the TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT GROWTH INFLUENCED BY RAIN Tillamook Meat Company Observations of Traveler» Show Ro. markabla Difference in V»g«ta- tlon of Tropical Forest«. Sanitary Tropical forests are divided by Hann into those having months of less than six rainy days and those having no dry season proper. Those with uo dry season are constantly humid, although the varying seasuual moisture has its influence even here. Undisturbed con­ stantly humid regions are nearly al­ ways covered with evergreen ruin for­ est , periodically dry districts ure oc­ cupied by deciduous woodland and savannah. With every slight annual precipitation the vegetation becomes i hat of the desert. Seen on approach­ ing, a tropical rain forest shows a much more Irregular and jagged sky­ line than the temperate forest, and its varied shades of green are usually dull, but often broken by white, red or other brilliant-hued flowering tree crowns. The tree tops, moreover, are often overhung by climbing vines and parasitic plants. 'The Interior of some rain forests is a dense mass of tangled foliage from the ground up to the tree tops, but others are like immense dark columned lulls which afford a free pas­ sage and u clear outlook, with only a few ferns on the ground and tree stems. As examples of light column forest Schlmper mentions those of a species of Cunarium on the mountains of Dominica and of tunny tree ferns In Trinidad. In the closed forest, the trunk and even leaves grow mosses, algae and flowering herbs. The strug­ gle for light, intensified by great mois­ ture, is a feature of the virgin rula forest. MARKET Steak, 2:3 to 27c Pot Roac. L8c-20c Boiling Beef 13-17c Leg Pork ... 30c 32c Loin Pork Pork Steak .. 25c Pork Sausage 25c Hamb. Steak 20c 30c Leg Veal . 25c Veal Steak 30c Veal Chops Veal Stew. 15c y MODERN “CARMEN” AT WORK X. Gathering of Women Cigarmaker« Pre. sent« a Colorful Sight in Span­ ish Cities Today. Tillamook Bakery The hottie of good bread and all kinds of tine past ry Everything Strictly Sanitary CHAS.’VOGLER,‘Prop. Help Furnished Free To Employers of Labor By the PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO The Oldest Office In Oregon Headquarters for Farm, Dairy, Mill, Logging and office help of all kinds. Phone Bdg. 2272 14 N Second St. Portland, Or. Tillamook Stage Line The Carmen of the opera is no Idle fancy of a poet. She was and is very real III Spain today. They are known as cigarrerus, and their age may be anything from twelve to sixty. Tiny are paid but a peseta a day and as no human being «in live on that, they devote a good share of their time to a business said to be the oldest in the world. It Is no uncommon thing to Hud as h’gh ns 39 babies in cradles or crawling a boat the feet of the girls as they work. Fur comfort tilt- girls discard the greater part Of their clothing when they start to work, but retain a red rose in their hair or great silver earrings. They are boisterous and rough, and file visitor is hailed with demands for money and given the vilest of curses If he refuses. But the girls sing as they work. Every one has a tiny mirror before her in which she sends canstunt glances, and the little clothing she retains is colorful as the rainbow. They all have lovers who almost without exception abuse them, beat them and take away their earn­ ings. She stands this as long as the lover is true to tier, but if he looks else« liere lie had best beware of a sti­ letto tfirRle between his shoulders. The Older women make the cigars and the younger the cigarettes.—Denver News. CADILLAC CAES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given, tha. the undersigned, as surviving executor of the last will and testament >f Da­ vid J. W. Wiley, decea.-ed, has filed in the County Court of Ti.lom-ok County, Oregon, his final account as executor of said estate. ani ?aid Court has appointed Monday. June 6th, 1921, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. at the county court room, in the Court House in Tilla­ mook City, Tillamook County, Ore­ gon, as the time and place for hear­ ing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated this April 29th, 192’. James O. C. Wiley, Executor Botts & Winslow, Attorney.’ for Executor. NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of the Interior, Unit ed States land Office Portland, Ore., April, 29th, 1921. To Heirs of Albert R. Batchelder, deceased, of Blaine, Oregon, Contes- tes. You are hereby notified tost Clarence B. Chappell who gives Blaine, Oregon, as his post-office ad­ dress, did on April 28, 1921, file in this office his duly corroborated ap­ plication to contest and secui” the cancellation of your Homestead En­ try No. 06473, Serial No. 064 73 made September 25thy 1919, by Al­ bert R. Batchelder, decease!, for NE’4 of SW’4, SE’4 of NW 4. and SW’4 of NEl4 section 4 Township 4 south, Range 7 West, Willamette, Meridian, and as grounds for his con test he alleges that said Aloert R. Eatchelder died on or about ’he 23rd day of October, 1920; that his heirs are unknown and their places of res idence are unknown to contestant and after diligent inquiry cannot be found by him; that none of said heirs have ever resided upon said land or improved or cultivated any part thereof, but have wholly aban­ doned said land for more than six months immediately preceding the beginning of this contest; that mor» than six months have elapsed einet the death of said entryman; that the absence of said heirs is not due to their employment In the army or navy of the United States during any war in which the United State, is engaged. You are, therefore, further noti­ fied that the said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your said en­ try will be canceled without further right to be heard, either before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days af­ ter the Fourth publication ot this notice, as shown below, your answer under oath, specificially responding to these allegations of contest, to gefher with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. You should state in your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent you. Alexander Sweek, Register. Geo. I. Smith, Receiver. Date of first publication May 5. 19-21 Date of 2nd publication May 12,1921 Date t T 3rd publication May 19. 1921 Date of 4th Publication May 26 1921 Right Way to Read. Leaves Tillamook Daily at 8:00 A.M. -eaves Portland (Hoyt Hotel) daily at 8:30 A. M. Makes connections with Rockawzy Stage Line. \ _______ Cars are warm and comfortable. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy "Everyone who has used Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy speaks well ot it,” writes Edward P. Miller, Abbotts town, Pa. People who once use this preparation are seldom satisfied with any other. It is exoellent to allay a Cough or break up a cold. •—Adv. r-------- -- dr . J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist Permanently located tn Tillamook Private office in Jenkin’s jewelry «tore. Latest . up-to-date instru­ ments ¡and equipment. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Complete Lem Grinding Factory on the Premises. Any lens dupli­ cated. X z / BARRICK & HALL ATTORNEYS at law National Building Tillamoak. Oregon '-------------------------------------------------------------- '------------ ----- DR. O. L. HOHLFELD VETESHUXUS B ‘H Phone 2F2. -u MutaalPhona Tillamook. Oregon X ------------— — - Dr. J. E. Shearer Dr. A. C. Crank Drs. Shearer and Crank MEDICINE & 8URGERY National Building Tillamook, Oregon X, f R. T. BOALS M. D Somos I. O. O. r. Buildin« TILAMOOK. O X The only way to read with any NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT efiir'ency Is to read so heartily that dinner time comes two hours before Notice is hereby given, that the 'you expected It, Sidney Smith wrote. undersigned has filed his final ar., To sit with your Livy before you and count as administrator with the hear -the geese cackling thnt saved county court of Tillamook County, the capital and to «ee with your own Oregon, and that said court has ap eyes the Carthaginian sutlers gather­ pointed Monday, May 9th, 1921, at ing up the rings of the Roman the hour of 10 o’clock A.M. st the knights after the buttle of Cannae and County Court room in the Q?uri heaping them into bushels: and to be House in Tillamook City. Oregon, as so trrtlmatel.v present nt the actions the time and place for hearing ob you are reading of that when any one i ections to said account and the set­ knocks at the door ft will take you tlement thereof. tiro or three seconds to determine Dated this April 7th, L921. whether you are in your own study H. T. BOTTS or on "the plains of Lombardy looking Administrator of the Estate •>f at Hannibal s weather-beaten face— Maud Botts, Deceased. * that ie the only kind of study that Is not tiresome, almost the only kind that te not useless. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, that undersigned has been appointed administrator of the Estate of Cy- pear and answer the complaint filed entitled rus W. Mcllvaine. deceased, by the against you In the above ourt and cause on or before six weak] County Court of Tillamook County, from the date of the first publ'cation Oregon, and has qualified as such. of this summons, which is the 7th All persons having claims again-: day of April, 1921, and if you fail to said estate are required to present so appear and answer, for want the same to the undersigned for al­ thereof, plaintiff will apply to tho lowance. at the office of Botts ▲ above named court for the relief prayed for in the compaint, which is Winslow, attorneys-at-law, Tilla­ that plaintiff