TAGS thumdat , Aran. 21 jw THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT = their future career*. Habits of in z BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ ACTIVITIES Pluvus got in his work again. dustry and thrift have been estab j7», John Jenck has about completed lished through learning to d > well Oregon club members havo been the clearing on the Sand Lake Road. some commonplace things. The This is Market road No. 3 and the given the opportunity to sell Near qualities of self-reliance, iaiative. I Relief Stamps. These sell at East clearing contract amounted to < ver peris'stency three cents each, . In this county resourcefulness and 115,000. have been developed and strength- at South Prairie, Nehalem, Work will start as soon as wea- clubs —.......... 4 ned . o money value, great as has Beaver and Hebo are selling mumps, a ’ rock ther permits on installing been the production of club mem Messrs. Spear, Diehl and Bales of the Used to be and mere. The picture ! crushing plant on Boulder Creek to I Nehalem having taken over 3300.00 bers, can be placed upon the ?io- O.A.R. formed a committee which i gave a vivid synopsis of the life of j worth. surface the Blaine road. paration for useful citizenship giv met with the local post of the Amer-' the boys in the A.E.F. front .he time 1 The concrete foundation for the en in industrial club activities in lean Legion last week. The civil they embarked at New York to the A letter has just been received machine shed at Cloverdale is in war veterans were particularly in time they boarded the steamer for Oregon. place and work will start at once <>n from the National Swine Magazin q? terested 'in the plans for Memorial the return trip to this country. the structure, the lumber being < n stating that they have rece'ved r Day. Heretofore the proper cele Scenes showing artillery of ill sizes, picture and story of one of the Pig *s the job. f bration of this day haB been largely 1 from the little 75s to the largest The weather man will have to ap Club members in Oregon and are Local News in the hands of the old soldiers. railroad mounts, In action, air err- prove the completion of the Daniel's anxious to have more good pictur»- Since the organization o^the Legion raids, doughboys going over the top and stori s. Each of the official Wersckhul cutoff, also. $100 invested in Hog Creek is worth $25,200.00 it has taken cognizance of the day and advancing under shell fl/o and The road men asks the publics' co publications for the different breed? $100 invested in Hoffman is worth $10,250.00 and throughout the country, the Le many similar incidents were dis operation in keeping the road ."free of swine adopted a special Pig Club Mrs. J. G. Turner Is visiting h r gion al res will participate in the pro played. It was not the warfare us $100 invested in Central is worth $21,000.00 from refuse and unsightly obstacles. section, ranging from two to as high sister in Portland this week grams that are being arranged. A ually depicted in "movie” films, but as eight pages, several mon'h.s ago $100 invested in Fulton is worth $ 3,000.00 Besides being unlawful to dump rub Emmett Bales and family return committee was appointed by the It showed the actual conditions a.» There have been a great mar.y ex- is a $100 invested in Coline is worth bish on a public highway there $50,628.00 ed Sunday from a week-end trip Post to act with the committees of they existed In the most realistic national movement under way to cellnt stories, both of individual in Union is worth $100 invested $160,000.00 to the Willamette valley. form. the G.A.R. and the Relief Corps keep our roads presentable to the members and of Clubs, printed, but $100 invested in Mid west Refining • • • • “Th ; Shepherd of the Hills" by to date only a few from this state. traveler. ” Harold Bell Wright — 10 1»ig reels I now worth .... $187,000.00 Tillamook Post ranks among the The State organization of the Wo This is one of the best ways to let at the GEM Tuesday April 26th men's Auxiliary to the Legion is to fifteen largest in the State. While othe r states know what Oregon is MANY ERRORS FOUND IN Dr. R. T. Boals made a Hying be temporarily formed at a meeting this is a good showing, the Post doing In Pig Club work. The ad NEW SESSION LAWS membership rolls show the Post tc to be held at Portland on Saturday, dresses for the stories to be sent to trip to Portland Sunday aftern >< n business, returning Monday April 30th. Thts caucus will ar be considerably smaller , in pail up are as follows: The Swine Wcild, on