A FEW OF OUR C0MIFG SPECIAIS LADY " ' be H ho T ld LO y U^ sband do , ng " ™ e b ^ ght to l ‘ mary ^ arkle .■ EXCUSE MY DU^T" HELD BY THE ENEMY” IF I WERE KINC’> ‘RESTLESS SEX.’ BLACK BEAUTY OLIVER TWIST, the v p tr D ail G- SATURDAY, MARCH 19. WILLIAM S; HART in “SAND” COMEDY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 A LION TAMER Saturday, March 20 Yourself” “WHATS YOUR The funniest satire on idle society ever written! With the cleverest comedienne of rhe screen in the midst of it all. Adapted from the famous Saturday Evening Post Story TRIMMED WITH RED by WALLACE IRWIN, "Dusty Rhoades stopped to sell crawling motor he thought all the pep had from his punctured life. THURSDAY, MARCH 29 Matrimonial Misdeal Are Common. You've Seen Them — Often, Perhaps. But You’ve Never Seen One So Startling in Development as is Presented in WALLACE R.EID ,-y 'WHAT'S YOUR. A PARAMOUNT PICTUR, HIS UNLUCKY JOB.” ¿XILUUC d stirring scorÿ cf"the sea Fox Sunshine Comedy. MONDAY, MARCH 21 TUESDAY, MARCH 22 KING SPRUCE” FEATURING Mitchell Lewis. A Manmoth Production with the atmosphere of lumber ennip and big timber. PINNING IT ON” COMEDY Louise Lovely »< partners of fate A Story Sensationally Original in Incident and Climax. FRIDAY, MARCH 25 I By arrangement with jri--*enz IN AjMIGHTY PICTURE OF THE SEA WITH A THOUSAND THRILLS. “PATHE REVIEW.” SATURDAY, M’BH26 MARGUERITE CLARK « “A GIRL NAMED MARY. CENTURY COMEDI- ■LA GHING GAS.1 wanteda husband A Paramount Artcraft Picture. SHE’ D invented an engagement and set her wedding date All she neede d was a man. Then, traveling with triends on a train one day, she thing her arms round the neck of a perfect stranger- -kissed hirr.- -and called that, you’ll keep laughing for just about an hour. darling of the screen" in Samuel Hopkins Adams' popular if a bachelor maid who wouldn't stay single. thing comes up for consideration that Harris and Anderson. Also the cur­ Holcomb, Mr. and Mrs A. J. Cumm­ THE EOOSTER COLUMN I in, I (By Fred C. Baker) means a pay roll for the city, every tain has arrived which was purchas­ ings and Mrs. C. E. Burgy. mi At The Churches i "If I were to disassociate myself ’ business man should take a lively ln- ed by the glee club for the gym. This Mr. C. E. Burgy left yesterday ro. from the newspaper business I wouii I terest in matters of that importanc?, is certainly a fine curtain and the fpr Portland to give that town the Fr be attracted to a Chamber of Com­ for every business man will admit students of T. H. S. are grateful to i oince over. Mrs. Burgy says that )u< merce, because business is the life i that if Tillamook City is to have a i the glee club for it. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE being a widow is mighty fine except th< The Christian Science society holds blood of material existence, and no i popuation of 20,000 people, some li­ Last Thursday Miss Case of E1I1- when it comes to splitting klndll.ig con services in the Woodman’s llall, Na­ community is worth while unles.i it nked effort must be devised to obtain 1 son-Whlte Lyceum bureau spoke to aiid milking the cow. so she will be roa tional Building, every Sunday at 11 lisvery alert to business progress and dustry is not only Important to the the assembly about a Lyceum course glad when C. E. comes wandering dot development of the city, but it !s fa • for the coming winter season. Thiee hftme again, ¡wh A. M. Sunday school at 10 A. M. greater commercial develqpment. “I like to think that the thing reaching, extending to other parts of programs wuj be tendered the people Manville Robison is putting up i thh Wednesday evening meetings first the county that is looking to this city of Tillamook ana vicinity at various stpre building opposite the Bar and third Wednesdays of each month- ¡which boosts the community is cer- .fro jtain to make progress for thi nation, to solve the problem of building a times this coming season. The stu View Grocery. IPOS Everybody welcome. and I should like our great republic fruit cannery. As soon as this mattot dents voted to encumber themselves Have a heart, Judg, and send us fur to head the list of the great commer- is settled there will be a large acre- with this project and he cooperation down a plank oi two to patch u¡k ,age of loganberries planted. Most of the towns peope