•X THURSDAY. JANUARY 20. 1921 il THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PAGE THREE ÎËJoL1 l.^QÌJDLfe!fcìIcyc^7ì!J3fi^ey2iiiyil1?ISIì2f3It^^ * The Voice of the Pack * A Story of the Oregon Mountain Country INVITES YOU TO TRY THEIR the only thing that can be done. I He meant what he raid. If mortal Dan smiled at her gently, and bls The man looked back at the girl, SERVICE. can’t walk, and you can’t carry me on strength and sinew could survive such great shoulder leaned against th« ■ntllng into her eyes. Lennox lay as I your backs. What else remains? I’ll a test, he would succeed. There was traces. if asleep, the lines of his dark face EXCELLENT MEALS stay here—end I’ll scrape together nothing in these words to suggest the They moved through a dead world. curiously pronounced. And the girl, 35 CENTS AND ÜP enough wood to keep a fire. Then yon physical weakling that both of them The ever-present manifestations of because she was of the mountains, can bring help." wild life that had been such a delight had known a few months before. The body and soul, answered Dan's smile. He kept his eyes averted when he eyes were earnest, the dark face In­ to Dan In the summer and fall were Then they knew that all of them knew •ort to procure Dan’s rifle that hung talked. He was afraid for Dan to see tent, the determined voice did not quite lacking now. The snow was the truth. Not even an Inexperienced n two sets of deer horns over the fire- them, knowing that he could read the waver at all. trackless. Once they thought they ear could have any delusions about lade, and was entirely exhausted lie in them. “Dan Failing speaksI" Lennox re­ saw a snowshoe rabbit, a strange the pack song now. It was that old- rem It He had succeeded In getting “How do you expect to find wood— plied with glowing eyes. He was re­ shadow on the snow, but he was too est of wilderness songs, the hnntlng- WE MAKE 0DR OWN PAS­ Mm from the couch, though wracked In this snow?" Dan asked him ‘It will calling another Dan Falling of the far away for Snowbird to risk a pis­ cry—that frenzied song of blood-lust y agony, but bad been unabke to lift TRY AND OUR PIES ARE take four days to get out; do you dead years, a boyhood hero, and his tol shot The pound or two of flesh that the wolf pack utters when It Is Imself up In reach of the gun. FAMOUS —IF YOU DON’T BE- think you could lie here and battle remembered voice had never been would be sorely needed before the running on the trail of game. It had Orenston read his intention In one LLETE IT, ASK YOUR NEIGH­ with a fire for four days, and then four more determined, more masterful than Journey was over, but the pistol car­ found the track of living flesh at last. I lance. Leotiox knew It, but he sim- BORS AND FRIENDS. days more that It will take to come this he had Just heard. tridges might be needed still more, ‘ •There's no use stopping, or trying ly dkta’t eare. He had passed the back? You’d have two cheires: to she didn ’ t let her mind rest on certain to climb a tree,” Dan told them sim­ "And Cranston didn’t get his pur- »lot where anything seemed to mat­ bum green wood that Td cut for you pose, after all." To prove his words, possibilities wherein they might be ply. 'Tn the first place, Lennox can’t ftp — before I left; or the rain-soaked dead­ Dan thrust hts hand into his inner needed. Such thoughts stole the cour­ do It In the second, we've got to take “Tell me where It Is," Cranston or- wood under the snow. You couldn't coat pocket. He drew forth a little, age from the spirit, and courage was a chance—for cold and hunger enn get tred him. Again he pointed hlu rifle keep either one of them burning, and flat package, half as thick as a pack essential beyond all things els« to up a tree where the wolf pack can’t" I Lennox’s wasted breast you'd die in a night Besides—this Is of cards. He held it up for them to bring them through. He spoke wholly without emotion. "Tell you wh«ca what Is? no time for an unarmed man te be see. "The thing Bert Cranston burned As the dawn came out, they all Once more re tightened the traces of Marathon Lodge »iiej’?" alone in the hills." stood still and listened to the wolf the sled. 93, Knights of Pythias "Thu know what I want—and it Lennox ’ s voice grew pleading. “ Be pack, singing on the ridge somewhere *Tve heard that sometimes the pack k’t money. I mean those letters that Regular meeting Mon­ sensible, Dani" he cried. "That behind them. will chase a man for days without at­ lalllng found on the ridge. Tm day evening at 7:45 Cranston’s got us, and got us right tacking, ” Lennox