Continued from page 1) range for the first convention to be membership than it was a year ago. Des Moines, Iowa; The Chester night. * • proved by the superintendent of M. W. Harrison was a Tillamook held by the Auxiliary. The city of White Journal, Rochester, Ind.; Th The Legion quartet made a de banks as a reserve agent unless It Hampshire Advocate, Peoria, Iil. All business visitor last week. Eugene has invited the Auxiliary to Offers you the same conservative investment hold its first convention in that city elded hit at the showing of the war shall have an unimpaired, paid up stories should be marked, Pig Club A. M. Hare was a Portland visi that which they seek,— valuable assets, real Pro- The number capitol and surplus of not less than Department. tile week registered at on the days when the State conven- pictures last week. tor this duction, large daily earnings---and offers the Portland hotel. tion of the Legion *rlll be in session. which proved most popular was pio- 375,000, and before receiving ap- The Swine World and Duroc Bul bably "Keep your head down, Alle olntment from the superintendent letin offer prizes each issue for the speculator, unthinkable possibilities for increased July 1, and 2nd. Ida M. Hudson of Portland, ■who • • nton” and its parody, "Keep your of banks as a reserve agent, and at best stories prepared by Club mem has been visiting here with Mrs. A. market value, of its stock which is certain to fol "Flashes of Action” the official shades down Mary Ann.” John Zum- any time thereafter, it shall furnish bers. The prize winning stories are F. Wallace, left for her home Wed- low the completion of the big gushers which will war picture shown by the Legion at steln, Emil Heusser, F.L. Eberman to him such information or state published. nesday. be uncapped in the Famous Thermopolis fields in ments as he may require, and shall the Gem Theater last Friday evening and ra W. White constitute ihe per The Pythian Sisters Club will There is no question about the Wyoming in the near future. pre- agree to maintain the reserve sonnel of the quartet. proved to be all that it was adver- quality of Pig Club work in Oregrn. hold a May party on the 3rd ol scribed by law at all times.” This well is almost certain to come in within So far only one enrollment for Pig May at 8 p. m„ in the K. P. Ha As enrolled and passed, this sec- Club work for 1921 in Tillamook Cards and dancing prizes will be the next ninety days at probable a Production CHEMICAL DEPARTMENT WORK ON HIGHWAYS IN tion, following the figure 375,000, given. Admission 35 cents. from one to 3000 barrels each day, are you going AT O.A.C. KEPT BUSY omits the words “and before receiv County has been received. If there TILLAMOOK CO. REVIEWED "Black Beauty” at the GEM next are others interested in th work ap to sit by and watch this great company grow ing appointment from the superin plication for mmbership should be Wednesday and Thursday. greater each day without showing interest (you The chemical departments of O. tendent of banks.” This ruins the Continued from page 1) Though I have been sick for the sent in soon to the County flub < who are among the thousands who listened to the , I A. C. leceive many requests to do meaning of the section. take care of the large slide between Leader, as enrollments for 1921 I are past three months and a half witl . I analytical work from people th-ough red paint generalities of fake Promoters or inex In chapter 3 28, which was senate uppe’- and lower Nehalem and com- a nervous breakdown and have been ! about to be closed. perienced failures? We are talking straight to you pl .e the new road to Todd's place , I out Oregon and even Washington, bill 329, a lengthy phrase that wai unable to do any hard work I nm : I aays the Corvallis Gazette Tim- a. deleted by amendment and oiher as soon as the weather permits Five boys at Barnesdale have er now on the job again with a car : Do you want to regain your lost dollars with No compensation may be accepted words substituted was allowed to le- County machinery will not have to , I ganized a Potatoe Club a'id have es for hire. Wilbur Davis.