RESULTS OF APRIL COW TEST A BANK ACCOUNT S A LWAYS IN Ths official cow test for April has been completed and the report folio**- Secretary. Paul Fitzpatrick; Tester Peters & Hail. Average pounds of milk per cow, 1093, Average pound# of butterfat per cow, 44,7— - uuo ‘ cows tested during month. 926. Number of cows producing over 40 pounds of fat. 573. Three high pure bred herds are: Owner. John 3chtld, 1 < cows. 1565 av pounds of milk each. 49.20. av. pounds of fat each; Homer Mason owner, 12 cows, lOOOlbs. av milk per cow, 47.00 av.pounds of Lt earn. Three high grade herds are: Paul Fitzpatrick, owner, 12 cow», 1314 ba. of milk each, 64.57 lbs. of fat each; Vurrer Bros., owner 23 cows, 14til lbs. of milk each, 64.29 lbs. of fat each; Clyde Kinnaman. owner.12 cows. 13-4 lbs.*of milk each, 58.27 lbs. of fat each. High Pure bred cow, Jollie. Owner, Neilson Bros. Tillamook, Breed Hol­ stein, age 7, 3 months since fresh, Months milk record, 2760 lbs., fat 10“-“ lbs. High grade cow. Mollie. Louis Weber, Tillamook, owner, Bleed e. Jersey, Age 8, 1 month since fresh, months milk record 2109 lbs., fat 11C.G0 lbs. What improvement in way of weeding out unprofitable cows, increas­ ing production, buying of pure bred bulls, better feeding, cooperative > ty­ ing of feeds, checking oa. poor separators, etc. have been accomplish’J. Three unprofitable cows have been disposeo of. Several bulls and a num­ ber of cows and heifers were purchased at a sale of outside Jerseys. Tiro? milking machines installed, one discarded. ORDER It Is never either too early o r too late to open a bank ac­ count. But, like the ea> ly bir d, the early saver gets the blg- eest bank balance. We've lots of room at the to p of the depositor list here the First National Bank for ev en the biggest kind of "nation­ alized account. Why not get y our name there? DIRECTORS John Morgan A. W. Bunn Henry Roger* W J. Riechers. B. C. Lamb. C. J. Edwards. .McGhee S?5H52S25asaî ■ Quality Dairy Products Milk, Cream, Cottage Cheese Erwin Harrison Mutual Both Phones FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS, P 11NTS and WALL PAPER. BEDS and BEDDING STOVES and RANGES You Will Find My Prices LOWER and My Guarantee to You Is, “Your Mon­ ey's Worth or Your Money Back A G * t*-' nt DFlTUro 4/V* Class B Cows over 4 yrs. making 55 lbs. of B.F. Davo Fitzpatrick Rosebud G.J. 4 1182 7.0 John Naegel i No. 1 4 5.1 CkO. 1497 No. 41 John aegell G.G. 4 1302 4.6 John N iege» _ No. 17 4. T 4 G.G. 1242 John Naegel! No. 40 4. .5 G.J. 1260 4 Neilson Bros. Artis R.H. 3. 0 4 2487 T.B. Hyder Rogue R.H. 3. .7 4 2007 T.B. Hyder Short TJts N. 4 4. .8 1311 T.B. Hyder Joe G.H. 4 1761 3. 3 Paul Fitzpatrick Janice 4 5 2 R.G 1242 Dürrer Bros. Jemel G.J. 4 3. .9 1761 Dürrer Bros. 4 G.J. 1584 3. .8 Hase! 6. .4 Peter Norberg Gladys G.J. 4 1032 Sjuingor , <;.j. Ed. Stasek 4 1227 5. .1 4 Louis Web r 1 Kathletta No. i 3 R.J. 1293 4 .7 Louts Weber 1230 4. .5 4 Julia G.J. 1239 4.8 Fred Wheeler Speck G.H. 4 4.4 Fred Wheeler 4 1351 Pet G.G. Henry Gruber 1179 5.0 G.J. 4 Gypsy 4.1 Lew 4 1419 L.C. Daniels G.J. 5.6 1014 Roscoe Barker 4 Vera G.J. 4.9 4 1143 James Williams i Pink G.G. 5.0 Spot 4 1107 G.J. James Williams 4 1110 5.0 Ethel G.J. Vaughn & Darby 1281 4.3 4 1 James Williams Scrub G.J. $ MV ■! Place C Cows over 3 years making 50 lbs. of B. F 5.3 1227 G.J. 3 E. Staeck T ops y 