told them. "It all It was a large pack. Thejr couldn ’ t Rough, fooling, Lennox. Dan learned sharp. By order of I’ve only one thing more I care about make out individual voice»—-neither depends on how long they’ve gone tot long ago, and it’s time you learned —and that Is that you pay the debt 1 I the Chancellor Com­ the more shrill cry of the females, the without fooo. Keep on and try to for- Jnotr/ mander. can’t hope to get out myself. I say yapping of the cub“, or tha low, clear •Dan learned It because he was sick. that I can't even hope to. But if you John C. Carroll, C. C. G-below-mlddlo-C note of the males. ' Be lsft't sick now. Don’t presume too bring my daughter through—and when ’If they should cross our track«—" Mncfa on that.” spring comes, pay what we owe to W. R. C. Lennox suggested. ^Cranston laughed with harsh acorn. Cranston—I’ll be content Heavens, Corinith Relief Corps, No. 64 Dept, “ No use worrying about thflt now — •But that Isn't the que^Hon. I said son—I’ve lived my life. The old pack of Oregon, meets on first and third not until we come to It," Dan Pre wasted all th$ time Tm going ttb leader dies when bls time comes, and Friday evenings of each month, at biro. Itou are an old man and helpless; but so does a men." 8 p. m., in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors The morning broke, the sun not going to let that stand in the His daughter crept Jp him and shel­ welcome . bright In a clear sky. Bnt still they y of getting what I came to get. tered his gray bead against her trudged on. In spit» of the fact that Minnie Johnson, President y"fe hidden somewhere around this breast. "I’ll stay with you, then,” she the sled was heavy and broke through Elizabeth Conover, Secy. o. I’ve watched, and he’s had no cried. the snow crust as they tugged at It, ce to take them Into town. I’ll "Don’t be a little fool. Snowbird,” they had made good time since their Corinth Post, No. 35, Dept, of Oregon e you—Juet five seconds to teil me departure. But now every step was He Oall#d Once to the Prone Body of he urged. "My clothes are wet al­ Meets on second and fourth ere they’re hidden." ready from the melted snow. It’s too a pronounced effort. It was the dread­ Lennox. ■ “An4 I give you,” Lennox replied, Saturdays of each month long a way—4t will be too hard a fight, ful beginning of fatigue that only riane second lees than that— JS --- ... w— ■K In the approved Cranston way, I 4 t ed against a great, dead log, leaving Tillamook so Dan—an3 you Two miles across the ridges, Dan SnowljlrJ, can't defend myself—but you -* .sree— W- Lodge the white covering only a foot In and Snowbird saw a faint mist blow ­ two will be happy. I know how things get a civil answer out offfle. rm used “Tho Thing Bert Cranston Burned depth on the lee side. He began to No. 1260 ing between the trees. They didn’t are, you two—more than you know to pain, and I can stand it I'm not the House Down to Destroy.” L. 0. 0. M. scrape the snow away, then hacked at «toed to fawning to a coyote like you, recognize It at first It might be fine yourselves—and In the end you’ll be the log with his ax until he hnd pro­ snow, blown by the wind, or even one the house down to destroy," he ex ­ happy. But me — I ’ m too tired to Meets •nd I can’t stand It” of those mysterious fogs that some­ make the try. I don’t care about it plained. ’’I’m learning to know this cured a piece of comparatively dry . But Cranston hardly heard. An Idea every wood from Its center. They all stood I times sweep over the snow. mountain breed, Lennox. I kept it In enough. I’m going to wave you good- Itod flamed In his mind and cast a red Friday "But it looks like smoke,” Snowbird by, and smile, and lie here and let the my pocket wnere I could fight for It, breathless while he lighted the little glamor over all the scene about him. at pile of kindling and heaped It with "Mayb# We Can Keep Them Bluffed." i cold come down. You feel warm tn a at any minute.” It was Instilling a poison In his nerves said. K. of green wood—the only wood procur­ “But It couldn’t be. The tree« are little while—" Cranston had been mistaken, after able. But It didn’t burn freely. It get ’em. Maybe we can keep ’em Hall. and a madness In his blood, and it was too wet to burn." I But she stopped his lips with her all. In thinking that In fear of himself ■earing him, like fire, tn his dark smoked fitfully, threatening to dl# out, bluffed.” But then a sound that at first was hand. Dan would be afraid to kee^ the and emitting very little beat. Benin. Nothing seemed real. He sud­ And he bent and kissed It. But