Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 19, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    thwudat .
Oregon Agricultural College
Section 8.—It shall be the poi-
pose of the dairy bull registration
board to build up and impiove ths
dairy animals of the staff of Oregon
through selective breeding and t-n-
Thirty-first Legislative Assembly.
force replacement and use of the <
............... —
Regular session. Senate Bill No.
pure blooded sire In achieving this,
It would be difficult to create ar.
191 introduced by Senator Staples
and the dairy bull registration board atmosphere more favorable to ‘he
and read first time January 28 1921.
is by this act empowered to formu­ American Legion than that which
A Bill for an act to regulate the
late a minimum dam production te- attended the birth of the son of Ml.
sale of dairy bulls; creating a daily
qulrement to govern its action in dc- and Mrs. Jack Loomis, of Nashua, N.
bull registration board; defining the
termining what shall constitute a H.
duties of such board; providing for
satisfactory standard of probable in­
His father served in the Medical
the licensing of such bulls «nd funds
to Corps during the World War; his
herent milk production type,
ofr conducting the board; providing
take all measure necessary ami pro mother was a yeoman; the attending
for a temporary waiter of the act,
per in the judgment of the bo.i'd to physician was a Medical Corps cap­
and provding a penalty for violating
insure probable dairy herd imprev? tain and the nurse was an army
the provisions of this act.
ment through those processes of nurse. All four adults are members
Be It enacted by the people of the
dairy breeding that will most likely of James E. Coffey post of the Le­
Stato of Oregon:
bring about an improvement in dai­ gion.
ry type, an increase in milk yield,
Section 1.—No person, firm or cor­
Fifty-eight charters were granted
and a persistence of milk flow, tn to units of the Women’s Auxiliary cf
poration shall offer for sale for dairy
gether wth a ruggedness of the pro­ the American Legion during the
breeding use any dairy bull that It
geny that should develope a resis­ week ending April 23, Legion nation
not of registered pure blood breeding
tance to disease; to publish bulletins al headquarters reports. Pennsylva­
and licensed to be sold for such pur­
and conduct experiments along breed nia led with eight units organized;
pose within the state of Oregon.
cause a waiver or set aside ’lia re­ Iowa and Kansas tied with six '«nits
Section 2.—That a dairy bull re­
quirements of this act, should a con­ each and New York was third with
gistration board be established and
dition at any time arise when regis­ five units. There are now 2,671
maintained for the purpose of regis­
tering such dairy bulls as are here-
A fee of one dollar shall be paid tered dairy bulls cannot be had at units of the Auxiliary in the United
after licensed to be sold for breeding shall be paid to the Dairy Husban-1 a reasonable and just price; to ar­ States and territorial possessions.
• • •
purposes In this state.
dry Department of the Oregon Agrlc-1 range for a dairy animal survey be­
tween the Dairy Husbandry D-.pnrt-
I. W. W.’s may be excluded from
Secton 3—. That the dairy hus- ultural College, for each dairy bull I
ment of the Oregon Agricultural CM Kansas through an interpretation of
bandry department of the Oregon
«rolled, at the time when applica­
County Assessors, County the anti-syndicalist law fathet el by
Agricultural College shall act as ex tion for license is made. Such fees I
other agencies in an effort the American Legion and passed by
tall be deposited with the state I
officio dairy bull registration board,
to gather dairy statistics and estab the Kansas legislature in 1919. The
and every person, flm or corpoation treasurer, and shall be placed in a I
llsh dairy breeding centers; and to decision will be made in the hearing
offering for dale within this state for fund to be known as the “Dairy Bull I
pass rules and regulations f-r- the of an injunction suit against mem­
breding purposes, any dairy bull,
of said objects and >he bers and organzers of the I. W. W.
shall causa the name, description used for the purpose of defraying I
rhe nii- before a district court in Eldorado.
enforcement of this law.
and registration papers of such bull expenses of said board and shall be I
tliorlty of law necessary for the exc-
• • •
to be enrolled with the dairy hus­ paid out upon warrants or ord<;”s be-1
cution of said duties imposed by this-
Stars of motion pictures were guest
bandry department of the Oregon ¡ng drawn upon the said fund thiul
act is hereby conferred.
and performers for Los Angeles, Cal.
