Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 17, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Every Policeman in California
University Town Is an Expert
in Some Line.
Diary Tells of Fight for Life in
the Frozen North.
Body of Ouluth Man Found by Trap
pert 200 Miles From Nearest
Trading Post.
Navigation Lanes May Differ
From Day to Day, Says Gov­
ernment Meteorologist.
The Pas. Manitoba.—Out of frozen
expanses of Barren lands. 2t>0 miles
from tlie nearest trading post, news
bus just reached the provincial police
here of ll.e tronc death of A. O. Rine­
Meteorologist! Should Decide, After
hart of Duluth, Minn., a trapper.
Each Patrolman in Berkeley Has Mo­
His Ix-dy was found in u shack last
Study of Air Conditions, Wha
tor Car—Entire Force Could Be
I October by two other trappers. Be­
Route and Altitude a Plane
Concentrated in One Place in
side It was a diary which recorder
Should Take.
Five Minutes.
how for months lie had fought u soli­
tary und courageous buttle ugalust
Washington, D. C.—The “ocean or
Berkeley, Cal.—i'< Being a city as a I disease, hunger and cold. Tlie Iasi
air” which followers of aviation be­
science, where every policeman is more entry was dated April », 192».
lieve some day will be tilled with great
or less a specialist in some Hue, where
Rinehart left ’the Pas in August. ulr liners, plying their way on regular
the prevention of crime is made a 101», on the long journey into Barren
schedules, must be studied from a me­
study, where every effort is made to lands lor a trap line. During the next
teorological standpoint and tlie wlilnis
use thy latest and moat modern meth­ three months his life, apparently, was
and fancies of the element must be
ods in preventing and combating without incident, for tlie first entrj
rime, and where there Is an unusual­ In the diary was dated November. reduced to easily understood data be-
| tore the dream of world wide com­
ly friendly relation between the police 1019.
mercial aviation can become a reality,
and tlie general public, are some of
Four months later, March, 1920. the according to C. LeRoy Meislnger. gov­
the distinguishing features of the po­ triyiper's notes revealed bls almost
lice department of Berkeley, Cal. This helpless plight—helplessly confined to ernment meteorologist here.
Mr. Meislnger in a paper discussing
city, In which la located the University his lied. Reullzing his predicament,
of California, the largest student body he had stored ull his supplies within the effect of air condiflous on commer­
cial aviation snys that meteorology is
In the world, has perfected a system reach.
the mainstay of aviation, regardless ot
of policing regarded by experts to be
Tlie final chapter told of his Inabili­ the confidence a pilot may have In his
nearly perfect.
ty to get out of bed to keep the tires
motor and in his plane.
Proud of Police.
going, the exhaustion of his water
The “ocean of air.” he says, con­
Pride in the work of its police is the supply, and his slow death.
stantly is changing and does not con­
boast of every citizen of this Cali­
S. P. Met 'lenaghan, one of the trap­
fornia city. In forwarding the effi­ pers who found Rinehart's bodj, said tain steadfast currents, such as the
Gulf stream and the Japan current,
ciency of the department every po­ the diary showed the doomed man
liceman is provided with an automo­ had scorned suicide, and to make sure which are found In oceans of water.
Must Gather Data.
bile, that Is a combination police ma­ he would keep his resolve not to end
Because of the constantly changing
chine, ambulance and fire apparatus. hla life he had broken the mechanism
Each patrolman is qualified as a first of bls revolvers and rilles. His notes condition of the aerial routes through
aid man.
expressed hopes that someone would which the air liners of the future
would travel Mr. MeHinger declares
Through the use of signal lights and come to his rescue.
_ _ commercial aviation com-
police horns, this department of 32
A letter the dead trapper had writ­ before big
men, handling a population of 90,000 ten to a relative, Waldo Rinehart of panies can operate on a large scale,
persons, covering an urea of nine Shawano, Wfs., also was found in the I great masses of data on air conditions
at all times of the year, in all places
square miles, patrols every street and cabin.
I and all circumstances must be gath-
section of the city, day and night. No
He suggests placing consulting
man patrolling a beat is at any time
meteorologists on tlie staffs of nil
more than a minute away from com­
uviation companies to study the air us
munication with the station, and tlie
Earth Would Be Bsirrcn Without
entire force could be concentrated at
It affects uviation and to decide daily
Them, Says British Pro­
the extreme limits of the city within
what altitude and what route a plane
live minute*.
should take from one city to another,
Air conditions are so changeable,
Beggars Are Barred.
London,—The worm, persecuted,
Through the method applied by the abused and misunderstood. Is worthy Mr. Meislnger says, that a plane trnv-
police ilepurtmant and th* ordlnn.ict*i of consideration, according to Pro­ cling between the sume two points
passed by the city, ueggars have been fessor J. Arthur Thomson of Aberdeen might have to take a different route
barred from tlie municipality and the university, who has Just completed ii I most every day In order to make
soliciting of alms by the fake cripple a series of lectures on the evolution ilie trip with the least danger, Also.
a plane flying from New Y’ork to Chi­
has been virtually eradicated.
of life. Professor Thomson says that
bling has been reduced to a minimum. the worm is one of our earliest ances­ cago might find a certain route the
One feature that has attracted un
tors and was the first creature to best, while one traveling from Chicago
usual attention to the department Is emerge from the sea with the coming to New Y’ork on the same day might
find nn entirely different route more
tlie mapping of crimes. By a pin of dry land.
wltii colored heads, which Indi
Realizing the great task thnt lav favorable.
