Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 16, 1921, Image 13

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    Local Newa
Motor Car Co., which handles the ,
Velis and Peerless motor cars.
Ernest Ford a student in engin­
eering at O. A. C. arrived home Sat-
.rday for S TMdUoa. I
Cadi’lac St""e line
Ted Ford returned from O. A C.
C. M. Vidito left on t Wednesday 1 Saturday where he has attended the
morning’s train for J Portland und past school year. Mr. Ford is a
other valley points.
student in Commerce.
I n
Ward Mayer. Garibaldi contractor
Verle S. Stanley, who has boon the
I and Don Ellis, the postmaster at director of athletics and protean- f
! that place were Tillamook visitors
eniistry at Wallowa High sch <»l
for the past year arirved Sunday
will put its new sciicuuie in tu effect
G. G| Irish o fMeda was a Tilla­ evening Mr. Stanley is a graduute
mook visitor Wednesday.
of the local high school and of Pa­
at once
J. P. Maginnis has taken the con­ cific university and is well known in
I* tract
order to reach Portland and Tilla-
for grading the Union Oil com­ this vicinity.
g pany’s plot near the Southern Pa­
Lowell Edwards a student of O.
rhook at an early hour. Ticket office:
cific station, where it is reported the A. C. arrived home for the summer
company will establish
storage months Saturday.
F. B. McKinley Real Estate Office,
tanks. K. B. Stevens ot the engin­
W. S. Buell and family of Belle­
Bell phone 72W and Mutual phone.
eering department of the Union Oil vue arirved in this city last Wednes­
company was in town the firs*, part day for a short visit with Mra Bu-
of the week looking over the work. I ells’' father, Mr. C. B. Wiley.
E. T. Watkins local agent for the
Mrs O. M. Cook returned tills
American Express company states week from Seattle where she has
Portland Hoyt Hotel
that his company will carry pack­ been visiting relatives the pas: ft w
ages free of charge to the Pueblo weeks.
7:30 A. M.
8:15 A M.
sufferers, if the packages are sent
—— — to
Mr. tail
A. luuntO
Lewis -• re-
the American Red Cross or some
1:45 P. M.
2 P. M.
■ turned Sunday after a short visit In
such charitable institution r Portland.
iS Other
An. Portland 1 & 7:10 P. M.
An. Tillamook 1:30 & 7:30
and not to individuals.
H. J. Lambert of Seattle WU3 a
H. H. Bromberg, formerly the au­ Tillamook visitor Friday.
tomobile editor for the Oregon
J. A. Horan of the State Highway
Journal, was a Tillamook visitor the commission arrived in this city Fri­
O ' early part of the week. Mr. Biom- day to take charge of the work In
j berg is at present with the Warren the South end of the county
Mrs. Nettie Whetstone of Pendle­
ton arrived in this city Friday for
a short visit here.
A. F. Marsh of Ellensborg, Wis­
consin, was a Tillamook visitor Fri­
J. B. Caldwell of Portland was a
business visitor last week.
Chas. Whitman and W. H. Burris
of Salem were local visitors Friday.
Mrs. L. Hall of Cloverdale «as a
Tillamook visitor last Saturday.
housands of women to see the transformation you
S. E. Fish of Brigton was a Tilla­
with keen home pride want yourself can make in home
mook visitor last week
Dr. C. L. Taylor pf Yamhill spent
to do their own painting and
things—furniture, floors, walls,
We Make Paints, Va
For Women’s Use at Home
varnishing^ at home, and thou­
sands do—with materials we
We make those materials es­
pecially for home use. You
ask for “Fuller’s Home Service”
Paint Products.
And we maintain a special
Home Service Department”
furnishing free information and
detailed directions which will
enable anyone to do his or her
own work.
You simply describe the arti­
cle, how finished now, and the
effect you want to get. We tell
you how, the kind -of paint, the
kind of brush—the things you
need to know to do good work.
You’ll be surprised, delighted
woodwork, bric-a-brac, etc.
“Just a can of paint or var­
nish and a little work that’s
fun,” works wonders.
Our knowledge of paints and
painting practice has been gained
through 72 years’ experience.
We are one of the country’s
largest manufacturers of paint
products and make the very fin­
est kind of goods.
Don’t think because you’ve
never done it that you can’t do
work like this yourself. Try it
with our help. Just follow
Fuller s Specifications and you’ll
get the desired effects.
Remember—don’t allow sur­
faces to rot. It costs less to
paint them.
Home ¡Servies ¡Paints
Varnishes - Enamels
M’fd by W. P. Fuller & Co.
. tant that you get the right ma-
terial so be sure to go to the
right store for Fuller products.
Cut out the coupon to the right
<|kl as a memo to direct you.
, I. / Write us now—a postcard—
for booklet of Fuller's Specifi-
"The All-Purpose Varnish”
Adapted for any surface either
inside or outside. The most dur­
able varnish obtain­
able. Withstands in­
terior wear and
weather exposu re.
Does not scratch,
peel, rub off or turn
white. Dries over­
F ullerwear is Ful­
ler’s Specification for
all-purpose varnish­
ing at home—for furniture, tables,
chairs, linoleum, etc. Boiling water
cannot harm it, nor rolling furni­
ture. Dries dust-free in four hours.