—Adv. an honest, reliable oil company? The future of I and no allowance of money or ius maln, together- with the subst it utto lected Mrs. H. McCuen, Hiiy City, io: withstand the elements next winter Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Base, former this company is bright, it has nothing before it I sistance is allowed by the college words, This is explained in a foot- for a 50 x 80 tool shed Is belli-; built ly of Peterboro, New Hampshire, ' local club leader. which possibly can retard its rapid growth and at Nehalem to take care of equip I except for the Agricultureal Exper- note. were visitors at the Joe Donaldson I I intent Station. developments, today may. be your life’s opportun ment in this district. The county clerk of Coon was at A poultry Club has recently been last week . Mr. Bass Professor John Fulton ha.i work Is clothed with tremendous pow-- r organized at Pine Grove near Neha one time governor of the state of ity to make a fortune, with a few dollars invested, District No. 2 tn charge of Dep I In his office now which he estimate* under chapter 120, which wav house lem with the following officers; Lc- ; New Hampshire and Is now inter- it is the intention of this company to drill for oil uty Roadmaster Henry Nels« n, nt Tillamook, is prepared with three I would cost over 31,000 if done by bill 117, which says that " the coun cal Club Lender, Miss Eva Cftii; j ested in fine cattle. He owns a until its properties are fully developed. It in large gravel and rock plants, one In I commercial chemists. He receives ty clerk may appoint his deputies, President, Lillian Ewan; Vice-Pres fine Jersey herd in the east, and i tends to rank itself with the farest producing oil Kllchl', Wilson river and Sll'inioits I everything from human stomachs to the annual saleries of such deputies ident, Edna Thomp on; seer rar..-, intends returnlry; here for the Jer- companies in the world today. I creosote and photographic ma'er- to be fixed by the county clerk of Alta Hanks. Other members jf the ! s y Jubilee which is to be held in Creek, respectively, to put gravel on Investigate before the Prices get beyond your the new road in the Yellow Fir vic I ials for analysis or special determl- C oob County.” The act was intended "Kut-Kut-Kata" Club are: Elsie June. to say that the salaries should hr Tubbesing, Lorena Bntterson. II. l<ui reach; the officials of this company are home re lnity and from Riverdale north to I nations. “Black Beauty” at the GEM next Many casen come to the depart- fixed by the county court, instead of Cain and Wesley Batterson. Bay City as soon as the weather per fined,. capable, and legitimate business men. of Wednesday and Thursday. I ment where poisoning is suspect' d by the clerk. mit*. i Their closing dance of the season good standing, and reputation unreproachable. The Kllchi* River bridge Is com- I I Patent medicines and food products Jn the preamble to chaptei 297. MJ the llic VVV1UVU given by Occidental Club last TheNeatucca Jersey Ctltf Club met . ftlVVll pleted and a steam shovel will fill I I form a large share of this work. which was senate bill 219. I* written at Clov, rdale last Saturday and the ■ Saturday evening at the W. O. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : the approaches and grade from Wil I I most of which is done by the Agri- the figure 020,000, where sheuld b‘ next meeting of the club will bo on hall. Old-time dances featured F. J. Kupfer .... President. A 320,000,000. con River to Riverdale, starting May | I cultural Experiment Station. May 14th. Livestock judging will i the evening. I sample of moonshine Is the Mt‘St J. A. Locke ..... Vice-President. 10th. Some of the errors are cause fm be on the program. “kick" received in this line. Frank T. Berry 8 years in the U. S. marshal amusement. A law relating to quail The bad spot at the old Harrison Recently Prof ssor Fulton This Woman Suffered I flcatlons for jurers says they shall he The regular monthly meeting' of place was paved this week. dept.—Seer.—Tre as. Mrs. H. A. Leaman, Tturgln, Colo., nearly 3200 worth of chemical the Tillamook Jersey Calf Club will in poHsesslon of their natural 'avili- The government dredge starts on terminations of water for the cities writes: “I suffered with bladder and DIRECTORS. the Bayocean road Friday nvining, of Knappa, Burnside and Tongue tles.” Natural "faculties” was the be held on Saturday afternoon. April | kidney trouble for years. Foley Kid Conrod P. Oleon, former Supreme Judge of tthr State of 23rd, at the Fairview Grang Jlt.ll. ney Pills helped me so much I feel a steam shovel following in about 30 Point. His reports were not even intended word. Oregon. Plan« for the Jersey Jubilee which In the military code occuib the days to rip-rap and protect the toad acknowledged, yet largely on tho fine now. Suffer»*! so It seemed I F.. P. Sweeney.................. Farmer meets in Tillamook June 2, 3, and 4 lardly could live. I recommend Fo- from the action of the water. Fred