THURSDAY, APRIL 21,ltfj .... 8.45 ___ 5.98 Frank Illingsworth A.A. Penlngton, County Poor, 9.00 I Ediv Braunsruther Road Builders Equipment Co. 256 00 __ 60.84 URUGUAY RICH IN AMETHYSTS O.A.C. Farm Exten. Work 1700.00 Chas. Ew%n -------- W.D. Wood----------------------------- 7 0? _ 107.88 I G.B. Lamb. Supplies, --------- ¡7.95 ' Wm. Huquenln — __ 19.95 W.A. Davies ------------------------- *>-2® Game Found In “Coed««,’’ Which la Silas Shrouds------- T.E. Epplett, Salary, .............. 90.00 .... 23.94 Art Case -- ------------------------------ 9 9‘ Vogt S. Ridenbach Nature’« Way of Storing Proclou« Blsie Vidito, County Poor, 107.00 ..... 15.96 C.s. Ward___ —-- --------------- 7 95 Ediv Klien ---------- Stones for Posterity. 49.96 O P. Hoff, State Treas. F. W 293.79 ... 110.00 C. Teater ... ................—...... Burial Place of the Great Hun Lee Mead ....... Thad Lucus ........ -......... —....... - 3!'.9(i T.E. Epplett, Court House, Jail 5.60 ... . S8.76 Al H. Scshoth The northwestern part of Uruguay T.H. Gayne, District Atty. 53.25 Leader Reported Found. .... 88.76 Howard Shearer ------------------ 59.85 TO 1« a newly discovered field for the pro­ G.B. Lamb, Salary, ................ 133.33 A.C. Russell ---------- - 9.98 _.. 8S.76 Ed L'Francis J. Williams .... duction of amethysts, which occur In Marion Hare. Salary, Guy (-• antes ........ 7 -98 95.00 ¿6.93 "geodes." The geodes, so plentiful W.M. Welsh Mfg. Co. Supplies 13 19 EC. Sutfin .... W.S. Coates . ...... -............ 14 97 Tradition as to Final Resting Place of that they are picked up In the fields, Tillamook Merc. Co. Co. Poor, 203.' P. SWetkoff C.W. Fl'-' 131.50 I Scourge of Gôd” Seems to Frank Crane are carried on mule ! ack or In carts F. S. Armstrout, Court Hous?, 2.25 W.H. .-'.ark • 5 19 Have Been True. to the nearest railway station and Lura Leach, Salary, ................ fin.00 E. Krumlauf ... Geo. Cornwall 122.25 ill 1 5 00 Joseph OF. Toney 1Z-1.75 shipped In barrels to Salto, whence L. L. Hoy. County Poor, James Pallin Jr. A correspondent of the London they are transported by river boat to LB. Cnrlt-1 County Poor. 166 31 M. C. Beaman ................................ &9 ;" A. O. Sp Times reports the discovery in south- -n 159.70 Montevideo. E.W. Perkins. Justice Court 76. H B. Th I? Gus Pe eru Hungary of w hat archeolo,: ta T..7 Naturally, It will he asked, What t 1H E.W. Stanley Justice Couit. 125.85 C. F. Best . ... Earl L< »> declare Is the cottin of Attila the James, District Sealer. J.F. a geode? (ir.'glnullj, it was u hole » in 4 4.88 Chas. Lester C. Walker Hun, known to the Christian nations IVM Hi.h, Counav Poor, 1 rock. Wafer percolating through the 1 36.96 Ed H. Best ........ — Warren Easont Royal IB staurapt. Circuit Cout » 6 Of the Fifth century us “the Scourge •■»7 9.! J.G. J. smann......... rock de posited silica, milking a linl L. Myers Reeber Furn. Co. Supplies, ol' God.” The find was made In tl.e 29 09 Horaci Sappington for the cavity. Tl.e lining grew th ' B. Steel C.F. DeFord, County Poor, . bed of the Aranka river, a small tribu­ er nnd thicker, and after a long tlr 03.75 F 1' . Hand ak r A.S. Tildi T1 .... E.E. Koch. Supplies.................. tary pf the Theiss between the towns 36,00 Cha is. Smith —... If the rock were broken ne ••wen F. C. Fehl •haw J.C. Holden, Supplies C.H. of Szegedln and Tetuesvur. 