Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 09, 1921, Image 8

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1921
Local News
e'e f .
mar.’. i: .
hg, «very Bund a;
ly echoed at 1-, A.
me t--
A third vVudneMay-. <>f <
Sverybckly ivdpome.
F. S. Allen of Forest Grov -, art
G. W. Anderson left Wednesday ed in the city Tuesday and i.< i
for Portland for a tew days ylsit istered at the THlamook.
with friends and reli.ives in that
Heuton Brown of Sheiidan ar-
rlrved In Tillamook Tuesday
Mrs. W. L. Co.nipb 'll li ft Sunday Brown < xpects to start d
for a bus'ness visir io Portland , nek for a local firm soon.
prior to tip vi ng i > ib.-.t, ct'y.
F. D Small returned from
t* '
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Wirtz >f Mc­
Minnville were Tillamook vistters
the first of the week.
land Tuesday with Mr IU -.-
Bay City after a few days bn
e'htarojtMED ciii-Rf:
Bunday School at
A. M
ifVorrhip at 11
Rev H. IIeUbiei of Port I;.nd.
^i.tpi-mer.pastar, will c-onduc ■
sc? ■/: to
gkaemp i. -..
is c. n-
There will be no e-A i.m^
Clarence Stanle of the
Morrs Schnal re’uined from P<--t-
land lia > latter part of the week, County bank has been la
whore b was buying siock fir fall i qulnzy the past few days, but *s
recovering after having his t:
trade in Ins new build: ig.
lanced by Dr. Boals.
Ollie Miner, a former number of
was painfully
Mrs. Cai
a Headlight st; I was 'n the coy a
bruised as
ion turn! n t
throwing her to the pavn
the South Prairie creamery
Tiic-lay morning. Dr. Bie.ils
* r * * *
jdt ' pftÉSBYTERllt. CHURCH
ikun^aV- Schoo 1 •
A. M.
Morn^ig Worship, 11 A. M.
y ’
No, ^v<-ntng- worship on
the union services, nnti«salo<. .
)ng hi T.Jie Christian Cnurch.
^11 are welcome.
a ALLAN A. McREA, 'ii i<
Lyle Smith, pilot cf tile J iilamook
Aircraft company, male a buf-ine .-
trip to Portland Saturday returning
Throngs Wander From
Place to Place Clad Only
In hags.
* L ______
ay- ;
■Fmi.i'tlio Near East cone
■tel ftir ciotnfhg.
Five years
, *A«scltutl'jt. have reduced hundreds of
thousm ¿ oí
of people there to a n
c : . litio’’.
jilTÌi^ùé condii
tacili': ds of Armenians, I
during the ,
"driven, fr
io exile. There has«!
war, are ?^11
beqn «no »ijgr to Hei are clothing to
replaii.-, » Pt they wore when they
were dr)” n totWs.
*Atl industry is paralyzed. The i
pie -’.Wk..-;h ^tiling, cannot earn a live­
lihood. Vail throngs wander from
p|aoe to. place, clad only in bits of
rugs iqid strips ot burlap bags.
The littid* children are perhaps tlm
breerest irofferere. A report from ■<
Near* East Relief worker. Mis» Maria
been, is' typical of scores of
She writea;
“Hundreds of little children in
our »rpaanape at Harpoot, dragged
tfiertaelvee to ue, suffering acute
rheumatism and pneumonia as a
result of look of clothes. Some
wore affected by gangrene from
frozen foot.”
fo relievo—In part, at least—this
great dietrjss, Near East Relief, which,
under a txjngreesionai charter, oper-
•tee te this field, bad undertaken to
(..“CO, <iuautlt!es of cast-off or other
frWa cliw.i'.iag. What Is needed Is good
pmeMeabK Clothing.
■very man, wotnun and child in
▲nMfica Is asked to help. Every gar-
meat counts.
’ A single coat may save a human
'J he County has put its 120 11. F.
caterpillar tractor to hauling gravel
from the Kilchl* river bunkers to
th< roads which are being repaired
in thUt vicinity.