J. Meindi.....................Attorney. strength of his results the govern• words "In time of 'peach',” where will be discussed. Livestock j'tdg- ey’s Kidney Pills to all who suffer "times of peace" is Intended. Work Is under way preparing the ment has established a naval sub Walter E. C.'itchlow . . . Attorney. Existing Taws are frequently cited ing will be taken up. Joseph Max rom kidney trouble as I did. A-1 SEE--W. Hill--Special Representative at grade on the Netarts Road, Market marine base at Tongue Point on the In the new law* as, for example well. president; Joe Donaldson. Lo Todd Motel, Tillamook. Sold Everywhere. road No. 2 between Trask and Till lower Columbia, Oregon laws 9115 to 9151, leaving cal Club' tender. amook rivers for pavement. The chemical engineering depart X. 7 out the word "section." Several teams have been working ment also receives many requests for Cift This Out It Iff Worth Money Tho Tillamook Holsteln-Friesian Several instance« of the double when weather permitted on the old work of this kind. One man recent Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c - Calf Club will meet on Saturday, I to Foley ft Co.,2835 Sheffield Ave, Netarts or Ekloff road improving ly sent in some ordinary blue day negative are found in the new laws. April 23rd, at 1 P.M. at the farm of Chicago, Ill., writing your name and which he hop'd "would do for i .co The leaving out of necessary words the grade and alignment. Agnes Apblaaalp in the Red River •ddrVBs clearly. You will receive tn A tractor and trucks are busy powder or something.” Considerable is a common error. Singular sub school district five miles-east of Till- 'return a trial package containing Fo jects with plural verbs, and plural work has been done on samples c f hauling gravel at present on lateral ley's Honey and Tar Compound, for amook on the Trask River. road* and placing stock piles for fu- oil bearing materia] received Lorn subjects with singular verbs are en coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney The Headlight is equipped to handle all kinds if countered many times in the volume. prospectors for that valuable rvb- ture use. A group of girls enrolled in the Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. printing quickly and effectively The law maker makes no distinc Sold everywhere. adv. Several bridges have been redeck stance. Canning project met at the Gieng. r tion whatever between the words ed recently and a summer bridge "or" and "nor”, the former being home last Friday evening and went will be placed at the Donaldson Bar a variogiueu itieimrd ill, wns or- over the rules and regulations for .on Wilson river as Boon as the wea I fereil In Berlin tn an andlenc* that used dozens of times where tlte latter 1921. Miss Marie Gienger will train I gasped a little at first but proved ap- should be used. There is confusion ther permits. A new 60 foot bridge * the team. | pneclatlve when the first surprise waa will be built at once crossing the over. For ltl< linrd was clothed sym in the use of "effect” and “affect.” In chapter 203, relating to tlie brib North Fork of the Trask. bolically In black i hen lie was brood- Coppies of the annual red pliamph District No. 3 in charge of Deputy I Ing, In blood-red when he ascended to ing of baseball umpires, the former lets treating of the Industrial Club ! Roadniaster Forrest Ayer, of Beaver the throne, anil this actual ascent was Is used three times where the latter work of Oregon boys and girls pre Is rarin’ to go as soon as Old Sol roes I presented literally by a flight of st* p wanld be the correct word; pared by the State Department of Idood-red stair* that lead to the cov Through clerical errors "or" iff fit. Education have been received by the eted sent. The scene wn* so drenched often used for "of.” A steam shovel started Monday with tlie drendful color that when County Club Leader. These will be morning to build the road to th» new Inter on, In the dream, the phantom In chapter 404, which was house forwarded to local club leaders. F CHECKED or cracked, We’ve made them for 72 years on Painting Condor bridge but th* rain halted warriors were luridly , Ind, too, the ap bill 3 43, the third provision of sec State Superintendent new paint is needed, and it —to meet weather conditions in J. A. pearance of Richmond's forces In pure tion 2 has this jumbled verbiage Churchill says: It. will be cheaper to paint now— the West. The concrete work on the Condor white complet'd tlw symbol. No nt- which already lias put tBe act into A SK our agent for Color