9 )(H H K K )( )( K PAGE EIGHT Liabilities : 'S the milk, making an average test of z Reports of Tillamook County Cheese Factories for 1921 ,z Alder Vale Creamery Co-op Assn. •Cash on hand ------- The factory received during th year 907,OuO lbs. of milk. There er«r 35,5'7.17 lbs. of butterfat the milk, an average test of 3.92 : cent. The average yield was 10.55 lbs. of cheese per 100 lbs. of milk A - average of 2.69 lbs. of cheese mace per lb. of butterfat. 96.023 lbs of cheese were manufactured, mak'ng 1.366 boxes. The cheese sold for »28,327.95. Th* average prL va- 22.50 cts. The factory received for making »4858.18 The expece»-- fvr the year were »5.256.02. 0355 06 was spent by the association dur. g ths year for equipment. From thi- a Jepreel.-.’.on charge of »79.06 ha» been deduct«.leaving ’.he pr< -< t.l value of th - equipment. »316 *>0. Following is a financial r’atesuefit • >f the ajH"28.35 81.38 »3,722.’?6 Liabilities : Notes payable ----- »1 ’ ’«.api ul Surpl .- k .’..-tanding 325 " —............................. 1.7 ' $3.72 Loper Nettucca Chees-; Facte: • The factory received 626.O»« ' lea. of milk during the year. There »er« »6.349.36 lb- of butterfat in t hi .- milk, an average test of 4.24 »•? cent. 69.287 lbs. of c manufactured, making 963 box« s. The average yield was 11.16 lb--, of che«se per 100 lbs. of niik- An erage of 2.62 lbs. of cheese wer$ made per lb. of butterfat. Cheese sold for »20,437.23. The average The income price »as 29.49 ct*. frora making charge» was 63,280.17. The expenses for the year were This includes approx:- »3.659.77. mateiy 1300 paid for cheesemaker's quarters and a depreciation charge of »137.50. Following is a finantrfal ?tatem«-i l the company at this time* Resources 4.06 per cent. 139.976 lb* of I. 9 86 bases. The average yield was II. 32 lb.-. o< ebet-ae per 100 lb- of butterfat. An average yield of 2.7 s lb.-, of cheese made per lb. of butter­ fat. The cheese sold fot »41.396.1 a. The average price was 29.57 «ent.». Tillamook 698.09 lbs. of butterfat w «re recovered from whey cream aud sold tor »412.2». The factory re­ ceived for making »6.631 5'? Th- expenses for the year were *6.999 57 f »675.7 8 was AS added to thee value the building and equipment on count of boiler installed a d ct. improvements. *398.11 wa.» eha ed off as depreciation. Following is a financial nt :be company at this tit E-sources: »•5.402 Building and gn uc.4 9‘j 4. 9 J 4 hand f. 70 219.69 1 pen- - paid »7.531 55 Liabilities : Bil!^ payable Cap ' . 1 -• ck Surplus outstanding *6.00«).00 932 So 599.05 »7.531.55 Respectfully submitted. CARL HABERLACH. Secretary. Tillamook. Ore., Jan. 28. 1921. To the stockholders of the Clover dale Cheese Co.: Following is my report as S.-<-re- tary-Salesman for tbe year 1920 Factory received 2.573.666 lbs of milk during the year. There were 142.344.39 lbs of butterfat :n thi- milk. an average test of 3.97 per cent 288 ol lbs. of chees« were manufac- boxes. The tured. , making 3.996 boxes yield for the year was 11 20 lb. of cheese per 100 lbs. of milk, An av- erage of 2.81 lbs. of cheese 1 were made from each lb. of butterfat. Cheese sold for *83.78 2.29. The av- erage price was 29 06 cts. TUla- The making charges for the mook year were »11.946 09. The factory expenses were »11.025.06. Following is a flnancia statement of the con pany at this time- »2.612.50 »1.653 01 Building and groun-1 — 439.35 Supplies on hand ---------- 157.4M Cash on hand --------------- 84.08 Miami Valley Creamery Co. 1921 expenses paid------ f Due frotn patrons, etc — Factory received 917,355 (be. 5.48 w ruilk during the year. There 39.793.08 lbs. of butterfat in the »3.298.90— milk, making an average test of 4.33 labilities per cent. 108.109 lb*, of cheese Bill« payable 61.70' ' > were manufactured, making 1.520 Capital stock account------ - 800.00 boxes. The average yield was 11 78 Surplus ----------- ___________ _ ;»s.»6 lbs. of Chees« per 100 lbs. of milk. An average of 2.71 lb» of chee.-c made per lb of butterfat Che sold for »32.233.51. The average Tillamook. Ore-, Feb 1. 1921 price was 29.81 e The factory re­ Resources Central To the stuefcholders ,f ceived for making *6,449 95 » 5 782 1 : Building ar.d ground expense.- tor the year were »4.925 85 Creamery Co.: Supplies on hand — — 1.638.O" S« r rt - »1.746 24 was added to the value if Following 29.00 Due from > patrons------------ the wilding on account of improve­ tarv -«alesnia i f »r the y««ir 92.34 Due for cheese ___________ ments made during the year Depre­ The fa- I > r r* reived >lu Cash on hand------------------- 2.666 4 • ’ > lb» ■ f .ir.ll year 1,4* ciation charged was »184.90 253 •> ' Dec making account (est.) 12 lb* of nun Following is a Allan« lai statement were 59 I Liabiilities a of the factory at this time: thi« milk na tin j an Capital stock outstanding »->25 i;l) 156. 19 5 .121 P*r c- 736 1 > Be source* December cheese paid —— »3.540 2 I cheet Building and ground Surplus___________________ 7.911 “ 5 t : I box- Supplies on hand 1 2197 246 52 the yeai • •>’ Cash In bank »10.472 15 Ai. av 659.26 ' l«0 lbs c 1 >.,k for cheese Du The value of the building and •• riia-lo p ¡2.65 It«. ( equipment was increased »978 . Id *4.761 4.* I but 1 erf.-J. through addition of a new boiler >verage p 406 42. n 1 and »318.53 was deducted for d pr Liabilities »2.400.00 29 55 cts Tl Jamook. The Note pa ya bit elation. 1.431 42 from making chsrg.s ch*1:-, were $6.341 5« Capital stock Carl Haberlach. Seer« ar This includes a charg«' of $102.71 *4,761 <2 on account of depreciation' <-f build Tillamook Ore . Jan 25. 1921 ing and equipment. Following is a financial statement To the stockholder- of Cold Sprinc- Cheese Factory: East Beaver Cheese Co of the company at this time: The factory received during Following is my report a.« S«cr«r- Resources Mtlk con- Building and ground ye.«i 971.406 lb.», of milk »1.412 7 1 t ry for the year 1920 laincd 41.316.88 lbs of bul'ertal. Supplies on hand The factory received 1.723.481 1h» 1.151 15 makiug an average test of 4 25 per Due for cheese 380 11 of milk during the year There Wfr were Advanced patrons cent. 110,649 lb- of cheese 104 95 69.539.50 lbs. of butterfat in r b: manufactured, making 1,546 boxes, milk, an average test of 4.03 P'“ Liabilities The average yield v as 11.39 bn. •„( Overdraft at bank — 195.513 lbs. f cheese wer— * 482 15 cent An •¥- cheese per 100 lbs. of milk, 0J manufactured, making 2.735 boxe- Capital stock outstanding erage of 2 67 lbs. o chee»^ mlidr per Surplus ».»•T .7 Thc yield for the year was 11 34 lbs. . — — lb of butterfat. Ch kee»H« aold for »33.- of cheese per 100 lbs of milk An 011.32. The average price wae »3.059 92 average of 2.81 lbs of cheese w-re 29 83 eta. TillamtKik. 1,093.45 lb*, made iron each lb of butterfat. Th» of butterfat »eie recovered frotn cheese sold for »57.766 40. The av- Tillamook. Orr . Jan. 24. 