Agricultural College and shall pro­ the State Treasurer’s Office, which I
Section 9.—Whenever a bull has Post No. 8 of the American Legion
cure a license from said Dairy Hus­ warrant shall be signed by the Pro- |
been rejected by this registration at an entertainment and smoker.
bandry Department as provided In feasor of Dairy Husbandry cf
board, and the owner is not satisfied The mayor of the city made an ad­
by the official decision of the bontd, dress. Among the screen faviritss
the owner may file a protest against w'ho fraternized with the veterans
the decision of the board, a.id such were Harold Lloyd, Carter D? Haven
protest shall state that to the best < f Jackie Coogen, juvenile leal with
the knowledge and belief of the per­ Charlie Chaplin, and Jack • Coogan,
son making the protest, the bull ,n father of the young movie star.
question is eligible to be granted i.
Praise of the ideals and purposes
license; whereupon an examination of the American Legion was voiced
of the bull in question shall l>e male by Chin Yun Peng, premier of Chi­
by three experts, one appointed by na, a speaker at a dinner given by
the Dairy Husbandry Deparimtut of the Legion post in Peking. Othrr
the Oregon Agricultural College, one guests of the foreign post were Ad­
by the owner of said bull, and th? miral Sah Chen-ping, Chinese Min­
third by the two experts .lryidy ister of th? Navy; Charles B. Crane,
provided for; but all experts shall American Minister to China and Ma­
be Dairy Husbandrymen. In case jor General Crozier, retired herd of
I all three, or any two of the experts the Ordinance Department, Un'ted
declare that the bull is eligible to States Army.
receive a license, the license shall b?
granted according to their in.-:iruc-
The complete fire department of
tons, and the expense of the comul- Crystal Springs, Miss., has been tu' n
taton shall be paid by the board out
of such funds as are herein provide:,
for, or if three, or any two of the ex '
At The Churches
perts declare such bull not eligible if
within the provisions of this act, th"
expense incurred shall be paid by
the person making the protest; and
it may be collected in the san e man­
The Christian Science society holds
ner as any appeal in civil action.
services in the Woodman’s Hall, Na­
Section 10.—Any person or per- i tional Building, every Sunday at 11
sons knowingly or willfully viola­ A. M. Sunday school at 10 A. M.
ting any of the provisions of this act Wednesday evening meetings first
shall be punished by a fine of not and third Wednesdays of each month
less than fifty dollars (350) nor Everybody welcome.
more than one hundred dolluisj
(3100), or by imprisonment tor not
less than thirty days nor more than
Sunday morning at 11 o’clock
six months, or by fine and imprison- ' Communion and Sermon.
ment, for each offense. Justice o‘
Evening, Baccalaureate address to
the peace shall nave jurisdiction over the Tillamook High Sihftol Class.
cases tried under this law, and is
Bible school, 10 A. M.
hereby made the duty of the Dis
Wednesday evening, 7:45 Prayer
trlct Attorney of the county 'n which meeting.
any violation takes place to prose
The public is cordially invited to
cut • in this action.
all these services.
A circular letter outlining rhe
HARRY E. TUCKER, Minister.
provisions of the law and explaining
the manner In which it wiii b • ad­
ministered is being mailed to ail
Sunday School at ten o’clock.
breeders of dairy cattle in the -tatc.
Sunday morning sermon at 11
If you do not receive this circular clock. The subject of the discourse I
soon or if you need help in filling will be “The Home, in it’s Relation j
out the application see County Agent to Society, Government and Ch'tst-I
W. D Pine
This church will Join in the R..c-1
calaureate services at the Chrls:im I
Church in the evening.
Prayer meeting on Thursday even­
ing at eight o’clock.
You are cordially invited to these
• • •
Sunday School, 10 A. M.
Morning Worship, 11 A. M. Sub­
ject, “God’s Good Things.”
There will be no evening worship
on account of the Baccalaureate S»r-
vice of the High School at
Christian church.
A hearse is a mighty poor thing
RUE economy as well as energy
to go to church in; it’s better to uo
for a good day’s work begins
Everybody invited.
with O lympic Wheat Hearts
ALLAN A. McREA. Mints’.«?.
this act
Section 4—In order to secure a
license certificate herein provided
for, the owner of the bull shall make
application for the same to the prof­
essor of Dairy Husbandry of the Ore­
gon Agricultural College and shall
furnish with such application ’he
certificate of registration
Secton 5.—The Dairy Husbandry
Department of the Oregon Agricul­
tural College is hereby authorized
and Instructed to refuse a license
certificate to any bull that is Known
to be Infected with a dangerous in­
fectious disease, or that is kuow.i <ol
transmit inferior and underisabie
qualities of offspring, or to lack pre­
Section 6.—The Dairy Husbandry
Department of the Oregon Agricul­
tural College, whose duty It shall be
to pass upon the merits of registra­
tion certificate submitted, shall use I
as its standard for action the regis-1
try books and registry associations, I
and the signatures of the duly au-1
thorlzed officers recognized by the I
United States bureau of animal in-
i |
American Legion
ed over to the local Post of the
American Legion by the city’s board
of aidermen. The commander of the
post formed a fire fighting unit from
his membership and the Legionaires
are holding regular drills and exer­
cises to become proficient in hand­
ling fires.
