■s J Local News COLUMBIA Wm. Klehmer left for Portland Friday. J. B. Honey left for Portland on business Friday. A. C. Bracken was a business viai- tor last week and left for Portland < Friday. A. P. Jones of the Puget Sound Navy was a business visitor here I last week. G. M. and Ray McDaniels left for Garibaldi, Saturday, where they will open a resturant. Rev. Rjork Quist who has been holding services here returned to Warren. Oregon. Mrs. W. E. Knight left for home in Wheeler after spending week end with her daughter, Mrs. 1 T. M. Burns. Mary Jane Painton who is attend­ ing school at the Academy left for home in Rockaway to spend Sunday J with her folks. Mrs. J. W. Leask who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Smith, left for her home in Mon- mouth, Saturday. Miss Zilpha Funk, who has been an employee of the J. C. Penny store for several weeks, left for her home in Enterprise, Saturday. According to the report issued by Creamery association, the cheese situation in this county is better than any ohes agriculural line in the nation. More than 90 per cent of the season’s cheeses have already ben sold. It is estimated that the price w ill run 17.8 per c- nt higher this year than that of the New York cheese. —McMinnville News Re­ porter. Storage Battery Net Exchange Price AS your storage battery had a “drink” 11 of distilled water lately? Ev Every storage battery should be refreshed with distilled water every 2 weeks or 4—depending on the weather and on how much it is used for start­ ing, lighting, signaling, or ignition. H All battery manufacturers urge this watering with strict regularity; for water is steadily dissipated by the action of every storage battery, and it must be replaced of­ ten in order to avoid the battery’s failure and rapid destruction. For technical reasons distilled water must be used. No matter what the make of your battery stop in. Let us put you on our regular call­ ing ligt and help you prolong its life by keep ing it iu first-class condition. Allen >45.<5 Buick 41.75 Buick 47.70 Chalmers 41.75 Chevrolet 41.75 Dort 41.75 Dodge 56.40 Elgin 41.75 Cord 1920 47.75 Hudson 47.70 Liberty 41.75 Maxwell 56.40 Oakland 41.75 Oldsmobile 41.75 I Overland. 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920 ............... Saxon Six Columbia Batteries are guaranteed for one year against defects in material or work­ manship. 41.75 41.75 Studebaker 1916. 1917, The Telephone Company Desires —To give good telephonl service. —To keep its property in good repair and expand it to meet the requirements of the public. —To pay wages sufficient to maintain an efficient and contented organization. —To earn a revenue that will enable it to borrow the money abso­ lutely necessary in its operation and to afford a reasonable profit to its owners. In the State of Oregon today our earnings are insufficient to accom­ plish these results and we have asked the Public Service Commission of the State to approve a schedule of rates which we believe will provide the added revenue required. No question of stocks, bonds or capitalization is involved, T he Commission will base its decision upon a fair value of our property for rate making purposes and our earnings and expenses. Wejbelicve that thejpublic, realizing the benefits of adequate tele­ phone service, will support this effort on our part to insure the mainten­ ance and development of a high standard of telephone communication. 1918, 1919 Tillamook Portland Daily Stage My Cadillac stage line is in op­ eration for the winter equipped for daily at 8:30 a. m. and one leaves Tillamook daily at 8 a. ill. Portland headquarters at Hoyt Hotel, 6th and Hoyt St., but passengers will be picked up anywhere down at special request. Your potronage will be ippreciated. IVAN DONALDSON A. HUDSON GARAGE Tillamook, Oregon 525EK5HSE The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 9© ogoo © o © ö & o © ö © ö ‘> soc - 12-16 if! 9t»ec«9OOoe<9@ -'¡a TILLAMOOK- WHEELER TO CONTINUE jíí -. xz : UNTIL SMITHY’S Variety Store Santa Claus GIFT AND TOY SHOP OF THE COUNTY Will Be at Smithy’s Store SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18 AT 11 O’CLOCK Come-Bring the