1921 erave prl«?e v.as 39.54 ct« Tillamook whey cream, which sold for »66« 14 (This covers a p«riod of approxi­ To the Stockholders of Elwood The receipt« from making charge» mately six months.! '1 he fact o? • -- Creamery Company were »«.356 58 Expenses f >r th.- Follow ing Is my report as Se ceiveu for making »5.655.77 1 hi year w -re J 7,9 51 61 . tary-‘aleanian for the year 1920 expense» for the yeat were 65 . '1 Following is a financial statement Factory received 1.323.877 lb- »2.295 82 was added to value of the : of the compan a’ this time There w»re I milk during the year. plant, covering Improvement- nia.L I pre- '58.03115 lb- of butterfat in he Bonding and Resources and »276.59 charged off t as d< »1.888 I ground elation Following U a «tat temeut ‘milk, au average t» st ■ f 4 38 .x-r Sunplles on hand 613 50 234.457 lbs. of cheese were of the financial condition I at this cent 2.21« 39 Caah In bank ‘manufactured, making 2.172 boxes. Resources 145 40 Dec. making acct, (est.) *3.621 03 ¡The yield for the year was 11.66 lbs Advanced to patrons Building and ground 179.7 An 753 91 I - if i he, *e per 10«* lbs of milk Supplies on hand Liabilities 'average of 2 66 lbs. of cheese wts 491 Du« for cheese Capita! stock outstanding »1.100 Cb«««e 1.00 mad«- per lb of butterfat. Cm»n in bank 3.945 * Surplus sold for *58.031 15. The averaf- Carl Haberlach. S< cret »4. *67 55 price was 29 32 cents. Tillamook. 1.743 53 lb- of butterfat were rec Liabilities »1.500.00 ered from whey cream and sold for Bills payable Tillamook. Ore . Jan 29. 1921 The factory reeeiv-d To the stockholders of Clover Leaf 500 0) *1.04 4 02 Capital -lock outstanding Expenses Creamery Company: 3,66 7.5 5 *6.414 64 for making Surplus — for the year w«re *6.893 53. Following is my report a jM* Building and grounds tained 63.18 4 13 lbs of butterfat, Factory received 1.011.069 lb.» f 6 . 397 Supplies on hand making an average test of 4 14 milk during the year This miik 37 52 pecr cent. The average yield for contained 40,972.45 lbs. of butterfat. Cash In bank Liabilities the year was 11 75 lbs of cheese pc- 112.674 lbs. of chee-e were nianuit' - 00 200 100 lb* of milk An average of 2 6? tured, making 1.570 boxes. The Bills payable 550 lbs of cheese per lb of butterfat wa« yield for the year was 11 04 lb- ■ f Capital stock outstanding 2.391 90 tnade made Chees, sold for »4 8- cheese p«-r 100 lbs of milk I he Surplus________________ 818.01. The average price was average yi«*eld P*r lb of butterfat »3.681 HÙ 29 4« cts Tillamook 2.082 34 lbs. Respectfully submitted. of butterfat were recovered - Tillamook, Sec ret ai y. The factory reeiv«-d for making »5.- during the year. for making This includes a charge of »202 80 The expenses » >v »4.951 5». Tillamook. Ore.. Feb 1. 1921 for depreciation of the plant and »592.05 was added ’o S5.36<> <6 equipment the book value of the building a.id To the stockholders of Meda Following Is a fln.«n'lal staiem>-n' equipment on account of new boiler Creamery of the company at this tim« : Following 1» my rep«'rt as Secre ­ and vat installed Mariag Resources Depreciation amounting to »11 12 tary salesman for the year 1920 »3.650 ' I Th* factory received 1.25*.258 1b» Building and ground was charged to this account. 