THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT SPECIAL SALE. rj* I ■ M-VtT — H.x.-1-r Ole.' Army Goods Store Friday and Saturday Only. ne €>»- ws that you like to read, We offer the follow- .„a articles at an unusual reduction. S REG. * ‘ ” sale PRICE. PRICE LEE COVERALLS - coveralls , RED OVERALLS- - - SHIRTS WOOL NEW BOOTS HIP - - BOOTS KNEE ARTICS - - - UNION SUITS PANTS LONG WOOL TOWELS BATH - TOWELS FACE BREECHES COTTON bn lì $3.75 1.50 1.50 3.85 5.50 3.75 2.85 1.95 4.85 .40 .25 2.00 $2.25 1.10 1.15 2.95 4.00 2.95 145 140 4.50 .30 .20 14 5 PER CENT OFF ON SHOES OP BLANKETS. The above prices will be in effect FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. A positive opportunitv for you to save money. at th* ARMY GOODS STORE. TiUa- RAMSEY HOTEL. OPEN EVENINGS. O<M t-w M" < OreCea Weekly ladtTE’X Ime-a PortlaM to ft' aiae mry I4 M.MO *Mrt»**t K obm X»nk B»ii baU4i&g :rk4«* wage* all arouM 81.M a day. Fulk Oaaiy »Ui hare 40 ante. Laid •urtae* road by 1011. Aurora will build free aa>on h.ct xbool m com SIS.Odd. JLogu* Hirer Valley buiM 11*-. Owitt Cl Prices Talk! Trememkrjs Savings Prevail Throughout Our Store Here you enjoy the Mvings effected by large cjmantity buyi»r for SI2 Department Store» The Largest Chain Department Store Organi zation in America m working for you Take advantage of thi» op- portumtv to «save money on your purvhade* of Dry Goods Shoes. Clothing. Furnishings and Ready-to-Wear Apparel. on Spring Merchandise Lowest Clothing for Men and Boys Ma’s Dress Shirts. la *t*rrb »nd «oft rufTscr « - tertal* pereal* os«» Mik____ — gl.T> to S »V Work Shirts M lk bhs* a*d gray Cba*bsar •>e Blur k Hosiery and Underwear Mu* orerai la rrtriwd «*•*• Ginghams, SHOES! Military Percales, Etc C»J;W4 ST la. Forr*J** 3d la A* roe Pree» Ci a* Kara* Mark Keel b<b V« is SI It waiM Our Daytona 6-66 model now holds the world’s stock car record for speed. It will be the purpose of Demonstration Week to prove that any Paige car—in the hands of an unprofessional driver—is indeed Master of the Highway. St SS ta 4M White Goods Overalls For one week—commencing Monday, April — our Dealers in every section of the nation will conduct a special series of demon strations with the complete line of Paige cars. >____ ti «» •*c mi LMteo atilt» ’«• 3» aadIVf ---------- Heavy ________ Sl-tt • I »' mia< si n ui. n la. ANNOUNCING PAIGE NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION WEEK ootq 'I- »1 1* By proving itself the fastest car. the Paige 6-66 has revealed qualities of endurance and strength that are be yond dispute World's champion ship form is a guarantee of all ’round efficiency — the best guarantee that the sporting world affords. But these are facts that we want you to establish for yourself and Demonstration Week offers an ui rivaled opportunity. You have but i . to get — in . touch with our Dealer and ’ be will book you for a ride that will prCkf finally convincing. Then, with an actual record of the tests, you will be in position to com pare the Paige 6-66 with any other motor car —at any price—on the American market cu win also be able to determine w hether the New Series •‘Glenbrook "< “ *iS no' the neatest dollar ■°r dollar >n the light six field. Surely no man could ask for a fairer or more sportsmanlike proposition. Whether you contemplate buying« motor car or not. we very cordiallyto- you to ride With Paige durtag the comtngwraL It wifi prove a ref ™ £“• We?! Tg~and a liberaI ®duca- m Strictly modern engineering. c7 7<pr«on-w «¿Ke Institution 312 Stores buying most we buy for less selling most we sell for less Store M«' «• Pt.<'»e 1S1 Tillamook Auto any I «