is desired. ,cial nations of the earth.” EPISCOPAL CHURCH out streets. Every motorist that obi alnlng better roads take their Warren G. Harding every phase of the loganberry Indus­ There will be services on Sunday Rodney Farley student body Vice- go«ts through leaves us with CUM clli S and do a little figuring as Morning at 11:00, at the Masonic I The slogan for the seml-monthiy try was discussed on Friday evening, president gave a short tslk on the wo'd and aside from the damage to wh tat can be done under this tnea building, conducted by the memhei» News Letter of the State Chamber of but that of most importance was the "Benefits of a Lyceum Course to Stu­ our reputation as a law-abiding anjd how little it will cost to do it of the congregation, as Archdeacon Commerce is "Keep Oregon Going A- proposition of the Graves Bros., io dents.” This talk was very much en­ corfimunity, it Is bad for the touris: Cha.'ibers can come to Tillamook on­ head.” That means “Keep Tillamook erect a cannery costing 25.000 dol­ joyed by the students and evidence of to leave town in that emotior ly the first Sunday in each ntontn Going Ahead.” Every section of Ore­ lars provided that the business men was shown in the applause that Mr. George L. Walston and would take a small amount of stock followed. (Mr. Graham is a member \jf the for the present. iiy have moved Into one < gon must do its part in the upbuilding .This looks to be a perfectlyja*' lads and Highway Commltee of the Wise's cottages prepared to of the state. The “convicts” of T. H. S. held a ositlon and a mistake w** "e made th legislative Assembly and Is well The West Coast Lumbermen’s As­ if the conditions ¡>- n®‘ complied meeting Tuesday and decided to Bi»r View society for a time. .ormed on the above subject. Anj METHODIST Dr. Wise has purchased the Allen sociation sent this letter to the Till­ with. The Gr,,'e!’ Brothers have change their name and policy in wishing further Information on Sunday School at 10 o'clock order to be given a space in"The property and will improve ft with amook Chamber of Commerce: >ate BUI No. 354 will doubt made a success in other places, and Morning sermon al eleven o’clock, r»ew apartments. The Doctor is town that they have located in Mer-Maid” the 1922annual of TH. "This will acknowledge receipt of five It by writing to Mr. Qjahuri. Subject of the morning sermon will wonderfully increased in bu S. This was done in accordance with purely a booster for the town and if aave transmit- your favor of recent date reusing him at Forrest Grove. be "Christ, the King.” Aar View ever goes to the bow ­ The outcome of the meet in; a decree issued by Prof. Bennett, iness. ting copy of telegrams sent to tl»- e Edit«».’. Evening services will be held at wows it will be in spite of his ef­ on Friday evening resulted in this: Tuesday. 7:30. The subject of the evening traffic executives of the westers ra!l- forts and not because of then». The Gruves Brothers were requested "The Mer-Mald” the annual com­ discourse will be "Religious Despon­ roads. I Unless it is duo to the far-resch- /ANTED! MILLIE BURKKuntl We much appreciate your prompt to put their proposition in writin;, piled by the 1922 class will be ready liig effects of the Btillman and Sto- dency.” The Church Praye r and ANTED A MU»BAfl~ Mar.25th and submit It to a committee com­ for distribution April 1st The price Praise service will be held at the response and asfiist<»nce in our prob­ k is divorce cases of New York we got at the posed of Fred C. Baker and E. M. will be 81.25. church at 7:30 on Thursday evening, j lem, which »« feel is of such vital ci ,nnot imagine why Mrs. A. J. Condit, of this city, and Clarence Last Thursday a student body C imniingB' maid should have elop- You are cordially invited to attend i------ - , 'importance to the Pacific Northwest. ANNOUNCEMENI Provooet. of Bay City. The question meeting was held and resolutions We are doing everything in our pow ­ all of these services. Come and bring ■ e< with J. H. Snydow’s chauffer, of Bite for the cannery was also dis ­ "he Occidental Club will X'' presented by Art Harris, to support er to bring about an adjustment in a friend. bi it anyway since nothing is mlss- Patricks Masqurade Dance on C. L. Dark, Paster, these rates which we feel will mov • cussed, the