THUR8DAT, MARCH U, ï»21 PAGE FOTTE 5-£5H5c5HSH£3í>?5H??^^5?-5BSZ52SZS2SZSaSZSZS25ZSZS2S2^ ; thence North to the South line First Street; thence eaaterly along the South line of Fir»’ Stre?. A Weekly Paper Published Every jine of the 6hee»e in the same man- to the place of beginning. Al! of Thursday by the ner “Tillamook” 1» printed on said lot», blocks, and Additions DCtng Headlight Publishing Company, Inc. our product. This method of brand- uj Little Cost—Big Results. All Tillamook County Reads Them. One Cent a Word P?r Issue ¡0 In Tillamook City, Oregon. Tillamook, Oregon ing chese is distinctly Tillamook's After hearing and determining ob­ --------- own and an effort is now being made jection» to said apportionments, the Leslie Harrison Editor to get It patented. No marriage licenses issued since Common Council will proceed to es­ last of January! That little se»» the cost of the improvement to the Both Telephones heal cows, team, some young WANTED—GOOD MILKER WANTS 1 FOR SALE midd! > god named Cupid will come in for the property benefited thereby. I stock. Place will support 15 position on milk ranch; A LOCAL OPPORTUNITY co«?. Inquire- John Theiler. 1 aged. Address Box 4, Wheele:. Entered as second-class matter in The question of u site for the pro­ some kind of a movement agains; Datd this 10th day of March. FOR SALE—9x10 DONKEY FOR l-6tf Oregon. the postoffice at Tillamook, Oregon. sale cheap. Steinbach Iron | Pleasant Valley. 3-10tlp posed fruit cannery will come up for him If he doesn't get busy, Tillam- 1921. off- Works. 3-1 0t4 ook people are after all useless discussion at the meeting tomorrow FRANCES B STRANAHAN, FOP. S. ’ -LE - HOUSE AND LOTS WANTED TO RENT— MARRIED Subscription Rates evening at the city hall. Fin- City ice holders. City Recorder of Tillamook City. FOR SALE—REGISTERED JERSEY fcr <1000. Easy terms. Inquire at man wants to rent ranch on half. One year .-........................................»2.00 Headlight office. 12-2 tf Bull, one year old. Mutual phone. 3-10t2. Six months ............................. 1.00 Council lias offered to give he old Phone Bay City, 30F4. I 3 of one gravel pit, which const« Albert Johnson. Bay City. 3-10t2 Three months ........................ .50 Editor Nunn of the Wheeler Re­ ; FOR SALE — GOOD STEEL RANGE, Extra showing and prices at Pen­ Payable In advance block, with this proviso: That the potter is the proud daddy of a fine also organ. Call Walter Nelson. WANTED—MEN’S WASHING, and FOR SALE—TWO HORSES, 5 .<• J pavement in front of the ptoperty son which arrived at his home call for and deliver, Mutual on nington'» on Suits, Coats, Skirts ’ ll-25tf this spring, weight about 1200 and ! Mutual phone. amounting to about »1,500, is to be Tuesday of last dweek. Congratu- Waists.—Adv. phone. Marie Getchell. 11-lSlf 1300. Price »80 a piece. Address GO SLOW. paid for. On top of this would be lations. FOR SALE — HOUSE AND TWO AZ24, Headlight. 3-iOt2p At the meeting at the court house “Black Beauty’’ is coming. FOR RENT — SEVERAL UNFUR the expense of putting in a railroad lots on easy terms. Price $1,000. last Wednesday night a sentiment nlthed apartments. Inquire of FOR SALE — ONE JERSEY COW, switch, which would be quite cost­ i Enquire at Headlight office.ll-25tf was displayed that bordered close on NOTICE OF GUARDIAN S SALE Plasker Brothers plumbing shop. due to freshen in May. Call I. J. ly, and for that reason it is thought Notice of Hearing of Objections to Notice is hereby given that the un­ Green. Beaver, Ore. the Soviet. Advocating the over­ 3-10tCp FOR SALE—TWO LATEST STYLE Apportionment for Street Improve­ that a more desirable site slijuld be LOST AND FOUND dersigned. guardian of the persons White sewing machines, almost throw of the government Is a dan­ ment. obtained. Considering the impor­ new. Singer Agency, opposite P. and estates of