Card, for deterioration costs more than •'No phase of Oregon ’ s public entlon was |-aid to court custom* and court: The best materials — PIO st which chows thixty-two shade* bridge Is complete awaiting the good paint. school industrial' education ranks costumes; nil else puled Imsides the of this desirable paint. NEER WHITE LEAD, pure placing the steel. . enhanced effict of Richard's demonl- I "Divide the remainder of such pro hlghcy in imporranee than the club A well painted house brings linseed oil, zinc and color—ire We have a Fuller Both the Condor and Kllchh Rlv- ucal apis'iirnnce. > ceeds from tolls between the coun work, Specification Depart Those wfco undertook and several hundred dollars more on combined in Fuller Paints ?n ment which will tell er bridges were built by Bridge ty of Clark between the stat» of completed one of the projects not sale and more in rent. Keep it scientifically exact proportions you about the most de >f Superintendant, Edw. Mallory Proper Verb. Oregon or the state of Washington, only experienced the joy of noli’cvt painted and it stays new for with long-time skill. sirable color schemes, “Whnt do you do?" Beaver, and examination of work- as may be provided by the laws of ment, but acquired a practical years. color barmeny, and “ I follow tlie races. ” Our process supcr-purifies and manship reflects credit on th' lor a I those other details Washington. knowledge that may function “Follow?" The best paint spreads more “whitens ’ the lead base. It must that you want to man who built them. "I ollow I, the term, I’m never ahead easily — saves labor cost. It be fine enough to pass through know about. Reven trucks started hauling r »k of them.”—Louisville Co^irler-J jumal. covers more square yanft — you a silk screen with 40,GCO mesh Take advantage of Fuller House _Take from the new quarry nt Cloverdale buy more gallons of cheap paint. holes to the squire inch. Fine Paints. Take step* to paint now. Monday morning to replace plunks A Penalty, Indetd. Don't let weather depreciate yout The best paint then protects lead means easier spreading and “i'eriiap* the penalty for bootleg- on the Tide land road but o.d J» inve*tm,-nt. glug Is not severe enough.” the house, if properlv applied, a more elastic, tougher protect “It Isn't,” replied Uncle Bill Bot- from five to ten years longer. ive ccat. The “Whiter” lead W. P. FULLER A CO. t letup. “A bootlegger ought to be Classified ads get resulta. Dipt. 4, San Francisco There is no question as to base means mere beauty in the umile to drink bls own Beker.” Pioneer Manv.tacturcr of Paints, You Work for Your Doliiars Make Your Dollars Work For American Legion Notes YOU DO YOU KNOW THAI: I THE OREGON-WYOMING OIL-GAS CO. t JOB PRINTING Look to Your Paint Is It Giving You Protection? Free Advice I "Green Stockings GRAIN PRICES • Tillamook, Ore, April 12. 1921 Subject to change without notice we quote: / Z Rack Lots Ton Lot* ■ 95s 34J.OO 3. ’ ’. Oats and Bailey mixed ....... Ilo 100s I Corn, any style, ......... __ 43.00 2.11 25s ..._ 43.00 Our ground Barky, ................... 3.00 100s .. .. 60.00 Wheat, any style, _________ ... . 3.10 100s Oats, corn and barley..... —. ... ... 41.00 ..... 60.00 3.Í5 100s Linseed oil meal,-------- --- 43.00 3.15 100s Recleaned seed oat», --- --- ------ White Washington Mill 14.00 l.tO Run («0 lb. *aek*>-------------- 44 00 3.10 »01 White Washington Middling* 6 rack lota'for 37.00 (Farmer* not bringing sack* will be charged 11.•• ton additional) Remember we buy the whole grai n* »nd grind them al th* local plant. Tillamook County Creamery Aanoeiatlon. "Look tor "Tillamook on the Rind' Adv. Comedy in 3 Acts Given by I which eor/r less. Don’t allow surfaces to rot. It costs leu to paint them. • • • • The best paints are scientific in formula and preparation. T. H. S. CLASS OF '21 pu 11er At Gymnasium FRIDAY, APRIL 29 color*. Such paint will, if properly applied last from five to ten years longer than cheap paint, and look better through the years! Varnishes, Enainals. Stains, and PIONEER WHITE LEAD lor 72 Years Esub'.iued 1849. Branches in If Cities in the West— , Dealtri everywhere. Also makers of Rubber Cement Floor Paint, All Purpose Varaisht.’, Sitken- white Ena.nd, ritteen-for-floers. Wash able WaU Finish, Auto Enamel, Bar* «nd Bool 1'ainc, Porch and Step paint and PIOh'EER WHITE LEAD. Hous« Paints Phoenix Pure Point ►wrs Proper*« Point £ULLE£ P aints 'n— p —<• portaat to rou. so it . . ni»^.THltM mx are « mier • Bpecifecxnoa* Mule by Wilkin’s Orchestra A. McNAIR A CO Tickets M Sals at Iscb*s Tillamook, Ore.