ORDINANCE NO. 409 but the first 36 feet, measuring from the top fixture down. Section eleven A. The wade pipe for each and ev ry sink.'basin, ititb wutercluaet, t, urinai, urinal, and eael e. (- trays or other fixtures ahall be ;.-p arately and effectually trapped 'I he ’■e— i 'r r I • n;: i d'i i nr 'ôjj. • uppll t house drain or house sewer. Section Twenty-nine: Th- following table shall be Used _ In all cases where building is to determine the size of traps and | nRed na ( __ _.i a hotel, butcher shop, civam- ..nd waste pipes: i ery, laundry or restaurant, the own­ I -,'a. . vf closets allowed: where er or occupant »uau pioviue a prop­ h is 4 inches In din­ erly constructed grease trap through rif er. 12 closets allowed; 5 inches w hich all slops of a greasy nature . 5 closets allowed; 6 shall be drained; said greu trap ilici lej in diameter, 6(T closets allow- hull'be constructed of cast iron or ( An Ordì anee en naiu-c to regu. Tillamoo! liceuaing a penalty The Pe «i. J inch« .... meter, 100 ci- vts t '.‘ass. The City Health offic r i- ahull Ordain <>' fc. . eJ: . i< bo» iu d.-am ter. too have author ty, and he is höret by au­ SevtUu • >n Mayor i.::h All bath tubs hall be t rin’ - ■> thorized and directed to compel any a drum trap or P tr ap. th P. ■ immoti Gear il All sewers. person, persons, firm, company or sir i biPß fi n’ cretlou of or. ner, of 1 i d P corporation to provide and use without clear, out at ba « at V, direction of grease trap as herein provided I P< P trap is used; Whe ter ve i be made with this section. placed or constructed o: pie i», u eighth bends, Section Thirty: floor Of any building ” t tu ­ iii ¡ n shall be unl.iv fal ide with forty K be vented wl more tl C » All master plumbers befoie doing for n lmilar fitti.-.cs. any plumbing wh. from the vein .ok, on * it r.ny r i« Tilla irth bends shall be used moc : City shall sec floor, i feet, i nd re frori the Ci mar interfv ,w or floors in ex .<• h -ord r a propel sh o w Inj.*. i niin.ig« any P t, 4 feet. nse and shall pay to the City Re­ ¡1 ns h P aid f V in *c. ;C thn d ier for the said license ihe sum d to b Ü (ed iV 1 VO* Dittili O Ti 1 hou;< 1, ( I $25, said ltcense shall be g.iod Cl : >idora, k o d in, house u i I one />'. r f’ora ♦.» late • f « y fnoi :ie nearer i I ì 6 all be coime ted o JI am ins U HTlfl appre ’-1 :< p’-.ir I - s bet 'C d out a, t I? four' h incl closet è lpie. N 1 J ¡I . r have 1 liai ^ny plumbing work whatevv an b . or t gli a gidvanized lt< u pip.: uri ieh conui it’ nnio ' ill ■ '. ... f hll »• [p d ) in a in h £ v lien is than three eighths inches knal City Rr.i>: .’.er upon proper more lur ei" when n d: r or through a b.a pipo a license raid shall pay to t» Conner .-d i then wi h a • pt’.’ tank <■ < y» ■ 1, i i than 7-16 of an in> li in sum of 110, said license te. All w ug 1 as the Conuno- Council : hail rtir< < I good for one yeaer ft m the date of or with a running li ap neu pip*is used for ar atnagc purp Sectlou foul . It 3hall b. t issue. shaU ream d and fn ting. lino outside of buildiii is fui for onj person oy per.«> ner mzy desir.x No auch » i shall be rere -ed dri linage f . t’n¿£ make ahy cci" ectl n with. .»■• i •P Secilon Thirty-one: Se < thirte n: All excavations mad ■ in any s ill ki'.Si manner obstruct or intuiicrc Iron pip« shall be m adc \ \i>h a*. < or alley shall be protected any pul. le'.ewer in the City.o k and p le d w than be connected thereto by “Y ■ guarded bj the contrtic'or be th by nmook. without first having > cuti in .-»i, a. .,t. .t ;1, btouch. All such floor traps •bali day and by night, witp the proper i JH.i, A»-4 ed a pornilt for such purp.» s fiom covered by a brass or Lon display of signals and iigh-r, i i.d nor putty will be allov 1 th the C:'. Recorder and sv h CP? R -•rainer. the said contractor shall be re Ini' joint has been tc-s'i i rU Section Nineteen: slble upon his bond for all accidents such port.ilt upon application 'her; wrought. Iron pipes sh All fewer», soil cr v a pip< caused by negligence in this f. -pect. for by the owner of any building f joints; joint iu lead ; shall be carried undiminished in fiz The street must be opened and the be com.ci ted v. ith such sewer, or the In all cases of drawn contractor or plumber doing Ku>li l.ippK.i, or v.i.ii tr ;w calking fer lo a height of at least 12 luchf s paving or plunking and earth d pu wo