842 no This milk Sirpplles on hand Following is a financial -taleiui r of milk during the year December making (eat) 164 36 contained 53.433 72 lbs of butterfat, of thee company at this time. Due for cheese sold 882 I* making the average t«"*t of 4 24 per­ Resoutcet 5 ' 4« >f chee*«- cht«v were Advanced to patrons »I 997 5 cent 144 366 lbs of Building and ground 129 as ) manufactured, making ; 2.029 boxer Overdraft at Liabilities Accounts receivable * bank 2* Th, average yield tor the year * as ota payable at bank 5a * 4 ■Supplie* on hand — t • » 2 _ 11 47 lbs of cheese per l«o lbs milk »7 Cash in bank 60.1 Capital Mock outstanding 1 811 average of 2 70 lb*, of chee* 4.3«» 1 Snrplua_________________ 1 * 1 made per lb of billtetfat Cheese '-.>ld fm »42.465.71 The average Liabilities: »5 627.19 10e "•'prlc, was 29 41 cents. Tillaiuiwk bank on note R. p--ctfully «ub’iired Capital idock outstanding 1.00«* *0 The factory received from making Carl Haberlach. Secretary The expe’i •» 1.651 17 .barges »6 297.00 Sui plu» ,he year were pre »5.935 33. thi* Tlllam.wtfc. Ore F(b 1. 1921 ».'751 17 chides a charge of »105.00 for J*- Tc the stockholders of Ore town e«iiilpinent Respectfully submitted. Checse Company Following is a financial statrmen. Fnllowlng is my rrport as Se- • of the Civiipany at St«tr time: tary-aalcsn»an for thè year 1920 Pleawnt V»Uey Cheese Co Resources Factory rveelrcd durine thè ?-e ,e factory receiseM 1 »1.995 • • 1.9»«.79« !b- of milk Building and ground Th‘s m ' 14 4 50 1 !«•♦ 776 Iba of n,,‘ Supphes on hand containrd 84.4'4 7$ Ib». ot bnttyrfn ««rnlalned 46.883 »5 II : t »6« Advanced to patron* an xvrrare test of 4 22 per evo 1.630 X» an •verme» ** Cash ou hand 226.475 lb* of chwee aere inaivi 1 1 170 »35.011 lb» of thre»e Due factor» for cheese faetnred. making 3.130 boxe*. * tured making I-’*.0. »verace yt» Id of 11.33 Ibe rh«e» p, yield *»* 1* J * !b J 1.70« <1 ino Ib« of milk average y----- -de An avera p«.- lad lbs. Liabilities : of 2 6« lb« per 18 of bute»r“» in »1.500 n<) Cheew sold for »««.«28 52. IV .>( 2.66 lbs »I Capii al 3.206 «1 oraste prive was 29 55 cenv-x. TU' but ter fat Sui plus *31.219 24 mook The factory »4 706 81 niskins chargea »9.227 29 77 cent»- fully submitted. lory teceived perse* for thè yesr w ret ary »This Include« a eh erge Th •«per depreclstlon oa thè »6.461 iC «qu*pni*nt. the v> atM t Follnwtng I* a ftnan of thè eotnpany al thli boiler In ■tall.d i ream >t »146 Resources: ch. •- Foil mg I* a Building and ero«!mi *«•1 larva«!«-»: mpa-'X 1 Supplie* on band of the Dtie for ekeeoe «old Résout tes 1.235 961 lb*, C«u*h on hand — t 69,1 ** >&•■ Build“** and gr< Suppl'»« Capital stock z-itstanding » 800 ' 5.20 2 Surplus —2------- —■— »• Respect' Hly submitted Carl Hat Tillai To the st ’Dairy As« Following is tary-salesman Fa ory received year milk during ’ f bn 2 189 79 !' milk, arerag cent. 275,4 manufac’ure The yield foi X-f cheese pe: average of from scld f price 4.513.23 lbs covered from sold for $2,7 -making were $12.502 52 Expen- for the year were S12.531.96. »2.145 66 ••’--» addsd to the vab;» of the buildleg and equipment dur­ ing the year or. account of p.'r ments made, and $345.43 deduc for deprecation. Following is a financial statem pf the company at this time: a new li you ate in & X ‘¡•owns, selected by Everv Id was 11.7 lb«, of chees per ICO 11 «. of mil’: An average of 2.78 lbs. if chc-e»' made per lb of butteri t. Chee- sold for »82 j 10.88. Tie averag price was 29 71 cts. Til H:nook. 3. 