock caie, Fumed oak genuine leather bed davenport, 2 leather rockers, 5 other rockers. Plush couch, oak library table, oak dining table and six chairs, combination b- k case and writing desk, combina­ tion china closet and buffet, 3 bed room suites, 4 brussel rugs,9 by 12, range, dishes and kitchen utensils. Overland car model 85 in good condition. E. D. Calhi.on, 309 E. 5th St. 5-26tlp cedar posts. Phone 2F21 NOTICE OF SALE OF CITI IMPROVEMENT BONDS tain now. and we invite FOR SALE FOR SALE—HOUSE AND TWO SINGER AGENCY — OPPOSITE Postoffice. O. M. Cook. lots on easy terms. Price 31,000. FOR SALE—CHOICE HOME SITES. Enquire at Headlight office.ll-25tf Have just had placed in my hands THE GREATEST ARTISTS OF THE part of the academy grounds on World have entrusted their repu­ FOR SALE — DAIRY FARM. ABOUT 4th and Sth St. These Tcta will tations to the Victor Records. 30 acres. New buildings, ten be sold very cheap considering the head cows, team, some young Hear them at their best in your location. Close to the business stock. Place will support 15 own home. Tillamook Music Co., Tbeiler, cows. Inquire John section. See A. C. Everao.1 for Dealers, opposite P. O. ll-18tf l-8tf Pleasant Valley. price and terms. 4-2Stf DOUGLAS COUNTY TAXIDERMY FOR SALE—2000 GENUINE LOG- and Tanning Company. Taxi­ FOR SALE—Two pair mated canary dermist of all kinds of animals anberry end tips. From proven birds Two females with young and heads. Tans all classes plants that have been adapted to birds. Pair of Paropuets. And furs; makes furs off classes this climate for several years. P. furs. Manufacturers of all one beautiful St. Andrcsburg W. Jacob, Tillamook, Ore. J-3lf wear. We also buy mountain Roller or trainer. 801 Wes. 3rd bobcat and raccoon bides, Tillamook, Ore. FOR SALE—GOOD STEEL RANGE, pay best prices. Douglas County also organ. Qatl Walter Nelson, Taxidermy and Tanning Cimpany, Roseburg, Oregon. 12-23tf ll-25tf FOR SALE—OR TRADE FOR GOOD Mutual phone. property in Tillamook lt>0 acres PROFESSIONAL on Sand Lake. 320.00 per acre on WANTED easy terms. D. Bilings, Rockaway DR. WISE WILL BE AT HIS BAY Oregon. 5-2«t3p WANTED—RESPECTABLE YOUNG City office each Monday morning woman with girl of eleven, wants at 9 A. M. 2-2 4-tf work by June 15. Housekeeper m SIEE- la TFB TtaEVhotET good plain cook or will do chamb ;r DR. RAMSEY. OSTEOPATH—Room 5 wire wheels 7 tires and lots of 110 I. O. O. F. Bldg., Tillamook. or dining room work in hotel. extras. Good as new. A snap, M, Mutual phone. Bell phone 146-M. State wages Florence A. Star­ F, Robison, Bar View, Ore 6-2tlp buck, Pendleton, Oregon, Gene-al DR.’S ALLEN & SHARP DENTISTS National Building. FOR SALE -DRY FIR WOOD AND Delivery. 6-2t3 WM. MCMURRAY. (Uneral Passenger Agent. Portland. Oregon. JOHN ASCH1M Sheriff of Tillamook* County 0>e Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by Tlllamoo-c City, Oregon for the sale of «20,828.7 7 of improvement bonds issued l>v Tilla­ mook City und. r the Bancroft Bond­ ing act for street improvemen’ with in Tillamook City, Oregon- Said bids to be received up to 8 o'clock P M. June 13. 1921. all blds to be address, cd to City Recorder of said Til’amoo City. Oregon and must be In th hands of City Recorder on or before 8 o'clock P. M. on said dat'1 nnd must be accompanied by certified check for not lei« than 10 pr cent of the amount of the bid. same to be forfieted to Tillamook City if successful bidder fails to enter tontract to take the bonds in cordancc with said bid. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 2nd day of Juno. 1921 Frances B, Stranahan, City Re «order of Tillamook City, Oregon. 3 __ 60 a. good creek bettem land, some hill. Good loganberry land. 15 LOST AND FOUND acre lots, 360.00 per acre. Terms. Whole tract cash «50.00 per acre. FOUND— PACKAGE CONTAINING 4 __ Cottage and 3 lots, subject to 1 pair ladles shoe», 1 P(>lr h*0^ street assessments, 31150.00. Terms. and one union suit. This paclc’ 5—Cottage and 2 lots. Miller Ave. age left ln car from Cloverdale by and 3rd street assesments, 32,500 mistake lust W’eek. Owner caa installment plan. recover same by identifying and paying for this ad. 5 13tf FOR SALE—13 MONTHS OLD grade bull. W. E. McKinster, BUSINESS NOTICES Wilson River. MODERN CRANKCASE CLEANING SERVICE 6 2c ip DR. WISE WILL BE AT HIS TILLA- WANTED — MEN TO TAKE CON- mook office every Monday after­ COOSEBËR RI ES FO RSA LËT“aï R S. tract in light clearing and ditch­ noon and Tuesday until further E. Troute 6-9-21tlp. notice. 