George Ludtke and FOR SALE—1920 DODGE COMMER- gerous pastime in these days of un­ tance of the industry and the bene ROW LOST—FLAT BOTTOMED ciai car, good as new. Tillamook j 0. « rest and conservative business men lit it will be to the city, the city Notice is hereby given to all Ivan Ludtke, Minors, in pursuance boat painted green. $5 reward. Music Company. lf FOR SALE — HOUSE AND THREE of an order made by the County be- will think long and carefully 2-10tf Walter Nelson. could well afford to forego the cost whom It may concern, that the Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, tore they lend their support- to BUCh of the pavement to obtain the fruit Common Council has apportioned the lot3 on Stillwell Avenue, No. 910; FOR SALE—2000 GENUINE LOG- BUSINESS NOTICES anberry end tips. From proven a movement. four blocks from public school. See of authorizing and licensing him to do cannery. Other places in the county cost of improving that portion so, shall from and after thee 28th plants that have been adapted to owner on premises. 2-17-14 It may be that the people of Ore- are offering free sites for factories. Miller Avenue from the south side »__________ _______ _ ______ ____ DOUGLAS COUNTY TAXIDERMY day of March, 1921, proced to sell nt this climate for several years. P. gon are burdened with a top-heavy aI1(j Tillamook City will never get of First Street, south to the City Taxi- and Tanning Company. FOR SALE-CALVES FROM THOR- private sale the following described W. Jacob, Tillamook, Ore. 3-3'f array of commissions but these bpd- new pay rolls if something is not Limits in Tillamook City, Oregon,up­ of animals dermist of all kinds I oughly tested herd. Sired by real estate, situate in Tillamook and heads. Tans all classes les are doing a certain amount of done to encourage people to locate on each tract, lot or part thereof lift- FOR SALE—ABOUT A QUARTER 1 a thoroughbred Guernsey Bull, County, Oregon, to-wit: furs; makes furs off classes essential work and If they are dis­ in the city. At the present time ble therefore which is contained houses, furnished or block ,two which carried record of 900 lbs. of Lots 1 and 2, in Block 9 of Mohler, furs. Manufacturers of all continued something else must take there are a large number of persons within Local Improvement District unfurnished, will rent for about butter fat. Josi Brothers, Wilson wear. We also buy mountain according to the recorded plat their places. The idea of abolish­ who are contemplating the planting No. 18; that the said apportion­ »60 per month. Half cash and bobcat and raccoon hides. River. 2-17-t3 thereof. ing all commissions in a single of loganberries, and with th J assur­ ment is now on file and may be seen pay best prices. Douglas County terms to suit. See Dr. Wise or Said property to be sold for cash IN— Taxidermy and Tanning Cimpany, sweep would be disastrous, to say the ance that a fruit cannery will phone 140 or 32F4. 2-2 It 1 CLEARING SALE OF USED Edi- be by anyone interested, in the office to the highest bidder. Offers for struments. Piano. »95.00; Roseburg, Oregon. 12-23tf be erected here it would stimulate the of the City Recorder of Tillamook least, and the outcome would the purchase of said property to b* FOR SALE—CEDAR POSTS, 16c ! son talking machine, $5.00; disc the destruction of any morale we planting of more berries. One per- City, Oregon, and that the Common received by the underesigned at hi» sew- THE GREATEST ARTISTS OF THS r- ords, 25c; organ, $50.00; and 18c. Max Guthert, Mutual has appointed Monday, reesidence at Nehalem, Oregon, or at have left. World have entrusted their repu­ ir.g machines, $10; Player rolls. 'son who" is interested in planting lo­ Council phone. 