THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 'AGE FOUR THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1920 sendlng it to them. UNDERWRITING THE FUTURE The industrial and commercial The Headlight has tried in every A Weekly Paper Published Every way possible to live up to the stan­ prosperity of a conununity is rarely, Thursday by the Oc- dard of a good country newspaper, if ever, ¡he result of chtyiee. Headlight Publishing Company, Inc. but, like any one else who dues any­ casionally, in some favored localities thing at all, we s make mistakes now the bounties of nature are so lav­ (From Headlight of Dec. 27, 1900.) Tillamook, Oregon We have stood up for ishly bestowed that little effort uu Some eight or ten years ago it and then. Both Telephones the : principles in which we belici e the part of man is necessary to real­ was predicted that Tillamook was Reynold«-, Ba^ City, Ore. 12-23'.’p and shall continue to do so. We ize their benefits. But for the most gong to have a railroad right away, FOR SALE or pail intelligent planning, co-cpera- This constrains us to ask: Arc we Entered as secoud-cla -s matter in have i not exploited any personal WANTED FOR SALE TEN TONS OF HA1. but jtion and continued effort Is the going to get it, sure, at the begin- onal feelings or issues, the postoffice «t Tillamook, O1« gon. Can make arrangements for feed ­ WOOD WANT b S —WE WILL RE- ! ning or end of the twenieth cen- rather the matters of a general na- price to be paid tor progress. ing on the place. Herman Thun, celve bids until December 20th Blaine, Oregon. 12-23t:ip Tillamook county has been bless­ tury? for 1000 or less cords of old I ture of Interest to everyone, and «e Subscription Rates growth wood; same to be delivered Nehalem—A Chinaman, "ho left FOR SALE — BRIGHT, GREEN One year .................................. $2.00 want the support of every citizen in ed with numerous natural advant­ 1 at the Light Plant in Tillamook on leafy clover hay. No. 1 grade 1.00 Tillamook County, has here for Astoria over the coast trail x ages, and chief among these Six months .............................. cars, or on any road suitable to at $22 F. O. B. Sliefflln, Oregon, Three months ......................... .50 i in company with live others, receut ] been her wealth of timber, from I haul on with trucks. Delivery to grower. Write Joe Harrington. Payable in advance I which has developed the great lum­ employees at the canery, gave out on commence not later than January Cornelius, Oregon. 12-2311c , HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ANYONE ber and logging industry. It is still the trip and was left to his fate 10, and at the rate of 15 to 20 Italian When you have bought presents a big industry, but the day is com- his companions. The mailcarrier, re- FOR SALE—Dried split cords per day. We reserve > right prunes at $5 per 100 lbs., in satkÿ TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS to reject any and all bids. Coast for all the family and other friends I ing when our hills and valieys will turning from Cannon Beach, found As good as any to eat but were Power Co., C. J. Edwards, Mali There seems to have been some and relatives and have left th'i be stripped of timber and the whin-? him dead. split by the rai» before being 12-912 ager. complaint lately about subscribers cares of business for a day to ait dried. H. G. Campbell, Dallas, The electric storm early Sunday of the saw and whistle of the don- REFINED YOUNG COUPLE WOULD not having received their papers, down to a table laden with the na- Oregon. 12-2t4c morning key will be heard no more. was extraordinary for lik e furnished house-keeping The publishers are no doubt respons- cessitles and luxuries ordinarily us- To replace the payroll that will Tillamook, The old settlers were FOR SALE - HOUSE AND LOTS rooms or small house on edge of able for some of this but possibly ed in a Christmas dinner, will your town. Reasonable. Address J. E. for $1000. Easy terms. Inquire at vanish with this industry is the unable to remember ever having part of the trouble should be laid to mind be at ease and your con-: Hine, General Delivery 12-16t 1 Headlight office. 12-2 tf problem that must be solved for seen one to equal it before. others. science clear that you have done the continued prosperity and well- WANTED- GENERAL HOUSE From what we can learn some of FOR SALE—GOOD STEEL.-RANGE, However, we want everyone’ who your part in this season of peace on . 