k. and upon th payment of rule of the full -ilze of the iron pip r above the main root, except iu cases ited in a manner that will oct..sir of tennameut houses or roots u-ed tlie least inconvenienic to tin pili $1.00 to the Chy Recorder for -aid ctii n fourteen: Each and eVerj for drying purposes. In ail MICll lie, and to provide for a free p:>: sag permit. trap shall be ventilated with a vent cases they shall extend seven feet Sect.on five: The material iscd along the gutter. One lu If of th pipe In caseu. where the size of tht above the roof and be suitably blf.C- In the construction of such private street must be kept clear for the ‘trap is two Inches or lese, th. vent ed. Pipes on extension roofs. v.hen passage of vehicles, and briduewav • sewer or drain pipes shall bo sub­ stantially like that used in the pub pipe may start not more Ilian fou •within fifteen feet of any wi.alow, must be provided or sid-wulks for lie sewer with which connection is Inches away from the water line of shall be carried up undiminitsh'.'d iu foot passengers. As soon as any made, provided that same is placed the trap, except “P” trap-, whirl size above the nearest window, such sewer or drain Is completed md at least 18 inch's underground; m may be sixteen inches; in cases o. There shall be no caps, cowlei, ven­ after inspection the paving or plunk­ or return bends put •n the ing nnd sidewalk must b. restored t^> all other-cases cast, iron plp-' i must large' size tr aps the vent pipe ill'll tilators t be used. Said private sewer or Etart from the vent horn, and i ends of the pipes above th*' roof. as good condition as previous to .he drain pipes shall be six inch’s in there is no horn, then from the lead Section Twenty: excavation and all rubbish and sat Where safes ar»> placed undvr fix plus earth immediately remtvod. Eacl diameter from the public sewer io bend, or other proper fittin the property line and 1 incnei there | line of vent pipe shall b guiv.inz.ee lures, the safe wastes, if any. shall All work within the limits of any after, or 6 as the owner may deter­ or standard black or cast iron at dis­ run to some place in open sight in- street or’alley must be prosecuted to side of building and shall not bi mine. completion with due diligence an 1 cretion of owner. Tile branch "T' Section six: No person or persons of vent pipes shall be set above : I k less than one inch in idameter. if in the judgment of the Com'ion shall connect any open gutter, cess fixtures So that the ventB cannot act Section Twenty-one. Council any excavation Is loft open No waste pipe front a refrlgo.’ atm yool, or privy vault or cistern v. Hh s a waste pipe. No rubber ciup beyond a reasonable time, rhe Ccm- any public sewer, or with any pri­ tings or ordinary sold'.ring iror. or other receptacle where to' d is mon Council shall cause the same to kept shall be connected direc! to a vate sewer or drain connected with jonts shall be used to connect v a sewer, soil, or waste pipe; refrigera­ be filled and the street or alley re the public sewers. or wast° pi"e. Tht The highest higher! rvate: tor wastes shall bo of a diameter of stored forthwith at the cost of th" S etion seven: It shall be unlaw­ ithin 6 fe« not less than one and one half inch­ contractor in charge of jsucli work, closets when located within ful to construct or extend any drain need nit l> es, and so arranged as to be fuxpi rly which cost must be paid before any for the reception of sewerage or of the main soult pipe, further permit is Issued to such con- flushed. waste water under, cr Into any hotel 1 separately ventilated, All old tix tratcor. If any work, don5 in pur- Section Twenty-two: with sewer, tentmeui house, dwelling o. iiiy turei wh n connected Pan closets, open bowl closets and suance of the permit granted building, or to connect the same shall be provided with back air or front washouts arc hereby prohibit-, heretofore prescribed be not con- with any public sewer uniese the vent pipes. strueed nnd completed in accordance ed. ■ Section Fifteen: Each trap must said drain shall in its plans and ■with the plan filed, and th the uc S ciion Twenty-three: construction conform to the follow- be ver.tllaled by an air pipe not les ceptance of the Plumbing it ..pi’Ctor, Every wyiter closet within the ing requirements. than the size- of the trap used, ex building shall be