THURSDAY. MARCH 3. 1921 PAGE THREE ADELIA M. STEWART 13.590 K. Laughlin, Manager and Orchestra Leader Orchestra Music Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday DAIRY COWS OWNED IN THE COUNTY Report of Daily and Food Conimi? sioner Contains Many teresting Facts Extrats from the report Tinnerstet. deputy daily and food eomm -ioner for Tillamook County: In the county we have 29 cheese lactories of which 25 are operated under the .supervision of the Tilla­ mook County Creamery Association. ’1 he other four are small individual plants where the dairyman makes up his own product, two of which make brick and limberger cheesu. There are 698 dairies in the colm­ ty of which 677 are patrons of asso- elation factories. The average score (as per score the card) of these dairies is 63.4, highest being 88.6 and the lowest 29. County has 13,590 Tillamook dairy cows, of which 633 are pure- bred as follows: 296 Jerseys, 182 Holsteins, 98 Guernseys, 31 Red Polls and 26 Ayrshire». There are 594 sires of which 398 are pure-bred as follows: 204 Jer seys, 102 Holsteins, 81 Guernseys, 5 Shorthorns, 4 Redd Poll and 2 Ayr- shires. In several localities two or more dairymen own a good bure-bred sire together; this makes possible the service of a good sire to the dairy man of moderate means. 2,069 heifer calves were raised in the past year, of which 240 are pure bred. This is a slight reduction in the calf crop in comparison with the previous year, due no doubt to the high cost of feed in the early part of last year and dairymen in general being overstocked, but they are carefully selected from ilamt and sires that have proven their value as dairy cattle. Six lactometer tests were run but in no case did the tests show any adulteration with water. 84 per cent of all evenings' milk is being set In tanks of running wa­ ter over night. A good cooling sys­ tem is one of a dairyman’s best I 1- vestments and never fails to bring a smile from the cheese maker. The advancement of the dairy in­ dustry depends not only upon it i- proving the dairy herds so as to get the highest producing cows bu> also upon improvement of the methods employed in caring for the cow«, barns, utensils and milk. A success­ ful dairyman not only aims at in­ creased production but at all times strives to improve the quality of lhe product. The most effective and at the earns time instructive test to the dairy­ man is the sediment test which shows to the patron without argu­ ment' the exact amount of sediment or dirt in each pint of milk he is de­ livering to the factory and is in near­ ly every instance a fair sample or proof of the cleanliness and natitary condition of the dairy from which it came. Let us continue the slogan “All No. 1 Cheese for 1921.” I ! ■ Thursday, March 10 Feature Plays Every Day COMING: THE LITTLE HOUSE WITH BIG SHOWS SUNDAY. MAR. O you know what the devil’s pass­ key is? Can it be bought? Who uses it? You 11 know when you zee this amazing phovodrama of an American husband and wife n Paris— c-ne day cn th« very crest of the social wave, the ne .t day, the storm centre of the biggest scandal Paris ever knew. A picture so real, so numan, sc crowded with suspense that you’ll re­ member it ail your days. Now playing. Don’t miss it D ALL DAY NIGHT MONDAV JO5ÊDH M SCHENCK CONSTANCE TALMADGE GERMANS MAY OFFER 150 BILLION MARKS FRIDAY, MARCH 11— THE GIRL FROM NOWHERE As Exhilerating as the virile mountain air of the Great North­ west is this play. It is a real out door feature as swift as a mountain torrent and wild as a raging cataract. ' /¡rtfs-i'i Miss Adeiia M. Stewart of Washing­ ton. D. C., who has the distinction of being the first woman appointed a national bank examiner. EVLRYWOMAN” ON WITH THE DANCE” GOD’S COUNTRY AND THE WOMAN” DANGEROUS BUSINESS" It is the 4th of our super specials for Friday. UNIVEQÇAL-IEWEL TUESDAY, MARCH 8- PRODUCTION j DE LUXE Here’s a bride who balked at the altar. She came down to earth at at the end. GO-O-OOD NIGHT! Lyons & Moran SATURDAY- MARCH 5 In “ONCE A PLUMBER” is better Berlin.