• • •
“My name is Smith and my bud-
for breakfast.
SrimMfcnUp milled and tanltarilp packed,
•rapped and sealed l tu OLYMPIC Line
tdudat pour fattorOg cereal.
—•I me« cr.«•«•. «lone
wwl>OLYMHt. H.-ut
A h
1 1
1 1 v
x 1 1
< > 1
Owing to the annual meeting . f I
Portland, Oregon Classes at uiiis a
dale. Ore., there will be no mi vice at '
this church next Sunday. The new
church of the Hillsdale eongh'gati< n-l
will be dedicated on this day. The
members of the local church are In­
vited to participate in Chis celebra
On the following Sunday, May 29,
at 11 A. M. the memorial eervlcr* *4
the G. A. R, the Women’s Relief
Corps, the American Legion and th"
Womens’ Auxiliary will be held at
this church. To the membe*« of
theee various organisations and io
the general public a cordial invlta
tioa to O hm eervteea is hereby give«.
» W. •» I l ea ha mper, Paator.
bered 53,200 in Uncle Sam’i
8 Amiy,
From The Benedictine Sister,
rollowing from the Benedk..
Sisters, Holy Name Convent
tonia, Fla., la of value to e’vejy
ther: “We have just received
ment of Foley’s Honey and Tar
is a household remetMe w« k
’ 11
... k„„.
Sold Everywhere.
Let the HEADLIGHT do ynUr ...
printing! We are equiped i0 prln,
anything, from handbills to books
You’ll enjoy the
sport of rolling
’em with P. A.!
irst thing you
— go get some makin’s
papers and some Prince
Albert tobacco and puff away
on a home made cigarette
that will hit on all your
smoke cylinders!
No use sitting-by and say­
ing maybe you’ll cash this
hunch tomorrow. Do it while
the going’s good, for man-o-
man, you can’t figure out
whatyou’repassingby! Such
flavor, such coolness, such
more-ish-ness—well, the only
way to get the words em­
phatic enough is to go to it
and know yourself!
Prince Albert ie sold
in toppy red bags,
tidy red tine, hand­
some pound and halt
pound tin humidors
and in the pound
crystal glare humi­
dor uiith sponge
moietener top.
Copyright 1921
by R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
N. C.
And, besides Prince
Albert’s delightful flavor,
there’s its freedom from bite
and parch which is cut out by
our exclusive patented proc­
ess! Certainly—you smoke
P. A. from sun up till you
slip between the sheets with­
out a comeback.
Prince Albert is the tobac­
co that revolutionized pipe
smoking. If you never could
smoke a pipe — forget it!
—if you use Prince Albert
for packing! It’s a smokj
revelation in a jimmy pipe
or a cigarette!
P rince A lbert
the national joy smoke
The Shasta Limited is the fastest
train traveling over the 751 miles
of magnificent track between San
Francisco and Portland.
But Buick clipped 44 minutes off
the best time ever made by this train.
unie Punch
dy’s name is Brown. 1 I’ve bet him a
trip to the next American Legion
convention at Kiftisas City that there
were more Smiths than Browns in
the Army during the World War.
Who Wins?”
This query was received by the
Washington bureau 81 the American
Legion News Service from a number
of an Oklahoma post. The answer
"You win, buddy Smith, by 3,900
were 51.300
Smiths in the Army and only U.OOO
Browns. It's a good thing though
that you didn't get into a bet with
one of the Johnson tribe, wno num-
mt 19
The Hssd of fttnf Mnl re-
nmstrrrd may be ded»ud
thii picture of a rear
•wheel of the isiil at mu
stags of the trip.
A stock 1921 Buick Coupe on Jan­
uary 7th and 8th performed this
remarkable feat. Conquering
frozen roads and mud holes, wind-
j mountain roads and rocky
canyons, Buick once again demon­
strated its characteristic inbuilt
power, endurance and reliability
The time of 29 hou
16 minutes
has never been cóuall ed in a trip
on land betwee i these two
Coast cities.
snira tvn.
,,„ k ,