supplied with wa­ and the liaensed contactor shall re­ The arrangements of and cept traps larger than o: e and on< ter from a separate tank or cittern fuse to properly construct and com­ as half inches, such traps must be vt-n- waste pipes must be ai­ which shall be so arranged as to de­ plete said work, notice therefor shall less tilated by a one and ont half Inch possible aud have a tali liver at least four gallons at each be given to the contractor or Plumb than one-eighth of oi'r per pipe, No more than two m:mll fix flushing, and shall have a flush pipe er doing the work and the Plumbing foot towards the sewer or cess Pj>"l turca can be ventilated from a on< of not less than one and onP quar­ Inspector shall proceed to complete or septic tank; said soil pipe ehall and one half inch pipe or more than ter inches in diameter; except ti ush and connect said sewer in a proper extend five feet beyond the main eight small fixtures on a two ircl valves on separate tank may be lifted manner and the full cost if such pipe, or more than four water clo cutside v II or any ui a walls work and any material neee Henry flection Twenty-four: The soil pipe within the house sets. A greater nuptber tliuii ih. Enclosing of water closets with therefor shall be charged to 'he con shall be continued above tL' root previously described number of iix wood casings shall not be peimit tractor or plumber. and left above so that th’ whole tur.-s may be ventilated on one v< i. Section Thirty-two: ted. drain may be thoroughly and c'-n pipe by Increasing the vent pipe u The Plumbing Inspector shall bi Section Twenty-five: stantly ventilated; in all cas> proportion to accommodete* th ? de Water, closets, unless they be promptly notified when any work in where a building is used as a hotel sired number of fixtures. The- high propelly ventilated shall never he ready fol” inspection, and he shall tenement house, boardin house oi est fixture on any vertical soil o placed in an unventilated .tomi >r Inspect such woik forthwl.h. restaurant, the owner or occupam waste pipe need not be ve nted, pro­ compartment; an exteiior wi.i low w-ork shall be left uncovered fee- shall provide a properly cons'ru ed I vided said fixture i^not oyer : that can be opened will be co milder convenient fo; examination uni 11 !* gsease trap through n all H P from the main soil or was» i stnri; spect'.d and approved. No r ed sufficient. of a geasy nature shall i'-e drained, that extends full sire through the si.-.11 l.e sen! for m y in p -I' Section Twenty-six: and the Plumbing Inspector shall roof. No horizontal vent pipe ■ u ill til the work Is entirely r. nd in Waste water from fixtures have authority to compel any poison be .allowed below the op of h._> fix l.ourci« wten pull < sewer is not Inspection, if such notice h- or persons or corporation to provide ture ft serves. Whe'e possible the -.vaVaule may be t<. veyn his v< nt pipe connection from the fix prol and septic tank; such ce.s p(.i : work ns eady for inspection, and ny hv lure to to the main vent mint judgment same is necessa-y. •hi’)’ not he located within 10 r-.-i reason 'hereof the inspecto- liuil :>.• Section eight: All sewers, soli made at least one foot above th' frr_n any dwelling or factory. compiled to make on additional trip or waste pip > within the building fixture. All vent pip’s nt ist be ar­ for the purpw>> of inspecting such Section -Twenty-rev will diain any shall be of cast Iron supported by ranged so that th >r work, In such event before inspect No steam exhaust bl w * substanclal piers or properly secured condensation. d’.ip pipe shall c mn»- directly with ing the work there shall b» paid »he Sertion sixteen: A battery of b to the walls, o suspended to floors the ;' wer house drain, soil, was.o, nr inspect r the sum of 11 by said c >n timbers by strong Iron haig is: Utah four wash trays may be served vent pipe or with any rain water tractor or plumber. when sewers are necessarily it id be­ through one trap. Where less than conductor, Steam shall be dlscharg- Se tion Thirty-three: low a concrete floor man holes shall four wash basins In barber -hops or Plumbing work shall be test' d ed Into a blow off or couden tin ■ bo built to give access to nil clean­ office buildings, or one sink .in I one tank with two inch vents, th' i -.. pi - water. If by air test it steal! he or two part wash tray in flats or outs. or overflow of which shall be t'.r five pounds pressure, and it shall Section nine:* The.