—The ministry of finance has than “ La La Lucetle." It’s a reached the conclusion that the ut­ scream. most sum Germany can pay in repara­ w MORE DEADLY THAN JACK PICKFORD in “BURGLAR BY PROXY.” E FICKLE WOMEN tions is 150,000,000,000 marks, includ­ D THE MALE His funniest comedy yet. N ing all she has paid so far in cash and You can’t keep a good man down. It’s E goods, according to information which full of pep and hurrah S Owing to the length of this bill, the evening D the Deutsche Zeitung says it has re­ A In HOME, SWEET HOME Remember, 2 Shows for the price of One. show starts at 6:30 P.M. Electric percolator and 4 others. Yl ceived from a "special" source. A Big fun show. This 150,000,000,000 marks would be paid off in thirty years under the plan outlined by the newspaper's In­ formant, who also is quoted as declar­ We learn at School to ing that the proposal would be sub­ country, The School is the founda- mitted to the authorities at Paris to tion of a nation. It is to the nation, learn whether the coming London con­ in peace what the barracks are in ference on reparations will permit of war. I n it is developed tYie nation’s its consideration along with the allied [character. With these things proposals adopted at the recent Parts mind, The American Legion, in conference. Americanism program, is seeking io Refusal to allow consideration of the On February 25th, the “flying up members, it is still considerably raise the standard of education and German counter-proposal would result squadron” left Portland on the first behind the record of 1920 when 2 40 to improve the condition of teacher In Germany absenting herself from the members appeared upon the rolls as student and school. London conference, set for March 1, lap of its trip through the state to having paid dues. The present ros­ clean up claims of ex-service men. If we are to succeed in the work the newspaper declares it has learned. Following are members of the ter of paid up members contains 135 to which we are pledged, we must squadron: Frank J. Elvers, service names. Probably a large percent­ co-operate with our teachers, with BRIEF GENERAL NEWS I ofiicer of the Legion for the depart- age of the decline is due to removals teachers' organizations and with | ment of Oregon; Dr. F. W. White, 0. from the county occasioned by clos­ Boards of Education. The teachers A salary increase of $3000 a year— ing of camps and mills, but there are I from $12,000 to $15,000—was voted for S. public health service, Seattle; of America welcome our co-npeig- Vice-President Coolidge by the sena^;. Kenneth L. Cooper, federal boat <1, still many members who have per­ tion. They understand the spirit of An attempt was made to shoot Chas. Portland; Clift Wood, bureau i of war mitted their membership to lapse lie­ sacrafice for no group of people have insurance, Portland; Major cause of neglect. M. Fickert of San Francisco, who risk served this country more unselfish- • * • Sloan, U. S. A., with field clerk. prosecuted Tom Mooney, noted labor • ly, none have been so little compjn- Every Acre Reclaimed is War risk insurance policies car­ Only one day is being devoted T J leader. ■ sated and none have been sc little ry all of the features which insur ­ each town in which a Legion rost is Uncle Sam has, as assets, $2,313,129,- recognized. a permanent investment 373.77 in gold coin and bullion, and In located. The first trip includes the ance agents of this day like to talk While money is the least compen- paying profits every year order to store It safely treasury of fl­ Willamette Valley and southern Ore­ about. They are free from restric­ sation which draws men and wimen cials are asking congress for a new gon, including Klamath Falls. The tions as to travel or occupation, pro­ to the great teaching profession, yet TT costs something in both time and money to second trip, which will commence vide that policies become payable if without a salary in keeping with the vault. A clear cut-over land, but you only spend it one Federal Judge Landis of Chicago, (about March Sth, will cover eastern the insured becomes permanently dignity and responsibilities of th»» year — once for each acre. One fair crop will pay was within the law when he accepted Oregon towns. Tillamook will prob­ disabled, carry dividends, have Cash profession, its