Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 14, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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Uncle Wali’s
American Legion
In Philadelphia will
April 7 under the auwpices of the
Legion anj forty-five other patriot­
ic and
civic organizations.
purpose of the meeting is the «x-
pregsion of American principle^ as
opposed to the recent manlfcsta-
tion of foreign propoganda. it will
be similar to the "All American
Meeting for God and Country" held
In New York City, March IS. The
Philadelphia meeting wiH, however,
have the additional feature of a pa­
rade of 50,000 persons.
• • •
One of the numerous overflow
meetings attendant on the Ameri­
can Legion’s “All American” gath­
ering in New York was an impromp­
tu affair staged by Grant Mitchell
starring in a current Broadway
comedy succcm . "Staged'* lR the
right word, for Mitchell held
meeting ln the theater between th.
acts and the audience were hi? col-
laboratory Mitchell explained what
tbe Legion was doing and called on
the audience to sing the National
Anthem, They responded with cn-
thuslaam. Encouraglng voices en­
don^d the actor’s statement
"this is as good a place as my to
join the American Legion in showing
our Americanism."
• •
A warning to American Legion
post officers against using the In­
fluence of the Legion to obtain post­
masterships a d other political ap­
pointments, hast been made by H. B
Fell. Commander of the Oklahoma
Department of the ex-»ervice men’s
organization. The Legion command­
er declared that there is no attempt
to curtail the effort» of Legionairo;
.as individuals, but that activities
‘tending to Involve the Legion in
politics are contrary to the consti
tutlon of that organization.
• • •
The state executive committee o'.
the New York Department of the
American Legion has passed a reso­
lution endondng the sale by the
American and French Children’s
League of red arlflclai popples to be
worn on Memorial Day. Proceeds of
the sale go to the orphan children
of France. An effort is being made
to have ail stores and homes display
the poppy May 30,
Water.Hog Choaa Lonely existence In
English Pond to the Confine­
ment of a Menagerie.
Two years ago a large and Intelli­
gent water-hog from South America,
tired of the local British paenagerie
which exploited him and his brethren,
crept away, and took up bis abode In
a pond at Manning’s heath, Sussex.
There he lived a hermlt-like existence,
swimming and diving, or scrambling
along the fringe of the pond by way
of exercise, and harming no man, un­
til quite recently a young foal disput­
ed his claim to the lake. The three-
feet-long water-hog had the Igupu-
dence to chase the foal, and suffered
death at the hands of a gamekeeper
for his misdemeanor. The hog's lffe
in the Sussex pood Is regarded as all
•he more strange because few of bls
species have survived the English
Such creatures abound on
the river banks in South America,
and, while possessing the skin and
bristles of an ordinary hedgehog, can
swim and dive like a fish, often re­
maining under water for lengthy
periods. They have long, curiously
molded teeth, which enable them to
grind to a pulp the vegetable matter
that forms their sustenance, and al-
."»w It to pass down the very narrow­
passage of their throat. They bark
and growl like dogs, and are alto­
roused. The Manning pond specimen
was regarded by the villagers as quite
harmless, however, and they deplored
Its untimely end.—London Mall.
Prosperity Sweeping
Over The Nation
it T N THE sylvan solitude«,” said the
A wild man of the woods, “a mail
doesn’t see any magazines and doesn’t I
receive any bulletins from the health
authorities, ao be enjoys a peace that
la never known in th« busy haunts.
"There a man
simply has to sub­
scribe for a lot of
m a g a z 1 nes, as a
matter of self-de­
fense. Canvassers
are after him all
the time. Some of
the canvaHsers are
lone widows with
many children to
support, and others
are energetic young
men who are try­
ing to work their
way through the
veterinary college.
They are deserving people, and you
312 stores.easily£accomplish prosperity in their communities through savings which
feel It a duty to help them along, so
the first thing you know your mail box
grow oi t of elimination of waste of every sort.
I Is jammed full of literature. Having
paid for it, you feel that you ought to
Our nation-wide institution, serving millions of people, saves for them
read IL and your life Is ruined thereby.
“When I was young, the magazines
—through its economic conservative methods—the loss of bad accounts,
tried to entertain people. They had COURTESAN OF LOWLY ORIGIN
collection expenses, middlemen’s profits (because of buying, largely, from
good stories and a I’oet’s Corner, and a
department devoted to timely jokes, Lady Hamilton Rose to High, If
manufacturers), buying for cash, selling for cash, and last but not least
and another to household hints and do­
mestic recipes. There was some sense
HieL^^Penney Company stores are content with a very small profit.
