{Tillamook fctaMtgfjt ▲ Weekly Paper Published Every Thursday by the Headlight Publishing Company, Inc. Tillamook. Oregon Leslie Harrison Editor not think much of the feUov ek> thinks he has to dig up a dul’ar or two occasionally so aB not to git in bad with the boys and then cxcer- cises his prerogative of standing on the street corner and knocking, with out much idea of what is going It is Individually ar.d collectively, human;and it has all the human faults and frailties. It needs more and appreciates more, the chap who attends its affairs, gives it a friend­ ly pat on the back and a kind word and helps to navigate in sate chan­ nels. Incidently, the amount of money actually taken from the city bv the promoters of the "Trail" was consid­ erably less than »250.00 while »he sum spent In the city on account of It, including music, rents, printing, i hotel bills, etc., was in excess of | »500.00. The treasury of Tillamook ( Post gained over »300.00 fiom the ! show. A b elaborate program waa giv. n in PoU with 10 the afternoon including a Club Play, demonstrations, songs, reading* ar.d recitations. In every cau inu«-!, credit is due the local club leadeis and teachers for their un'h’uj if forts in behalf of the work. Last Saturday a l-j'ot me< »ii:g »1 the Nestucca Guern ’d a: tbi Clove r- aale Grange Hall. A2» »r a shn- < business session lie clube .ij.’curn’d *o attend tu? pr*>> «0, net rack. C. H. Makinster, Till­ Payable In advance one beautiful St. Andrciburg ___ ____________________Tl-iltf amook. Ore. 5-J !t-P Roller or trainer. 801 Wes 3rd WANTED FOR SALE—YEARLING HOLSTEIN St. Tillamook, Ore. UNJUST CRITICISM I DO“PRÁCTTcAL~ÑÜRÍr^~-r bull, full blood. See Henry Weed, Some criticism of the American Le­ will take your maternity casê»r one mile south of Holstein factory DAIRY FARM gion has been manifest during the Tillamook. _______ 5-5t4 also help with p ------ - houp» geperal One of the best RANCHES in FER­ paat’week on account of the "Oregon work. Write me for dales, FOR "SALE -7 YEAR OLD HORSE TILE SATSOP VALLE1 200 •-«» Trail" exhibition put on by Tilla­ furnish best of references Wrj, weighs 1100 lbs., works single acres; 130 acres finest RIVER mook Post. Strangely, the severest Florence Bell, Tillamook, Or- or double. Byron Bradley, Mu*uai BOTTOM; 85 acres in high state 2t criticism appears to emanate from Phone. 5-l>t3p of cultivation, all planted and merchants of the town who con-plain WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERu CLUB NEWS LOCAL NEWS seeded; small orchard and tine FOR SALE—CHOICE HOME SITES. of the vast sums of money taken housework. Call 145 j 5 Miss Helen Cowgill of the Oiegon Prof, Reed is a pleasing speaker pasture; about half million feet Have just had placed in my hands from the city by the promc cera of Ag ricultural College, Superintendent Club members of Oretown will be and his address was especially well timber; on macadamized highway; part of the academy grounds on the show. Geo. Lamb and Miss Elizabeth Buir, visited on Wednesday afternoon and WANTED TO RENT i good school; 6 miles from lun-.oua 4th and 5th St. These lets will Members of the Legion would County Club Leader, are visiting the at that time Misd Cowgill will pre­ received. George Williams who has been Î SATSOP CHEESE FACTORY; 8 WANTED TO RENT- MARRiEl> be sold very cheap considering the take this criticism in better grace if Home Economics clubs of the county sent the Garden Club with thir cer- room house with bath, running location. Close to the business the business men of the cornnurJ'.y this week. At Wheeler on Monday tificate of Achievement for having very sick with pneumonia for the man wants to rent ranch on half water, electric lights, te.fcphcae, section. See A. C. Everson for had displayed greater interest in the noon the two Sevang Clubs enter­ completed their work in 1920 with last two weeks is reported to be * n Phone Bay City, 30F4. • the road to recovery. etc.; good ham, new chicken price and terms. 4-28tf affairs^of the Post. It is true that tained at lunch In honor of Miss a 100 per cent record. 