dignity will decline, for the work and usually show a profit besides. the office of supreme baseball arbitra­ ably not be reached until the middle and surrender values, extended In- Then, free from stumps, that land will pay profits it will become an irresponsible pro­ tor while still serving on the bench, of March. It is the purpose of the surance and policy loans. No pi I every single year. Results in this state have shown fession and America will have lost Attorney General Palmer states. squadron to get in personal touch ! vate company writes insurance that its niightiest champion , conclusively that ' The quadrennial tidal wave cf office j with ex.8ervice men throughout th«; is more liberal and po other is ,1S | The nation lias thus far ignored seekers and advice givers that always State in order to adjust all claims it, , eheap. Besides, all Income dertv» d all engulfs a president-elect on the eve of connection with their service in the from government policies is exempt our educators. Let us awakei the people to this truth. Educa his Inauguration is rising steadily recent War and to take applications 1 from creditors and taxes. tion in America is in a sad condl about Warren G. Harding's headquar­ for Victory medals. This service is • • • \Z STUMPING POWDERS tion. Statistics to prove tills truth ters at St. Augustine, Fla. for all former service men. Long Distance Call. Grover Cleveland Bergldoll, notor­ are overwhelming. The teachern arc Du Pont and Repauno Brands Confirmation of statements of Aus- * * * ious draft dodger, is quoted as saying doing their part to correct thin con- Tar: zan Jones was sitting down to , ti* Chamberlain, British chancellor of (Pacific Northwest Products) National headquarters has issued that he expects to be pardoned. his breakfast one morning when he | the exchequer, to the effect that Great di tion. warnings against pro-German pro ­ i When that happens, it will be time are ideal for this work —quick, effective, economical. was astonished to see in the paper az i Britain had suggested to the United Let Therefore they are used by a majority of farmers. announcement if his own death. He ! States cancellation of all allied war paganda which is becoming mam i for the American Legion to enter us get rang up friend Howard Smith and : debts, was given the senate foreign fest throughout the country. Whl!" politics. them, mid Clear more land in 1921 • • • translation was made by commission relations committee by Secretary of this is a matter that probably per­ the nation to help. Without i li is 1920 was one of the biggest land-clearing years this tains to large industrial centers to “Cable dispatches announce that effort our country cannot go on at once. ‘‘Halloa. Smith!” he said i the Treasury Houston. state has ever known. The farmers all over this - »»■ •k ’ M»,»' " - far greater extent than to Tillamook ¡he city of Frankfort-on-the-M:»in "Have you seen the announcement of district are planning for even greater accomplish« I ¿county, the warning is opportur» ose my death in the paper?” “Yes.” has just awarded a bonus of ftfty a«pents in 1921. Join the movement and reap the A regular meeting of Tillamook even in our isolated community. One marks to each veteran of the War of replied Smith. "Where are yuo benefits. " 1 ! J Post will be of the purposes of the Legion is to 1870-71 whose Income does not ex­ held on Thursday, Mu- speaking from”’ —Exchange I See our local dealer regarding Du Pont Explosives foster a spirit of one hundred pe: ceed 3,000 marks. At the present 10th, at the City Ball in this city. Bureau of Engraving and Print cent Americanism and it is the duty for spring delivery. Write for “Development of ,rate of exchange, this “adjusted * * • ing in Throes of Controversy. Logged-off Lands,’’ I'.’s valuable—and free. of every member of the Legion to compensation” Is equivalent to Joint meeting of the assist in carrying out this purpose. about seventy-five cents. “Let’s see KING-CRENSHAW HDWE. CO. Pro-Germanism, radicalism and the It took just fifty years for the seven­ Auxiliary, to be followed by a dance, Plate Printers’ Union Charges That Tillamook, Oregon various other “isms” of a similar nn- ty-five cents to overtake the Frank­ at the K. P. Hall on St. Patrick’ There Are Too Many "Trifling ture have no place in our National fort veterans. And this is 1921—” day. All former service men are in­ I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Girls" in the Bureau. hoop skirta were worn by those who vited. So are their wives, sisters existence and the time to atop their The American Legion Weekly. Portland, Oregon first asked the druggist for, and insisted and sweethearts. • • ♦ Washington.