Things to Consider.
cate the nature of tlie offense, the before them, the worms at once be-
location Is marked on the map. This gnn the custom of moving with one
Some of the things which airplane
quickly Indicates where the most seri­ end of the body forward,
Plowing dlspntchers will have to consider, he
ous crimes are committed. A general beneath the surface of the earth, they says, are the speed and direction of
mnp shows all the complaints. An­ turn over tlie soil for a depth of three tlie wind In the area to be traversed,
other shows the bad boys of the <’.on>- Inches once every 15 ,i
.venYs. Were H the frequency of low clouds and fog,
munlty. Still anothiT shows tin* hours not for this natural s<
«•rrntlng of the the frequency and Intensity of thunder­
of the day on which crimes ure co»)- land, trees, plants
and grains would storms, the vertical temperaturi- dis­
not grow, nnd tlie earlli would be a tribution. the normal values of pre­
barren, sandy ; lace unfitted to sustain cipitation nt flying fields ami the effect
of atmospheric pressure on aerial in­
HISTORIC RELIC IS FOUND any form of life.
strument». particularly the altimeter.
Tlie changing conditions in the air
Pirn to Move Hom« of Doctor Priest- MODEST HERO GETS CHECK
make It impossible to gather the nec­
Icy, Discoverer of Oxygen, Is
essary Information in a single puth-
Father of Girl Saved From Train
finding iilght over an area, he con-
Advertices to Find Her
Northumberland, Pa.—That
tinues. hut by gathering data In nu­
homestead of Dr. Joseph W Priestley
merous ll I girts nt all times of tile year
discoverer of oxy en. Is to remain otic
Lynn, Muss.—Out of work for eight and in till circumstance* a system of
of the landmarks of the borough I m tlie
months, Clarence Robert Hughes. u average s could be devised which would
prospect. Information received from
World war veteran with a wife and aid greatly in dispatching planes.
Shite college says.
two children, received a cheek foi
Die property was bought two yen r*
$3»» from Edward Watson, a rqllred GERMANS PLAN SKYSCRAPERS
ago by Doctor Pond, then head of tlie
leather mhnufacturer of Dorchester,
science department of tlie school, His
whose daughter Hughes saved troni Propose to Break Housing Shortage
plan was to have It removed to the
being crushed under a train.
by Rivaling Tallest Buildings
campus at State college and there have
"1 had almost forgotten the Inci­ I
in New York.
it stand as a memorial to Doctor
dent until I received the clp-ck." sa Id
Priestley, Since his denth, however,
the rescuer, who was so modest that
Berlin.—Agitation for construction
nothing has been done In the matter
Ills Identity Was only learned through of “skyscrapers" has started in vir­
of tearing down the historic building.
advertising in the newspapers.
tually every city in Germany, where
Engineers who Inspected the build
Hughes was talking to a friend on rhe housing problem has taxed the In­
Ing w ith regard to the feasibility of re­
tlie platform of the I.ynn railroad sta­ genuity of officials, relief workers and
moving it to State college doubt that
tion, when Mildred Watson, a fifteen­ tint dwellers.
It could be done, because of the age ot
year-old schoolgirl, started across the
Architects have drawn specifications
the structure.
As a train approached she f >r buildings to rival the tallest in New-
fell between the rails. With the lo- York. and sanitary and hygienic au­
DIES POOR, HAS $10,000 TOMB comotive only n few feet from the thorities
are lecturing on the probable
girl. Hughes pulled her to safety.
effect of high buildings, darkened
One« Wealthy Art Broker, Who Die«
streets and congested business and
Pennileee, to Lie in Stately
residence centers.
Tlie agitation has been carried on
9 Pennsylvania Surgeon
intensively in Berlin, where there Is
Newark, N. J.—Tlie body of Samuel 9
Removes Own Appendix
a great shortage of rooming houses.
Collins, seventy-live, who died vir­ 99
Buildings In German cities were lim­
tually penniless In a hospital here 9
ited under the old regime to a uni­
from pneumonia, will be placed In a 99 emplify In his own case that
form height. Few nre more than four
$10,0»» mausoleum at Stroudsburg. 9 dangerous anesthetics were not
stories high. The tallest business
I’ ii .. which he built for himself and 9 necessary In an operation for
building it» Berlin is only five stories.
members of his family years ago.
the removal of the appendix.
Frederick Kerr, a local art dealer, 9 Dr. Evan O’Neil Kane, sixty,
said Mr. Collins formerly was a lead­ 9 one of the most noted surgeons
ing art dealer and broker, and nt one 9 of thiy state, calmly sat upon
thae had been engaged by J. I', Mor­ 99 ail operating table and cut out
This Bird Would B« a Froet as Com-
gan tn collect works of art. During 9 his own appendix, while doc­
panion for a Pirate, but I« All
his career, Mr. Collins handled an 9 9 tor« and nurses stood b.v and
Right in Lodge.
transactions involving nearly 96,000,- 9 watched. He applied only a
000, Keer said.