151 65 N. Balser ............... Effenberger & P regoy cred" to places, a bard nodule wot E L. Glaisyer. Dairy Herd In. : Alfred Anderson .... Tills discovery seems to support Effenberger & Peregoy drop out. The nodule Is a geotie; E. L. Glaisyer, Dairy Herd In. Anderson .... Alfred the persistent tradition rega»dfi:g the 9 b . Batzner and If, ns sometimes happens, the Leave Tillamook Southern Pacific Station 8:25 A.M. Alfred Anderson great Hun leader's buriul which has silica has formed crystals Inside of Kathleen Mills, Salary, ......... Wheeler Lumb r Co Burge Grocery, County Poor. Anderson .... Alfred Arrive Portland City Station 3:19 P.M. lived for almost 1,500 years. His death S.G.Reed —....... It, colored by metallic salts, the goe.le A. Anderson, Justice Court, Geo. Cornwall .................. -...... 112.37 Occurred soon after his Invasion of Anderson Bros. Is a little jewel box containing ame­ G. Wickland, Justice Court. Road Builders Equipment Co. .118.14 O.E. Effenberae- Italy and on the night of his marriage. Direct connection is made at fcillstcic, Kain stint thyst a. N.M. Neilson, Justice Court, Geo. Cornwall ...... ...................... 112.37 Shininger & Halladay H's body was carried across southern A beautiful statuette, eight Inches Ed. Weston, Justice Court, . Tillamook Sheet Metal Works 6.72 at 2:25 PM, with Electric train for Portland. D.S. Boyakin ............... Austria at the head of his army ai d high, of a woman 'lancing, has re­ F. D. Bester, Jusice Court, Geo. Cornwall ------ 1.88.79 W.A Rowe ........... In Hungary, at a spot which wus cently been placed In the Morgan Gem A.W. Bunn, Justice Court, Jas. Ratlin ............. 21.35 Carewell Hors“ Nail Co known only to a few of his chief offi­ hall of the American Museum of Nat­ M. N. Lamb, Justice Coure, Tom Purvis ..... 193.27 H.A. Bell .............. cers, the corpse was Inclosed In three ural History, In New York city. It Jac. Breeden, Justice Court, Alley Lumber To............ ...... 35.96 A. C. & H. Anderson coffins, the first of gold, the second of Is curved out of a perfect block of John Zuercher, Justice Court Inquire of local Ticket Agent for A.F. Coates Lumber Co............ 194 10 Frank Heyd & Co. •liver, and the third of Iron, and tmnalucent sapphire (blue quartz) Till. Co. Mutual Tel. Co., ......... further partie ulti is. purled. The captives who were as­ from Uruguay. Coast Power Co., C. H. signed to the task of burying the body Bayocean Sheet Ml. Wks. Sup. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., were strangled In order that the Climate and Agriculture. Kfng-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. Sup. place of the Interment might l>e kept The surprising Idea that un arid a secret from Attila's foes. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1 For centuries there has been a climate is the mont favorable for ag­ E. J. Bartrow ............................ 8 26.19 JOHX M. SCOTT. General Passenger Agent. riculture Is explained by a report on great fascination lu the search for 107.88 Geo. Cornwall ..... relics of the Huns, for It was thought the Columbia Bask; Irrigation Project Geo. Cornwall, ... 107.88 In the state of Washington. In such a thnt they might throw some light upon ....... 4.50 Lee Grimes ......... climate plant growth Is stimulated by these strange, almost unknown Asiatic ....... 6.00 Lee Grimes ......... invaders of Europe. The country almost continuous sunshine, there Is Lee Grimes .... ..... .1 1.15 no night chilling of the sol! following Ralph Hamlin .... ....... 8.00 along the Arnnka river and around cloudy days, and crops are harvested Ralph Hamlin .... ...... Szegedln has been Industriously 11.43 searched for evidence of their suc­ promptly without spoilage by rain, the Ralph Hamlin products being greatly Improved and Bill Ewan ........... 