2-2 4-tf ing land. All summers job Call or write. Clay S. Taylor, Clover­ FOR SALE MONARCH TYPEWR! T- dale,-Oregon. 5-7ot4 DR. J. B. GRIDER, DENTIST, 1. 0. O. F. Bldg., Tillamook, Oregon. er good as new, very cheape, call 113. 6-9-21tlp. I * DO PRACTICAL NURSING, I inquire of Alfred Boquis’. 6 9 21 ■will take your maternity cases,1 2p. i also help with general house work. Write me for dates, Can furnish best of references. Mrs. Florence Bell. Tillamook, Ore, 2t FOR SAI.1.— BAtl GRAND C«EV- roiet, «400. Good condition See C. E Burg. Parview, r, 2112 WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call 145 J 5-5tf _________ _______________ 1 Aspirin is a useful chemical being prescribed constantly by EQUIP YOURSELF TO JOIN THE skillful physicians for treat­ monster Tillamook County Band WANTED TO RENT ment of rheumatic affections now organizing. A new Bueschct neuralgia, colds and certain types of fever. saxophone, slightly shelf w >rn. 20 WANTED TO RENT— MARRIED man wants to rent ranch on half. Aspirin U.D. Co. Tablets are per cent off. and other bargains Phone Bay City, 30F4. made by the United Drug Com­ ln band instruments. Tillamook pany, Boston, whose agents Music Co., opp. P. O. 6 2tf are the RFexall Store? every­ I WANTED riVE DOZEN MOLE where. The chemical used is always of the very highest skins stretched fiat 15c Cach. A. FOR SALE—BRAND NEW AUTO grade and the tablets may, 6-9-21-t3p bumper «5.00. 15 gal. steel ril J. Wilks. therefore, be depended upon tank. «2.50. Live stock clipp'ng with confidence to yield the GENERAL machine, ,5.00. Auto Top Shi p WANTED A GIRL, maximum of beneficial results housework, small fajnily. Light that may be expected from :he «-ttf treatment, right wages. Ask for ’Use of Aspirin. X. Y at this office. Fraudulently made Aspirin FOR SALE—A GOOD CHICKERING I FOR RENT— FURNISHED’HOCSE- Tablets were put on the mar- ket by a Brooklyn concern. square piano for «50.00. t you | keeping rooms fully mode n 311. This has ben exploited by o.ie want this, come quick. Tillamook I Per month. Corner 5th Are. and concern for the purpose of dis­ Music Co. 5-i9tf ¡•th St. E. 4-28tf crediting all tablets of Aspirin made by others. The public should know that we, as repu- FOR SALE188 ACRE DAIRY FOR RENT—10 ROOM HOUSE I table druggists, have never ranch. About 80 acres rtvei bot­ with large garden. Apply to F.R. handled any but Aspirin of the tom: the balance !s timber and Beals. 4-28tf highest grade. good berry land. House, two The Aspirin patent expired barns. Implements and 14 cows go in 1917, and any one can aow make Aspirin and sell, Il under with place. Must be seen to be FOR PASTURE PHONE 2F22 14t3 that name. , appreciated. Address R 25 care Our customers may d?pe id Headlight. 4 21 tf upon it that Aspirin U. D. Com­ FOR RENT — SEVERAL UNFl’R- pany—sold at Rexall • Stores nished apartments. Inquire of only —is everything that thJ By John" l.el.-.nd Henderson 1’lu-ker Brothers plumbing »hep. most careful, most discriminat­ Bonded Real Estate Agent. ing and skillful physician TO EXCHANGE 20« Third St., Tillamook could demand. IN PACKAGES OF Ifi. 24’s 1—165 acre Kilchls river ranch, 30 for exchange — valley farms and 100’1 acres first diver bottom. 15 acre« In for dairy farms ln T. lam<»;k cultivation. Springs and creeks 13« County. Write J. H. Ship y R.r acres timber and logged off bench information. McMinnville, Oregon. 1. nd. Lire stock, team. etc. $10.000 Reliable Druggists. Term*. EXCHANGE - NEW VTCTHOLA Tdlamook, Oregon. 3—Fine reeideuoe property third for Ford Roadster in first claa? Let us fill your street, paved. Easy t* Price condition. Singer Agency, Opp Prescriptions. 34300.00. Po* Otnc* 4-iltf The Tuie Story of Aspirin C. I. CLOUGH CO Qua FIUWIUG on ZXMJUAE I