E. L. Julien of Portland, is i>g-
istered at the Tillamook this week.
L. C. Olds of Beaverton, *is I ous-
hies s visitor this week.
j. L. Zeuor of Barview
Tillamook visitor Monday.
8. M. Elma of
Tillamook’s many visitors thir *eek.
Carl Bai nes of Eugene, was a hill­
iness visitor Monday.
J. A. Toyer of Portland, was In
llii.- city on business the early part
of the week.
A. M. Standish and wife, of Port
hind, are registered at the Tillamook
this week.
Roy Trout of Barview was a visitor
this week.
It. A. McDonald ol Pori land, was
a lineine a vi-lte- he filet if tin
B. B. Perrow of Tacoma. W.i h.
was In Tillamook Tuesday. Inoklina
over the business situation here.
A. W. Dahlsberg >f Grants
was a local visitor Monday
. .
! v Daniel who went t
dental college in Portland .sst i;
ter, arrived home Saturday to sp< nd
the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Clay
Daniel, His parents.
t-'loya Jackson left Sunday for her
home in Lorrane.
Mr. Toffard and Gentry were in
Tillamook Tuesday.
A. W. Kilburg left Wedn -d y foi
a short business visit to Portland. |
He returned Saturdey.
I’udolpii Zwiefel id makin good
progress on his new store in Mohler.
Geo. Flelman li ft Thursday i.r .
visit in Michigan.
Achievement Day at the school
house Saturday was a great .Ateces.»
The exhibit and program wa-- v< 1)
Interesting, About $35 was made
on the lunch.
Elda Archibald having linished
high school is home agrin.
“The Episllon” the Wheeler high
school annual arrived Friday
It is
the first annual gott- n up by th'-
high school and Is said to be a suc­
Mrs. Speed Thompson bin I). • i
confined to her horn«- for soeie -itr.e
with a severe attack of la gr‘pp\
She is just beginning to get around.
Several fish boats left for i»’ ti
Ered Lockb y, ii journalist for 'he',
Oregon Journal was here recently. I
M r. Lockley spent last Bummer here1
and wrote a very Interesting d’ scrtp- ,
tion in the Journal about the N ha
lem valley.
Mre. J. A. Jensen will he bn-.-fs
at a Silver T vi at her home .lune 9.
It is for the benefit of the 1 a lies
Mr. and Mrs. Allayn Cady Mrs.
Graves and Mrss. Kelly motored to i
Corvallis Friday and returiu-t' Mon- '
CÏ 1
Laura Bays left Tuesday num'ng
for I xjs Angeles.
Mis. Lena McIntyre of Port 1 »nd.
has been visiting her parents at Bea-
r, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bay.»
Mr and Mrs McPherson, who re-
ceniiy ooiigui liie K B. «iiCv*a**y
place have moved onto the mdkl
Mrs. Bailey of Salem, is Vlsl’illg
her daughter, Mrs. Franc» «• Wesle
Mrs. Ed Kellow and daughter -Mrs.
Ward Sappington went to Por land
Mr. Jory spent the last week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sav­
age .Mr. Jory is a brother-!i.-law of
Mrs. Savage.
Mr. and Miss. H A. Heubler '
Dallas, spent Sunday with B“»v?
T&e last word in Quality
Tiie best word in Price
.d'-Larghlin of Eugene W vis­
iting her sister Mis. D. L. Jone s.
Mrs. Geo. Hotchkiss of Walla Wai
Ir is visiting with .her mother Mrs
Laura Curl.
da. Mrs. A. Cady and Mis.
Cady returned with them.
Mr. Hansen’s house waas ruined
when Mr. McKibbens and Mr. Smith
felled a tree across it.
Harry Foster was killed Saturday
in North Bend when a log fell off
a train and struck him. He is well
known in Wheeler as he was • nee
employed here.
The baccalaureate address vill be
given in the M. E. church Sunday
June 12 by n minister from r Ila
Faulty steering geer -iva. the
cause of Harry Nielsen’s Ford 1 m n-
ing Into the ditch Tuesday mo.'ling.
The only damage reported wa j
broken wnd hield and the irritation
of a bad temper.
C.E. Boggess of Portland is :p'.nd-
Ing a lew days in the city.
J. L. Wright was a visitor fiom
Portland this w< ek.
W. B. Watt and Mr. Sp> licer of
Brirghtdn motored to Portland Sat­
urday and returned on Sunday eve­
ning. Mrs. Watt returned with
.Mrs. Andy Stearn returned
Brighton Sunday . iter a weeks »Lit
with relatives and friends in Port­
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gen of Brigh-
ton v.er. v ery much surprised w hen
Mrs. Ge.'- brother drove in f i om
Philomrth. He left Tuesday.
Thomas B. Watt left for a bu íi-
ness ti.p to Portland on Monday.
*Miss Agnes Coates of Tillamoox.
came to Brirghton on Sunday to
spend a, few days with Mr. .’.nd Mrs.
Paul Werner.
Mr. Downey, repres- ntlng he Si­
monds Saw Co., was in Brighton n
Tuesday. Mr. Downey stS'ed ’hat
there were only a few mills run-iing
on the Columbia river.
Robert Watt of Bay City, .»pint
Tuesday in Brirhton.
Mi. and Mrs. Line But’s ¡.nd
John Strand of Brigli on morn- •! to
Tillamo’k on Tuesday.
Anti-Skid Safety Tread
3O«3’ a
Vacation Trips
Plan nov for a visit back cast to your old home town
Fabric Tires
Stóty¡32’4 ♦2690
s*i«r33»4 $2&30
One Wav Fares
Low round Trip Tickets,
Sale al
in effect
Reduced Fare.
June 10 and Daily, thereafter.
Final return Vmlt round trip ticket®, three mont'.r® from sale date,
not exceedhiM<Octol»er 31 at. Stop over® permitted .»nd choice of route«.
On tour bar® ea«t trip *e Crater La e Lake Tn!-4. Yoaemite Sequoia Nat­
ional Park. Carriwn Oo?xe. a «rand «.»«I highly < ' red canyon Men from the
ear window *», or the Apache Trial an ! Rooaevelt Dam.
Week End Special Train
Steak ___
Pot Roast
Boiling Beef
Pork Steak
Leg Pork _
Loin Pork ..
Pork Sausage
Hamburg Steak
Leg Veal _____
Veal Steax
Veal Chops ....
Veal Stew .....
Small Pail ....... ...........
Large Pail__________ ... $1 60
Where Quality s Paramount
this stun nier because of the
offered by the big cross continent railroad
Union Pacific System
Serving the transportation needs of the
<»rest Pacific Northwest
nttd giv ind through service via the popular direct
Cirer8^° oalt, Lvke Citv’ »ftner, Omaha, Kan«»»
. •
/ «»»I. -Minneapolis and Chicago on these
two strictly first class trains.
“Oregon-Washington Limited” and “Continental Limited
i® now operati«# between
Portland a id Tillamook
Leave« Portland Saturday tit." i
Leaver Tillamook Sunday 3.95 p.
Arrives Ttllairook, M.1O p. m.
Arrive« Portland 10.33 p. m.
Eitjov nud «>uting m the mountains or
by the seashore
” Oregon Outdoor«”
A new summer booklei, flap i icallly describes the different re­
sorts in western Oregon and includes hotel and camp inform),
Copy free on roq»te.«t.
For particolare a* to pa ¡-er er fares, routes, train .«checlules
or sleeping car reservat ai on», inquire of any ticket agent of
Tickets on Sale Daily
1 util atnd including
_ August 15th.
....... Return limit 90
«luye, but not later than Octolu-r 31st.
SI 13.65 Memphis
SI 18.45 Pueblo
Minne*P01is 594.45 St. Paul
Kansas City S94.45 Omita
--------- '
$94.45 St. Louis
oportionate reductions to miny points East. Stop-overa
P easure. Side trips may be arranged for Yellowstone,
and Rocky Mountain N^fcnal parks.
For complete details u i„ roill ,nKS_ train
d4e trip*