THURSDAY, MAICH IT, IMI by the Poat. American Legion Growing Old Gracefully you g row­ ing aid F Notes Who WTDB in the race of hfc? Is it the man who id t h i n - blooded, weak, tired all the timet An'/ft hl etc train* for every race. A man is as strong as his blood and as old as his arteries. Make your blood redder, your heakh bette r by taking that old fash­ ioned blood tonic—sold fifty yeans ago and still “rood as gold”— namely, Dr.Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Sold by all druggists, or send 10c. to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial Package. 8 am F rawctpoo , C al . —"There ia nothing go t>|pf>ji to f,| •. iMhM hour* will have to be completed with a grade of "4" or abov*. according • • • will be sold In ail parts of the United adopted by th* Legion as It* own. Frank W. Oalbraltb. junior nat- to the new ruling. State* and th* proceed* will be used A supply of poppies, will be furnished I £ 11