4.9 1059 3 G.J. i E. Stasek Minnie 4.7 3 1320 G.G. Daisy | Dürrer Bros. 3 1185 5.2 G.J. Midget Dürrer Bros. 1257 4.6 3 G.J. May 1 Dürrer Bros. 4.7 3 1185 G.J. Jerne Dürrer Bros. 5.6 1 Paul Fitzpatrick 3 1080 Star GJ. 1326 3 4.5 No. 27 G.J. Jcfin Naegell Dorothy G.J. 3 936 6.1 | Louis Weber G.J. 3 Brownie 5.2 1050 . Louis Weber 3.3 G.J. 1431 Gem Louis Weber 1329 4.0 G.J. 3 Young Amy 1 Louis Weber GJ. 3 1167 4.3 Tiny I.oul» Weber 3 1584 3.6 G.H. Queente Clyde Kinnaman 3 1371 4.1 1 John Bern* Little Speckleface G.D. a SUPPLIES <- 60 pounds of butter fat Delivered Butterfat Produced lbs. of milk P. C. Retail Customer«. 116. OU 5.5 2109 73.01 5.2 1404 29,883 JANUARY 57,208 72.6C 4.4 1650 FEBRUARY 35,305 63,603 7 2.57 4.1 1770 71.36 3.8 MARCH 61,886 1878 87,221 67.12 4.7 1428 67.12 4.7 1428 Total Production 127,074 Total Retail Sales 208,032' b 2.2 5 5.0 1245 102.12 3.7 2760 91.14 showing that actual sale for the first three months of 1921 exceeded 4.1 2223 82.01 5.1 1608 production by 80,958 Ford cars and trucks! 76.50 5.0 1530 76.14 4.7 1620 74.05 4.4 1683 And requisitions already specify 107,719 additional cars and 72.90 5.0 1458 trucks and the estimated April output of the factory and assembly 72.47 4.4 1647 70. ¡1 plants combined calls for only 90,000! 4.7 1509 67 03 4.2 1596 68.06 3.8 1791 These facts clearly show that the demand for Ford" products o / .0 J 4.2 1596 66.15 5.0 1323 is growing much faster than manufacturing facilities to produce 86.50 7.8 1110 and were it not for the dealers’ limited stock, which are now being 68.26 4.8 1422 8 ô.6S rapidly depleted many more customers would have been com­ 7.8 1110 71.611 5.4 1326 pelled to wait for the cars, It will be only a matter of weeks, 68.38 4.4 1554 therefore, until a big surplus of orders will prevent anythin# like 68.02 5.2 1308 65.47 4.4 1488 prompt deliveries. 76.88 4.1 1875 4.30 5.8 1452 If you would be sure < of having your Z~__ . car or truck 70.38 ; Ford 5.1 1380 6 î . 6 £• 4.1 1650 when you want it, you should place your order now. Don’t delay. 76.04 4.6 1653 Phone us or drop us a card. 70.56 6.0 1176 70.36 5.2 1353 ' 69.42 5.2 1335 63.76 5.3 1203 61.89 4.9 1263 68.53 5.4 1269 6 7.26 7.0 960 66.91 5.4 1239 65.23 4.8 1359 G6.68 3.1 2151 G5.84 5.9 1116 61.32 4.2 1460 65.78 > 3.8 1731 62.16 4.0 1554 62.13 1593 3.9 61.38 John Berns 4.1 1497 Bally G.H. 1053 60.02 Homer Mason Gail of Sequoia R.G. I 164 4 1 1167 65.69 Dave Fitzpatrick 1173 5. 6 Jewel G.J. 1050 4. 4 60.59 Josi Bros. & Perron Cloner 1377 G.G. 1158 2 65.14 4. 1551 P.J. Sharp Penny G.J. 939 64.12 James Williams 1233 5.2 Gypsy G.G. 1293 64.91 fames Williams 3.6 1803 The home of good bread Sarah G.G. 1239 64.13 ■ Ed. Stasek 5.7 1125 Minnie G.J. 1059 and all kinds of fine pastry 62.24 T.B. Hyder 5.7 1092 Pidy G.J. 1308 60.45 1209 5. 0 61.10 i Class D Cows making 1134 5 3 of butter EverytbinggStrictiy 63.27 Paul 1710 3. 7 Fitzpatrick Princess G.J. 873 Sanitary 1425 4 3 61.28 Paul Fitzpatrick June G.J. 861 62.51 1 T.B. Hyder 1389 4. 