467.55 lbs. of b jtterfat *.ere recov- • red from whey crer.m ar.d sold foi »2,091.16. Thr factcry received for making" chees- »11.591.1 '5. In addi I »920 •. »3 • building fund Exp-, n- year amounted to »897.81 was the building count of new »129.90 was Jt Union Following •ncial s is time of the compa Resources Building ar.d ground Supplies on hand Cash on hand > * :■ Advanced to patrons Due for cheese Liabilities Tillamook, Ore., Jan. 25. 1921. Capital stock outstandin To the .»t-ickholders of Red Clover Surplus Creamery Co. Following is my report as Secre- tary-sal>sman tor the year 1920: Respectfully The factory received 3.042,912 Carl Haberlach. 3ecr b . o’ niilk during the year. Mill: contained 122,291.63 lb . of Tillamook. Ore., Feb butterfat, a:, ¡'veragee test of 4.01 Tc ■he stockholders of Sand per cent. Creamery Co 334 "47 lb , of cheese were manu­ Following is my report as factured, making 4.720 boxes. tary-SaleamxB for the year 192" The yield for the year was 10.97 The factory received during lbs. of cheese per 100 lbs. of milk. year 45 7 108 lbs. of milk. There An average of 2.73 lbs. oc he« »a were 19. 60 42 lbs butterfat was made per lb. of butterfat. his milk, making an average test of Chee.-e sold for $100.613.79. Th 4.16 per cent. verage price was 30.12 cents the lb 51.595 lt»s, of cheese were manu- The w hev cream produced 3.966 59 facured. making 723 boxes lb» of butterfat, which sold for The average yield was 11 28 lb* $2.399.06 of cheese per 100 lbs. of milk. A11 The receipts from making charges average of 2.70 lbs. cheese wer« amounted to $14.984.92. made per lb. of butterfat. The The expenses for the year wore cheese sold for $15.192.50. The nv- »14.605.57. Included in the expens­ eragc price was 29.44 cts Ttlla: :c»>k es is a charge of $634.50 covei ing The factory received from making Jepnclation, at 5 per cent, on the chart - $3.163 67 Expenses for th«- plant and equipment. ■ • I: • $2.917 34 Thia indud - $1 790.25 was added to the value a charge of $54 71 on account of of the plant and epuiptnent by th" depreciation of building and equip­ installation of a new- separator and ment $494 31 was added to the boiler. value of the plant as the cost of the The following is r. financial state­ • he-sen aker*» house. ment of the company at this time: Following i« a financial statem,n’ Resources r of the company at this time: Building and ground« »12.055.59 Resources Supplies on hand 1.721.45 Building atwl ground »1.639.6" 455.50 Supplies on hand ____ 152.88 December making (est.) Cash in bank __ - 46.27 _Liabilities- Bill» payable Due for cheese ______ 4,100.00 343.75 Advanced to patrons 254.21 — 42.40 Overdraft at bank December money in _____ 1.833.13 Liabilities Capita! stock outstanding Capital stock outstanding * 3.250.00 Surplus 4.794.90 N ■ payable . Surplus_______________ »14.232.54 < ARL HABERLACH. Secretary. 11.624 91 Another lot of those nice all woo) and Tricotine dresses in navy blue at $8.90. Bob Evans Middies in plain white and White with detachable blue flannel col­ lar $2 98 Middy dresses, white with bine collar $2 98 All wool blue flaim.-l middies $5.90 All wool red flannel mid­ dies $5 50 Dresses in wool materials silks sell from TllDrmook Ore.. Feb 3 1921 To the -’«wkholders of Three River-* Creamery twn : Follosing is my report as Secre- tary «ale-man for the year 1920: The fac-ory received during the year 2.78«.8ST lbs of milk There were 116.023.33 lbs of bu . terfat ip the milk, an average test of 116 i»r cent. 311.»”2 lbs of cheese were manu fac’urej. making 4.328 boxes Th» average yield was 11.16 lbs of che«»e per 100 lb* of butterfat. An aver age of 2.66 lbw. of cheese per pound uf b'lt’erfkt Cheese sold for F*t - »96 4 « The average price was .