12-2 If of the county. With this emi the citizens of Little Nestucca want also organ. Call Walter Nelson, Bell phone Main 64 appreciates the Headlight to get a ■ earth and good will to your fellow I in vlew a numi,er ll-25tf WANTED—MEN’S WASHING. Will of suggest ion- that district to be annexed to Yam­ Mutual phone. copy, and we have sincerely tried to 1 men, or will you think of the ■M(arv'jhave been put forth at one time or call for and deliver, Mutual hill county, while others want the FOR SALE—HOUSE AND TWO make our service the best possible ing children of Europe who are ask-' ........................ 11-1 Sit phone. Marie Getchell. another, and - probably the best of ■ county divided and a new county lots on easy terms. Price $1,000. We have gone to considerable ex- ing America for food? Enquire at Headlight office.ll-25tf ; these and the most feasible is that : created, the dividing line to be LOST AND FOUND pense to install a new system of When you look at your own chil- of converting loggedoff land into north of Beaver at the Blum place. FOR SALE—TWO LATEST STYLE keeping the circulation records, dren, happy and in good health, will LOST — CRANK FROM OLSMOBILE tillable property. To do this settlers 1 Garibaldi—The steamer Sue H. White sewing machines, almost somewhere between Tillamook and which will soon be completed and in it occur to you that other children new. Singer Agency, opposite P. must be attracted and a sure, mar­ , Elmore came into Garibaldi on Sun­ Netarts. Finder return to Head­ use. on this earth are actually in want ketable crop provided. Berries ore day afternoon with quite a large O. tf light office and receive reward. Like any other country newspaper for the bare necessities of life, and 12-23tf pointed out as one crop for which number of passengers. They report­ FOR SALE—PURE BRED BROWN we have on our subscription list the few are willing to feed them? With the climate of this section is well Swiss cattlex 1 bull 4 years old, LOST—LAST SATURDAY ed the Columbia bar the roughest NIGHT names of many people who have al­ this picture in your mtnd sit down adapted. Elsewhere, notably in the a fine individual; 2 bull calves an Elk tooth watch charm mark­ they had ever experienced, and were from good ancesters. John Boeckli, lowed their subscriptions to lapse to your Christmas dinner and try to section between Seattle and Tacoma, ed “McM 1283.” Finder return to all sick, even to the captain. breeder t>f Brown-Swiss cattle, John A. Carrol and receive re­ for four, six or even eight years. enjoy it. It can’t be done, unless the raising of berries has grown into Linnton, Oreg., Route 2. 12-9 t6 ward. 12-16tf Most of them apparently want the you have done your part in helping an industry of large proportions, and Notice of Intention to Improve Cer­ CLEARING SALE OF USED In­ STRAY HEIFER PICKED UP— paper for we are sure to hear from the needy ones to get enough food j it is probable that it could be devel- tain Street in Tillamook City Oregon. struments. Piano, $95.00; Edi­ them if they miss a copy, but they to hold body and soul together. Owner can have same by paying i oped here so as to parallel the suc­ Notice is hereby given, to all per­ son talking machine, $5.00; disc do not seem to consider it necessary Herbert Hoover states that there cess of our cheese industry. It charges. Walter Nelson, Mutual records, 25c; organ, $50.00; sew­ is sons whom it may concern, that the phone. ll-25tf to pay more than once in a lifetlme- are three and one-half millions of ! worth a trial. With all the logged- Common Council of Tillamook City, ing machines, $10; Player rolls, 50c, and many other articles, all That is very poor business, especially starving children in Europe who I off land available for that purpose Oregon, has determined to improve BUSINESS NOTICES bargains. Tillamook .Music Co. from the newspaper’s standpoint. Ac­ are depending on America for fo a brand new one, but it can't ,' ju done. IS But we do go the limit in helping you keep your battery in fighting trim. We’re headquarters for the Still Better Wit >rd Battery with Thr< .