city offering to give what track were adopted unanimously. lug except their persons there is no urday evening March f9»’. As far as is known at present the hi ,rm done as they were both of (the tonnage, and want to again thank is known as the gravel pit for the pur­ pose. I o. W Hall towhich 'hey i’ last basket ball game of the season a* e. .you for wour heart/ cooperation.” lr frslnds. Prises will he given The Palmolive Company, of Port­ will bq played next Sat. night at It is owing to the unfair rates on Church of the Mazerene 'he lady and g<»ntleman having Hie Our a nd to see what home looks 1 The SacremeAt of the Lord’s Bup- lumber that is the cause of the saw land, Is in the market for a consid­ the High School gymnasium. ¿costume and also to the waiter-, per will be adminstered Sunday mills being closed and so many men erable quanity of tallow, ¿ad any opponents will he Wilson River Ath­ f ter an absence of a few weeks. freshmen tn will b« r-erved- v‘ person or firm in this county having letic club and our purpose is to win out of work, and the Tillamook morning. tallow for sale should communicate the county championship. The sup­ Chamber of Commerce urged the should Morptng subject. How NEW ROAD LAW OF BENEFIT port of the .students and town peoplj we approach the communion table. rates that were In vogue upto August with the company. Continued from page 1) in general 1» desired to make the 20, 1920. They were ralead after The Passover.” Evening subject. n lission In carrying out the provle- close of the season a grand success. ttha date, and since then there has High School Note» Sunday School Hours of service si onH of the law. The Trustees mil«», been stagnation in the lumber Indus- Next Friday night the operetta We det*ated Wilson River in the 10:00 A. M. Preaching, 11:00 A. M. b-e residents of the district. The kl ‘3 fjf.it /ime of the series and hope to Preaching -try and on thp rairoads. "MI m Cherry Blossom" will b» pre­ Song Service 7:30 P. M. I win/“0 second, otherwise a post seu- o f road, letting of contracts, comph- 8:00 P. M. Prayer circle meets at tf»« House, declared In an address in sented by the Glee Club of T. II. 8. ti on of construction, grades, surveys Erskine. kort,and ’ ’ eceB,, y that th * This play has for Its principals Alli.a MiI/catnplonship game will be nec- the home of Mr. Arthur .Highway when completed will rank Furrer as "Miss Cherry Blossom.” ,.Jary. Come and support your high and all the details of rned construc- Tuesday evening at 7:30 tl (on are in the hands of the hlgh- 'well up among the scenic highways James Sharp, "Koketyo,” Lee Stephe.i ycbool teams. Prayer meeting w ny Commission working with the Church whole country. And Mr. Ben* Thursday evening, Tr^uatees. The ammount and kind • t » cordially ,m)ght have added with a good d m as "Jack Smith,” Art Harris as "Hu/ ry Jones" Errold Haltom as “Horan bounds, asid the length of they run, invited to attend. of truth that the people of Portla.id Barview, Ore. Mar. 1» (S Worthington,” Henry Boch«l , • Wanted, a name for the Portland, Tl|»e issuance of the bonds is left to h had a se7 uf Astoria. Tillamook. Sheridan and success as much time has lee" sp*'»' in Portland, who is In poor In preparation by the Gl^» c'uh <‘n'1 th e Trustees, and they determine the Quite a number of society mrtesy, Is dead. McMinnville loop As thia loop will by Mias Hanselman, d/ector. The tl me and interest, and provide for a in Bar View took in the hop rs: “Witnesses be a most interesting drive for the operetta will be given 'he High City la« ffcturday «renins School gymnasium, have been for the benefit of the new ! purchased and the pitrone will !><■ Both Among those wbe went fro Boll 6 Fl 3 made aa comfortabM •* poaeible. Ths were Mr. »»* Mrs. G D. B ■cenery has arrive« and the stage in Mr. and kfts. Woodcock, .v the gym is the acene of much commo Mrs. L. X Mr. and 1 tloa due to the effort« of maaagere Etes Advanced Meat Prices NEVERTHELESS WE-ARE- SELLING. ROUND STEAK - 25c. lb PORK - - 25c. lb, VEAL - - 26c. lb MUTTON - BOILING BFKA- « 20c. lb. P^HE ABOVE IS A SAMPLE OF OUR PRICES. u S. INSPECTED MEAT. It-Pays-To-Pay-Cash. Independent MarHt. NOT- TN- THE- TRUS T. Next Door Gem 7 heatre- GOLDEN Quality Dairy Products Milk, Cream, Cottage Cheese Erwin Harrison Phone» Mutual