3-3t3p I 50c. and many other articles, all 8 the office of Botts & Winslow, attor­ It is hard to say Just where the ganberries said that if it is decided March 21, 1921, at the hour of tations to the Victor Record,. bargains. Tillamook Music Co. Hear them at their best in yovr in neys-at-law, Tillamook City, Oregon. FOR SALE—DR. WISE HAS SEV- movement started in Tillamook coun­ to build the cannery the acreage o'clock P. M. at the City Hall i Victor Dealers. 12-4tf own home. Tillamook Music Co., ty though doubtless it partly origin­ would double itself, For that rea- Í Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time eral houses for sale or rent fur Dated this February 21st. 1921. Dealers, opposite P. O. ll-l1: f ated from a few personal greivanccs. son the business men should attend and place for hearing objections to nished or unfurnished, at Ba- FOR SALE—MAIL BOX SUITABLE H. V. ALLEY, | for rural route, in second hand In any case it is beginning to follow the meeting tomorrow (Friday) ev­ said apportionment. View. Call 32F4 for informa­ i condition. Apply Headlight of- HAY AND GRAIN HAULING A Guardian of the Persons and The property charged with the the plan of the Non-Partisan League ening and not allow this industry to tion. 2-24112 I fice. Estates of George Ludtke and speciality. Oregon Transfer. Boih 12-30ti a vicious movement that lias already slip through our hands and go tlse- costs of said improvement and in­ phones. Opposite P. O. 12-9 *t Ivan Ludtke, Minors. 2-24-t5 GIANT EVERBEARING STRAW- IF YOU WANT TO UUY OR 'ex­ engulfed some of the state» of the , where. Another tiling, tlie old grav­ cluded within Local Improvement change poultry let us know. We THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD berry plants, introduced by Geo. middle west, causing the failure of el pit is a useless, unsightly place, district No. 18 is all the property in­ also have setting eggs and baby Hammond. For sale by C. A. —Victrolas and Victor Records. chicks of 35 varieties for sale. several banks and disrupting 1>uH- ¡and with a large fruit cannery cluded within the following boundar­ Tillamook Music Co., Opposite p. Smith, 11th and 4th ave. E. 3-3'3 Send in your order soon. John ness generally In those sections. built there, it would be a great im­ ies: o. ii-i str Hof man, Tillamook. 1-271 10 Beginning at the Northwest coi­ Iowa Pioneers Live 75 Years in FOR SALE—MODERN HOUSE AND The Non-Portisan League movement provement to the city, and would be 5 lots. Possession can be given ¿SHELTER COVE HOMESTEAD TO FOR GOOD WOOD CALL THE ORE- 1» striving to gain a hold In the Wil taxable property as well. ner of Lot 3 in Block 2, of Good- Same Spot. be sold, I, the undersigned, will gon Transfer, both phones. April 1st, 1921. 3-3tl lamette valley and from appearances speed's Addition to the Town of Til sell my homestead of 160 acres, 12-9 tf lamook, now Tillamook City; and Couple Married Three-Quarters of a FOR SALE—NEW 2'4 in. wagon it» emissaries have been at work in part of it cleared and in g>.-s. our county, Credance has been glv- running thence South to the North Century Bought Their Farm for A NOTAELE EXAMPLE with springs. Call at this office. the other in small brush such tis AT LAST—A VICTOR DEALER IN $160 in 1845. en It by several disgruntled taxpny- ,It must be discomilting to lite en- line of Bloce 1 of A. A. Miller’s Ad­ vine maple, bear berry, salmon 2-24t3. Tillamook County. Victor Vic- er» and thtis the movement ba.- emits of our American form of gov­ dition to the Town of Tillamook, trolas, $25.00 and up. Victor Re­ FOR SALE—FORD TOURING CAR . berry and a few scatterd alders very easily cleared. Fern and Mount Zion, la.