3Ti T. E. K. telegram has been received that house, electrically lighted; ranch business concerns of the city con­ Cowgill and following that an hour Mitchell is local club leader. They FOR RENT the body of Private Frank Mitchell FOR SALE—FORTY ACRES FARM equipped with Case tractor, discs tributed the sum of »266.00 towards was spent in instruction ar.d in in­ and their teacher, Mrs Mitchell, will or dairy land about three miles of Bay City will arrive in New York and farm equipment; gasoline FOR RENT— FURNISHED House­ the publication of the so-called news specting the work of the club mem­ have a beach party on the last lay from Neskowin on main coast May 21. Funeral announcement i pump. Some thoroughbred stock; paper Issued three days last week a bers, They will have their Achieve- of school Friday fternoon. May 30. keeping rooms fully mode n »11 road. Creek runs thru place. will be made later. Shropshire sheep, high grade part of which, however small it may ment exhibit on Saturday evonlig, per month. Corner 6th Ave and School house on land. Cheese Kindergarten is being planned for chickens, span of mares, etc. Price 9th St. E. 4.28tf have been, was returned to them in June 4th. factory a mile away. Early sale WHISTLE SIGNALS this summer. Children from the »20,000; »7,500 cash, balance the publicity thereby gained. But jesired. Write Tracy Byers, Ida To be used 30 minutes before wa- ages of 4 to 7 inclusive will be ne­ easy terms. An examination will FOR RENT—10 ROOM HOUSE with very few exceptions, tbi Inter­ On Monday afternoon the club ter In mains will be turned off. ho Falls, Idaho, for further par cepted. See Eve M. Beekman at with large garden. Apply m p.j, prove the value of this rar.en. est of the merchants ceased with tha> recently organized at Pine Giove was ticulars. 4-28t4 Four blasts of curfew whistle of 30 Guild Hall between 3:30 avd 4:30 for Beals-___________________ 4-2»tf Owners sacrificing to cam expression of cooperation. Le».s than visited and the club membeia manl seconds each: Attention. on school days. —Adv. other business. twenty percent of the people in at­ fested a keen Interest in their work. Four blasts followed by tw.j short FOR RENT—WE HAVE FOR RENT The Tlllicum chib was entertnined I McCAW & CO. tendance at the "Trail” weri resi­ At Nehalem on Monday evening blasts: W’ater will be turned off STAGE INFORMATION cheap a ranch near H b?, on on Wednesday evening by Miss Vei- Aberdeen, Wash. The Stage hereafter will leave at dents of Tillamook City or of the an Achievement Day program was west of 2nd avenue east. Three Rivers on the highway jt cnica Allen and Miss Ruth Partridge near vicinity of Tillamook City and given under the direction of Miss Four blasts followed by four shert at the home of Mrs. Lynn Partridge 7:30 A. M. instead of 8 A, M. in 200 Cadillac Stage Lline. 8— Chevrolet model 490 While the American Legior. appre­ dale. Picnic dinner was sa-ved at Tillamook Water Commission,. Mrs. Hefs:l and Mrs. Winslow en­ »650 FOR RENT — SEVERAL UNFUR. The Cadillac Line is an indep in­ ciates financial assistance glvrn to noon- Exhibits Including rabbits, 9— Studebaker 7 pas. By E. D. Hoag, Supt. 5-19’3 tertained the J. U. G. Club on May nished apartments. Inquire of dent one running out of Poit’and, 515 J 10— Studebaker bug it on occasion. It Is not an institu­ Guernsey calves, sewing, ar.d cook­ llth at the home of the latter. Plasker Brothers plumbing shop. operated by Tillamook men, just as Î1C00 tion organized for profit and it does ing were judged and prizes awarded. II — Overland roadster Rook was played, Mrs. Hall carry­ UNACCOUNTED FOR we believe you want it operated. We $650 12— Studebaker roadster Philip John Dwyer has been miss­ ing off the honors. TO EXCHANGE siero try to protect you by careful driving 13 — Nash 6 , 1920 The Invited guests were Mesdames ing since August 16, 1920. He dis­ and »40,000.00 accident InkUiance. $500 16 — Ford truck WANTED — TO TRADE A FULL appeared from the Marine Hospital, Beltz, Rlechers, Boals, Hall, Turn­ Any request or suggestion by you in Ü