Through Her Great Beauty.
In reading a magazine then, for it
soothed and sustained you. But now­
.Such service brings the savings that are really the foundation of
Lady Hamilton, who, during the
adays the magazine editors consider It latter part of the Eighteenth century,
prosperity. Coupled with fair dealing and the inherent desire to serve-
their dut* to harrow your soul and was a world figure, and whose activ­
make your hair stand on end like ities did much to change history, was
such savings have built this nation-wide institution; and every community
quills upon the porkful fretcuplne, or bom of a blacksmith and a cook. The
served by one of our 312 Department Stores, is materially benefited be­
words to that effect They are always time was to come when she was bed­
viewing with alarm, and trying to con­ fellow with the queen of Naples, and
cause these savings are passed on to patrons in standard quality merchan­
vince you that you take your life in
close friend to kings and princes, ns
dise at the lowest price
\ ’
jour hand every five minutes.
well as the wife of the British ambas­
“They have a lot of health special­
sador to Italy, and mistress of the
ists writing for them, and these health great Nelson, but It was as Emma
sharp« point out that pretty near ev­ Lyon that she hogan her career of
erything you ea^ and drink is a deadly mastering power and authority by her
poison. They didn't scare me to any
woman’s beatify and wiles.
great extent, for I am a meet Intrepid
While walking ale: g the street nt
man, but they soon had my wife so
the age of sixteen sl.e saw an old
rattled she didn’t know whether she
schoolfellow In the hands of a press
was going or coming.
gang that was about to convey hint
“I always was passionately fond of a
aboard a British ship bound for forced
good cup of coffee, and my wife could
service. She went to Captain Payne,
.nake the best coffee, you ever beard
commander of the ‘hip. and begged
of. titoa went to work at it like a
his release, The cnptaln agreed—on
linrnwl apothecary compounding a
a condition, The girl accepted it and
p rear rt pt Ion.
There was no guesa
TOWELS, SIZE 16X32 ____ 49c Pr.
gave up her honor to rare her friend,
TOWELS, SIZE 20X40 ____ 98c Pr-
work about it She took an honest
The captain paid dearly for his act
pride In It, and her coffee was a reve­
shortly afterward, as the young beau­
TOWELS, SIZE 18X36 ........ 59c Pr.
TOWELS, SIZE 24X48 .. $1.29 Pr.
lation to every consumer. I used to lie
ty went about the town charging up
awake at night wishing It was break­
bills of enormous amounts, and he
_ 89? Pr.
TOWELS. SIZE 26X50 ..... $1.69 Pr.
fast time, so I could have my morning
was forced to settle.
cup of coffee.
“Hut one morning when I went to
PonevCT Prairie Bunk.
the table the coffee was tnlsning. In
Its place there was a sickly beverage I
The necessity of finding a more con­
had never seen before. I asked an ex­ venient and comfortable place than
planation, and my wife said that no the ground upon Which to sleep pro­
more coffee would be made In <«r duced the "prairie bank.” This one-
| house. The wonder Is,' said she. 'that legged bedstead, now a piece of furni­
we still live and move and have our be­ ture of the past, was Improvised by
ing. for coffee is a rank poison. If you the pioneer In a unlqw manner. A
read Dr. Zlnkfoogle’s article in th« forked stake was drlfrn into the
Junkopolltan Magnxlne, you will see ground at a proper distance from the
that coffee contains a large percentage corner of the room and npmt ft poles,
of tannin, which is so deadly that if nsuaVy of hickory, were laid' reaching
you place a drop on the tongue of an from each wall. These poles, where
alligator, It will roll over, dead.”
they touched the walla, rested* la the
T told ner that I had no alligators o[>enfngs between the logs or were
on the prwnlee*. and consequently could driven Into auger hoi««. Upon these
r not try the experiment but I assured poles slats of clapboard were plkmrd,
her that I didn't care anything about or linden bark was Interwoven frwn
the poison. I wanted my coffee at pole to pole Sometime« an old-firwh-
regular hours. She said rd have t« loned "Cord bed" was made by tiwlag
keep on wanting. She thought too basswood iterk for the cord. On tlfs
until M me to »end me to au untimely framework the hoosewife spread her
Religion of Good Cltizonshlp.
grave. And, anyhow, she «.plained straw tick or piled the luxurious
“In China there existed to the past
Dr. Zlnkfoogle had told bow to make a mound of her homemade feather bed1.