—Seventy-five years ernment to contemplate the life now Tillamook City; thence East to spread. newly painted, nearly new tires, cords, 85 cents and up. Tilla­ logs very few. There is a house, I a :<> Daniel Reneker brought Mary, ills In good running condition. Terms mook Music Co., Opposite P. 0. As for the high taxes, nobody con- history of President Harding. a point 105 feet East of the North­ barn, orchard and good meadow. bride ot a tew days, to Iowa from or would exchange for carpenter 11-lStf As the son of a minister of mod­ west corner of said block 1: fhence Ohio. Today they still are living on trols them but the taxpayers them- Accommodate 12 or 15 head of w ork or painting. See Dr. Wise. cattle. There is also 10 or 12 Mlvea, We clamor for Improvements erate means he lived the life of the south, parallel with the,East line tlie original hoinesteud they estab­ tons of Chittem bark on the place. WE HAUL ANYTHNG ANYWHERE and then kick about paying for average American boy and young of Miller Avenue to the South boun­ lished in the “wild West” in 1845. FOR SALE — 3 % ACRES RIVFR This place lies in a cove, sur­ at any time. Oregon Transfer, bottom land about 2 miles south them, We spend money lavishly and man. The wholesome home influ­ dary of Tillamook City, thence west Reneker will be ninety years of age rounded by high mountains east office opposite P. O. Both phones. of Tillamook on pavement. Pr­ ences surrounding him in early life along the South boundary line of February 24, and his wife is ninety­ blame the state government for it. north and west; facing the south: 12-9 tf iced reasonably. Half cash, bal ­ seven. Their marriage record ami the the warmest and most sheltered The movement started Wednesday undoubtedly laid tlie foundation for Tillamook City to a point 105 feet number of years spent on the same ance terms. Inquire at Headlight place in Tillamook County, so 1 - THE WORLD MOVES; SO DO WE. night should be squelched until the strong character later developed, West of the West line of Miller av­ homestead probably can he equaled ny serves the name of Shelter Cove. Oregon Transfer, opposite P. 0. office. 3-3 t2 such time that we have a but it was pretty much the same in­ enue; thence North parallel with the few couples. The lpnd can’t be beat, will grow Both phones. 12-9 if organization to take over the affairs fluence which surrounds the aver­ West line of Miller Avenue to the anything; some of it as good as Tlie couple attribute tlielr long years FOR SALE l'/2 ACRES, ONE COW cow, good house and barn, on that are now being handled by (lie age American family. Northwest corner of Lot 2, in Block of lite to the fact Unit they are God­ river bw^tom. Part of it can be MONEY TO LOAN—ENQUIRE OF Wilson River. L. D. Smith. 24-t4 irrigated from the creek that run» commissions we are seeking to abol­ Equipped with no more education 2 of A. A. Miller’s Addition to the fearing and believe In simple life and John Leland Henderson, 206-3rd through the place, which supplies St., Tillamook, Oregon. FOR SALE -7 ACRES. 7 COWS, ish. and as for the Non-Partisan I linn Is freely offered to every young Town of Tillamook, now Tlllamoox simple Joys. water all through th e summer, '. if Mr. and Mrs. Reneker’» married life good buildings, at Wilson River League movement, a little study of American, lie started his career City; thence North to the south line you are looking for a good and I SINGER AGENCY — OPPOSITE Bridge. L. D. Smith. 2-24t 4 of 75 years, In the eyes of modern-day this subject will convince any sound witli neither "pull" nor wealth to of block 1, In H. F. Goodspeed’s At! cheap place, here is a chance. folks, contains few thrills. It has Postoffice. O. M. Cook. For further information apply to minded perHon of ine Inadvisability ease the path to success. He suc­ dltion to Tillamook City; thence TRUCK FOR SALE—1921 NEW been mostly hard work. owner on the place. Manuel of riving it one atom of support. ceeded in business, not brilliantly, west to a point 105 feet West of th job. Will sell or trade in on an- Rwieker. when a young man, left Ills Suarres, Beaver, Tillamook County, PROFESSIONAL 