seso 18 — Chevrolet model 490 blood Jersey bull calf, 15 months San Francisco in poor mental health. bull, Morrison, Partridge, and Curl the way of improving service will 19— Overland country club »550 old. for a good grade cow. Hais Schultz. Mr. Dwyer was honorably dis­ be gladly received by us. During f'í 0 20— Dodge Raodster eligible to register. C. W. Hat­ The June meeting will be with charged from Troop C. 17th Cavalry, the summer there will be an aerial »700 21— Studebaker 7 pas. field, Cloverdale, Ore. 1-2812 Mrs. John Carroll. U. S. Army, Fort McDowell, San line established In connection with $650 22— Grant 6 Francisco, on May 21,1920. A’hen VICTROU the Cadillac Stage Line so that you z$250 EXCHANGE—NEW 23— Overland box body CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS last seen he was 22 years old, weigh- for Ford Roadster in fi st class may have a more rapid and a mere You can now get B- K., the best cleanser and 24— Reo Roadster $350 Notice is hereby given tha all fed 150 lbs. was 5 feet 10 inches in condition. Singer Agtr.cy, Opp. unique means of transportation Fords from 200 up. disinfectant known, at the Satifaction Store. height, had dark brown eyes, brewn general warrants issued during May, Post Office. 4-28tf when you wish. ACKLEY & MILLER June and July 1920 and all road hair and fair complexion. Every canch should have a gallon of B. K. The latter will be operated and TILLAMOOK, OREGON He also had a tattoed design on warrants to date will be paid upon piloted by Cap. Lyle Smith who ex­ LOST AND FOUND < thia his right forearm, with either P. F. presentation. Interest ceases pects to make his initial trip to '! III- FOR SALE—188 ACRE DAIRY Dwyer or P. F. D. --Every bu Idy 19th day of May 1921. FOUND— PACKAGE CONTAINING amook in his new plane next Satur­ ranch. About 80 acres river bot- Leslie Harrison, Treasurer. should take notice Any information 1 pair ladies shoes, 1 pair how. day. For tickets or reservations go < concerning this boy will be appre­ tom; the balance is timber and and one union suit. This pack­ to or call F. B McKinley ’ 3 office, good berry land, House, two Cloverdale High School Dedicated You will need chick starter, then chick age left in car from Cloverdale by ciated and rewarded by his mother, Bell phone 72W and Mutual phone. barns, implements and 14 cows go Cloverdale, May 16. — There was Mrs. John Dwyer, 63, E. 122nd 81-, mistake last week. Owner can scratch, growing mash, developing mash, egg Adv. CADILLAC STAGE LINE with place, Must be seen to be New York City. Or notify Chief In­ a big crowd present, Saturday nt recover same by identifying hires Notice of Dissolution of Partnership producer, and grain feeds for your chickens. appreciated. Address R 25 care spector, Police Department, New the 'dedication of the Cloverdale and paying for this Su. 5-13tf Headlight. 4-21tf High School Building. The follow • The Satisfaction Store has all these. - York City. Notice is hereby given that the LOST—FLAT BOTTOMED ROW i Ing program was rendered in the partnership heretofore existing be­ FOR SALE boat painted green. »5 reward. forenoon: , 0. E S. Kensington Club tween Shearer and Crank is dissolved By John Leland Henderson Walter Nelson. 2-10tf • The O. E. Sr Kensington Club America, by the audience. May 16th, 1921. All persons tiwlbg Bonded Real Estate Agent. Prayer by Mr. P. O. Light < spent a very pleasant afternoon May Song the above partnership are requested 206 Third St., Tillamook BUSINESS NOTICES and Dance, Choosing a Flower. 4th and a large number were in at to settle their indebtedness with 1— 165 acre Kilchis river ranch, 30 Bring your seed wants to us; we can fill Recitation, "Raggedy Man ” by Ag ­ tendance. After the business sessl-vi Dr. A. C. Crank the owner of all ac­ acres first diver bottom. 15 acres in HAY AND GRAIN HAULING 1 them. Protect >our garden from worms with speciality. Oregon Transfer. Both a social hour was enjoyed. In a nes Todd. counts due and payable to Shearer cultivation. Springs and creeks.« 135 phones.