Dover. Del.—Dover’s lodge of Elk
local anesthetic.
In a furnished room occupied by 9
has a parrot In Its clubrooms whlc
4*« w w w w w w w
Collins was a bunk book showing a
assists the house committee In en
ha In lice af 87 cents. Collins’ body re­
forcing the rules against the use of
British Smoking Less. ’
mained unclaimed at the morgue sev­
Improper language.
eral days.
The bird has learned eight Attlni
reduction in the retail sale of cham­
rebuke« for a corresponding number
pagne and cigars in England. Cigar
of forbidden expressions, the use of
Lights 103 Candles in Conteat.
merchants «ay that re-ent clearances
London.—In a competition nt Wal­
which has been cut down to a mini­
sall (Staffs) a woman lit 103 candles
mum. Clifford Hawkins, steward,
have practically been suspended. The
with an ordinary wooden safety match,
also Is training Polly to censor minor
public, it is stated, refuse to buy at
infractions of the rules.
write» a correspondent. She burned
her tlngem in doing so, but no other I the high prices necessitated by the
It Is possible the parrot will b,
couipetitor lighted half her number of
to other lodges, as several
I loaned
have naked for the use of the bird.
On January 21 st.
Dfvtona Model, 6-66 broke
tv ry stocl car r cord tor speed
when it cc j; :.d a rruasured mile
in 35.01 so conds —a speed of
102 8 miles an hcur.
That is all we ask,
! ■ ■ i loti trill Ar trk'bitod al Info-
tbroti ¡bout tbo country
Motor t»ucho
«««Mt«.«♦.M 8. W.♦.*♦. t « «M. l eM >
»*» .4
? t
■ Í
City May Run Own Svoeshine Stands.
J •
t »
department are effectively described in one of the
senes of profusely illustrated booklets about Our
Government now being distributed exclusively by thia
Institution. We are anxious that all who desire to
know more about the work of the different govern­
mental departments shall receive thia senes.
There ia no charge and no obligation incurred in
having us put your name on our mailing list. See
that it 19 added today.
Tillamook County Bank
Hupmobile ?
Take one demonstration in any
6-66 model and judge it for
A/«HH/«r<i»r«rs •/ I'atgt Motor (an
To protect your interests and the interests of
everyone of us is the work of the Department
of Justice. The far-reaching activities of this
Today, th'rotore. Paige stands
as the unquestioned stock car
champion of the World. And
what is even more, the entire line
ot Paige 6-66 models is revealed
as the most important engi­
neering development of the age.
(!.»»>’ l.a^fuoo-f fio*-Parton for Tentino C'ito f fib 5 fob
< ’• / <jr( A’nun///A.
rattritf/rrSrort /
f o.b
<-f fj fiit /'tDnn^t’oui»
fi-tdSttfn-Paft nÿtr >0ilan
A Headlight Classified Ad. Will Get
. ;
Results For You
Seattle, Wash.-Municipally operat­
ed ahoe-blacklng stands for Seattle a»
a solution nf the unemployment prob­
lem have been pro|xwed, and It has
been recommended that >he city take
•ver all elands.
Flat So Cold Fish Bowl Froze Ovar.
Arm Venice Court Attaches.
V lenmi.—Swords are now worn t'y
court officers for protection nt the or­
der of the president of the Vienna
'-rlmlnal court, because of the many at­
tacks upon judge« and witnesses re-
•»ntlv In evmrt rooms.
New York A flue of $15» was in».
|H>M‘d on Marino di Fede, landlord of
nn 18-fainlly tenement In New York
city, for failure to keep the building
reasonably warm for his tenants. Po­
lice found gold rtsh swimming under
three-quarters of an Inch of Ice.
fit comp!- » for brick k> d Till«-
More Than She Expected
mook c’n <«. Two unite Hinman
Sufferers from backache, rheumat­
milking machine for $0 toot tain,
pains, stiff and swollen joint-»,
Potato digger. Circular wood »aw.
Easy tot ms if desired
W. Roe- will be glad to read this froxi Mr*.
nicki-, V. i ods. Or«.
3 luti H. J. March a rd, 3g Lawrence St.,
LOST—WHILE RETURNING FROM Saiem. Mass. “1 took Toley Kidney
Tillamook Tuesday. March JOd. ! Pills for kidney disorders and
part of the top to no
Fin 4
more than I expected. I
ujr please notify G<*o \V Gnll'wray ’x^cihmend them to every woman *
Sandtake, Ore.
^VlbKd.” Sold everywhere
Adv I
Ciit dowrn your tire and tube expenditure« by anticipating
your Spring and Summer requirements and getting—
A bsolutely FREE
of corresPonding «ire, with
C»P Tire bouRht ®t our store. Act
Th’S Offer " LIMITED. Once it expire*
E"lz ord'™«
Plenty of ’Em
Leave your orders at