Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 12, 1921, Image 1

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The federal water-power a«t u sfr
from perfect, but it is at leait a be
ginning toward an end which must
count largein the ecanomic life of
*0 improvement Is noted in the the nation during suceeding centur­
Green Stockings, the English play
rteese market this wek. a^bnF ies. Statesmanship, both political I ' put on by the senior class of Tilla­
to report from the office of C.ul and utilitarian, looks beyond the bor mook High School April 29, was de­
Haberlach. Wisconsin prices, as izon of the present to the exigencies clared a great success by all who
fixed by the Plymoth market, are 13 of a distant future. The act is at saw it. The play showed the trials
-ntsfor twins. 12% for daisies and least a warning to invisible mercen­ of an unmarried daughter **Uo tn
vented a lover and could net
1234 tor longhorns. These figures
aries that the sum of publicity
is away with him when she sq dashed.
vary cnly slightly from the pi ices
hereafter to shine upon their opera­
Every person who witnesse I this
established the previous week. T ll-
voiced the opinion that each
aniook prices are being held at 19
player starred in his own part. Glen
cents for triplets and 20 C3iits tor
Anderson, as the light headed young
Young Americas and Langhorns. It ple something of their remaining
swell, Robert Tarver, kept the h-ut'c
is said that cheese from oilier sec­ heritage therein.
roaring from the first curtain to the
tions of the Coast is selling at sever­
Fundamentally the congressional last, Emma Groat as Aunt Ida,
al cents below these prices. For the
purpose appears to have been to per­ made a wonderful old lady. Leland
most part, buyers are taking on cnlv
mit private capital to develop power Bester as Wm. Faraday repiesented
such stocks as they requl.u frr.m
upon government lands, reservations the true English fother. Elda Archi
week to week so as not to be caugb
and navigible rivers, but at the same bald as Phyllis Faraday, ths sweet­
by possible further declines. This time to insure federal control of all heart of Tarver was a charnier.ilsn-
is the natural result of the recent ra operations through a system of li­ Bochsler as Admiral Grice, eup.ured
pid declines and may be expr.ct-jd tc censes and permits. The rules and the house with his roaring command.
The Seniors epress their appre­
continue until Wisconsin marke
regulations of the conduct of the
show more strength, In view of the plants as well as of their p-eliml- ciation of the public for their sup­
losses they have sustained thia nary survey and inspection, are not port, and to Mrs. Heyd, who devoted
spring, buyers want to feel ötne declared by the statute, but are to so much time and patience toward
that the lowest levels have been be formulated and adopted by ‘he making the play a success.
reached before they place cheese >u- federal power commission, which
consists of the secretaries of war, in­
to storage.
Tillamook Dairy Cow Records
At this time all Tlllaook chce«e terior and agriculture. These rules
Standing in three adjoining stalls
being ade is being shipped winn are now in process of systenuitiza- at my Highland Grove Fann barn
available and none has been placed tjon, and the representatives -if the are three beautiful show cows, one
leading power companies have le-
in storage by the Association
a grand champion cow. The records
met in Washington to paiti-
Carl Haberlach left Tillamook for
of these cows are as follows:
ban Francisco and Los Angeles where cipate in the discussion of the frame­
No. 1—Lady Aggie Ormsby of
When the
he is making a personal inv sttga work of these rule.-.
Rock: Butter i oe week, sixty days
tion of conditions and prospects. Ho scheme of operation has been fully after freshening, 27 lbs. Fat in ’.0
worked, out the public can judge
is expected to return on Monday.
more clearly as to the probable va­ months, between 700 and SOO lbs.
The following message wus rec lv
lue of the statute to the people as Best day’s milk. 107.5 lbs. Sinil of­
ed front him todayf
a whole. Its administration cannot ficial yearly test will be complete in
‘‘Los Angeles, May 12, 1921.
be safely allowed to drjft to the fold July.
No. 2—Chimicum Wayne Monarch
“Working trade here three days. of special interests.