- Opposite P. O. 12-9 tf Piano Duet by Pauline Miller and flower guessing contest the fav rs Maggot bate. and Crank up to and including May acres timber and logged off bench Beatrice Blackburn. were awarded io Mrs. Boats and Mrs. 10. 1921. l. nd. Live stock, earn. etc. »10,000 FOR GOOD WOOD CALL THE ORB- gon Transfer, both phones. 8. Coates after which the hw*esses Dialog, "Troubles of a Census Taktr,' Terms. Respectfully, » 12-» tf < Mrs. A. H. Gaylord. Mrs. F H Mat­ by Dorothy Le Fefre and Raynu nd 2— Fine residence property on third A. C. CRANK, M. D, Miller. AT LAST — A VICTOR DEALER IN thews and Mrs. J Steinbach Invited street, paved. Easy terms. Price Tillamook County. Victor Vie- Vocal Duet by Maxine Churchill and I the members to the dining recm »4200.00. CARD OF THANKS ► trolas, »25.00 and up. Victor Re­ where a real banquet awaited them. Freddie Buell. To our freinds throughout the 3— 60 a. good creek bottom land, cords, 85 cents and up. Tilla­ Recitation, "The Worm ” by Glen The color scheme of pink and white country whose kindness and sym some hill. Good loganberry land. 15 mook Music Co., Opposite P. 0. Os being carried out. Amlnitur« May Anderson. 11- lStI pathy was so g^perously-extended us acre lots, »60.00 per acre. Terms. Animated Song, "Three Blind Mice" in our recent bereavement we wish Whole tract cash »50.00 per acre. THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD Colonial Minuet by High Sch»-ol to express our heartfelt thanks. 6—Cottage and 3 lots, subject to —Victrolas and Victor Reconl«. Girls. street assessments. »1150.00. Terms. Tillamook Music Co., Opposite P. H. L. Provost and family. At the conclusion of the forenoon O. 11-1 LI 5 — Cottage and 2 lots. Miller Ave. program the crowd was Ushered Ini > Ü Statement of the Ownership, and 3rd street, assesments, »3,000 WE HAUL ANYTHNG ANYWHBM two large rooms, which were used at any time. Oregon Transfer, Management, Circulation, etc.. Re­ installment plan. dining rvims, I on this occasion as office opposite P. O. Both phones. quired by the Act of Congre.w of where a sumptuous community din­ 12- 1 tf SALE—13 MONTHS OLD August 24.1912. of Tillamook Head­ FOR ner was served. The tables we>e THE WORLD MOVES; SO DO WR grade bull. w. W. E. McKinster light, published every Thursday at loaded with eatables which looked Oregon Transfer, opposite P. 0 Wilson River. B Both phones. 12-> t* good and tasted better. Aft-r srtis-j I Tillamook. Oregon, for April 1, 1921 ’ State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ FOR SALE fying their appetites the people again mook. SB. USED COLLARS, MONET TO LOAN—ENQUIRE Or John Leland Henderson, 206-3rd bridles, cruppers, halters tugs, congregated in the spacious acsem- i « St., Tillamook, Oregon. J* Before me, a Notary Public In and yoke straps, side curtains, Ford bly room and listened to the after-1 for the State and County afo «said, top. hame straps, oak commode, SINGER AGENCY — OPPOSITE noon program which was as follows: | i personal/ appeared Leslie Harrison, Poetoffice. O. M. Cook. ice chest, kitchen table. Priced Action Song. "Trumpet Song." who. having been duly sworn accord low, value no consideration, Au- THE GREATEST ARTISTS OF TH« Reading "Mr. Meek’s Dinner" by to law, deposes and says tha: he is to Top Shop, side door opposite Pauline Miller. B "World have entrusted their repu­ the Manager of the Tillamook Head­ Post Office. |.f Speech by Dr. Le Fevre tations to the Victor Records. light Hear them at their best in youf Song by five little girls. 1- That the names and addresses BRED TO LAY WHITE LEGHORNS own home. Tillamook Music Co.. May Pole dance by the grader of the publisher, editor, managing Hatichlng Eggs for sale. W. S. D-alers, opposite P. O. tl-l» Address by Supt. G. B. Lamb B Coates, Tillamook. 3-10tf editor and business managers are: Address by Prof. E. T. Reed of O A c DOUGLAS COUNTY TAXIDERMT Publisher, Headlight Publishing Co. and Tanning Company. Taxi­ "Dixie Days" by a dozen btackfnce LOGANBERRY PLANTS FOR SALK Tillamook. Oregon; Editor. Leslie dermist of all kinds of ani«*» H singer«. In ’arge or small ar5e °r 8maI1