Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 09, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tbfirsdv. June 9t 199j
Harmlo* Teasing by Bridal Attend­
ants la a Fea.ur« of the Af­
ghan Wedding Ceremony.
ONG the Z C -Tra-l’in
Arizona the m <...st c:.;: r>ee the
dwellings of z r. ;—nc.:
to be extinct. ..
inc s arc at least <
if their walls co;
would tell a mor. i
of romance a;
Arizona has mere t?
of interesting places
motorist. There be w:
Indian reservations-
of Apaches, Na\ Jos, Hopis, Mo-
haves and other tribes. There,
too, is the famous Roosevelt Dam
and the#ncom; irabie Grand Can­
yon of the Colorado River.
p 7 c “ a T^
. zht of going to
o dud somethin;;
th to t- yoiu- flower vases,
•!. rt
l e fo '.d In your
. - ■
i i;- r in t'hrls-
-Monitor. Why wander iifm-
tian .St
. ,__ .
... : ’
Just be-
li' -.y"
-■«use ■t is a tio- i ;• . den, w hen a
little 1 fnrtl '-r on In the kitchen enrden
that corneous blnze of pule lemon
color 1 s just the thing to go with your
deep-blue jars and jugs, “Rut,” you
will probably say, “that's cauliflower
gone to seisl, and who ever lu-nrd of
dr -orating a drawing room with cauli­
Prejudice, mere prejudice! Cast it
to the winds, you will never regret It,
an<l go and cut «pray after spray of
those delicate lemon blossoms, being
careful to strip the leaves from the
stems, then collect all the deep-blue
Cl: ni' o Jars and wedgwood jut* yon
can muster, arrange the cabbage flow­
ers therein, nnd. Judiciously placed on
chest-. window Kills and bureaus, their
«■c - will 1 .■ >•'—-’¡it. -'y i-liiirmlr.u.
And wherever he goes the mo-
tori-.t can be sure that his motor
fuel will be right — because Red
Crown Gasoline ¡3 sold every­
Look for the Red Crown sign
on service stations and garages.
Herald Advertisers Get Quiet and
Sure Results
Neckwear 5gc
Mens and young
Worth up to
Tillamook, Oregon
.V tail'd
■ bye wale corduroy knicker
- iblc stiched. Sizes
17 yiears. .Regular price up to
suits r
S to i
Womens Si.co Stocki
silk « toe 1:1
in g’zy, pink m.i
Lisle topa and so s. al! sizes.
value?, aneetal
Wooie; ■’ 5>2.oo Stockings
itnens gray ¿ilk stockings with
’ . Carter top, lLle soles and toe
es. Special at
I «•!
35c Percales
lark color percal s.
tr.pe and figured part rue.
Outing Flannel
tir. î liai.nel. full 2 7
rk patterns. Special
Crepe mohair lull 36 inches wide oi smart
stripped ptittirn- for skirts and dress«
Special at
$2.25 Lining Silks
Womens 65c Stocking
Worn ns whit- ibc-r biot length
V 1 * h
ilnfon-ed soles, heels and
sizes. Speck.1 mt
‘ :1k Mignonette
11 slik A. ii - te full 36 incb.cH ->
ani ill t< e. SuitabI for sport suit«,
dr«: -' - and skirts. Special at
$2.25 Crepe Mohair
vi. Uw
Lining rilk. full 36 inches wide in an assert-
i<- ■ -■'■ <
ir. Including browns ...<d gray«
i-zriol in . n
; nenn nr.d white.
i.-ity, special at
Special at
Boys Stockings
$1.25 Wool Batiste
Boys flu... iibbed .-zockins for ev ry day
wear, in black only. All sizes, Special at
36 inch viol l-i tidii in shades ot -blue r.!.d
rose, suit;--1 fi r childrens dressce and waists
35c Silkoline
6 pieces of fancy gilkollne«, full’ “•
i-iciie wide in a splendid ;el cllo.. -.
na.t ins. Special at
Windsor Ties
An nxtortm nt of Windsor ties for gii 1.5.
Choice of many iight colors ^id combinati ;
V. It.-- up to 50c, Special at
$1.25 Cctton Sesge
36 inch cotton serge l;i shades ot red iti’l
" 1 : ’
ht -or <!■ e.i.sts a.-.d ■ kit
Special at
fl pieces r<ill 36 inch cotton
in pretty floral i
covers Special at
$4-35 Plaid Skirting
1 ri’:'11'
ment of colors.