It pos-eses
Order three cars for next week alto teeth, if they be not drawn. There Cornucopia: Butter for one week.
one for San Francisco. Unless WIs are, however, some very capable leg­ 28.6 lbs., Best day’s milk 107.7 lbs.
cousin declines, believe can held our islative and legal dentists in our in­ Butter for 10 months, approximately
800 lbs. Simi-offlcial test not yet
price. Necessary store toms lit it
dustrial life.
and July, possibly May. Home Mon
The law fortunately, is compre­
No. 3—Tillamook Lola May De
day. Glad came down, several matter, hensive enough to permit develope-
Butter for one week, 28.6S lbs
straightened out.’’ — Carl Haberlacn ment of any project by the ccntial
government 'itself, whenever in the Best day’s milk, on strictly official
judgment of the commission public test, 110.1. Now on semi official
John Strand drove to Tillamook interest demands. In express lan­ yearly test.
Cows No. 1 and 2 are the dams of
guage the act prohibits the approval
Sunday from Brighton.
of an application presented by any two young bulls, one ready for heavy
Brighton 4 L gave a r >cial
corporation , service and one for light service,
dance Saturday night to raise money citizen, association,
the Unit­ both by proven sires, one by Judge
for it’s ball team.
the com­ Segis; these bulls are very lypy and
Eugene Wilder left Brlgh.on Mon­
work, beautifully marked, more white than
day to go to Camp 4 at Mohler
the black. Their dams as Indicated
where he is to work In the future.
­ above have made and are making
M. D. Ackley says business is fine
mental functions are involved.
In fine records.
In this part of the county. Hi has
such cases it is made the duty of the
If yuu am interested in a herl she
sold two Buicks in as many weeks,
commission to cause to be made pur­ you are invited to come and visit us;
■ci j.iqjo aqy pus -i»)soj ’fl'M °l auo veys, examinations, reports
anJ stay for a day or two. You will be
John Strand.
plans, to itself make formal findings welcome. See the dams of these
Walter Metzler, who underwent and to submit all thereof to congress
young bulls miked, weigh the m’lk
an operation for appendicitis at with proper recomendations.
and take samples and have them
Boal's hospital is home again.
It is by virtue of this mandate tested. Study the herd sires and
Tillamook to spend a few days with that navigation canalization of riv
our pedigrees. You are entitled to
her daughter Mrs. Leslie Harrison.
vers at points where hydraulic tn- know the facts and we invite ihe
Brighton Mills Is no a hundred pe
electric fullest investigation. Chas. Kuntz,
ergy exists, generation of
cent plant and is averaging about power for pumping water upon ir­
of Nehglem, the veteran Hois’eln
1500 feet per man employed
per rigable lands and the utilazatjon of
breder, after making a canva« of th-
hydro-clectric sources for railroid state, selected his sire from • ur
Brighton 4 L Baseball team de­ electrification and other purposes in
feated Wheeler Sunday. Much heavy which the nation may have a direct
t hitting was done by Brlght-ju and dr indirect Interest, are all madepou-
the result was 18 to 9.
sible. For instance, the whole pop­
While towing a car from Wliecler ulation is vitally interested in cheap
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Clcugh
«0 Brighton, Ed Salvtne ral the and rapid transportation. The dis­ left Monday for a few days buMn*l
misfortune of wrecking his cat on tribution problem has become both trip to Seattle.
one of the steep hills. The tow rope vexatious and menacing. If the en­
broke and caused his car to lurch gineers in any priliminary rorvey lo­
Burr Beats Sr. left Monday for Brr
over an embankment
cate a power site anywhere on navi­
M. D. Ackley of Tillamook deliver gable waters, public lands or govern­ iston after a short vielt at hls duugh-
ed a Buick six to W. B. Fester <f ment reservations, through which ter’s home. Mrs. Harvey Ebfnger.
Brighton Sunday.
neighboring rail lines may be eiec-
trifled at moderate cost, it thereby
becomes the manifest duty of the
Jack Atwood and family have commission to decline any private
moved to camp 4, where he will act application for license, to make lie
brakeman on the log trai.i
own survey and investigation and
The committee for the K. P. 4th to submit its findings and rec rm-
®f July celebration have been named mend at ions to congress. So alr 3 ar
and are beginning their duttc*.
relates to Improveme,.* of naviga­
Frank Thompson, who is attending tion and to the reclamation ci any
’he Oregon Law School In Portland considerable body of arid lands.
