r â THUBSDAY. MAY 26, 1M1 »AGE TWO THE TILLAMOOK H EA D L(GHT ’ Beals and H. T. Botts, Incorr rratcis. Charles F. Pankow $694.55. Covers the reputation of Tillamoog cltecze ing the county. If there ar? I and the ideal climatic condiD‘>'i#p e- who want to give their mite to help Duration unlimited. Place of busi­ 1 Overland touring car 1921 model. along the good work, the mousy w.l! ness, Pacific City, Oregon. Capital Due in monthly payments of $69.45. valiing here during the summer w«>r\ im­ he set aside for publication Stock $10.000 200 shares $50 each. from 1 to 10 months and inf. 3 per season, this county will prove Thq letter also shows confidenc-s in mensely attractive to visiter? and May 1«, 1921.— War deed. John cent after maturity. giving Assigned for $1.00, et al, ‘c, Amer­ home seekers. It is safe to say that the Chamber of Commerce L. Maddox and wii^to W. D Blalock Tillamook County will have on at­ the entire county a square de.-.’., Washington, Muy 21.— A piill'n- $1.00 Lot 1 NE quarter of NW uar- ican Securities Company. tractive booth at the 1925 fair that confining lhe boosting to th? Nothing else. iliuiv comparative repoit on th? P'c- ter Section 31 T 3 S R 9 W 85 8 S will be a credit to the count mil ’Tie All that the compiler of the book!« t duction of lumber by kinds of w .id scares. has to sa on that point is: B " State. . ' for 1919 has been issued by the Ttt War D ed. A. C. Hentz and wife THE BOOSTER COLUMN from a county vie»’ point and mt • » • reau of census, department of com­ Nettie Tompsett, $550,00 L" ts 1 (By-Fred C. Baker.) from a city view point that the h k merce. 2 Blk. 6 Oceanlake Park. IL re's one little stunt where -?v« iy Just to show how some conimor :ial was compiled and the 80 odd illus­ The report, which tvas cann .’ I May 17, 1921— Part Rei. Mil. c peron in Tillamook County who owns organizations in Oregon are keen 'o trations selected, lhe book'.e "ill tu cooperation with the fores’, ki - A. Montandon, et-al to Laned* Inc. .in automobile can help advertta^ t>> - interest home seek'rs coming to 'h< plainl show that the TLItnock vlee, department of agricult tn ■'. Releases from Mtg. Bk. 2 P* 199 city and county. Attuch a plate, West, the Silent Commercial Club Chamber of Commerce is endei>’< r- shows the quantities of lumber in m- Lot 11 Blk 6 and lot 12 Blk. s Mus* 1 similar to tlie license plate, tc. has written a letter to the Tillamook ing to boost the county. ufiictur d in the United StatM din­ anita. 1 machine with the woid 'Till tun Chamber of Commerce wanting ••) ing the years J909 und 19k>) frmn • * know whether the care taker w it 11 War di ed. Thomas Enneb ig, to The Chamber of Cot merce w -. the principal species of timebr. dertake to procure these plates f* 1 ’ distribute literature from th; Salem Blk 12 It was lhe intention of the Cham May Ackerson, $10.00 Lot 3 The figures for the year 19)9 tire ' those who want them, at cost. Commercial Club. That's n ,r tod ber of Commerce to place hai.: a 1: z- Moroney Tow n. • • • preliminary and subject u such stunt if it can be worked, but it is tn electric plates in the building t" Lien- A. G. Beals, vs F. M Vincent, Yellow and Green is the coin changes as may be necessary fro: > an enroachment on other the camp grounds for cooking pur- $354.00 Covers a dairy barn situated be us d for decorating the city further examination of the rep« i t tions territory, It is the pos s, but owing to lack of funds he the E half of the Jersey Jubilee, and there The data shown for the tw i year., I on a 25 acre tract in of the Tillamook Chamber poses, but owing to the expene? ’his NE quarter Sec. 5 T 2 s it i w. f. t not be the least objection to having merce to look after the home seekers are comporable and include i :v- cut cannot be done this year, bc-au.