Special at
in a spi..-,ili,I a-.,,
Good pa.terns to select fiori.
MENS $1.75 WORK SHIRTS $1.19
l.i.,- I., ivy blue and gray chambray work shirts with so.'t
all.: it- 1 collar. All size.- in the lot, cut full . nd lai: •
MENS $1.50 UNION SUITS $ t . oo
Poros wcav ■ union suits for men. Short sleeves, ankle length
do.-, d crotch. All sizes in the lot.
n.- <■ 1 u
uh . ,ii. « sriir; i a a election of neat patter-i
mad. with attached «oft ctiffv, coat style. Sizes 14*/i
to lj'i.
A .«election of r.< ae die
shirts with attached stiff
cuffs in
eat striped pattern^ Sizes from 14% to 17.
•Worth tip to
In the Shoe Department
When you c.i- .. li ■ BI. , c-,.\ at its new price, remem­
ber it is dis • icily a In . aaaiiiv car, containir.,, nor.e but
the finest m . i 1«, ii .- fmg the best-known grades of
steel, leather, uj .. Istery, finishingpaints, tires, and acces­
And bear in mind, pl.: , that it is a car
of low maintenance cost -it is not at all uncommon for
• to get 15,000 mik nnd more per set of Cord Tires.
‘ Co:np.:ie Studet
r Curs
cars of equal p>n
higher than St;:.
isfied with your jt
X-.A.J «Xz
cl’lefs 25c
Cotton Chailie
Standard c
nent elude Cc: d Tires, shock ab­
sorbers. to;.!'., u.:;i.kwn light,Gypsy top with
beveled plat • gla 's ' dows, enuine hand-buifed
leather ti;ho.-’e’v, ce :.e d-_> : i.udits, built-in,
i i
>ck,'A : shield curb lights.
- .
ammeter and •
jeweled 8-day e. ck, a.;u many other conveniences.
00 each
commences Saturday
de merchandise that it carri
Girls 60c Stockings
N prov’ lin.", con .¡Av motoring satisfaction, the seven­
passenger Studebaker BIG-SIX offers the utmost in
individuality and charming apoearance. Its 12G-inch
wheelbase insures perfectly balanced riding «. lalities.
The 60-horsepov er motor with its two-range carburetor
and hot-spot n
. nraifoid makes possible unusual
speed, g’.\ it pew. i nd high gasoline mileage under
' every driving coi A >a.
Medium v. eight stoskinga . for
. ¡a brown color.
: .1 ct
ment of patterns and colovs.
THltí i tí A tí T U D I U A K E K Y E A U '
m ns
hand tic.«, open ends, in an n.-i:ort-
Furnish Really
■t.s for the Liv-
ver Vases.
the I;
factorial review
Canvas Gloves 15c
The ceremony of the mirror, Is per».
haps, :h'- oi-l- -i cu-i"m in conne- t,-
with the Afghan wedding ceremoi .
A mirror 1« piai.-d before the bride
and the bridegroom is asked to sit at
tlie bride’s left. A -bawl is li ■ J over
them, and the brlue unveils and locks
in the mirror. Uusband nnd wifa
each other's face >r tin- lir.-t t .►
It Is their first real meeting,
btil Alt . hah, in Asia im.-.'a/.i
bride is shy and does not i
and the bridesmaids
luff bet- freely.
• tisraypd i silver bowl
it; with a little sherl-i
pla e of w hite ' 'rice puddin
brjde. r<" m drinks s u little of
bet and 1 offers the bride ¡1 s
cleres her lips tight, but
applied ami u .-pixjriful *put into her
mouth; so till to with the rii-e pudding
A shower of i •ic es annouuci-s the term
inatlou of th. . rite. V.'f.i n
groom utteiupts to rlstf, he finds In
is field down’ to Che floor; n corm-i
of his coat Ims een sewed to the cur
There is a roar of laugliter
iiuirt—pnJ'alily n
e bride. .She re
stitches unh--- »:
to her. A h ■■■ >:
tl:e hriii'-groelt
bring Ids siloes
Tlu fúturfifif ali
Cl:f Dut Ilin gl
tyg t/u hiltirii
•yfpatht Trail—
nier Rtosevcli.
Q/je Gasolin
Swint by point, n ith other
/.'>.-o hundr ds ot dollars
ar.I tie will be sat­
Mens black calf bluchci' dre • .«hrw s, ’ace style, sec-
e-iltlc soles, comfort fitting last. All six s.