9 98 cesses In Europe. .. . 26.97 Some rnre and beautiful gold ves­ tlio harvesting cost lessened. The A.S. Tilden ........ .... 26.97 sel« have been Wnenrthed In this re­ chief advantage ot all, however, Is F. Tubbesing ...... ...... I on gion. These relics are preserved among control of the water, which by arti­ S.C. Larson ... . .... . 21.56 the Hnpsburg treasures. While these ficial irrigation can be supplied at the J. Leslie ............ ... 21.94 have ben hlentltjed as belonging to best time and in the quantities needed Emil Beling ....... >7 Ç» by the crops. The séant rainfall Somo of the peoples of the eu.l.v ml 104 39 Chas. Koneehl ........................ the Columbia basin arr i lina hern grutlon from the East they have C. Ranstrom ............................. . . 45.88 not ' < e:i proved definitely to have be­ preparation for the new method. f Frank Reed ............................... .. 179.51 longed to the Huns, The Infest find Is tlio moisture has not been sufficient Geo. Reed .................................. .... 1 1.97 thus especially noteworthy; not only leach away the stored plantfood, but A. Miller .................................. ... 99.80 Is ft the most vahmb.le, but lit the then has been drainage enough to L. V. Pollock ........................... .... 67.35 prevent the accumulation of alkali same time It Is the most sought after H.C. Wilkes ............................. .. n3.8'” salt- the most soluble of the earth's of all the Hun trensures. B. Minor ........................... . . . 8 92 Were it not for the assistance the Department The memory of Attila nnd bls constituents. 112..Ì7 E.A. Ball ............................ bands of savage barbarians was re- sr.ic B. Minor :................. of the Interior has rendered, our wonderful vlved during the World war. Tho A Mastered Fear. B. Rittenhouse 35.9* irrigation systems, waterworks and similar devastation they wrought In the lands Government officers In India com- M. Robblnson 26.97 . .................. over which they swept seemed to fur­ pile queer stall dies. For example, W.P. Morrissoft ................... 174.73 project« could never have been developed. Progress nish the only apt comparison for the they have recently reported that In W.F. Cain .................. 1 ’4 73 such as this is vital to all of us. This phase of our desolation left by the modern Invader. .................. 0 4 7 11*10 the persons who came to their B E. Fcovell government’s endeavors to further prosperity is graph­ The pc >ple of centrnl and southeast* death by snaae bile numbered 20,273, ■ Howard Tilden 2U ÍH ern Europe would question today If and that, In the same 12 months, C.E. Allen 1314 9 Bell 6F13 ically told in the fifth of the series of articles which Both Phones Mutual tlie ravages of their country by the 5.8,416 snakes were killed, 107 71 Further, Fiances Buckles we issue each month. M L. White 9 2.7 ß Fifth century Huns left I11 their trail there Is the record of 1,162 deaths by 124.75 as much suffering and sorrow as were tigers, 460 by leopards, 21*4 by wolves, I Wm. Ewan ïra5R5E5H525RSR5R52ER5RS25ü5RSaSRSR5a5a525E5R5252SZ5RSE5 1 To receive this story and the ones previously pub­ .................. 72 81 left by the World war. 2**1 by wild boars, 185 by crocodiles, Bud Steel lished send us your name and adaress. There ’ s no 8 1.78 118 by bears, 61) by elephants anil 33 Ellis Bartrow Frank Merril cost to you—nor are you placing yourself under any Important Medical Discovery. by hyenas. Whatever may tie the fear 725R5E5R5ESH52£E5H5H5ZSR525 Ellis Bartrow . .................. ... 