Is home for a few days.
Bessie Knight is working In the
Post Office at Nehalem
On Tuesday night the Odd Fellow«»
The Mohler postoffice is lo-.ati'il in and Rsbeckahs gave &n entertain­
Sam Tomlinson's house and Mr«. Me
ment and banquet at the I. O. O. F.
Leod is acting postmistress.
hall. The committee in charge waa:
Mr. ¿nd Mra. Wilter J. Mead? ire A. R. Drake, Emil Wool^*stij’ Ottie
’he proud parents of a ten pound b »y
horn May «th.
cheese factory at Be
Walter Meade and Leonar1 Caln friends at Yamhill Or
returned last week from a short
Dr. and Mrs. W. W.
*lay at Boardman Oregon,
land visited with Mrs. Ira Green a
taken ill from ptomaine po
few days last week.
Saturday evening and suffer ci
A. R P »’-•> met with a pa-aful
tense pain for a few hours but e'/>u accident . -1
-aken to
sp-’nt se 'c; al da/a la
'■ *ok last
oe*n.‘,lr«r bos >e€a quite
Remember to save Saturday after-
laat f-
■con. May 21st, for the County track
Mrs. Goldswoit.< I ed friends
The children of the grad*» ar« at Hebo Wednesday e. last week
F. 3. Welsh our local postmaster
^ard at work practicing fo. th<lr
Bunday of last week ia 1111-
•neiwtta. which will be given th«
jb»t of thia month.
The Wheeler High Schoo’
*»ll team win eroaa bats with the lo-
«•I High School boys Saturday. May
’«th. at 1:M P. W. at
Bunday was Mother's Day aad a
special prograas waa give* ia <b«er-
vaaee of that day. Mrs. Galdswjr
thy had charge ot the staging which
Mohler, May 11.— (Special)—Ray
Thompson, who has been employed
as a boom man at Camp 4 by the
Brighton Mills company, was drown­
ed in the Nehalem river Iasi Friday
afternoon. When he did not return
homein the evening his wife became
worried and a serch was staited.
His coat was found in a ro-.v boat
and hls pikepole was discovered floa J
ing in the river. After about two
hours spent in dragging the river,
the body was recovered.
The deceased is survived by h‘s
widow, and 6 year old daughter Ada
May, also three brothers, Janes, Her
bert and Sam, all of Nehalem, and
four sisters, Mrs. W. Norris
Mrs. H. Larson, both of Nehalem,
and Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Alvin, of
Spokane and Seattle respectively.
The funeral services were neld at
the burial at the K. P. cemeto-y nt
2 o'clock Tuesday afternnon with
Rudolph Zweifel made a business
trip to Tillamook Saturday.
The Mohler Postoffice has been lo­
cated in the Sam Tomlinson house
since the fire.
Miss Bessie Knight, former pcet-
miB8tress here, has returned to her
home at Nehalem.
Mr. and Mrs. August Grab motor­
ed to Tillamook last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Travis were Tilla­
mook business visitors Tuesday.
On account of illness of Rev. Lcin-
kaeniper there were no services held
at the Mohler church last Sunday.
High School Picnic
The annual high school picnic was
held at the North Fork of Wilson
River, last Saturday, About 50 stu­
dents attended and all reported a
good’ time with plenty to eat, 1 he
truck chartered from the City Trans
fer, left the High School building at
8 o’clock with a load of abcur 30
boisterous students. The rest f-.d
lowed in their own cars. On the ar­
rival the camp ground was c'tared,
so all would be ready for the big
feed, which was held at noon,.
During the morning, visits were
made to an old mine, also several
deserted cabins in the vicinity,
Others were climbing the mountains
while those disciples of Izaak Wal-
ton. w’ho accompany every party.
spent their day along the bankr of
• he river. Among this latter elan
w*u our smiling Prof. Bennett, who
landed an eighteen Inch trout. The
crowd returned about 4:30 and all
reported a good time.