and there are evidences tlwt It is com­
substitute for coffee that was perfect­ Buch a sleeping ptaee was usually
ing to life again, the rellgteo of good
ly wholesome. She had followed his known as a "prairie bedstead.” hut
citizenship,” says a writ** In Asia
Instrurttoon and the result was before sometimes It was called a “prairie
Magazine. “That la to soy. tbe Chl­
me. i’erhaj« it didn't taste as good as rascal.”—Mlldfed J. Sharp, In the Pal-
oes* theory Is that a maw does not
code*. but It was whoieeome. It would tmpeest.
need to feel the need of pHyteeal force
fill my veiM with red corpuscle« and
to protect himself; he has seldom the
restore hair to my bald bead. It was
Thermometers Grew Old.
»red even to call in and ns* tbe physi­
made of marrowfat peas which had
Even thermometers become old, and
cal force of the pollaeman—ef the state
bee« carefully roasted tn a hot oven.
—to protect him.’ A man tw China Is
Tn a*d,w to get a mp of coffee after consequently Inaccurate with age, mer­
■appose,) te t»e protected by the sense
that I bail to make a sneak to tbe curial Instruments reading too high
of Justice of his neighbor;, b* Is pro­
chop bouse, and the kind dished np and spirit Instruments too low. In the
tect ,-d by the readlnera of Ms fellow-
there made me oM before my time, Mf former rase rhe bulb appears to
nten to obey tbe sense of mor*I obliga­
wife mt out all my favorite dishes bw shrink, thus forcing the quicksilver
tion. The Ideal of Chinese chdltzatlon.
ranwt Dr. Zinkfongle or some other too far up the stem. This gradual
therefore. Is that a man caw not fee!
mngnstne writer denounced the«, and shrinkage Is supposed to lie due to the
th* need of using physical force to
anally I was living on roasted pen* fact that the external pressure on the
bnlb may be considerably higher than
protect himself l>ecnnse he Is svre thatru
roffse and boiled spinach, and T mo-
the Internal preranra. the air as far
right and justice is recogniard by allp
rinded that If I had to feed ilka the
as possible having been removed be­
hN neighbors as a force higher thanp
cows Td live like them, ao 1 came to
fore the glass 1» sealed.
physical force, and that msral obllga n
the foreot faatnesee« "
On the other hand, the spirit ther­
tlon as recognized by everybody lap
mometer Is sealed with the bulb cov­ •oroifhlng that must be ot«y«A”
“Marriage Breaker“ Buey.
One of th« deplorable results of bol- ered In a freesing mixture, In order
to lock np In the glass as much air as
abevik misrule In Musala la the in­
Ground Mutt B* Hutlew.
statili« of a “breaker of marriage«“ possible. The Instrument thus starts
In Lassen county, Okllfltonla, Is a
In Pr<r.«ra<!. who la said to be grant­
spot calle,! Dry lake, a-hlcfc to in real!-
time appears to be reduced either by
ing move than 500 divorces a week.
ty almost an arid plain, with some
expansion of rhe glass under the I d
No Invantigat ion la necessary, the
alkali scattered her* and- there over
temal pressure or by leakage.
only requirement being the signature
IL and Its area is two and a half by
of the peraon <lealring freedom from
four miles. On one side- are the Pit
River monntalns and or., another arej
Beard and Mustache Defended.
Dr. Arjan Dns, In the ludian Medi­ big pine wood*, while to. the west are
the famona lam beds, to which thej
A Helpful Hint.
cal Journal, deplores the fashion ft«
“Ar-rrr'" growled a hypercritical cropped bnfr which Is saining In In«hn
Indians hid during that test great Cal­
. »«romer In th* rapid Or* rvataurnnt He says hair Is an additional < ma
ifornia struggle with th* suvagea A
"This confounded piece of meat Is to ment for a rich woman, and often th<
«lading road lends up, from the val-
tough I can hardly eat It!"
oidy ornament of the poor. The shor­ toj below Into the curtons basin.