84 78 Great possibilities have been sug­ of wild animals among human beings obligation. Ezra Randall .......................... 93.76 gested by the method of making new Ir does not seem ever to have deterred E.J. Bartrow .... . .............. . ...... 106.63 blood discovered by Dr. W. J. I’enfold settlement In new lands or persuad­ Chas. Hayharker ...»__ ______ . 94.81 of the Australhin Commonwealth Se­ ed people against living, as they have : Jim Goodman 110.00 rum Institute, Loudon. In preparing In India for centuries, as the neigh- P.E. Allen ............ ...... 119 76 diphtheria and other serums, the hers of poisonous serpents and ravish­ Glen Snider ........................... 139.99 plasma or lluld of the blood drawn ing animals.—Toledo Blade, LT Cain ............................ 117 26 from horses has been separated after A. Movers . 95 76 the red corpuscles have settled, and Geo. Knight .............................. . 47.88 Good Reason. the latter have been thrown away. ................ 204,03 Grandmother had been talking to Sam Tomlinson Conceiving that this practice might four-yenr-<»l|M*d tin your lolly yesterday?" he asked. ment, the red corpuscles have been And back < ume .*.■.■ enlightening an­ returned to the entire 30 or 40 horses bled In the Institute, and the effect Is swer: "Why, I tlm, grandma."—Ex­ change. the same In all. COFFIN OF ATTILA TRAVEL WITH COMFORT PORTLAND 7 HOURS By Steam and Electric Trains S outhern P acific L ines GOLDEN ROD DAIRY THE WORLD’S FOREMOST ENGINEER Tillamcck County Bank Quality Dairy Products Milk, C»eams Cottage Cheese ÌI7U ATIS THE MOST IMPORTANT W11Â1PŒCE OF FURNITURE _____________ _ IN YOUR HOME? HOW LONG COULD YOU GET ALONG WITH­ OUT A COOK STOVE? WE HAVE THE BEST LINE OF RANGES IN TILLAMOOK CITY. Lightship’« Perllou« Voyage. Ships were Imperiled when Nantuck­ et Hhoales beacon, the leading mark /»T iranRatl«nt|c_*hlJ»plng making port at New York, was torn from Its lone ly and Important station by a hurri­ cane. After Inquiry from several •hips that missed the floating beacon and almost anxious search by a wire­ less combing of the seas, the mystery ■of the lightship’s disappearance was »mixed when she put In at New lted. ford. The lightship had been thirty- •lx boars making port on a run of lit) miles. The hurricane, which blew her away and snapped the moorings, reached a velocity of ninety miles an hour. Mate L. O. Johnson, her keep­ er. said that It was much as he and his fifteen men could do to hold their own. Light vessels are not built for •peed, and their emergency equipment Is not often called on. Owe« H«r Llf« to P«rrot. Her parrot’s shrieks saved the life of a young woman in Neu Y C< city. The parrot watched Its u.lstrv. nix up a tunmterful of ledlnr and wood al­ cohol »r,U drtnk It. When she dm. pe l to the door the parr t - h :ek The woman had quarreled nt the break- fast table with her Imsl'an l who bed gone Into the iron: ruma wh le his A« soon wife went Into the ;lt- !.e;i he diaciwered what the pn rrnt's I milk reams meant, he ndmlnls d eggs 1 ¡i «M’.dme A dt.rtor smamoned ) p< llccnutn s«ti? hnt an would recover. the young s trirlMy >nwa « 111 Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy County Court Bills far West, are typical of the many telegrams which are being received from every section of the country asking for immediate shipment of Buick cars and for an increase in dealers allotments. GENERAL FUND WARRANT* I A.1L Gulstroni, Sitrv. office $ •*>. M, Burniester. Mother’s pen. 10.uO Johanna York, Mother’s pen 17.50 Ivel Gillam, Mother's pen. 17.60 Aug. Williams, Mother’s pen 10 on Marie Gtechell, Moth' r’« pen. 40.00 Lena C.Hall, Mother’s pen. . 