Washington, May 3.—There will
be tremendous demand tor the tree
fiults of Oregon this year because of
tie crop failure !i> other parts <jf the
United States. Senator McNary today
confirmed reports that the crop« In
Oregon of apples pea-th««, pears tin J
rther tree fruits are heavily set and
*he yetld in the ¿r*at Rogue River,
Hood River and Willamette valleys
will be at or above normal.
In a few days the bureau of mar­
ket estimates of the agricultural de­
partment will issue a sttrvey of the
tree fruit crop of the country 'and
will report that generally *»ct half a
crop may be expectel it * !t! shiw
that in Che plains states as tiT west
¡>b the Rocky mountains there has
been great damage to tree crops and
that in the states of N*w England,
Atlantic coast and Great Lakes the
crop has been badly injured.
The total appratul of «he eouniry
oy the bureau cf markets will be
half a crop for the fiu’ts which Ore-
gon will produce to bountifully.
Several hundred patrons visit sd the
May Day excercises and the annual
exhibit of the local schools last week
and were unanimous in pronouncing
the affair a success. The excerctsîs
in the gymnasium were under the
direction of Miss Eve Beekman, and
everything went off smoothly from
the entrance of the May Qu*en. Ne-
dra Smith, with her diminutive
pages, to the winding of the may
pole by the high school girls. Bryan
Morgan, as Jester, and Katherine
Lamb and Bonnie Harris, as Milk
weed seeds, captivated the audience.
Minuet, blacksmith chorus, Spanish
Folk Dance, etc., were well received.
The large crowd was especially in­
terested in the gymnasium drills giv­
en by the high school students.
The exhibits in the school build­
ings seemed exceptionally well bal­
The food exhibit looked es­
pecially tempting, and every thing
was sold a short time after the open­
ing. Many expressions of praise were
called forth by the excellent work
shown in the sewing department.
Si .ne of the manual training work
rivaled in appearance the best com­
mercial out put. Altho the work in
the above departments lends itself
more readily to exhibition purposes
than others, unusually good exhi­
bits of the regular high school nnd
grade work earned much favorable
comment from the visitors.
Chas, Kuntz, the pioneer Holctein
breeder of Tillamook County and a
man who has done more to promote
the breed than any other r an in
Tillamook County, paid a visit to
F. R. Beal’s Highland Grove Funn
last wekk for the purpose of inspect­
ing the young Holstein bulls that
are being offered for sale by Mr.
Beals. Mr. Kuntz was highly pleas­
ed with the youngsters and purchas­
ed a yearling bull for >500.00, sired
by Mr. Beals’ herd sire, Mapelcrest
De Koi Beauty, a proven sire and a
sire that from a standpoint of ances­
tral production, has few equals He
is a brother of four cows that avera-
ged close to 1200 lbs. of butter and
six better than 30 lb. cows.
grandsire is the sire of six better
than 1200 lb. daughters and nie bet­
ter than 30 lb. daughters. In these
groups are several cows that have
the distinction of having made
world records. The dam. and A. R.
O. cow, is of excellent conformation
and has made a creditable 305 day
record and is again on semi-official
test. The
Grove Beauty Von Holingen No.
323065.purchased by Mr. Kuntz, 1«
a beutiful show animal, having been
awarded first prize in the Tillnm<x>k
County show ring by Prof. Brandt,
of O. A. C. second at the State Fair
by John L. Smith, and second at he
Pacific International by Moscript.
This young bull possesses in a pro­
nounced way the qualities that are
most to be desired in a dairy anima)
namely, type and production.
(By Elizabeth Burr)
The State Club Leader, Mr. H, C.
Seymour, paid the county a brief vis­
it this week, coming in on Monday
evening and leaving Wednesday
morning. Such a short visit made
it possible for him to reach only a
small number of club people. On
Tuesday afternoon. May 10th. he
met with the Holstein-Frleslini Calf
Club at the home of Mr. John SchiiJ.
In addition to Mr. Seymour’s address
Lily Schild read an excellent paper
on the History of My Calf. Mr. Filks
and Mr. Schild had charge of live­
stock judging work. Following the
program, refreshments were served
by Flora, Lily and Rosa Schild.
Miss Helen Cowgill, assljtan*.
state Club Leader, will arrive ia 1 111
amook next Sunday for a week’s vis­
it to the Home Economics Clubs of
the county.