-e i f a few good looking Jersey c tws dis­ who come to this city and furnish of merchant and custom saw null» ' materials furnished, lack of funds. The Chamber has ex­ Shearer, to played in the city. It is hoped 'h it i Chat. Mtg. Etta M. for both years. them with literature matter C»‘. now part of th business men are con­ come here in previous years by mm.y plentiful with me just now, but will filings at 8 and E half of NE quarter tu» J su thousands. The tourist crop -s begin­ assist to the extent of $5.00, piy.ib'.e tributing to the nece.-sary expenses, Oregon. quarter of NE quarter Sec 17 T 6 ning to be a big thing for all parts August 1st.” Quite often it is hard io while others are not contr butit.g S R 10 W, 160 acres. May 13, 1921— Chat M' r U II induce people, and especially some cne cent to help boost the city and of the country. May 11, 1921. — Mtg. W. !?. Ho ' Graves to Walter B. Shaw, »90 O') business men. to affiliate will, i county. The Tillamook Chamber of * ♦ • Covers one Ford roadster Mod 1921 bblns and wife to R D. Davies i nd What Tillamook county is in ne< 1 Chamber of Commerce, which is do­ Commerce should have the support £0 of is more Industries, more people ing its best to boost the ci’-’ and of very business man in the city, Due on or before 6 months Interest w ife, $400. Lot 25 Except »V feet, thereof, and south 25 f? t of and more money. And the way to county, but here is one of on. citi­ is your name enrolled as one of tlie 7 percent semi-aanually. Esilio < f Lot 26 in block 17 Seaview Park. Probate Transcript. procure this is to advertl«' the zens who has given his "mite,” and boosters of Tillamook City and i'oun- Mtg. Charles Fox and wife •<> Fed county, for good advertising always without being asked, towards boost- Fred Blaser, deceased of Mulin.'in.i'i ernl Land Bank. $10,000.00 land.) in bring good results. That is the rea Co. Ore. Deed, Roman Cath »lie Archbishop Secs. 4. 5. 8. 9 and 17 T 5 Sil 10 W son that the Chamber of Commerce War Dee. Mildred Edner ind hus­ is making arrangements td idv ! of the Diocese of Ore. to Arc 0'11 cose of Oregon City, a Corp. $100 I.ol band to Mrs. R. A. Davies, $200 Lot tise the county and induce n.c.pi" t 5 Blk. 3 Netarts. come to Tillamook and locate In'*. Blk. 7 Ocean View . War Deed. D. J. Barnett and wife to War deed. Mildred Edner and hus- This is a most oppe.rtua« time to do W.A Armstrong, $750.00 W-st 45 band to M. J. Cone and wife 1200 so, for the next few years ‘it'-'« is going to be a consider «ble inc:case feet Ixit 2 Blk. 10 W. D St liwili’s Lot 5 Blk. 7. NetraU. nddltion to Lincoln, (now Ttllani-iok) Aits, of Incorporation of ’ Dubois in the papulation of Oregon, a,vl May 14. 1921—Asgt. Mtg Ik • F. Lumber Co.” J. E. Dubois, J. K. Gim Tillamook county will obtain its advertising. Quick and wife to H. T. Bot and and J E Mag rs. Incorporators. Cap share by judicious e. efforts of the Chamber of Cotvinerco. • • • This store will be closed ALL 5» page 224, covering lands in th' Duration unlimited Every county in Oregon should Leonard Klllani D L C T 2 S it ) W. , Aits, of Incorp. “Portland Timber DA Y. Kindh} let us have your Lien. George L. Walstrom to J. K. Company" IT. S. Bryant. M. A. Ruble get behind the 1925 fair In Portland, Elder. $86,00 covers 64 cord.» of Al­ and It V. Holdsworth Incorpriatc.i s. and tt would l>e a splendid Idea it a orders on Friday1 and Saturday der wood on Wilkes ranch n°a- B.y- Chip. Stock $5000. 500 shares $Hi0 building could be set apart where for what you will need until each, duration unlimited, rim * nt every county in the State corid have nnsdale . Ore. an exhibit. The spirit of coopern’b n War dee. Alice A. Shot ti >«!