as the hours passed, It became S. A. Brodhead, Sec. Just the faintest whisper In which | "If anybody's going to stay with packet on his person, and would crav- denly bent forward, tense. But they didn’t particularly care. Increasingly difficult to forget the wolf neither of them would let themselves •That’s all right about you,” he said. ; you," Dan told them In a clear, firm enly conceal It In the house. He would The sun was warm above, as always pack. It was only a matter of tunilng Tillamook Lodge No. 57, A. ,.F. & A.M. •But you’d be a little more polite If it believe, became distinct past all deny­ ' voice, “it’s going to be me. But aren't have been even more surprised to In the mountain winters of southern the head and peering for an Instant ing. It was that menacing crackle of Special Communication Wed­ know that Dan had lived in constant Oregon. Snowbird and Dan cleared Into the shadows to catch a glimpse was Snowbird—and Dan—that would any of the cabins occupied?" a great fire, that In the whole world of kave to pay.” hope of meeting Cranston on the spaces beside the Are and slept. Len­ of one of the creatures. Their usual nesday Jan. 19th at 8:00 “ You know they aren ’ t," Lennox an ­ sounds Is perhaps the most terrible. ridges, showing him what It contained, nox, who had rested on the Journey, fear of men, always their first emo­ erhaps the color faded slightly in p. m. F. C. degree to be “It’s our house,” Snowbird told him. swered. "Not even the houses beyond nox’s face; but his voice did not the North Fork, even If we could get ■nd fighting him for It, bands to lay on hfs sled and with his uninjured tion, had giten way wholly to a hunt­ conferred. "And father can’t get out" hands. And even yet, perhaps the day She spoke very quietly. Perhaps across. The nearest help is over sev- would come when Cranston would ■rm tried to hack enough wood from ing cunning; an effort to procure their Harvey Eblnger, Sec'y. ey’ll see your footprints before ’ enty miles." the saplings that Dan had cut to keep game without too great risk of their come In and be ready," Lennox the most terrible truths of life are al­ | know at last that Snowbird's words, the fire burning. any own lives. In the desperation of their “ And Snowbird, think I Haven ’ t ed evenly. “They always come In ways spoken tn that same quiet voice. supplies been left In the ranger ■ta­ after the fight of long ago, were true. At three they got up, still tired «nd hunger they could not remember such Then both of them started across the Bp the back way. And even with The twilight was falling over the aching In their bones from exposure. things as the fear of men. They snow as fast as their unwieldy snow­ i tlon?" MMtol, Snowbird's a match for you." “Net one thing," the girl told him. snow, so Snowbird and Dan turned te Twenty-four hours had passed since spread out farther, and at last Dan shoes would permit MrDId you think that was what I the toll of building a sled. they had tasted food, and their unre- looked up to find one of the gray “He can crawl a little," Dan called "You know Cranston and his crowd Tuesday eve, 7:30 p. tn. OMantF' Cranston scorned. “I know • The snow was steel-gray tn the plenlshed systems complained. Thjre beasts waiting, like a shadow himself, robbed the place last winter. And the to her. "Don ’ t give up. Snowbird Rebekak, Wednesday evening ly to dejtroy those letters, and Hl • telephone lines were disconnected moonlight when the little party made Is no better engine In the wide world in the shadow of a tree not one hun­ Camp 2-4, Thursday fit— in the four seconds that I said, mine. I think he’ll be safe.” their start down the long trail. Their than the humnn body. It will stand dred feet from the sled. Snowbird They mounted to the top of the when the rangers left." fess you tell. I’m not even sure I’m preparations, simple and crude as they whipped out her pistol. more neglect and abuse than the finest “Then the only way Is for me to ridge; and the long sweep of the for­ I n’ to give you a chance to tell now; est was revealed to them. The house stay here. You can take the pistol, were, had taken hours of ceaseless steel motors ever made by the hands "Don’t dare I” Dan’s voice cracked i too good a scheme. There won't I was a singular tall pillar of flame, al­ ’ and you'll have a fair chance of get- labor on the part of the three. The of craftsmen. A man may fast many owt to her. He didn’t spenk loudly; yet f any witnesses then to yell around ready glowing that dreadful red from ' ting through. I'll grub wood far our ax. Its edge dulled by the