THURSDAY APRIL 14, 1921 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PAGE FIVE 4' »TIW *~nPTfT¥TlP'»rroYyiiT¥IliTir¥nir^ e, • HEAVY ARTILLERY STILL SHOOTING BIG PICTURES EVERY SHOT. SATURDAY, APRIL 16 Sunday, April 17 MONDAY APL. 18 R TOM MIX The Right to Love “Prairie Trails” Featuring May Murray & David Powell ILLIAM S. HAR.T in. * THE TOLL GATE .A PARAMOUNT ARTCRAFT PICTURE WM. S. HART in “THE TOLL GATE” A TWO-GUN tale of an outlaw who fought on the square....Loaded with roobery, getaway, chase and battle....Fired by bandits, renegade "greasers’’ and posses of dare-devil troopers..,. Wiped clean by the love of a woman and tne tiny hands of a child. Made by William S. Hart among the valleys and cliffs of the GREAT NORTHWEST. ‘THEIR FIRST TINTYPE’ 2 Reel Century Comedy She was an American ! In Constantinople was a Real American Man who loved her.... DONT MISS THE REST!..... A picture as rich as the East; as warm as a woman's heart. Every scene a thrill or a feast of loveliness. The “King” of Cowboy Stars in his latest and best picture. A story of love against jealousy, bullets against treachery, hearts against hate. Filled with more ' p?p ” more action ami stunts than any picture Mix has ever made before. “PAINT AND POWER’’ Comedy. WILLIAM FOX presents ___ TOM MIX. iT’rairle Trails > ■ 1 ■ ■ I I I I _>/ complete and thrilling sequel to “3/ie jlcxan^ STOXCf BY JAMK B.HINDtttX. OTO1WI S rs S l I FRIDAY, APRIL 22 u Mary Ellen Comes to Town » FEATURING DOROTHY GISH SHE TRIED......To “pep up’’ a town that wanted to sleep. To do a dinky dance in a Broadway Cabaret. To keep out of jail by “vamping” a man from home. SHE SUCCEEDED...... In falling in love, spilling the beans, and winning a husband for keeps. It's a riot of fun, bring the family and let them laugh, it’ll do YOU Good. THE IMPOSTER Two Reel Western featurette....{with more in it than a great mantf “five reelers, ” featuring TOM SANTCHI. 3B3EB Local News The local lodge Knights of Py­ thias is intending to confer the rank of Page and Esquire on two candi­ dates next Monday night. These will be the first degrees to be con­ ferred by that lodge for some time. A smoker is planned in conjunction with the work. A special effort Is being made to get a large atten­ dance at this meeting. A wedding of special interest to Nehalem people took place at the Methodist parsonage this afternoon when Alle J. Effenberger and Mary E. Foster, both of Nehalem, were united in marriage in the presence of Mrs. Mary Effenberger, the groom’s mother, Mrs. Clara Pere- goy, the groom’s sister, Mrs. Pearl Zimmerman of Wheeler, Mrs. Ccnley of Salem, sister of the bride, Mrs. Tomlinson of Nehalem, another sis­ ter of the bride. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Dark and H. 8. Brimhall. Rev. Dark performed the ceremony about 3:30 P. M., the ring service being used. The couple will make theh home with the groom’s mother a' Nehalem. , A marriage license was issued to- Donald S. Dyment of Blaine and Antoinette H. Gray- Mrs. Frank Heyd left this week for Banks, where she will join Mr. Heyd. Mr. Heyd is completing the new creamery at the latter place. Prom Banks they will visit Portland and Gaston before returning home. zeng of the town. Definite plans have not been announced but it has been proposed to divide the city in­ to zones and have a collection wa­ gon make the rounds. Tom Mix in "Prairie Gem Monday night. Trails,” The Kid! Charlie Chaplin's greatest comedy, G?m Theater, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Show starts at 7:00 sharp. Janies Ollvre Curwood’s "Isohel” or “The Trail's End" at the Gem Thursday, * Dr. Boals reports a boy born to Mrs. Joni Simmons on th« 10th. Mrs. R. E. Warren* who was op­ erated on at the Boals’ hospital this week, la said to be progressing nice­ ly- “SABBATH DAY” NOT SUNDAY “Didn’t We take a Year to Make It, Kid.” Betcha Life, we did! Clem Hurllman is undergoing treatment at the Shearer-Merrivk hospital for chronic appendicitis. “Ienbel" or “The Trail’s End" equal to “Kasan," Gem Thursday night. Have you seen Mary Ellen? Sue’s coming to town at th« Gem Friday, April 22. Get ready to see "Black Beauty." It’s coming to the Gem. CARD OF THANKS We take thtB occasion to thank our friends, the members of differ­ ent lodges, and especially the school children who assisted us during cur bereavement over our daughter. C. W. Wagy and family. Call for City of Tillamook Improv*meat Boa«a City of Tillamook. Oregon six per Dr. Shearer reports that h* per­ coat Improvement Bond» number, d formed an operation on Mins Rosie 41 to 40 inclusive and dated Novem. Durdick yesterday and one on Miao her 7th. 1MT, will b< paid Mav 7th. Hazel Turner aay before yeoterday. 1M1. when lateroot wtU eeam. A rlenn-np ■arfent la on foot O«v by eome ad th« public «trita« Utl- City of TinnwM J- G. Turner spent part of thia **ek in Portland on business. Tn English there is not a more defi- »■rt* word than »abbath; yet it is used with an amazing carelesanesa as a synonym for Sunday. The writers and translators of the New Teetament use sabbath correctly, says a writer In tire Brooklyn Eagle. It Is always Hebrew and In no In­ stance Is It associated with the New Testnment dispensation—now univer­ sally known as Christianity. Indeed the apostles were severely rebuked by the Jews for urenklng the sabbath. Christians cannot break the sabbath, for they do not have it to break. Sabbath and Sunday nre observed on separate days, but this Is not nec­ essary, as astronomy shows that the Identity of days from year to year I* Impossible; since the year aurl e worn to the mill le Thon All Was QvM Jnntor lo«» reseli««* Che "f !»• gaMtlvsm as. With grandma, he was ■akin« a social call. He noticed thaï UW ptaoo *>• not In the auma poal- tfea as tha oœ •* borne. that the dav- ■g^et was dMlNwrt. a*d that the Nh-ery tabla was of another Assign «■M n n M c N aughton Administrator. 4-14)5 era" She’s nimble fingered It ywe t«l • k»»r** op«n for b«r. U<