<•* ’i busin ss. Portland. Ore. Tuesday. Thank you Deed. State Land Board. State o* should prevnil all over the state, for Joseph Aufdermau» r, $10.00 E halt of NE quarter and E half a,id SE Oregon, to John Dubois W hi lf of • the fair m< ana n whole lot to *ve*y quarter Section 33 T 5 S R 9 W 160 hnlf of Sec. 23 T 3 N R 8 W. ICO part of Oregon, for it Is pf*ii-'<*1 acres. (correction deed coirxeth j that the population of the state v 111 «¡cres. a former d ed between same pti’ ins. be increased sev rs! hundred t huit- Arts of Incorp. "Yellow F’t Lum­ sands. The Fair should not be look- ber Co.” William Thomas. A. G.Boals dated March 2. 1900) The Satisfaction Store War deed M R Hanenkia* >r.d ed upon as a Portland. bu> . t ti to nnd George P. Winslow, Inci’tpwi-I affair, for all parts of Oregon n i il he tors. Duration unlimited Flat of wife to Thomas M. Armstrong $2500 more or 1 sa benefited business. Tillamook Oregon. Capital | Tract by 52 half in size In Tili.-iniook City. W'st of Stillwell Ave. Stock $10.000 100 shares $100 • ihc. Mtg. Th< mas W. Ariiistrcng and Deed. J. T. Little r.nd wife i > «he ■ K wife to M R. Hanenkratt. $2000 kie—Dong MacL an—just as funny an.] And it's the i.t.me. And the same girl who won evtry- liki able and P' Pi body’s heart—I ¡•is May— is in this too. Get a ticket tonight for Tuesday’s prize. SUNDAY AND MONDAY. MAY 29 AND 30 Matinee Sunday Piiscilia Dean in The Virgin of Stamboul See etti- special ad elsewhere on this page. J Flank Mayo in “Colorado” A sna; py, p< Pi>> play < f a live, w ide-awake man in a Western town. Ii you like a r al Western play full of pun< h and th’ iils and action and every thing else that goes with it. you'll like "Colorado.” BIG LAMP FREE See it on display at the Coast Power Co. Secure your prize tickets here Saturday, Monday or Tuesday and we will draw for the lamp Tuesda. You can have as many tickets as you wart. Wednesday — Thursday June 1—2 Cyrus Townsend Brady’s drama of the South Sec. The Island of Regeneration with Antonio Moreno Alone on a desert island a half savage who couid talk, this girl learned to Must she spend the rest if in r days on this lonely island? Would she too, soon b wear­ ing a dress of leaves? a tale .if « the land where man lives clos­ er to nature and souls found. MEMORIAL DAY Monday, May 30th I E. G. ANDERSON Sikertown Cords are included in the TUESDAY, MAY 31. "NEVER AGAIN" A Carter DeHaven C mii-dy. VOD A VIL Four acts of high class vaude­ ville movies. FRIDAY. JUNE 3 The Pool’s Prey” chapter 2 of “Purple Riders Do yru remember when Dick starts out to find the murderer, he was lassoed and was being dragged away to bis death’ Learn this week how he escape». BILLIE BURKE IN ’THE EDUCATION OF ELIZABETH She ws some chorus girl, then she married an aristocrat, and Oh Boy. the fun she started. SATURDAY, JUNE 4 THE BIGGEST NORTHERN STORY EVER FILMED The Courage of Marge O’Doone by James Oliver C’irwood 1 wenty Per Cent Discount For Cash 2OZ Goodrich Tire Price Reduction Among tires SlLVERTOWN is the name that instantly conveys the thought of the highest known quality. Their genuine value has given them first place in the esteem of motorists. Motor car manufacturers and dealers are quick to emphasize to their prospects that their cars are equipped with Silvertowns— knowing that neither explana­ tion nor argument is necessary. This makes ail the more impor- tant the fad that Silvertown Cords are included in our re­ adjustment of tire prices which took effect May 2nd. Cut ‘ dowm k'wn your >°ur tire tjre and an(j tube expenditures by anticipating Miawoer»^ arxl your t>pnng bpnng and Summer n-g requirements and getting — Absolutely FREE ^ube* °f corresponding . size, with Cup C«P Tire bought at our store. Act Çu>c*/y. offer b £ f.,,Iy' Th» T^ « LIMITED. LIMITED. . a ----------- — Once Once it it expires, expires, dJ^oiX^t.^^ d r“'w'd- Early ordering wiU avoid disappointment. O *^ver3°V ^eveiw- 0^ ’- B- F. G0CO4UCH SLFBtJt COMPANY Headlight - Advertisers Get Q and Sure Results