'but as the average man, who sets Southeast corner of said block: hums In Ohio to go West to see the other machine. For information Oregon. DR. WISE WILL BE AT HIS write C. R. Seymour, Twin Rocks, hlnnclf resolutely and wholehearted­ thence North to the North line of country. He returned in a short timo OREGON DAIRYMEN'S LEAGUE ly to Ills task, succeeds. WANTED City office each Monday morning Oregon, Tillamook County. said block 1; thence easterly alor; to get his Mary. Their hoiieyunxin was ’n an article headed "Oregon Dai at 9 A. M. 2-24-’f The president typifies the aver­ the South line of First Street to the spent floating down the Ohio river to LOGANBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE ■ WANTED—A GIRL TO SING BEN rymen'H By-Products Corporation" In age Ameican citizen of today, and place of beginning. All of said lots, tlm MisMisHlppI on a small bwit. On BOLT” at the Rex Thursday DR. RAMSEY, OSTEOPATH—Room in large or small quantities. last, there appear» several column» refutes the assertion often made by blocks and additions being in Tilla­ landing at the Mlvi*n iypl th« cwsple 110 I. O. O. F. Bldg., Tillamook. night during the picture “Once Prime plants properly handled. b«»dml north fur ttia cabin Reudkar of praise for the work of the Ore­ indlcal agitators and shallow ab- mook City, Oregon. Mutual phone, Bell phone 146-M. to Every Woman.” Rex Theatre. had pi' erMaCtxl In tbu fuidat W. Mahon, Hillsboro, Oregon. gon dalrymcn'sLeague In behalf of server», that the average man ha* After hearing and determining whd*rn.«o of b»w«, our the t DR.’S ALLEN & SHARP DENTISTS it» patron«. no chance today under our form of objections to said apportionment the Kit» «T M»«ot Alo». ’lfluM-o they waut FOR SALB— GOOD ORGAN, »10.00. WANTED—CASH REGISTER. AP National Building. ply at this office. 3-3t3p A mat einent of their July. 1920, government. See Walter Nelson. P-lOtf »re teda,». Common Council will proceed to as­ and tharv DR. WISE WILL BE AT HIS TILLA- “pool” show« that in Coos and Cur- I Hi« life offers Inspiration to the sess the cost of the improvement to Ti» -«arty wur« spoou Io ciao: MISTLAND BRAND Italian Prunes TO TRADE—CEDAR POSTS FOR ntook office every Monday afteF •of tha IM tema uf tluitxjr rtesvdr. Packed I Headlight office. 3-3t3p i la 2-24-tf notice. Ir milk, while the total gross re- 1921. net weight boxes or in 1 ■acks. mil»» away. Ground on their tract was DENTIST, I. 0 •«iut« were »2.315 per hundred WAN I ED — TO RENT RANCH BY DR. J. B GRIDER, FRANCES B. STRANAHAN. brukati with th« aid of vies. Prices postpaid: < O. F. Bldg., Tillamook, Oregon. pounds of milk. Cotnparethia with CORRECTION experienced dairyman. Place must City Recorder of Tillamook City. •Iv» childrau w»r» burs to th» R»toa- Sixes-Boxes. 101b. ; 251b 501b 1001b In the February 24th issue the Tillamook county pi’ees. support herd of thirty cow», Ap- IF IN NEED OF GLASSES SEE A. H kara. l our of thaaa stUl atirviv». All 8-10Í2. 40 5»............... 1.79 4.02 7.8J 14.59 Take Maple Leaf creamery for an Headlight under the annual ply Headlight office. 3 3t 2 arv »«ya Th» »W»Bt is Jaovh. »fad Harris. Registered optician, at H »•-7«............... 1.15 2.92 5.64 10.21 W. Bvanatt'» Jewelry »tore Tin- wv«iily two, sad the yotutfart ia Mr. «■ample: lu July 1920 the Maple of the Tillamook County Ct »»-160.................7» 1.51 2.88 4.5» WANTED—TO BUY CLBAN OLD Botica. Will make date» any til'»- W. RaBMtec. M'W< Urty Iww Heat eheae sold for »29,056.19; the association In the list of expendl- Notíoe of Hearing Objections to Ap- Bpltte................... »5 1.98 3.77 «48 dav and Saturdays until furth« •otto» rag». Headlight office. portiotuneat for Street Imprese- IX» estuar two *%«*»'* eS|A« have (aw any. Tlllamook people are not a.