«led Rubber Insulation the kind selected by 136 pns- senger-car nntf motor­ truck builders. DELCO LIGHT TEE COMPLETE LIGHT AND POWER PLANT So Simple a Boy Can Operate THEATER Program For Week of DECEMBER 24 TO 31. INC Sat.. Dec. 25 Special matinee at 2:30 P. M. VOICE OF FOOLS Star Alice Joyce. Comedy Loafers and Lovers Give all of the folks at lion Christinas Gift. It is a Gift can enjoy. Every member of the household will benefit from Delco Light. The labor saved, the time saved, and the safety and convenience of Delco Light will pay for itself. You May Enjoy the Same Comfort with a Delco Light That You Might Have in the City Kill out the slip below and mail today, We will be glad to call on you and demon­ strate DELCO LIGHT. Do Not Wait-Mail It TODAY. Sun and Mon., Dec. 26 & 27 Matinee Sunday at 2:30 P. M. GO AND GET IT Starring Marshall Comedy lanifere and Neilan Lovers. Tuesday, December 28 GIRL IN THE RAIN Starring Annie Cornwall, Coni- edy The Bell and The Bill. International News Wednesday. Dec. 29 INFERIOR SEX Starring: Mildred Herrin. Com- Man Prom Egypt Sunset Electric of Tillamook, Tillamook, Ore gen GENTLEMEN: I tun interested to know how DELCO LIGHT pays for itself atLi how I enn imp.ove im farm with it. It is understoe >1 that there is to lie no obliga­ tion on my part. I’lease cal oin me Ht your convenience. Thttrs. and Fri.. Dec. 30 & 31 THE DEVIL TO PAY All Star Cast. Comedy Times Foiled. Four Name _ Add ref»» THE LITTLE HOUSE WITH QUALITY PICTURES" parallel with the West line of Miller Avenue to the Northwest corner of Lot 2, in block 2 of A. A. Miller’s Addition to the Town of Tillamook, now Tillamook City; thence North to the South line of Block 1 in H. F. Goodspeed’s Ad­ dition to Tillamook City; thence West to a point 105 feet West of the South­ east corner of said Block;thence North to the North line of said Block 1; thence Easterly along the South line of Front Street to the place of be­ ginning. | The cost of said improvement as fixed by the accepted bid therefor j is $8,475.70, to which shall be added the cost of advertising, engineering and superintendence, and other in- , cidinal expenses connected with the carrying out and construction of said improvement as authorized by the Charter of Tillamook City. 10 days from the date of the first publication of this notice is allowed by the Char­ ter of Tillamook City, Oregon, for the filing of remonstrances against the proposed improvement and the date of ■ the first publication of this notice is December 23rd. 1920. Dated December 23rd. 1920. FRANCES B. STRANAHAN, City Recorder, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that County Court of Tillamook County will until 10 o'clock on January 7th. '21 receive blds for the building of a i Section of the Wheeler to Nehalem I Co. Road ' across the tidelands frotn | Stn 1155-00 to Sta 1206-00 accord­ j Ing io the Plans and Specifications on file in the office of the County 'Clerk of Tillamook County. No bld will be considered unless accompanied by cash, bidders bond. ,or certified cheque for an amount equal to at least 5 per cent of the total amount of the bld. The right Is reserved to reject any |and all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for Tillamook County. Signed—Homer Mason. Co. Clerk. ¡First Pub.. Dec. 2J,’20 ¡Last Pub., Jan. $,’ll Tillamook Battery Station TELEPHONE CREDI! rPHE TELEPHONE COMPANY Mill be compelled to borrow large X.5 amounts of money in the next few years, not only to extend its ser- vice’to new subscribers, but to take care of the constantly increasing use of the service by present subscribers. A leader in business will demand of a borrower ample security and will insist eliat its value be maintained without deterioration. lie must be shown that this security has an assured earning power. He must be satis­ fied that his investment is safe; that it can be disposed of at any time with out lr»ss and that it will brinn him a continuous return. At the present time this company’s operations in Oregon are con ducted at a deficit. Its expenses are greater than its revenue. No return is being received by its stockoolders frotn their property in Oregon. Not even the interest on its bonds properly chargeable to its Oregon paoper- ties is being paid from Oregon receipts. With new capital scarce and commanding high rates of return business shown g operating results such as these will find it difficult, if not impossible, to secure money for its necessities. We assume that the people of Oregon wish to treat the utilities do­ ing business in this state justly and fairly, and in this belief we have asked the Public Service Commission to approve a schedule of rates increasing our revenues, The amount asked for is relatively small to the individual rate payer, but the aggregate will place us in a position where we can ob­ tain the outside eapifal necessary in our operations. The Pacific Telephone and lelegraph Company I