-, shall be a apartments, are located In one plac' 3d._ ed with the hour? fewer out-idc discretionary with the inspector clean-out In every “Y” in the ««dl < one trap may be u:cd, provided th it of tie cellar walls. to which test shall be applied, pipe at the foot of each vertical Hue not less than one and one ha'r inch Section Twenty-eight: tests must be made In the pr -fence of salij pipe, and in the kitchen link trap and vent pipe are used, and the Where special fixtures are req ill . of the Inspector. Such ^esm shall waste pipes. All clean-outs «ball length of the branch waste pipe ik t ed for which there are n.i provisions > include all sewers, soil was*« and be closed by brass screws or galvan­ exceed five feet. in these rules and regulation' . ron pipe that Is not practible to no vent the such deviation from these rules nnd ( foot to a stop or waste cock, place shall be found free from defects, same such a fixture shall be provld- regulations as in their Judgment the, either in the bsa-wnent or oufsld of thoroughly coated Inside end •>«« ed with a trap with at least four conditions demand; thereupon ’heyi the building. If in supply fixtures with coal asphaltum or pitch. All inch water seal and at least four may in their discretion issu • a perl with water, It is found impossible to cast Iron soil pipes two Inches in inches in diameter. mit in duplicate for such work, one[ drain the pipes by the u»e "f ^rP Basins In barber shops shall be to the plumber and one to be fled and waste cocks, then a r*t <*< * diameter or over ehall he s andard pipe except where there la a verti­ trapped in a similar manner, inless with the City Recorder, together shall be placed at the lowczt point cal of more than 36 feet when ex­ an approved type of braaa non­ with the report and said recomnv’n- in such pipe and made accessible so tra heavy pipe shall be uaed 9« all siphoning trap be need upon ths dations of the Plumbing I aspee lor. that ths pipe may be drained to P'e- vent freeiing. Section Thirty-five: All stablee and garages having wash racks for washing vehicles and having said racks conu. ' !: city sewers shall have catch b" in l° Prevent sand or heavy matter from entering the sewer. The bot­ tom of the catch basin shall be eigh­ teen Inches belcw the entrance the outlet to he trapped depth of six inches below trance to the outlet of the setvti ! Section Thirty-elx: That Plumber 1 Inspector shall In­ spect all plumbing reported by any ' plumber to the City H alth Officer ;.h — . . unaani- tary and so report to the Plumber Inspector and report same to the Common Council for their action and it shall be his duty to Inspect and examine ell the plumbing hereafter Installed In the City of Tillamook, and see that the^vork thereof con- (Continued on Page 3) DEW DROP IN RESTAURANT HETARTS, GRE. CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY JUNE 8th, and every Sunday this season. Also soil food specialty for dinner parties. [’1IONE 9 E 12. Mis. Ann Bowen LSuSdSeS?' t loa v k.’i Piati now ft m m dt brick enut to your old horn«* tnwu BACK EAST NEW EASTBOUND Low round Trip Tickets, T H R V V is- One-Wny I’nres H w Cidifoi iti.i fiale nt Reduce-’ Fa .. T P R 0 U G L Cnlifornin in effect June 10 and Daily, the eafter Plnnlrrtarn Un t i-ound trlp ilciota, tliree montb» (ii.m .Air <■, tr noi <*<-<.■i» li.l rr aiRi. atup ovtr» permttlr'l and iholce uf rout On rnur bnrk rr.«t trlp »<■<• Cruter l.nkc, l.ak« TohOe, Yoarmlt«, lonnl Part,Curria.o Olirvi n prnnrl nnl highly olornl oivon ,<-, i car wlriilnw», nr Uir Apuchr Triai and kootn vi lt lipni. « V it- .pi thr Week Did Special Train In now operating [»etween Portland and Tillamook CK*l*or(lnn I jtaturdiiy 12 40 p. ni. Leave« TIHrmnok »nn«lnv 3.2S p. m. Arrlrri» TUImnonk K.lOp m. Arrive*« Portlnnd 10,36 p, m. Ettjoy Rt»<1 outing in the mountain!» or by the »eanliore Oregon Outdoor»” A new summer booklet, giapli Icallly describes the different re­ sorts In western Oregon aud in eludes hotel and camp itiformi- tlon. Copy free on request For particulars as to pa senger fares, routes, train schedules or sleeping car rcservatai ins. Inquire of any ticket agent of S outhern P acific L ines . JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent