T age JtuüH SHERIFF’S SALL Tillamook A Weekly Papgr Published Thursday by the Er :r. Headlight Publishing Company, Iu<. Tillamook. Oregon Leslie Harrison ■îgiÆor ;■ Editor Both Telephone» )ln the Circuit Court of tlr? St ltd of Oregon for Tillamook County. F. F. Brai.dea, Plaintiff vsH. O Triplett Ed Hunt and Jaac Doe Hunt, hi-: wife, J E Coyner and Chris:Tin May Coyner, his wife, Arnt Ardeieer. rometlm a called Arnt Ami? - u National Surety Co. Dant & Ruaeeli Hen. . . ÌN THL DISTRICT COURT CF THE UNITED STATES FOE THE OREGuu Headlight ClassitiedAds 1 ..-^2, jjoxiioorffircoooooooooo0^000006^8800090000000*005" 3309gc°o»ooQooocisooSog V THE FI Entered as second-class matter t the poaloffiee at Tillamook, Ore his wire. FOR SALE- revi ixc you are dint s Subscription Rates One year . . . Si-i month.' . Three months ■Payable In adì WOÄSE AND MORL OF IT It has been said that troubles in.', er come singly but In pairs. We de agitj with thin and declaie they come by the dozens, baker'. ens at that. Thia m tea ■ .a light appears over two days Our type setting machine down four times and our shop foi. was being reorganized. Altoge! ' it was about as bad a mesi as i’ - possible to find. AU that wa» ir • : ed-to complete ou. happlm > v- n n have a fire, a flood and ft compb ic failure of electrical power. J i- with his boils had nothing <ya ut. AMERICAN LEGION NOTES Warrant for the arrest el Rcg< r Baldwin, founder of the Amr . lean Civil Liberties Union, ha been •worn out by Major Milton D. Cum? hell, acting for the Americi r. .. gk-a i . Cincinnati, O., on a ei.ai- th: Baldwin violated the st'.; la in "op uly advocating r< . di 1. Baldwin spoke in Cincinnat in b - half of the liberation of poll iial prison rs o fthe war and 1» quoted as saying thut he preferred' "re 1.'- tance by arms” to “no re. !iian< " it all.” During the wai. Bald . in n rv ed a jail : . tance a.- a , tilt if ¡11 seditious activities. Ex-S rgeant Staniford, of tl 18th Field Artlllary. A.E.F., gainer some' knowledge of fires and gin while in France. When a bon caught fire in Glen Rook, Pa., re cently, the Berg ant brought out h . gaa mix.., plauccl ‘.at j th* mm . filled residence and extinguished ihc file. The only c.iBualty cu. • v. h . the veteran who is coi lnuu dcr of his post of tiie American L< gi"n barked his uose, llio gn.) mark wa too Bmall. I Another mov. non to induce 'lu United States • >v inumil to tort ■ the relet ■■ by th tl. vlkl of Cap tais Emmet Klip .trick, Uniontown, Ala, has originated with the Depart- m nt of Poland of the Aine.i an l.e- gion. Latest reports declare ihat *1)“ American, confii: in u .lo.icuw prison, is in a deplorable ? million from brutality and terror. Captain Kilpatrick, a Red Cnw worker. w captured in Crimea. A fire which thr atened to wlp out the town of Alpine, Texn . wt> checked when thi 1 ' S . Bund Bend post pn»i "■ turued ou the American Le; conti).grutlon. force to fight th Then thé Lctlnnnirres offered then services to t’.ie mayor in pitlvllle the devastated an a. The offer v; ‘ accepted on the spot and for twenty four lioura the L gion men walked pout» In the familiar military man Ml. When it wan proposed in Brrlln that the famous Hindenburg wooden •tntute, into which the former k u •er di .■ io l.uil and Ud com mon German iron ones, should In Mold at public ttuciion, an Am rican appeared on the scene. H ij offeivn 30,000 marks for tbe figure. Pi' -.s ed as to hl a reason tor buying the statu.' of tbe Botcbe general, thi Amoricun declaied that he pioposoj to bring It to America anil 1 Amer Jcana,drives nulls in It ugiuu at 25 a rail. Half tiie proceeds v.-ould i,o’ to the American Legion other half to the Red Cross. tiav ) a /.fwt user at D t-'t ■ vice tai. now, mtj w you made to try our Imtv ce Crean i THE LOuviit, John R. Patterson, PROP. 0 ” Observe ' boarder, a man died nt ulur intervals once a year, soon get used to it, nnd regard as part of • the dny's wort«. A man div* and that’s the ee l of him. so tar ns this world Is cone’m- ed. lie Ims no chance to come ck and bore his ends with " long stor it he lni'I that HIiTpr- chance it would make a great differ ence. Tiie ordinary citizen will under go anythin if he can sit around and talk about i afterward. “The fir time we are up a gal nut anything i di-agreeable ■always is the worst, ,.'e can get used o anything. and enjoy nnythl: g, if we have enbug.i ■ ■- li. Wv.ire born op'i: 's. my '!• *r Mrs. Jlggtrs, always looking around for a grain of comfort, afld manufac turing one if there is none In sight. “I’ll nevi ■■ forget the first time I wnt to ri-o the <lentfst1 on profr-Hoiial busine s. I had been entertulnlrg a rip-iii rtlng toothache for several ilayH. Tin- agony was so great that |t would take ili.- pen of b Dante to do Justice tp it. Yet I couldn't muster up enoegh courage to go to the dentist's. I hail in ird o many stories of the atrocious suffering one undergoes at his bauds that iny warlike spirit faltered. But finally the man who occupied tiie room next to mine came to my iipnrtrm-nt, urined with a large Iron poker, and said that I had kept him awake for three nights, and tbe limit had been reach" i. If I didn’t chase myself out of the house and let him have a night’s rest he would proceed to make a tew dents In my skull. “Thus turned adrift into tiie tem pi"- tiie first man I met was a deiitist, and he simply lorc 'l mu to Ills p;:t:or. | lit was n frli-nd of tiie family tind wo It t t:tki '"■* • an ap nver. “ili; fiail to carry me up tiie stairway to ills office, I had become so weak In tl." I supposed lie would rend me li. i from limb, but lie really was a nn'r*' -J dentist. la three or, perhaps, tour sunljes he was holding before my eye- the tooth which had caused all the anguish, and 1 Van enjoying soi.d comfort once more. "Since that experience I look upon the modem dentist as a public bene factor, and my one regret Is licit I can't drop into bls office every day or two and have a few teeth pulled. But all my original teeth were extracted by tiie pulnli : precess long ugo, mid li I lignum vitae teeth I am now wearing are strangers to aches and pains. “The first time a man is married he1 Is so ex< lted that be forgets the .. d- | ding ring or the fee for the preacher, I or some oilier essential. For days be fore the event lie Is in such a fever I that bls friends have trouble holding! lifin down ; and whi p at Inst i*ie fateful i hour arrives he doesn’t seein like a re- ! sponsible human being. I always feel sorry for a young.bridegroom, lie looks1 so rallied, and lie lias such a strong | resetublnm e to a totul lo.-s “But tiie next time lie get.-i nun led he Is ::■! cool and Inttepld li . though he made a practice of iicqmr’ny u bride iiefore tea evtry day, and if lie goes to the altar three ur four timi'» in th. course of his u i ful cureer, mac jige seems to him no more Interestln.: than eiliving un uutoinoblle eaiulogue by mall. "And this is true of everything, Mrs. A uniu even ge,s used to a family boarding house, where collec- tions are BÎ made strictly In advance. anti, this being admitted, no furthc irgmuent is neceMary.” -V-DPAIN TILE READ'Ï FOR RENT— FURNISHED U0CsR keeping rooms fully modi et oa lionday, Jun 6. k Clay Works. ô-2tîp per month. Corner 6th J 9th St. E. ill be ! V. : tilJl'C GRAND C’lEV Good and (l;te. upon p ju NOTICE rhe pit.ram dor; Ordinance Tillamook City now provides that nil male dog shall be lie used in ¡¡a ; iun of three dollars ($3.00) ami .ji fi-la T- • 1 fiv d, 1 lars ($5.00) and thn' all li ■.■ i -.-. i dogs m , :trr nt large. Prov HVOV d however, that If vnld cense be paid to the City Rt ■’■>' on or before Jun< ■ 10th, 1921, ♦ »v llcene • for male do:; shall be two dollars ..nd fifty cent#, ($2.501 and the lie. se for fcn’al" dogs «1 ■ Il be four dollar» and fifty cents ($4.50). I i &il(J Southca (5), and the the northeast recti ra eight- (8) and qu , ?r of the norti Ion nine (9), all in Tow south of range ten 10) Willnmett Me-I acres of lend; sixty acres, j s fourteen (11) in township sl\ (6 ten (10) west of Meridian S. W. 1-i 14 and S. E. 1-4 of E. 1-1 tion fifteen (15), containing 160 ac re * and b ! his homes -.1 t< c with, cl ven (11) c,v.-. two (2) stt-m-s and ’’r (5) heifra *. I - ti.K al’, of th>- live ■ . sit., 1 ■■ scribed and de rich« i,i t c- ain chattel m -gs_ <1 cd ’ ■;■ 1919, in which aid de;...nd. Bauer, otherwise known a- Sia: . , flaucr and Emma Ba t v. 1 m- • ' -ei - nnd 1 ¡1 • plain iff hi .. ■ : - mortgagees. The said per. ural prop erty and read properly wTl 4>.. o fere! f •■• rlo ■ . d '1 . '■ ic;.. " he plaintiffs by the terms •■!' tin- la- property at any gal ■ nr.d" . id .1. cree. Th-? ind'rsigue.l M'.fer in Chan f cery 1» by said decree of fo r lorare and s tie a thorized to ell said pmp erty, to make th amount d't ’.rider said di .•<?>■ fr-i.ii t’l di" •ul.".nt to plaint!".. In the amount cf live th 11 .¿•ind sixtj-sevm dollars nnd seven teen cents ($5067.17) with tnt t herec ■ at the -‘of tight per cent (8 i per cent) per annum from the first day cf September. 19'Ji' and the f i. ihe:' su a of six hu’idred dollars ($600.00) as and for at'.ir- neys fees, 1 ?ss the amount of eight hundred ten dollars ($810.00, paid thereon on the 20th Juy of Deci.-m- ber, 1920, and the costs and expen ses .of tjiis sale. Upon the confirmation of the sal nnd the payment in full of tbe pur à price the Master in Chancery ■sue hi» certificate of sal. and upon tiie expiration, pf the sta'u'- * ory period of r. ileraption as i..; ; r-.l. U real property will insite his Ma; deed to tiie purchaser o: si’! pivp- ertt . and as to sal 'isHii&t prop •Tt; will upon i he conlirniii'i n of raid sale and tlhe paynient of the purchase price itwue h.s bilí of sale therefor. For further p:articulare wi’h r-f. < n ,« ti .1. ] roperty to be sol! nnd with referen ce to the ter n< •¡nd conditions of sale r ference ’« mud to said decree, a conv o* wb be four d on inquiry at th* o.. . of the Clerk ■ ' ' ■ I T, District Court i >r the District Oregon at • 'oí i und, Ore n, -r an lion to toe undersigned. app Dated nt P" 'tland, Ori.. 'i. 11 3rd day of June. 1921. ROBERT F. MAGUIRE I Master in UTrsceiy. 7 <» > file at Trust Building, i'.rt- land Orrgon. FOR _râ EQUIP YC monster Tillamoo low organizing saxophone, slightl; cent off, end b: :.<r instruments. sic Co., opp. P. O. culle 1 € C( •ell, a corp Henry Sander; itt, his wife, II. T Hale and Jano Doe for the sum of f " 60 est at the rate num from the Of J: 1913, and the 1 O'’ $ costs and $150.00 attorneys $38S.66, taxe- paid by plaintiff, and the coats upon this writ, com mi".' Ing m to make sale of the followii.g described real property, sit.intcd in the County of Tillamook H’.ni.- Or m to- . it: The East one half of the N-.ftli west quarter, the East one half of the Southwest quarter, th. West one V quarter, and th" West one half of the Northeast quarter of Section Three Tp. 6. South Range 10,. West of th W. M in Tillamook county, Ore ion * Now therefore by virtue of said 1 execution, judgment, order and de cree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, , on Saturday, the 2nd day of July 1921, ft the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. at the front door of the County C'-uri House In tbe City of Tillam >ok i :i snid County and State, cell r piib'lc auction, subject to redemption. the highest bldd r, for U. S. said coin cash in hand, all the rl.’Ji'*. Lib nnd Interest which the with!') named defendanta or 1th' r of them, hr". ■ the date of the mortgage hev.u , am' since had In or to the abov describ id real property or any part thereof 11 i ui fy said execution, j.nl' - ord r and decree intercut, custr tr. ; all accruing cords. JOHN ASCHIM Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore gon. Dated Tillamook Oregon .June 2 1921. Mfcellt y Graham, 925 'Ti u: ' o 1 . u..., ‘CC 1 e. P01 tla ,il O-1 ; •), V to rnc.'s for plaintiff. First publication June 2, 1921. L'..' publication, June 30'h. 1921 O ec Cent a Ward Per issue | Little Cost—Big Results. All Tillamook County Reads --ôtr 0 r* Band ischce w »rn. 2 1 oai’gain” Tillam.>>k 6 2tf ?A7TURE PHON: BRAND NEW AUTO bumper $5.00. 15 gal. cùeR 'il tank. $2.50. Live S'ock clipping machin , $5.09» Auto Top Slup. 6-2if LING HOL! bull, full blood. See Henry We on • mile south of Holste factory 5-5t4 Tillamook. GOODU loset tlon bed by utensils. Overland car in good condition. E. D. 309 E. 5th St. FOR SALE—CHOI L. LOME SITE Have just had placed in ray hand p.,.t of the academy groumls on 4th and Sth St. Th se ’ is will .%•! I y cheap considering the location. Close to the 1. t. i”. s section. See A. C. Eversu?. i >r p:-ie ai d terms. 1-2 I FOR SALE —Two pair mat d canary birds Two females with young birds. Pair of Paropuets. An' one beautiful St. Andrc.tbing RcTt-i 01 trainer. 801 Wes 3rd St. Tillamook, Ore. OR T in Til Lake, $ DE FOR GOOD look lb‘0 acr j !1 .09 per ac Ings, Reme FOR SALE —1. ATE 19 CHEVROLET 5 wire wheels ’ 7 tires and ic's of e liras. Good a new. A snap, M, F, Robison, Bar View, Ore 6-2tlp FOR SALE—DRY c. dar posts. Phone GOOSEBERRIES FOR SALF. 1'. t '-2 ’ ? MRS FOR SALE YOUNT AiT- K o n b u * K ni il h ■ » j a t s a n • 1 ki.ds; aho mature b’.;”k a 1(1 kius. Rn.' ■. G ol 64th St. N. Portland, Orc. •> ili D r- 53 2 I DOZEN MOLE flat 15c each. A l-t3p NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE • Co. CHANGE rms EXCHANGE— for F. Rc condition. Pos; Office. iLE—1 D.vIRY Agency About 80 acres rivci ■bot the balanc Is timber ami serry land. House, LOST AND FOUND barns, implements and 14 co ■ pla .' "• I OUND— PACKAGE CONTAINING appreciated. Address R 25 1 pair ladies shoes, 1 pair hose, Headlight. and one union suit. This pack age 1 ft in car from Clov. dai. by FOR SALE mistake lasu^week. Owne can By John Leland Henderson ecover same by identifyi.,; ■ HzfcR Bonded Real Estate Ag. nt. and paying for this ad. ! ’9tf 5- 206 Third St., Tillamook 105 acre Kilrhis river ranch BUSINESS NOTICES first diver bottom. 15 acre'' In cultivation. Springs and creeks. 135 ..i..' oil U.s C ,L!.'. 1.ANCA -..LE o. our entire stock of Earl Su>n- a.it- timber and logged off bench ler Hals one third off. Sailors, 1. nd. Live stock, team, etc.’ *10,000 i Terms. values $7.00 to $12.50 at 3 5 GO* i Miss M Pattei 2 —Fine residence property on third .5-26t2p Price street, pav. d. Easy terms. 1IAY AND GRAIN HAULING ’ A $4200.00. . peciality. Orcg'..i Y; ’ t . Both 3—60 good craek bottepn land, phones. Oppo !!'• P. O. 12-9 -f hill. Good loganberry land. 15 .ae.'c I'.' -', $61.00 pe;- arae. Tcim^. HOR GOOD WOOD CALL TH 0R1N , • ................ Wli le U.. ;t cash $50.00 per acr . _____ 12-9 tf 4— Cottage and 3 lots, subject L street o sessments, $1150.00. Ternir, AT l 'AST—A VICTOR DEALCifTÑ ’liliamook County. Victor Vic- 5— Cott;-,"e and 2 lots, Miller Ave. t da:-, .;25.00 .nd up. Victor de* and 3rd street i ss-sments, $2,503 cord1. 85 cents and up. Tilla- installment plan. mcok M : ic Co., Opposite P. O. 11-18:1 FOR' SALE 13 MONTH” C" ' THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD grade bull. W. E. McKinstci , - J. .ols and Victor Record:). TiL:: ■ . ..liu.-it: Co., Opp i'e P. Wils'n River. O. 11-1« FOR SALE USED ( OLLA IT.-- WE HAUL ANYTHNG AN*Y ..H£liä bridles, cruppers, halters, tug'.' at any time. Oregon Trar.sfer, office opposite P. 0. Doth pin lies. yoke straps, side curtains, Ford 12-9 11 top, -.tie straps, oak ccramode. ic chest, kitchen .table. Priced THE WORLD MOVES; , 0 DO WE. Oregon Transfer, opposite P. 0. lev., value no ccnsld rati m. Au- £■ th phones. 12-9 tf to Top Shop, side door oppo.1t J MONEY TO LOAN—ENQUIRE OP Post Office. if John Leland Henderson, 2OC-3;d St., Tillamook, Oregon. tt BRED TO LAY WHITE LEGHORN z r ICP AC!. •.■’Y - OTt'Oi '^'1 Hatiching Eggs for sale. W. ” ■ 'stolffce. O. M. Cook. Coates, Tlll u'.'ook. 3-1 Ú. TH : Cl:’.ATr-sT ARTl 7; OF TBB LOU XU.';- IRY 1 LANT13 FOR SAL' World have entrusted their repn- in huge or nail q;i:‘.nii";' ti'. ions to the Victtir Record«. Prime pla. prop i h' ' : h': 1 at their best in veer W. Mahon, Hillsboro, Oregon. .1 home. Tillamook Music Co., rl< s, opp tie P. O. ll-lfiif FOR RALE - HOUSE AND LOTS COt'NTY TAXIDERMY for 81001 Eaey terms. Inquire at DOH : nd Tannlfig Company, Taxi o fice. 12-2 tt d’ rmist of all kinds of en ima la it nd head:-. Tens all classes of '■ s; la.-iki furs ’oft cla Wai furs. Manufacturers of all Inr ■ t . We gled buy mountain lion l: ?t n.id raccoon hides, V.'e I p; y lx st pi fees. Douglas County udc.-my and Tanning Cimpany, Ros burg, Oregon, 12-2Jtf FOR FAKM, ABO’J 30 'res, buiiâi g-, r< PROFESSIONAL cov .1 appert i< DR. WISE WILL BE AT HIS BAT John Theiler City office each Monday inorntng l-6t at 9 A. M. 2-24-H ! LO I- DR. RAMSEY, OSTEOPATH—Room proven no I. o. O. F. Bldg.. Tillamook. i pted to '• tu?l phone, B 11 phone 146-M. lu the Ciicuit Court of the ¿31 Birthday. WHISTLE SIGNALS of O. egon for Hood Rlv r C jin. Little Robert I»., two ai d one-bhlf To be used 30 minutes before u a 4 L. dern, Plaintiff vs C. I’ j'enrs old. of Franklin, has a teu-year- ter in mala» will be turned off. and Alice C Field, defendants, >ld cousin. O< rt’.on. who to lils baey i.la.l. Is the In ro In nil that takes of an attachment exo- Four blni’ts of curfew whlstl of 30 place, and whatever Gordie ».lya or .11 issued out of the Circuit lees is ull^rlglit. Robert’s mother hi.d seconds each: Attention. t of the State of Oregon. for i men telling him about Cliristmas. and Four blasts followed by tv I I River County, upon a .iudq- 3-3»! DR.’S ALLEN & SHARP DENTISTS vhy It was celebrated. - National Building. bias's; Wate-- will be turn •d off iner.t fur the sum of $100C.fiu <"■ evening nf.r n strenuous div : l range , interest cn said »um at dr . wise will be at his tilla - >f pl iv with the big cousin, when west of 2nd avenue east. N' flncE Apar men t ho us« to a Ml . r put Robert to be I she said: traile for eight p r cm* per r i 1: i Tice every Monday after ’our blasts follow d by three “Aoii ivli.v do we have <'hi-fstnias, an n Tillam wk. Intorno pv n ncon and Tuesday until'- further 111 be tobertT Whose birthday Is It?” 1 n Por Un ! tt. trad." fer Tilín- .he- . u notice. 