flame and days If he Iles quietly In one place the words came so sharp and com­ e courts. What it I choose to set To Employers of Labor which firemen, despairing, turn away. > camp meanwhile, and you can bring its handle burned away, had been and keeps warm. But fasting Is a manding, so like pistol fire Itself, that te this house!” : cooled In the snow, and with one deadly By the proposition while pulling they penetrated Into her consciousness Then the girl seized his hands and help.” t wouldn’t surprise me a great • nd choked back the nervous reflexes danced about him tn a mad circle. | “And If the wolves come, or if help i sound arm, Lennox had driven the hot sledges over the «now, It’s your own trade.” Lennox “He's alive!” she cried. “You can didn’t come In time," Lennox whis­ : nails that Snowbird gathered from Don was less hopeful bow . Ills face that in an Instant might have lost dered once on his place on the see him—Just a dot on the snow. He pered, passion-drawn for the first i the ashes of one of the outbuildings. told what his words did not The them one of their three precious shells. crawled out to safety.” lines cfeft doep-w about his lips aad She caught herself with a sob. Dan time, "who would pay what we owe to The embers of the house Itself still wouldn't have to worry about glowed red In the darkness. She turned and sped at a breakneck Cranston?” eyes; and Snowbird’s heart ached shouted at the wolf, and It melted Into The Oldest Office in Oregon those letters then, would I? They are pace down the ridge. Dan had to race Dan had cut the green limbs of the when fie tried to encourage her with the shadows. “But her life counti •first of all." Headquarters for ■Miewhere In the house, and they’d be to keep up with her. But It wasn’t en­ •*Tou won’t do It again, Snowbird?" “I know It does—but mine doesn’t trees and planed them with his ax. a smile. It was a wan, strange smile Farm, D»iry, Mill, Logging darned to ashes. But that Isn't all tirely wise to try to mush so fast. A count at all. Believe me, you two. The sled had been completed, handles that couldn’t quite hide the first sick­ he asked her very humbly. But his and office help of all kinds. that would be burned. You could may­ dead log lay beneath the snow with a I’m speaking from my own desires attached for pushing It, and a piece of ness of despair. meaning was clear. He was not as Phone Bdg. 2272 ba crawl out, but you couldn’t carry broken limb stretched almost to Its when I say I don't want to make the fence wire fastened with nails as a skilled with a pistol as she; but If her The shndows quickly lengthened— 11 N Second SI. Portland. Or. tha guns, and you couldn't carry the surface, and It caught her snowshoe. fight. Snowbird would never make ft rope to pull It The warm mackinaws simply leaping over the snow from the nerves were breaking, the gun must pantry full of food. You’re nearly The wood cracked sharply, and she fell through alone. There are the wolves, of both of them as well ns the one fast-faffing sun. The twilight deep­ be tn ken from her hands. The three tog^ty miles up here from the nearest forward In the snow. But she wasn’t and maybe Cranston too—the worst blanket that Lennox had saved from ened, the snow turned gray, and then, shells must be saved to the moment of •ecupied house, with two pair of hurt and the snowshoe Itself, In spite wolf of all. A woman can’t mush the fire were wrapped about the old In a vague wny, the Journey began to utmost need. ■Mwshoes for the three of you and of a small crack in the wood, was still across those ridges four days without frontiersman's wasted body—Dan and “No," she told him, looking straight partake of a quality of unreality. It ana dinky pistol. And you can't walk serviceable. Snowbird hoping to keep warm by the was not that tho cold and the mow Into his eyes. "I won't do It again.” Eye Specialist i food, without some one who loves her at all. It would be a nice pickle, “Haste makes waste,” he told her. and forces her on 1 Neither can she exercise of propelling the sled. Ex­ and their hunger were not entirely He believed Iter. He knew that she Permanently located in Tillamook wouldn't It? Wouldn’t you have a fat "Keep your feet on the ground. Snow­ stay here with me and try to make cept for the dull ax and the half­ real, or that the wilderness was no spoke the truth, lie met her eyes wttii Private office In Jenkin’s Jewelry «dance of getting down to clvlllza- bird; the house Is gone already and green branches burn In a fire. She’s empty pistol, Hielr only equipment longer naked to their eyes. It was