—A merry sex war is development is now. on having the genuine Favorite » • » in progress in Uncle Sam’s money fac­ The following bulletin has been scription put Although Tillamook Post rank < received from National headquar­ tory. up by Doetor Crime Increasee in Vienna. The war started when the Plate fifth In the state in number of paid ters: Pierce over Vienna.—Crime In Vienna lias Printers’ union in the bureau of en­ fifty years ago. creased five fol<1 this year, Police graving an»l printing made formal Press has President Kehober has just told the charges that there were too many ehanged very Vienna Trade association. He added "trifling girls" in the bureau anil that much sincefi that every case of serious crime hud then! But Dr. I they were retarding the efficiency been successfully prosecuted and Pierce's medi-N and the amount of production of Cines contain! tribute»! this to the cooperation paper money. In their charges the the same de- \ the jil'lge anil Io 49 physicians plate printers intimated that too much says the Good Judge pendahle in • > •ached to the |w>lice staff. time was spent by girls employed in gredients. the bureau in administering "little A little of this real to­ They are stand­ dabs of paint and powder." In fact ard today just HOUSEHOLD HINTS bacco gives a man more it was intimated that the plate print- as they were Red Crown gasoline lias well fifty years ago ___ ters objected to "flappers" being em­ satisfaction than he ever Place a piece of paper un< earned the right to be called “The •ad never contained alcohol. ployed In the bureau. needing mending and stitch got from the old Gasoline of Quality.” Beauty depends upon health. The plate printers let themselves in machine till (lie hole I- filled kind. Worry, sleepless nights, bcadachea, for trouble. Its continuous chain of boiling out the paper. paias, disorders, irregularities and weak­ Federal Employees’ Union No. 103, points insures all of the qualities The full, rich, real to If you scorch a garment In Ire ness of a distinctly feminine character embracing the women employees of the of a good motor fuel ready stort­ bacco taste lasts so long rub dry starch over th. tain, in a short time bring the dull eye, ths bureau, at an Indignation meeting, ing, rapid acceleration, and maxi­ '‘erow’a feet,’’the haggard look.droop­ condemned the attitude of the plate spong< Repea you don’t need a fresh mum power. ing shoulders, and the faltering step. printers, denied their charges and de­ chew nearly as often. You can get RedCrown gasoline whet To retain the apoarance of youth you plored their giving publicity to what -overyou•««the“R*dCrowr/'Mm. L That ’ s why it costs you mu’t retain health. Instead of lotions, they alleged to be a mlsstau-ment of for it on garages and powder« and paints, ask your druggist facts. less. STAJ for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Miss Gertrude McNally, secretary Any man who uses the R aw OtKi-ajm, Cat..—"I hare ns 1 of the union, dedated that the r« Dr. Pierce’s ' Favorite Proscr'ptio Real Tobacco Chew Will of the tin I for over twent 4 «• tin t th». r tell you that. i <£ tj'- years, and it h is never failed n.e time I took it when trouble«! Put up in two stylet ir.flanama ion and it soon help* « ■r At mtber time I f »lt it for RIG11! CUT is a short-cut tobacco & in my right side ; the ‘ Fa •iption ’ again helped me W-B CUI' is a long fine-cut tobacco •nd I was soon well and strong, always depend upon it.”—Mas. A. E. L aw & sscb , 1241 Fifteenth Avenue. Ethel Clayton w 11 REELS - 2 FEATURES PRIZES FREE. LARRY SEM0N American Leg io n Notes I MERRY SEX WAR ON In Ye Olden Time A Nothing Like It of Quality