2-24 tf- "Sanin and Gordie’s,” promntly re* e East. WA17FEÏ unch umíshel hoi.’*«* fi r youngster. — indlanapoilti l> D J. E GRIDER, DENTI.- T, I- 0. X X J- . n. O <" M 0. F. Bldg., Tillamook, Oregon. turned o.t 6 9 tip. ♦ ♦ Bing. Raparte«. : noe. |"Jj you.” satai n co S only El ctrlc C'irft n: NOTICE 0E SALE OF CITI >k or wf’l do H t to bls opponent its 1 «? Charlo“'?“. 7- the IMPROVEMENT BONDS "Ah was bohn with n six e!"-’:- ■ bou- ■ | us* Notice is hereby given Clint bi’Is i on > »"»I'd n nexl-’r' '.lecrrli' ! r-’i. Ort: e?» i will he received hy Tlllamoat City. irr. Tin tarteria m> b ■ ■ • Oregon for the sale of $20,82' 77 cf highe t Mini'1 rao «9MÌ frCMH ¿ÓMK* Î9 Improvement boada i>>. ■ m hand, for the p on watv r g’as.rs. a3.iKX» to WAN” Ei>_.MEN TO- TAKE CON r.mrk City und r the Bancroft'D->r'I* Bv n. D. noa; 400 te 70.CM n ; isfyhig Id judgment, th? forlo> tract in light clearing ate 4 Í, fc«» ■ Ing act for street Improremvu- dinner cooked 1 .fl'*1 to 2Û,OnO; *,*>“* describe j attached, real estate. to» land. All summers j- I Tillamook City, Oregon. Stiid blds ». v.*nh the ctfWily irnehlüo Mated In all hut th bili. Jnfit * Illa* rook County, (lr*‘g/i*r er write, Clay S. Taylor, thr co‘7 eo mucH bruì .3.Six> j to be received itp to 8 o’clock P. a ad boll It dale, Oregon. ether utensils more than to-wit: bacteria. June 13. 1921, all bids to b- address, Lot 82. Block 22, Tillamook Bcm’: ed to Cif Recorder of said Til'nraoo^ I DO practical nursinc as per th recorded plat. G. I C'.ty, Oregon and must be in tl>e will til'-.' your maternity Dated and posted the 26th day rn maue rur» of Canadian Flag. cas.1», 1” li of City Recorder on or befur also help with general Ribald comment by sailors of the May. 1921. house 8 o’clock P M. on said dai’ nn<* •orid has cnnaetl the Severn meat to work. First publication. May 2$. 1921 NOTICE • Write me for dates. Car, must be accompanied by certified have the house tins of the Canadian furftUh be of refer-ne«« Last publication. June 23, 19?) Mrs. check for not less than 10 p r nt u< public. ovrrnnient merchant marine changed. ^Florence Bell. Tillamook. Ore. JOHN ASCHIM Cnt’l now the tlag displayed on Jr the . 2t of the amount of the bid, same to be e 1 by Henry !¥■ t'anadtan heaven but the likeness of Sheriff of Tillamook County Cic oik , in favor of Marion Bailey. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL forfieted to Tillamook City if th" this industrious animal to another Bvoracn. housework. Call 145 j 5.5tf successful bidder fails to enter iitt**- rodent causal sailors the world over Henry Wood contract to take the bonds in ac- to refer to the Canadian government X0TUC cordance with said bid. The CHY service as “the rat line" Hereafter Cyrene Blanchard having |?(t ray — WAITED TO MOT the house flag will display tn place reserves the right to reject any and of the beaver a craaa aactoaad ta a h««.. I will not be rraponeible for all bid«. Job printing of all kinds «I the WANTED TO RENT— MARRIED •ay bill« contracted by h«r »•ted thia 2nd day of Juae. 1»31 4aadiight OMtee. ~ " w“u t0 rwt rane» on R.M. Blowhard. < ttl Vra«««« b . StraaaMaa. City B** »«H Bnr aty, un.