Women’s $14 Shoes $8
Womens high lace brown kid dress shoqs with Louis
beets and turn soles. Plain toe, medium vamp. All
Giri s $5.50 Shoes $3.75 .
<c ’ <1rvs< «hoc of brown Russia with cloth top Box
toe. -ensiblc heel, lace style. Ail sizes.
Boy’s $5.00 Shoes $3.75
Boys cordovan dress shoes, heavy oak soles, low
l.cels, lace style. Well made and guaranteed for
/. 0. b- Detroit
The blossoms seem to nrranee tlieiu- *
Hew Coconuts Cam» to Florida.
sehe- < ch spray stahd'ng out clear­
The coc-uut Is not a native of Flor­
ly from the parent stem, not all falling ida. a« Is generally known, bat there
together as laburnum has a way of are many of theta elcr.g the coast at
doing, when one tries to arrange It in
Miau l. The tory bus been that they
\ combination of wnrni-grny
ct.mo from a boat wrecked on th>
stone walls, old prints, pale blue and
■oust years ago.
Doctor Renshaw
rfuuve i-h'ntre- end flic pale-clear
• nys that this Is correct, and gives the
le: on of caul!'! -v.-.-r blos«»n>a In blue
••:>me of the «-m of the skipper, say
Jars 'n quite d I d-rftil. thougb other
Ing the boat was the Ocean Pearl,
color --•«•>• .« would give an equally
its apt In'« «on. W. H. Fltggerald, now
happy «-.¡act.
lives In Rlcl.u <1. Vs.
Williams & Will
prices on Studebaker Cars, effective mmediately
Special Six
$1635.00 Í.0. b. Detroit
Bis Six
Utt Sx
Urwitrirqly Set F»ih cn.
An anci dctc in connection with th«-
-love < owe how fashions art« started
\ yotit-" nnd beautiful 4whe«% having
nroni'sed to he at an entrrtitnr'"nt
hen for a charitable object, in Tron-
vllle. France, found herself late tn
tv paring. She hurriedly took up her
sieves and put tlu'tn on tn the car»
Sag«'. As she entered the brilliantly
lighted room, .«he found, to her dis-
-lay, that .she had put on one black
nnd .'tie white. The »'stake had
arisen fr-m the maid having laid out
•wo pr.lra. not ktraft Ing which her laity
would prefer—black or white.
Imagine the surprise of the duchess
on perceiving that. In all snbsi-quimt
entertainments of the sen«on. tne
ladles wore odd gloves, corresponding
with tho colors of the dress;
Falling Manna.
Nel <»!y find ever seen the laz' -•
man in the Texas oil fields do u *"
of work, yet lie already bud n
deep holes bored in his land mid
confdently predicting that some I
h a . old
»•• "ll.
“How d’ye do It. BlllF uakcsl
neighbor. 'Ye sit around yer pl-azz«
nil day «nd next morntn' ye zrt a n--
hole us deep as any of us?”
• -it'« hy the uraee of God and Un
Vrchr brother»." the >naie*t mm. ■ . li­
"The air passenger route to
Mexico p:<-»<e« right over my pla, e ni.<!
pretty near every day they throw a
hnm off the aerial expre»A"—Ameri­
can l-etfor. Weekly.
Kgg Made Mon«tvr Omelet.
An «ntrich’s egg from the New York
■oologies: garden baa «nffl.-ed for an
aaaolot far W peopU TV food value
< the
Crit’j Carprtr for Sal«.
Ten Pershin i-iii pi-'s tl st were pnr-
tod to Czar Ah-aridt r 1. by tho
• b of Persia nnd «ttbse-'tenfly were
■ ' t ’he prince of Oldenburg.
fi t’.ior of tl ■ pro'ent owner, are bvboj
- “e i-d for «al- in London nt >2.5,X).
The carpets are said to hnve bee- r«»f-
d fr- i.i the Rolsb.-vikl, but nothin;:
' < u allo ■ ed to “ienk out" except
• they were brought to Ei gland by
:«h cruiser. Their age ia some
120 ve
Ccw Gives 42 Ton3 of Milk.
A British Friesian cow, owned by ao
E- -I «h farmer, gave more than 2.06O
gallons of milk during 1910. and protn-
•-s to repthtt the performance till*
■•ear. In tlie two years her output of
mill; amounted to considerably more-
than 4.000 gallons and wejghs more
than 18 tons. In less than six year»
Moss Rose has had seven calves and
¡riven more than 42 tons of milk-
Ti Operetta in 5. Parts.
are 25 Girls and 3 Eoys
in the