“Get It down on the floor where you ing of mustache and the epllatmn of
If a horse walks or, this road any­
cm put ;.«ir foot on It when you gnaw
nnsal hairs Is bad as they prevent th.
where. even two or three miles out-|
H.“ briskly retarne»! H «dolse. th* wait- Introduction of even minute particles side the l>order of tke Dry lake, he|
re«*”—«annas City Star.
of dust entering the nose. W. rse still I can be heard for mnnjr miles up In the
Is the Increasing practice of shavlnr Interior. The ground all about there]
The D> ft «rane«.
thr beard. as this protecta tne throat sends forth a hollow sound. Reverbera­
"A garni hoasewtf* la very different and hinders dental neuralgia! Shavtag tions can I h * heard everywhere. A foot­
from n good husbandman.”
has bvrotne the fashion both with fall tuay l>e heard like a sound io a
“How »r
great cavern.
Hindu.« and Mohammedan«, though
'She Is always sewing tear«.-
hearded man among the latter h
shows more re»p.-ct.
God's Beat Medicine.
Th« Cam.
“Mirth la (tad's medicine,- savw >
Lecturer— "Things have nun« to a
coted writer.
“Everybody ought to
pr<Mfy pass wh»v> my description of the
bathe In It, Grim car*. morosearaa.
cons'rllstlovm ar* mad* to giv« way
anxiety, al) the rust of life. ougta to
the program to the so-called Da*
be Scoured off by the oh of tulrelk It
■tar.” stage Manager—"atar*. that la
la better than emery.
Every anar
a Sirius matter.”
ought to mb himself with H. A man
wltbowt mirth la Ilk« a wagow without
ff«1l Dead Into Or«*« H« waa Oi*«ln*
springs, but a man who teach« and
Decatur. Mich —Ov»rroa>« by heart
cau«M other« to laugh. «
disc*»* white digging « grave in tbe
■’aya are dark and the ca
setnetery. Edward Y«sw4l«. aevraty
t*r ara few. 1« ilk« e
throe y««r« old. a ■exton. fa
tn which
mt«, th« grave ami a«« f«wd t
W •
Ml wtfa
The J. C. PENNEY COMPANY’S 312 Depart
ment stores add the strength of their vast
stocks of Dependable Merchandise at Lowest
Prices to this National Effort to bring Peace, Comfort, Hap­
piness and Prosperity to the people of this Miracle-Land
Headlight ads.
Yai W)rk for Your Dolllars
Mike Your Dollar? Work; I or
Participate in this National Movement—Help
Keep the Wheels of Industry Turning
$100 invdJted la Hog Cresk is worth $25,200.00
$100 in/ostod la Hoilaua is worth $10,250.00
$100 iarestedjin Central is worth $21,000.00
$100 Invested, |ia Faltoa is worth
$ 3.000.00
$100 invested in Co line is worth
$100 invested in Un'on is wirth $150,0)3.0)
$100 invested in Mid west Refining
now worth
.... $187,000.00
. I
Offer»* yt»4 the sa.ne conservative in vestment
that which th.y seek,— valuable assets, real Pro­
duction, large daily earnings—-and offers the
speculator, unthinkable possibilities for increased
market value, of its stock which is certain to fol­
low the completion of the big gushers which will
be uncapped in the Famous Thermopolis Helds in
Wyoming in the near future.
This well is almost certain to come in within
the next ninety days at probable a Production
from one to 3000 barrels each day, are you going
to sit by and watch this great compauy grow
greater each day without showing interest (you
who are among the thousands who listened to the
red paint generalities oi fake Promoters or inex­
perienced failures? We are talking straight to you.
Do you want to regain your lost dollars with
an honest, reliable oil company? The future of
this company is bright, it has nothiiig before it
which possibly can retard its rapid growth ami
developments, today may be your life’s opportun­
ity to make a fortune, with a few dollars invested,
it«is the intention of this company to drill for oil
until its properties are fully developed. It in­
tends to rank itself with the larest producing oil
companies in the world today.
Investigate before the Prices get beyond your
reach; the officials ot this company are home re­
fined, capable, and legitimate business men. of
good standing, and reputation uureproachable
F. J. Kvpfer .... President.
J. A. Locke.................. Vice-President.
Frank T. Berry 8 y'ears m the U. S- marshal
dept.—Secr.— T reas.
Conrod P Olaon, former Supreme Judi.» of the State of
. Firmer
E P. Sweeney
. .
. Attorney.
Fred J. Maindi . . . .
W«'fvr E Critchlow .
SEE -W Htll-Specie! Representative at
Todd Hotel. Tillamook.
Just in, a new shipment of exceptional values
in Turkish Towels. They are priced at:
I o
Paint and Wall
Paper Store
AT 206
tts i
What American Legion official?
believe will be the most Impressive
patriotic demonstration ever