10.00 M. Daugherty. Mother's pen. 10.00 Mary Dje, Mother'« pen. . 52.50 E HcUebuyck, Mother's pen. 40.00 T. E. Epplett. Circuit Court 8.00 I) Kurntll, Cattle Indemnity 17.50 c. Kume, Cattle Indemnity. 25.00 R. Miigarell, Cat. Indemnity, 262.50 F. Blaser. Cattle Indemnity, IT.50 C. Johnson, Cattle Indemnity, 70.00 \ Holden. Cattle Indemnity, 62.60 F. Davidson Cuttie Indemnity, 17.50 M J. Bays. Cattle Indemnity, 17 St F Hiding. Cattle Indemnity^ 17 50 H M Cross. Cattle Indemnity, »5 00 I J. Perry, Cattle Indemnity, _____ 17.50 Ben Jacob, Cattle Indemnity, 262 56 I I’ Hester, Cattle Indemnity, 17.50 \ Wallen, Cattle Indemnity. 35.00 i: T. Beals, Health Officer, 75 80 ii V Alley, County Court, — 150.50 >i.| M. Farmer, County Court, 130.00 I illamook Herald. Printing, 25 S3 I.-. Hushbeck. County Poor, 80.00 F 11. Matthews. Work C. H. 206.2« EL. GInIsyer, Dairy Herd Ins. ?C.’5 ao.oo L B. Antrim. County Poor, Nehalem Rlv. Trana. Co. Sup :».i7 D R Tlnnerstet. D. * F. Com 3)0.09 C A. Johnson SaUry, 151.06 Myrtle Wallin. SaUry. 100 00 The Louvre. Circuit Court. 9. »5 John Schild. Circuit Court. 3 Reneon * Peterson Co. »*001 IS *«J * 6 5 ìli R.W Elliott. TrUiH't Officer 110. 00 H 8 Rrlmhall. «alary, BvrniCe E. Ripley. R.ilarjr. 100. i.n co Edna L MIllA SaUry. Hl »0 Lalta D. Doty, «alary. Margaret D Rhaare;-. F »nry. Henson A Pi ’eraon. Co. Poor» Conover A Connvffir. Co. i Homey Mason. Ounty Cmirt. I«6 ill««« A Pmdhnmme. HMWliee 13 "Everyone who has used Chamber- lain'« Cough Remedy s^eak* well of H.” writer El ward P. Miller. Abbotts town, P« People who onee uae this *pt«jHiiatlun »re reldom Satisfied with other. ' It 1« excellent to «lloy a ' Cmigh or brealt up « (old. •—Adv. 1 Remlnfftw Typewriter Co Hup 3 I Eraderlrtt Peet Co. Supplie« 19 I Headligbt Tub Co. Printing .41 rt the HEADLIGHT du your job LTlHauiook Garage. Supplies, We are ' 4 to Jrint f If!' ■ A 1 rudbomme. Sip . to book*. ! Dally Record Abatr.' Act.. Adv. A. KUck Motor Co Flint Ml oh They prove in a most conclusive manner the demand for Buick cars —a demand which is particularly gratifying now when motor car values are being scrutinized as never before and when final sales are consummated upon the basis of greater relative values and actual demonstrated worth. Active buying, too, is stimulated by a reali­ zation of the periodical shortage of Buick cars and the desire to in­ sure Spring deliveries by the im mediate plac­ ing of orders. ALEX McNAIR & COMPANY - i gtfw* *"* "NATIONALIZED” ACCOUNTS Government supervision means much to the man or woman who uses discrimination in the choice of his banking connec­ tion. But it is only one of many reasons the First National the banking headquarters for so many Tillamook people and institutions. DIRECTORS W. J. Riechers. B. e, Lamb. Henry Rogers C. J. Edwards. C. A. McGhee John Morgan A. W. Bunn u he first National Bank \ A r » ' - 'i l ü BUICK The Great Majestic “The Range With a Reputation AM F fd iddÜtdáMt rf thf /ir tìuui «s tht Atlanti' Otan. FURNITURE PLOOR COVERINGS, .P Ï1NTS and WALL PAPER, BEDS and Bb WING SI OVES and RANGE * Tutt ft't[ran JtmtHtfrattf Uhiri pipulnnrt «* th» Pttd/it Cunt You Will Find My Prices LOWER and My Guarantee to You Is, “Your Mon­ ey's Worth or Your Money Bach” Ev E . THE SUNSET GARAGE -HEN BE 11 EK AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM fa G. H.REEHER I