be decreed to be the mook City, Oregon, within six owner in fee simple of the following months from the date of this notice. described real property, situated in Dated this April 28th. 1921. .Tillamook County, Oregon, to wit: H. T. BOTTS I The East half of the Southeast Administrator of the Estate of quarter of section 21, township 2 Cyrus W. Mcllvaine, Deceased South of Range 9 West of W.Mw con tainlng 80 acres , more or less. I And that each of the above named NOTICE TO CREDITORS | efendants be forever barred and en _ Notice is hereby given that the ' oined from claimin’ any right, title undersigned has been duly and reg- or interest In and to said property, or ularly appointed administrator ■ f any part thereof, adverse to plaintiff, the estate of Augustine Wells, de ■ end for such other and further relief ceased, by the County Court of the es to the court may seem equitable. State of Oregon for the County ofj I This summons is served upon you | y publication by virtue of an order Tillamook. All persons having ’ trade and entered by the Honorable claims against said estate are here- c”o?ge‘ R Bagley, 'circuit'judge'of by notified to present the same as ■ Riamook County, Oregon, dated the required by law to the undersigned, I th day of April, 1921, directing ser._ Everett Wells of Tillamook, Oregon. Vice of summons to be made upon within six months from the dare of b>’ Publication in the Tillamook ... .. . J . 'deadlight, and by which order you this notice, or to the undersign'd; a“e required , ’? , tq appear „„a and ansacr Attorneys representing said admin- l,ud conipIaint on or before six weeks istrator. " ........... Ifrom the date of the first publication Dated this 21st day of April A.D. !ot this summons, and. said order fur tier providing that this summons be 1921. EVERETT WELLS. >ubll»bed 'and the date of the first publication Barrick & Hall, attorneys for ad- fa the 7th day of April, 1921. minlstrator. National Building. BOTTS & WINSLOW, Attorneys Tillamook, Oregon. 4-21t5 far Plaintiff. Postoffice addre»?, fl'illamook, Oregon. < IVI NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE L. Saldern, Plaintiff, vs. C. E. Field and Alice C, Field, Defend- ants. By virtue of an attachment ixo- cution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County, upon a judge­ ment for the sum of >1,009 an! in­ terest on said sum at the rate of eight per cent per annum since the 17th day of March, 1915, the fur- ther sum of $100 attorney’s lea and $23.00 costs and disbursement.' which judgment is in favor of the plaintiff L. Saldern, and against the defendants C. E. Field and Alic« C. Field, I will on Saturday the 14th day of May, 1921, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the fiont door of the Court House in the City ot Tillamook, Oregon, sell at public aution to the highest bidder ft.’ cash in hand, for the purpose or satisfying said judgment, the fri- lowing dessrib :d attached real er- tate, situated in Tillamook County, Oregon: Lots 31 and 32, Block 22 Tillar.’Ook Beach. Dated this 14th day of Apr!!. 1921. JOHN ASCH IM Sheriff of Tillamook CotHtf Oregon 414t5 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by the ! Conn- ty Court of Tillamook Cour, ty, State of Oregon, duly appointed ad­ ministrator of the Estate . f Charles E. Atherton, deceas d. All persons having claims aga<»s said Estate ure hereby notified to present the same, duly verified ana with the proper vouchers, to the undereingned, at the Tillamook County Bank, in the City of Tilla­ mook, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publica­ tion of this notice. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Dated and first published April I In the County Court of the S:ate 14th, 1921. Land of the Inoaa E. B. MCNAUGHTON. The Peruvian Ontral railroad Is of Oregon for Tillamook County, In a wonderful monument to the science the matter of the Estate of J. D. 4-14t5 Administrator of railroad engineering, the climb be­ Jones, deceased. ing made througli a system of “switch- Notice is hereby given that the A Farmer Cured of Rheumatism backs” and having 54 tunnels In Its undersigned, executrix of th a estate “A man living on a farm near here traject. At one ipolnt, Tickllo pasR, It rise« to an Slttfllde of nearly 19.000 of J. D. Jones,(deceased, has filed her came in a short time ago completely I feet. The mines are rich In historical i Final Account in the County Court doubled up with rheumatism. lore, having been operated In a primi­ of the State of Oregon for Til’amook handed him a bottle of Chamberlains tive way Vy the Jnsn Indians a long County in said cause and that the Liniment and told him to use freely time before -the advent of Plzzaro, the Court has fixed Saturday, May 21, says C. P. Rayder, Patten Mills, N. famous «wxrnlstndor of Peru 1921, at the hour of 10 