Several of the clubs
that started the work last fail arc
finishing the courses and will have
Achievement Day excercises with ex­
hibits and demonstrations next week.
The following schedule has ben at-
ranged: Monday, May 16, visit two
sewing clubs at Wheeler; 3 P. M.
visit clubB at Pine Grove. District
No. 5; 7:30 P. M. Achievement P”O-
gram at Nehalem by sewing and
Home-making Clubs, Miss Parr nnd
Blanchard it charge; Tuesday, May
17, joint Achievement Day program
at Mohler by Barnesdale Cookery
and Mohler Cookery and Sewing
clubs, Mrs. Sperry, Mrs. Pollock and
Miss Tilden in charge; Wednesday
conference; Thursday morning. May
19. Achievement day program at He-
^o by Sewing Club, Miao Burchard In
charge; 2 P. M. program at Beaver,
by Cookery and Sewing clubs, Mrs.
Barnes and Miss Miller ih charge;
evening at Cloverdale, Achievement
program by sewing club. Miss Kolda
in charge; Friday morning. May 29,
at Wlson River, District No. 10, M1M
iluude Miller In charge of cookcry
and sew'lng club program; afternoon
at South Prairie, District No. 2, Sew­
ing Achievement program in charge
of Mrs. Phillips; Saturday 9 A. M.
at Riverdale, Miss Ozeila Hart
charge of Sewing program. After-
i oon at Academy program by Home
making sewing and cookery duba,
Sister Veronica in charge; Munday
program at Garibaldt by sewing and
Cookery clubs, Mrs, Sevaranca and
‘.liss Hobbs in charge; 4 P. M. Till­
amook Cookery and Sewing clubs
have program, Misses Heffley, La
Bare and Swallow local leader«. The
public is Invited to attend th* e <-x-
Ed Johnson an employee Aboard
the government dredge now work-
ing on the Bay Ocean road juat be-
low the shipyard, while ashore Tuer­
day ei ening about 7 o'clock, was
attacked by a large brown bear. 8.
C. Chnce, the cook, and Fred Biggs,
fireman aboard the dredge, hearing
Johnson's cry for help armed thoni-
selves with 30-30’s, went to hls res­
cue and soon killed the bear, n^uca
to Johnson’s relief, as he was in very
close quarters.
He is now carrying a couple scars
as evidence of the struggle.
Bruin stood three feet High and
measured 6 feet 6 inches from tip lo
tip weighing approximately 400 lbs.
John Carroll and a party of ccunty
officials who were out Wednesday
looking over the work, stated it was
one of the largest of this specie they
had seen in Borne time.
Notice is hereby given that th«
undersigned, Sherriff of Tlllnnmok
County, Oregon, in purSITanc.) of the
judgment and decree of foreclosure
rendered by the circuit court of the
State of Oregon, for Tillamook
County, In the case wherein First
Bank of Bay City was plaintiff, and
Henry Butler, Hubert O Butler, J.
W. Butler and Wassell-Butlci Pack­
ing Company, and R. F. Wassell
were defendants, which decrcu was
rendered In Baid court on the 2tul
day of May, 1921, will, In purmrne«
of the order contained in said dearer
and the execution issued therein by
the clerk of said court, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder fur
cash in hand, all of the following cj-
scribed property, situated in Tilla­
mook county Oregon to-wlt:
All of the South half of block 9
In First Water Front Addition to
Bay City, In Tillamook County, Ore­
gon, according to the recorded plat
thereof, with the appurteuiilicoa
thereof including machinery, equip­
ment and appurtenances within and
ubout, and upon said properry.
Said sale will be held on Saturday
the 11th day of June, 1921 at ths
Court House door in Tillamo.tk Cl’.y,
Tillamook County Oregon, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. for I he pur­
pose of satisfying the judgment ten­
dered in said cause in favor of plain­
tiff end against the defendants,
which Is for the sum of >2790.58,
with interest from May 2nd, 1921,
«nd costs and disbursements In fkVvr
of plaintiff, amount'ng to >21.40,
with like Interest, the further sum
of >350.00 a attorneys fees in tLo
cause, and the costs nnd exp- nses of
the sale.