Just a Itnlf smile. Then, wholly without store. Latest up-to-data Instr i your father is safe. Remember what got three little pistol balls—and we’d was a single charred pot for melting ments and equipment. Evening: tbnt^helr whole effort seemed like warning, Fate played its Inst trump Tbe voice no longer held steady. It lies before us.” and Sunday by appointment. all die for a whim. Ob, please. sn«w that Dan had recovered from some dreadful, unburdened Journey In Again the wilderness reminded them the ashes of the kitchen. tumbled with passion. This was no The thought sobered and halted her. please—” a dream—a stumbling advance under of Its might, anti their brave spirits < __ ________ —------------------------- Mte threat The brain had already She glanced once at the dark face of i But Dan leaped for his hand with The three had worked almost In difficulties too many nnd rrnl to hr* were almost broken by the utter re Mtoed upon the scheme with every In- her companion. Dan couldn’t under­ glowing eyes. "Listen, man 1” he cried. silence. Words didn’t help now. They true. morseleasness of the blow. The girl totoflon of carrying ft out. The wil- stand the stra-ige light that suddenly t “I know another way yet. I know wasted no sorely »ceded breath. But The first sign was th# far-off cry went on her face with a crack of wood. dettess lay stark and bare, stripped of leaped to her eyes. Perhaps she her­ more than one way; but one. If we’v« they did have one minute to talk when of the wolf pack. It was very faint. Her snow shoe had been cracked by aU delusion—not only In the sno>v self couldn't have explained the wave got th# strength, Is almost sure. There they got to the top of the little ridge simply a stir In the eardrums, yet ft her fall of the day before, when run attorneys at law wnrt that they had heard. And thia was the nieaan ring bis own spirit for the tri«! He was taking no chances on shook his shoulders with rough hands. tlon more than anything else." first,” Dan answered simply. worst sign of all. Each on# of th# that lay before him. “Just think," the girl told them, re­ HBfirv being extinguished. And Lro hurting. troy I" Lennox "I don’t know what they are. It Isn t “You're three was hoping against hop# In his ■■began to crawl toward the door. warned. “I’m a bag of broken bones." proaching herself, “If 1 had shot Continued Next Meek coIng to be .any picnic. Dan. A man very heart; and at the same time, hop­ managed to grasp the corner of “I’ll tote you down there If 1 have straight at that wolf today, we could can travel only so fnr without food to ing that the others did not understand •^plsnket on the divan as he want, to tie you In." D«a Falling replied. have gone back and got hla body, n Glv# a look at the prices of can­ For a long lime, as th# darkness ea^he -1 ragged It behind him. Pain keep up his strength, particularly over "Before, I’ve bowed to your will; hut might have carried us through." such ridges as you 10 J? ned peaches, pears, salmon and ber­ deepened shout them, the foreets were Neither of the others as much •a him. and smoke half-blinded wIl’ be easy to give up and dis. It1» this tltne you have to bow to mine. etUI. i erhspe. Den thought, he had ries at the Burge Grocery—a cut <■( I But he made It at last. And by I'm not going to let yon stay here and looked surprised at these amaslng 25 per cent. 13-23U , IIMlme he had crawled one hundred the test, man; It’s the test." die, no matter if you beg oc your grata over the lost, unsavory fiaab of been mistaken aft«r ell. file shoulders 1 Let a Headlight Classified Ad do stralxhtened. The« th# chorea blared the snow crust the whole kneeaI It’s the test—and I'm going ■ wolf, They were up against reali- w«8 |n flamea Th« red ties, and Uwy didn't mines words. to briag !«■ tbreagk." the work for you. Lennox was not oq the di»«n where re had left him. He lay infftead on he floor near the flreplace; and he net the passion-drawn face w-lth entire lalmness. His motives were perfectly (lain. He had just made a desperate Cranston, the fire-mAdness on hie face, hurried to the outbuildings, There he repeated the work. He touched a match to the hay In the bam, and the wind flung* the flame through It in an instant. The sheds and other outberlfdjngs _ were treated ______ with oil. Aad seeing that bis week was done, he caffetf once to the prsae Chili Con Carne Chinese Noodles Lodge Directory ’ —-TO Help Furnished Free PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO DR. J. G. TURNER BARRICK & HALL > DR. O. L. HOHLFELD Drs. Shearer and Crank JMMMspoke with ■ rear.