o’clock A.M. Y. " A few days later he walked in­ In the near vicinity of the mines sre at the County Court Room in the to the store as straight as a string many mlns of old Jnca temples and other evidences of a remote but well- —" Courthouse at Tillamook, Oreg>n, :t and handed me a dollar, saying give developed foren of civilization that the time and place for hearing and me another bottle of Chamberlain’s dates back to eg“«’ that »s ypt have settling the said final Account. Liniment; I want It In the house all not been definitely established. Now, therefore, *11 persons Jn ter- the time for it cured me.” ested are hereby notified to appear I at said time and place and Pointer» for Aviator». make i SUMMONS I Prehistoric bird» reeembled the known thetr objections, if any they In the Circuit Oourt of the 8’a’e early airplanes in ttelr »mall wing ex- 1 have, to the allowance of the I said f Oregon, for Tillamook County. pen re and large tails, according to a Peter Norburg. Plaintiff, vs ▲man- British engineer, fndlcattog that man'» Final Account. da Haskins, Lillie Carlson. SR nth Given under my hand thi'. ■nd nature's development work have Farnes, Addie Bogle, Lucy Benson been parallel. Flying fieh are mar- day of April, 1921. Turner and Oxro Haskins, Defendants MART P. J®NES likely than bird» to yield tnformattaa | To Amanda Haakins, Lillie Carlson, about soaring flight, the opinion of Executrix of the estate r f J. D. Addie Bogle, Lucy Benson Turne.- another observer.—Populac Jtocbaolc» Jones, deceased. 4 -2S». 1 nd Ozro Haskins, the above named M« MICKIE, PAGE Defendants: NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the county court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, his Final At­ count ns administrator of the tu­ tate of Alfred Marolf, deceased, anti that said Court has appointed Sat' urday, the 14th day of May. 1921, at 10 o’clock A. M. at the C’urt room of said court in Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time and pfuce for the hearing of said account and the closing of said estate, and any and all persons having objection« to the said aocount are required to be present at said time and place and make such objections, if any they have. Dated April 14, 19 12. ALBERT MAROLF. Administrator of the estate of Alfred Marolf, Deceased. 4-1796 USE GOOD | TALCUM on your child’s delicate, sensi­ tive skin. Our talcum powder meets this special need. It con­ tains just the right ingredients in the proper proportions to beniflt the youthful epidermis Try a can to-day. E. E. KOCH, Druggist AÜB3BæUeLj^^ • Prices On Lumber Are Down Why not let me show you plans and give von es­ timates on the New Home which you expect to build this year. Why wait any longer. My prices are right and satisfaction guaranteed. FRANK H. MATTHEWS Contractor and Builder Shop iti rear of 109 Second St. Mutual phone. CITY TRANSFER Service to All Experienced Furniture and Piano Movers STORAGE A. F. WALLACE, I. 0. 0. F. BUILDING Office plione 65-J and Mutual Residence 78-R H25eSî!52SHSa5aS25BSBSe5a5B525B5aSH5H5a5ESB5Z5H5HSîSH52SaS2525î5e5BSH5H5 CLAUDE I. MYERS, PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. 1102 E 2nd St. TILLAMOOK - - OREGON MUTUAL PHONE lSH525H5aSZ52SîSZS2SF52S Lodge Directory Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 0. E. S. Stated communications first and third Thursdays of each month in Masonic Hall. Visito, s welcome. LEIJA D. DOTY, Sec. x a HK h L Marathon Lodge No. 93, Knights of Fythlaa Regular meeting Mai- day sharp. By order the Chancellor Coci- mander. John C. Car roll, C. C. LAMB-SCHRADER CO W R C Transfer Corlnith Relief Corps, No. 54 Dopt of Oregon, meets oo first and third Friday evenings of each month, at 8 p. m.. in the W. O. W. hall. Visitor» welcome . Minnie Johnson. President Elizabeth Conovor, 8acy Corinth Post, No. 35. Dept of Oregon Meets on second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 1:30 p. m. in W. O. W. hall. Visitors welcome. TRANSF I Wood Phone 37W Tillamook Transfer Co. Liberty Temple. H. W. Spear, Com'dr. Samuel Down», Adjt. Johnson Chanter No. 24 R. A M. YOU’D BE SURPRISED Stated ronvo-ntinnR every first and third Fridays. Visitors welcome. I. E. Keldson, Sec. Tillamook Lodge No. 57, A F. A A.K. Stated Communication see ond Wednesday in cad month.' Visiting Bret hern weoome. Harvey at the difference a good range make« in your houae work. Let us show you The Gieat Majestic Range Sev’j Tuesday eve, 7:39 p. ai. Rebckak, Wednesday evanlr-g Camp 2-4, Thursday “The Range With a Reputation ALEX McNAIR & COMPANY LjZ5252S25?!R5?5B525Z5?„ZE?.'7jr5?T?r’r; ?525252Ki >¿S¿S Our Reporter Has Been Told This, Too TIER’S DEVIL DOMY nom rgpSDAT, MAT 11 IOTI XDHXVÔ YVV use OP PUIMYlxlGr I ? ■YVAÄT? kuovj S eXCJ&PT THKV Ç0MC&CW «Û6YE.0 »TTO JOWM G l DGÔ4»' mouse ▲MO SYOVÊ <*’. j XU' UÇ \ fcOMV \ ¥.UO\W XUf '