5 Apple Blossom G.G. 1053 1317 4 6 60.58 ¡ T.B. Hyder Ringtail CHAS._VOGLER¿Prop. 1516 4.0 62.40 ' Neilson Bros. Liberty Bell 1506 61.75 Fred Wheeler 4 1 Clover 62.21 1 1152 5 4 1770 61.95 3 5 CJ 40 1137 5 4 60.89 1194 5 1 60.19 1254 4 8 1779 60.13 5.1 Ü 4. HUDSON TILLAMOOK GARAGE, - TILLAMOOK Tillamook 82.74 76 35 59.89 58.87 56.70 74.CT 74.26 62.93 58.11 64.58 56.14 56.14 «6.05 «2.60 60.77 55.35 59.47 55.04 58.95 58.18 57.18 56 O' 65 35 55.50 55.08 65.03 51.03 62.04 61.62 57.82- 55.70 60.48 59.67 bni. It æ rfSahÿhox* leave the estimate of th 1921 Buick entirely to you. Ride in it and you will appreciate its rugged power, improved com-' fortable seating arrangement, the accessibility of its mechanism, the beautiful body lines. And draw your own conclusions. Authorized Buick Service makes Buick travel doubly dependable « Since January J, regular equipment on all models includes Cord Tires 55.65 54.38 53.16 50.18 57.02 56 21 CADILLAC STAGE LINE RODS. SPOONS. SPINNERS. AUTOMATIC REELS. FLIES. SNELLS. FURNISHED LINES. SINKERS. Etc., Etc, You Wont Lose the Eig Ones When Using Our Tarkio It’s the Best. Afternoon Schedule goes into effect at once, and will remain aatne as advertised on cards until new cards come out. I n order to give you the service which we desire we need your entire support. LEAVES C. L CLOUGH, THE REXALL STORE, AMOOK — — OREGON, 1 - Here are authent^ogures from the Ford factory Detroit. They show you just frw manv Ford cars and trucks have been built each month h since January 1, 1921 and how many have been sold to retail customers, in the United States. HONOR ROLL — CLASS A Cows Five Years and over Making ' Name of owner Name of cow Breed Age 8 G. J. Molly ! Louis Weber 8 G. J. : Louis Weber Dolly Dimple 6 G.J. Judy 1 Louis Weber 6 G.J. Amy Louis Weber 5 G.J. Madge Louis Weber 6 R J. Sybil Louis Weber 6 G.J. Minnie Louis Weber 8 Golda G.J. Louis Weber 7 R.H. Jollie : Neilson Bros. 6 Jumbo G.H. j Dürrer Bros. 5 Pearl G.J Dürrer Bros. 8 G.J. Blacky Dürrer Bros. 8 G.J. Amy Dürrer Bros 6 G.J. Lady Dürrer Bros. 8 G.J. Brownie Dürrer Bros. 9 G.J. Bess Dürrer Bros. G.J. 10 Jersey Dürrer Bros. 7 G.J Nancy Dürrer Bros. • G.H. Dürrer Bros. Flora 7 G.J. Beauty Dürrer Bros. G.J. 11 Mabel Dürrer Bros. 6 G.J. Red Henry Gruber 7 Grace G.J. Henry Gruber 6 G.J. Brindle Paul Fitzpatrick 9 G.J. Goldie Paul Fitzpatrick 8 G.J. Wooly Paul Fitzpatrick 9 G.J. Sussie Paul Fitzpatrick 10 G.J. Midget Paul Fitzpatrick G.H. 5 Bell Clyde Kinnaman 7 G.J. Tagman Clyde Kinnaman 7 G.J. Lady Clyde Kinnaman G.H. 7 Bell Clyde Kinnaman 6 Daisy J & H E.M. Leonnig 9 N. Rose J.L. Jones & Son 7 G.J. Sal T.B. Hvder 5 G.J. No. 13 John Naegel I 5 G.J. John Naegaeli No. 25 8 G.J. No. 15 John Naegeli G.J. 5 Mrs. E. Benscheldt Pet 5 G.J. Nina Carl Posseti 7 G.J. Josie Arthur Tippen 7 G.J. Lola Arthur Tippen 7 R.H. No. 23 John Schild 7 Blossom G.D. P.J. Sharp 5 G.J. P.J. Sharp Brownie 6 Pearl James Williams G.J. 8 Joner G.G. lames Williams 6 Pansey G.J. James Williams Nancy 6 G.G. I James Williams 6 G.G. Briv I James Williams 5 G.J. , L.C. Daniels Poppy I L.C. Daniels 10 G.J. Lizzie G.H. 7 Holstein ; Johnson & Son N. 8 Roney i Johnson & Son I Ñ.G. Boquist * Pearl 6 G.H. G.J. 12 Pldie Vaughn A Dailly I Vaughn & Daily Mae 9 G.J. I Vaughn Ac Daily Poppy G.J. 5 8 Vaughn & Daily G.J. Peggy 6 Whitefoot G.J. O.K. Little G.J. Sucker 7 O.K. Little G.J. Rose 9 Peter Norberg Poter Norberg Julia 5 G.J. G.J. 8 Beauty John Benia Salem 6 John Beins GJ. Roscoe Barker 9 Floss G.J. Reddy G.J. A.W. Mills 7 W.B. Vaughn Erma G.H. 13 Joe Donaldson No. 33 G.J. 5 Josi Bros. & Perron Maxine G.J. 5 A.J. Rogers Daisy G.H. 17 GOLDEN ROD DAIRY Bell 6F13 Some FACTS About (MB) LEAVES THE SUNSET GARAGE Bakery