-«• Sit e«x Tillamook 4.215 95 lbs -H bu> terra« were recovered from wh -y cream a.id «old for »2 476 9» factory received for making *1 • 6*3.13. The expenses fol î^e ye were »12,859 65 »421 6 were ad« I♦ I»T>I*mn»jpyi3P3*L •Vi'd*?- • ' 0J-'. tury-salesman for the year 1920: Factory received during the year 3,932.339 lbs. of milk. There were 161,767.62 lbs. of but­ terfat in this milk, an average teat of 4.11 per eent. 4-13.450 lb:, of cheese were manu- ,’m tured, making 6,255 Iroxes. The averag.' yield for the year was 11.27 lbs. of of milk. An av rage . yield of _ . 2.74 ............ .. if lbs. chet-se per lb. of butterfat was made. Cheese sold for »131.803.33. I'he average price was 29.72 00111.*. ■ mook. 6.700.54 lbs. of butterfat were re­ covered from whey cream and sold for $3.987.84. The receipts for making were »19,326.71. The factory I expenses were $17,989.97. Following is the financial ____ state- nient of the company at this time: OWH » ..j- Resources: 34,211.78 * 073 65 Building and ground.» Supplies on hand ___ Cash in bank 7.\3»'sn Advanced to patrons Dec. making acct.(est.) _ 359 41 574^27 746,776 lbs. of cheese werei factured. making 10,520 bom The average yierd for the rar 11.72 lbs. of cheese perl’ll of milk. An average of 2.716 lbs. old made from each lb. of butterfit The chese sold for 3222.1 The average price was 29.74 Tillamook. 5.455.23 lbs. of butterfat sold in whey cream, M »3,271.06. 4,938 lb3. of butter were lit tured. which sold for »3,WU The factory received for t cheese 630.148.55. Expenses for the year *28,618.68. »7,193.46 w.^s added to tk of the building and equipmerj count of improvements madd the year and depreciation »M Jo »782.87 was charged off. I Following is a financial sM of the company at this ii® Resources: I 115. 094.91 Building and grounds —ml Supplies on hand ----- 1 Liabilities : Capital . stock - outstanding --------------- - $1.350.00 Wilson River Water Co December cheese paid 2,934 94 December making due (est.) I ■''Hipiii» . |10,t09.*7 Cash in bank -------- ------ *| Advanced to patrons...... — I n , »15,094.91 >71 Respectfully submitted, CARL HABERLACH. Liabilities : Secretary. December cheese paid Capital stock outstanding i illamook, Ore. .Jan. 25, 1921. Surplus ................ To oc,kho,der Mapl. Leaf --- - ' "1 arici piv JuVai »:■ r.-amery Association: Respectfull ' sub"1| hollowing 1.» Following is niy my report r.s ns Seere- Serre tary-.qilesnmn for the year 1920" ■V The factory reeefv.-d dining the Tillamook. Ore.. Jan. 25. 1921. "Behind the oor." a tes« year 6.368.664 lbs. of niil k To r rti stockholders at South Prairie rhe milk contained 274.959 72 ibs thrilling picture of the *' | Creamery Co. 'f.-at ' ^fbuiterfat.makipg an average" Following is my report as Sccro- <>f 4.31 per rem. te-jf rines—'and vengence. I . Sat'irW bart Bcv«wortl -------Ä t /.V- i “An Adventure in Hearts” ' ■’ 'w''bu\> -"111- tiiit. !IT)VV : finn tl ‘‘1 ' pulled the bar. peered th Ji il ‘ '<) leap iu hi» v ins chaniTJ.t*i’hiV vV “ venture that will t rc X( ll wjt. ' '•KTCRAFT PÌC7URE ft j I.ov. holding 1............ docuiue^l k piven their ears—he M roon»- a”d !>aw~~a si«ht that ’.“*1 Ie’ P^unl?ed him into a whirfPj Capital »»«wk mi’s'a nJ is# SI.«- 0 Overdraft at bank 112 Sut pin . _ 5.78) r.4ii •a An tfe ATTgjEM THEATRE, FRIDAY. MARCH J