PAGI EIGHT -A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION -312 STORES--- »»Wim PUTTING OUR HOUSE IN ORDER TO MEET NEW CONDITIONS 1 The J. C. PENNEY CO., Operating 312 Department Stores in 27 <> States, will on FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14th, open its doors with Reconstruction Prices prevailing—Every price in our stores is based upon our replacement price, REGARD £ LESS OF PREVIOUS COST. I ;> » £ ; A I ELIEVING the time has arrived when revision of prices is war­ ranted by replacement value—having discounted our merchan­ dise thousands of dollars in our inventory just completed—we therefore give to the public the full benefit of the loss we sustain. O NOT confuse this with the usual mark up and^mark down spe­ cial sale commonly held by other merchants. , The J. C. Penney Company never has, nor does it now, believe in special sales. Re. I member, every article will remain as priced until sold or forced byi market conditions to change. Remember, we have said OUR REPLACEMENT PRICE, which should prove doubly attractive. Buying for 312 stores doing a yearly business of approximately FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS should be sufficient proof that our replacement price is substantially •/ lower than that of our competitors. Many items are limited in quantity, many may prove underpriced —hence delay to purchase may result in disappointment, Come ex. pecting to find every item in our store bearing its proper reduction. We stake our reputation that you will not be disappointed. D B MEN S MADRAS SHIRTS OVERALLS AND JUMPERS JERSEY SILK PETTICOATS New patterns in good percales and corded madras. It’s been many a moon since you caw shirts like these at ...................... ..................... ....................... .. 98c Beautiful color combinations in all-silk jerseys and taffetas. Most wonderful values in Tillamook $3.50 $1.19 Men’s best quality 2-20 denim Bib Overalls and Jumpers. Union made; no better made.................. 4 NEW HATS FOR MEN £ MEN'S WORK SHIRTS HOPE AND PREMIUM MUSLIN All the new shapes In black, brown, green and gray. Excellent quality felt. All sizes.................. $3.49 No Introduction necessary. You know the qual­ ity. Our price is, yard ............................................. 13c > A good sirt Well made from blue chambray nnd khaki cloth; all sizes .................................................. 89c I £ » MEN S ALL WOOL OVERCOATS EXCELLENT BLACK SATEEN Over 700 men are wearing these cats In Portland . .concrete evidence of their worth. All sites......... 36-..Inches wide. The quality sateen you want at the price you should pay. Per yard ................. MEN’S SILK AND FIBER SOX FANCY OUTING FLANNEL Black, brown and gray. Just such sox as you have often paid a dollar for................................................ 43c Bent quality outings in both fancy and white. A lighter quality at 17c yard. Per yard................... MEN'S HEAVY CASHMERE SOX EXCELLENT GINGHAMS Heather, black and naturals. A wonderful sock at a wonderful price.................................................... 25c Complete new shipment comprising all desirable colois In staple checks. Beautiful plaids at 19c, Yd. MEN'S WOOL-MIX SWEATERS FULL-SIZE COMFORTERS These are medium weight and come In navy, gtny and khaki. All sixes .. . ............................................ $1.89 Filled with clear white cotton and covered with good quality sllkoline and challles ....................... £ I I £ $13.50 MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS WOMEN S FLANNELETTE GOWNS Wellmade. artistically trimmed from an excellent quality outing, white and colors.......................... Huck Towels. 17x34 Black, brown and while. women. All sixes ........... 12c Heaviest weight khaki suits. There are no better garments than these and note the price. All sizes $2.98 This famous shirt is well known as the standard black sateen work shiT«; triple stitched. Rldicu- ously low price .............................................. $1.19 Moleskin vests, moleskin lined, leather sleeves. All leather lined at »7.9». Pelt-lined at »10.90.. 2 for 39c Chocolate Chrome English Walker. 2 44 to 7 ........... Brown Calf English Walker 2*4 to 7 ............................. Serges-Tricotines »3.9» .... .> Kleinert's Jiffq Baby Pants .... 43c Child’s Waists ................................ 29c Coates' Sewinsr Thread......................6c Corticelli Sewing Silk 12e Beautiful Babv Blankets............ 98c Fleisher s Knitting Worsteds (¿-ounce) .................................... 33c Fleisher's Germantown Zephvr (1-ounce) I >en's Genuine Paris Garters *- •'1 Blue Bandana Handerkerchiefs ». »' »3 . 1 Gem Safety Razors »3.69 Gillette Razors ........................... J »4 Î3 Gillette Blades ............................. Pro-phv-lac-tic Tooth Brushes . 29c 33 69 197 STORES 14.13 CHILDRENS- ' Good Shoes, sixes 2 to 5......... »1 12 Good Shoes, sixes 5 to S......... »1 49 I Bias Fold TapP .................................. 8c Hick-Rack Braid................................. 9c Coates Crochet Cotton (all sizes) 9c Black Calf. English •»*' *'*>’• Brown Calf. English lust, welt »4 Black Blucher Calf Shue ... »3 ♦» Brown Calf Blucher ............. H’i Heavy Brown Blucher, 11‘x - Heavy Brown Bluchyr. 3 44 Black Button Cali. 114» to . Black Button Calf 3 4» to 6 . Boys' Brown Calf English. 11 44 to 2 ............. .. • • •• • Boys' Brow n Calf English. 2 4» to « ............. ■.......... Boys' Brown Army Munson. 1144 to 2 .......................... Boys' Brown Army Munson. 2 44 «> • ............................. Notions Shell Hair Pins, box.........................8c MENS BOYS- $9-90 33c A .hloment of th.-m- «„mem, iu.t ,«<■!>. d. All , ...... allll lrU.„lit,e, ,le„llli(„llv ,rimmed with »ilk tint! wool embroidery and bead., Sizes 14 to 44. See our window GROWING GIRLS— $6.90 GENUINE SOO MACKINAWS The best to be had in men’s Machinaws. Genuine Soo Woolen Mills garments. Good patterns ¿-AO Women’s 1-Piece Dresses jM” Black Kid Shoes, military heel »4 99 Black Kid Shoes, military heel »• 90 Brown Kid. cloth top. Louis heel 5 90 Brown Calf Brogue Oxfords »6 90 Black Kid Oxfords, lamia heel »4 9» Mahogany Kid Oxf'ds Louis heel 4.99 Brown Kid Oxfords, mil. heel »3 9S 98C MEN'S LEATHER SLEEVE VESTS EXTRAORDINARY! WOMEN'S — 49 BLACK BEAUTY SATEEN SHIRTS Oilcloth, white and fancy ► $1.49 HEAVY KHAKI MECHANICS' SUITS a dozen 98c Turkish Towelx. large size Startling Shoe Prices! $1.98 . 2 for ^?c Hotel Napkins A hose for discerning 19c Good heavy Union Suits. North Star Mills. Natur­ al gray color. All sizes. Also genuine Hanes Cot­ ton Union Suits at »1.49 ............................................ > An excellent hose for boys and girls; inedlum- welght rib, black only. Sizes 6 to 9 *4 ................. .. WOMEN S FIBER SILK HOSE Light and dark gray in both flat nnd military col­ lars. These are wonderful values................•......... MEN'S HEAVY MIXED UNION SUITS CHILDREN’S RIBBED HOSE 25c 35c OUR SHOES ARE ALL LEATHER TILLAMOOK WE NEVER HOLD A SALE— OREGON Suspenders ............................... ,., 45c Palmolive Soap.................................... 8f Line McCall’s Patterns