Walk cn it overnight
W. P. Fuller & Co.
Dept. 11, San Francisco
Pioneer Paint Manufacturers fof
72 Years
Established 1849
Branches in 16 cities in the West
Dealers Everywhere
Also makers of Rubber-Cement Floor
Paint, All-purpose Varnishes, Silken-
white Enamel, Fifteen-for-Floors Var­
nish, Washable Wall Fin»sh, Auto
Enamel, Barn anu Roof Paint, Porch
and Step Paint.
(Cut this out and put it in your pocket*
book or handbag as a memo)
cation “Home Service" Paint
Products which tells just what
to buy for the work you have in
Were it not for the assistance the Department
of the Interior has rendered, our wonderful
irrigation systems, waterworks and similar
project» could never have been developed. Progroee
•uch as this i» vital to all of us. This phase of our
government's endeavors to farther prosperity is grsph-
tesfly told in the fifth of ths series of articles winch
ws issue each month.
To receive this story and the ones previously pub­
lished send us your name and adaress. There’s no
coat to you—nor are you placing yourself under any
Tillamook County Bank
few days In ths city last week.
W. S. Bunkie of Garibaldi, was In
.the city last Saturday
E. C. Handsaker of Brighton, was
a business visitor Saturday
Clara Plasker returned from Port­
land Monday, where she has been
working for the Lennon Clothing Co.
Miss Plsaker will make her home al
Plasker Court and work for the J. C.
Penney Co. store here this summer.
F. Silverton representing
Cahn-Nicklesberg Clothing company
of San Francisco was a business vis­
itor Saturday.
Russel E. Sewell, former ct’.y nt
torney of Portland, accompanied by
W. B. Streeter and Frank Bangs also
of Portland, and Harry Nason of San
Francisco formed a party who were
in Tillamook on a fishing trip last
week. All members of the party re­
ported large catches and a fine
time. I
daughter returned Sunday after a
two and a half months visit with
friends and relatives a't Crandon,
This\great play will be shown at
Miss Avis Woolfe arrived here the REX THEATER on Sunday and
Monday after a three weeks visit at Monday, June 19 and 20.
Tillamook gets this play before
Alvord F. Mitchell and |)olma
Bodyfelt from the south part of the Portland, Seattle or any other c »ast
county were united in marriage by city. It is a tale of lumber jacks,
Rev. Harry E. Tucker on Juno 9th. of the fights to control veluable tim­
ber land and of the great north
Sprinkling will be permittei free
of charge under the following con­
ditions: From 5 p. m. until 3 p. m. down the rushing torrent on the
each day, all east of Second Avenue King log, the plunge into the swirl­
E., sprinkling on Monday, Wednes­
ing waters to rescue the girl.
day and Friday. All west of Second
This is positively the biggest out-
avenue E., Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday. All water to be turned of-door picture ever filmed. It Is
oft in case of fire. Sprinklers found taken from the famous novel of the
Miss Helen Case Is in the city for running after 9 p. m. water will be
a two weeks visit with her parents, turned off, and sprinkling rights same name and is full of action with
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Case of I’laaker will be cancelled for the rest t.f the which is woven the ever-present
love story and a drama of first wa­
seaeson. B order of Tillamook Wa- ter.
A. L. Gove of Seattle was a busi­ ter Commission. Dated June 14.
You had better come to the matl-
1921, by E. D. Hoag, Supt.
ness visitor last week.
ne and avoid the crowds at night.
B. D. Lamar and family ot Cor­
vallis are in the city for a short vis­
it with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brodhead.
Let the HEADLIGHT do your Job
Mr. Lamar was formerly in the groc­
printing! We are equiped to print
ery business here.
baby » anything, from handbills to boeks.
Mrs. Emil Huesser
Rex Theatre
Fuller's "Home Service" Paints are
sold by the following in your city:
Consult our Advisory Depart­
ment relative to the questions
you may have in mind.
For all exterior Jobe of painting It la advisable to obtain the services of a Master Painter
E. N. Anderson, Nehalem.
Nelson & Co. Bay City.
Paige Announces
Reduced Prices On All
On Tuesday, June 7th, the following list prices
for Paige Motor Cars became effective
6-44 Models
th© Lowest
Now Sellan^
Price- Lc
Glenbrook Five-Passenger Touring Car
Ardmore Four-Passenger Sport Model
Lenox Roadster Two-Passenger
Coupe Four-Passenger
Sedan Five-Passenger
6-66 Models
(And Other Sizes in Proper. tío")
Tire repair men. who judge vchie . best, class these tires t.s
having the sturdiest carcase made. Fotiy-sevcn l.-ga-
gradecar manufacturer? use them ta standard equipment.
TTiey are the quality choice of cord users.
This new low price is made powible by strictest economies
and specialized production.
Plant No. 2 was erected for the sole purpose cf making
30x3j4inch Non-Skid fabric tires. With a daily capacriy
¿fl ¿000 tires and 20.000 tubes, this plant permits refined
production on • quantity bests
Afl materials used are the best obtainable- Tfe quality is
uniform, fc is ths best fabric
*>4»r»d to the cm
Lakewood Seven-Passenger Touring Car •
Larchmont IL Four-Passenger Sport Type.
Five-Passenger Coupe
Seven-Passenger Seda
Daytona Sporting Roadster
A/Z prices A o. bt Detroit, Michtgtm
The new schedule of prices represents ft
second and final readjustment to the new
level of 1921 manufacturing costs. It merely
remains to state that, despite these reduc­
tions, the well-known standards of Paige
quality will be
y maintained.