Dated this May 12th, 1921
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore.
Last Saturday, May 7, the flilu
mook Jersey Calf Club met nt the
home of the president, Josepi Max­
well, and made some plans for a talk
on How I feed my Calf,
I h
writing essays on the subject "Why
The Jersey Cow is the Best Dairy
and Cheese Cow" are request'd to
have their 200 word esaays in Mr.
Lamb’s office by May 25. Mr. Al­
bert Krake and Mr. Joe Donaldson
have offered >25.00, 15.00 ar-’. 10.00
for the best essays and the b«*i es­
say will be read at the Jersey Jub let
program on Friday, June 3rd Ev?ry
H. F. Ellison, one of Tillamook'«
Jersey Calf Club member should >ub pioneers has been ill with th« gr.'ppe
nilt an essay on the subject to Ccun the past week.
ty Supt. Lamb.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E Koch nnd Ben
I E. Keldson, cashier at the First
Plank* r motored to Portland t' I a
National Dank, left Sunday for a few
The Busy B e Cookery Club re­ few days business trip.
1 weeks visit at his parents home, cently organized at Yellow Fir un­
The latest drop in ice dream prices
, San Di* go, California.
der the leadership of Mrs. R. J. Watt was quoted at the di.'fverent ccnfec-
will hold a box social on Saturday tionerles of the city last w«ek.
evening, May 14, at the schoclhoue'.
Don’t Mina "Below the Surface"
The funds raised will be used to pur­ next week.—Adv.
chase cooking materials and to ie id
Mrs D. A. Covel left Monday tir
a del-gate to the O. A. C. Bummer a short visit at her daughters bom*
School. A special meeting of th* in Bay City.
club was held on Monday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Bak«r left
May (th.
the first part of the week for Eue»n«
owing to the serious illness oi rhelr
The Neatucca Jersey and th- fl«*» son-in-law, Attorney Lee M. navis.
tucea Valley Guernsey Calf Club* Mr. Baker does not know how long
will hold a joint meting next Satur­ he will be away from the city.
day, May 14th. The meeting Is coll
Mrs. Louis Ludtke and eon Ira, of
ed for one o’clock at the Clrvi-rlale Nehalem were business vlslwrs Sat­
Grange Hall and after a business pro urday.
gram the young p ople will vL't i
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Saund rs ref
farm for live stock judging *>ork Portland arrived Monday t> 1 s*k
A teachers’ meeting will i»e h»l1 »• over the city and vicinity .
the Cloverdale aehool on the earn»
F. 0. Minor, editor of the Wh« ler
Repot ter, was in town on business
Monday ,
In these days of lavishly <
— Dr. Smith reports the bir h of a
-tion pictures, the society il ove’s son to Mr. and Mra Leo banders.
<-.. tubers make exeel- May 6.
itcriul. ’’Th«' Dan-
Archdeacon Chambers Jeft Mon­
transferred to the day for Hillsboro where he conduct­
r ago. " Ths Flung ed the fuueral »e^flbe of a loan
f Irene Cgatlc’* 1 * who had died from wound* r <cived
Now comes " I h* In the late war.
Mr. Gllb«rtson, the chiropodist at
Fighting va
«,’’ which fe probab
ly Mr. Chambers most e<leb u<J n Hal torn‘a, representing that fl »>.
left on a bueineea trip to Porll nl
♦el. New York’s smart sei f*gur<
as the principal» In this story al-r Sunday.
J. S. Goldeworthy, ot Ple«w-at Vei
and, against thia society bacagroi/ti'
was a Tillamook visitor Ti *«-
the author advances some entertain
ing questions about th« pom-r »1 «•r.
Dr. Iloy report» the birth
lor« to overcome herelditarj- M* I
I daughter 1« Mr. and Mrs Hm«- *
s. Th« plctur« watch io o mt - I
iMleaby. >«'• *•!/
hi Artcraft, will b« sa<>*6 «’ | Mm ■- »
retu<B?1 «•
th« Gem tbe«tr« Bunday aad Mmdi-
May l>tb aad Mtb.
h«r ioew atSuxl««. MoaS*.»