< tract, lot or parcel thereof liable own hay. Barn »tanchioned have meant a of »17,058.35, r pip»d to milk SO cows. Four box greatly effected by thia raise as they therefor which Is contained within a**r f*wa» B m U heiaa. They have ----- WITH----- ■»*» vevsrtd tripe t» Falla Ing Ita product. It •em« that people are still hold- pointed Monday. March 21, at “ Mis» Cherry Blossom" March the the best fishing rivers in the coun­ have a cute little name, "Melowest". ing off buying, hoping for a further hour of 8 o'clock P. M. at the City 18.—Adv. ty and is some of the best land In the state. Income for 1920 wa Hail in Tillamook City, Oregon, aa »6.500. Price »30.000, one-thir The “Kid" la coming. the time and place for hearing ob- cash, balance terms. See L. E Jectlona to raid improvement. Smith, owner, Tillamook, Oregon Tlie ptoperty charged with the Scientifically prepared for obtaining and retain R^l, B ox 22._____________ 2-10t4 T h Ute te fteulfy cost of said improvement and In- I ing a healthy condition of the mouth, teeth and FOR SALE -FIFTEEN CROSS SO- eluded within Local Improvement BRED TO I-AY WHITE LEGHORNS gums. da pop bottle«, all in good condi­ District No. 19. is all the property Hatichlng Eggs for sale. W. S. tions. Will sell part or all. 25« Get the cool clean Klenzo feel­ included within the following boun­ Coates. Tillamook. 3-10tf dozen. Inquire Headlight. ing that will help you enjoy daries: Beginning st the Northwest corner of Lot 3 in Block 2 of Good­ FOR SALE—S. C. RHODE ISLAND »' g R BALE — SWEET FW :i'«i your meals and protect your Red setting eggs from high p■•••- prune». First speed'« Addition to the Town o* assorted. teeth from decay. Smaller thin Ita!'»» but sweeter, Tillamook, now Tillamook City; and I duclng layer». »1.50 a setting. Can Mrs. B A. Founts, Mutual be eaten wlthoat sugar. running thence South to the North phone. Fi eight prepaid to Tillamook line of Block 1 of A. A. Miller'« Ad 3-iets tix cent« per pound. (J dltion to the Town of Tillamook, FOR SAL*—SMALL CHEESE OUT- 25c and 50C Haynea, Prune Grower. Ya i.hill. now Tillamook City, thence East to fit comp’- ,e for brick »»d Till« Ore. 2-3tf a point 105 feet East of Northwes- KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES, moot ch o.». Two corner of said block one; thence milking machine tor SO toot tain FOR SALE -FULLER AND JOHN- 4OC South parallel with the East line of Potato digger Circular wood saw. son Î0 H. P. heavy duty engine .Miller Avenue to the center line KLENS0 LIQUID ANTISEPTIC, Easy term« if desired. W. Roe Gas or distillate. Almost new.1 running East and West through nicke. Wood«, Ore. Priced rensorably. 3-10t2 Inquire rt 25c and 50c Black eleven of said Miller Addt Headlight office. 2-3tt tion; thence West to the Southwest LOBT—WHILE RETURNING FROM Tillamook Tuesday. March 2nd, FOR SALE A TEN COW RANCH corner of Lot Two in Block Twelve on Foley creek. Eight cows, one part of the top to an o^gan. Find­ of »aid A. A. Miller Addition: thence Sold Only At horse and buggy goes with it. A er please notify uc W. Galloway. North parallel with the West line small payment down. J. F. Will­ of Miller Avenue to th» south line . Sandlake, Ore. ford. Mohler, Oregon. l-13Uc <.’ mock on» of II F. Good«p««d Ad- LOST—.SHEPHARD DOG Let ine bring you a Vaugh drag- .BLACK. •Bw. Mutual pboae. E. G. Krebs dltion to Tillamook City; thence with «hit» feet. Strayed away in THE REXALL STORE l-13tf W»at to a point 10» fwt We»t of city about 2 w»»ka ago. O. N Tillamook, Oregon th» SoBthaaat aorntr •f a»14 Bltwk Nàtgdoa. H. F. D. «mi FOR SAL*— DAIRY FARM. AMVT Billamnnk Hraiilight XX” decreas in prices. Their hope« may come to naught for many comodittes have reached the bottom and are go- : ing up again. In any event it isn’t probable that they will go much low­ er. Headlight Classified Ads I HAVE UNIQUE RECORD Keep Your Mouth Healthy KLENZO Products. KLENZO DENTAL CREAM, C. L CLOUGH CO