Children It Will Be a Great Day for Them Bubble Books Women’s Purses of Singing Games—4 small size Phonograph Re­ cords of Singing Games for small children to sing and play as the piece is played on Phonograph. Directions for playing games and printed words of each song in each book. Per book$1.35. At Wholesale Prices DRUMMM S SAMPLES 100 in the lot. Nt two alike. Perfect condition. A purse yet. will be proud to own or give to a friend. Come take a look at the beauties. Low price». CONFINE YOUR BEAUTIFUL GIFT CHINA In beautiful designs and shapes. Conic in Berry Sets, Chocolate Sets. Tea Sets, Plate Cups and Saucers. Vases, Bowls. Bon Bon Dishes, Pick­ le, Relishes, Etc. For something nice see these. ENTIRE PURCHASES TO Xmas Aluminumware 4 Coffee Percolators ................................................ Double Boilers ...................................................... Stew Puns, large size.......................................... Combination Roasters (very good) ............... Salt, Pepper. Toothpick Holder in Tray, set $2.45 $2.39 $1.75 $4.25 45c GIFT TOWELS SPARKLING CUT GLASS Dainty and sparkling, of the newest things. You will be proud io know that you have made name- ine happy with a piece from this ot. Can be bought at Varie.y tore prices which means "For .ess." CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS Complete run of sizes in Men’s, Women's and Children’s Gift ■lippers ready for your lnspee- ion. Durable style and color at he prioe you care to pay—which s less. hildren'i, pr. . Vome«’». pr. . en't pr............ ... S2.19-S1.49 . .. $2.39-81.49 .............. $2.39 istmas Handkerchiefs, new and aty. embroidered corners, etc., ed ................. 4............ 10c to 35c Ladies- Initialed Embroidered dkerchiefs. each .................... 20c Men nitial Embroidered Hand- hiefs, each................................... 20c Scout Handkerchiefs, each . . 25c In Children —3 handkerchiefs In printed and embroidered dc- 1, box .......................................... 35c Ladies—3 Handkerchiefs In perbox ................. 98c, 75c. 65c Beautiful colored border Bath Towels priced each $1.95. $1.69. $1.65. 95c. 15c, 121,» STAMPED GOODS TO EMBROIDER Wash Cloths each .............................................. ■Guest Towel, each ........................................................ Pillow Cases, pair ........................................................ Gowns, each ................. $2.95. Infant Dresses and Pillow Tops, Table Runners and Scarfs. SPECIAL Women'« Boudoir Caps, colored silk crowns, fine bobbinet, val. insertion and matched silk ribbon. A 75c uality priced, each, 50c. PYREX—COOKING OR OVENGLASS Casseroles in nickle frames, oval shape, ea. $4.75, 4.15 Casseroles in nickle frames, round shape, each $6.50 Casseroles without frames oval or round, ea. $2.39. $2 Baking Dishes, each ..................................... $1.45. $1.25 Pie Plates, each..................................................................... 90c GIFT DECORATIONS Seeals 5c. Cards or Tags. 5c. Holly Paper 5 sheets 10c. Tissue Paper 4 sheets 5c. Tinsel Tie Cord, per spool, 10c. Holly Boxes in all sizes, priced according to size. XMAS TRREE DECORATIONS All the staple as well as new items for decorating • he Xmas Tree. \ A New One Silver Ribbon Icicles, box 10c. Xmas Snow, box, 10c. Christmas Candles. 36 in box. box.............................. 25c Candle Holders. 10 on card, card ................................ 10c BOOKS » -i J The:, art too many to describe all. When we ay that we have the best assirtment of books in he county for children and young people, we have sa.d it lot. We have the books. Come see. The famous OZ books, Burgess books. Billy Whisk­ ers, Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, The Rover Boys, Camp File Gills, lloy Allies, are bill a few. Then conies Mutt and Jeff. Chnrlie Chaplin. Mota- ei Goose. A. B. C. Books, Picture hooks, Pslutin’ books, Linen books, etc You just will have to GIFT STATIONERY In beautiful assortment of white and tinted colorings—and design nf boxes. Prices range from «4 gg down to 39c per box. 00 $ POP CORN-Sure Pop Kind per lb. ? urti?'1"“* C“d’ ’"d Nl"’ •* « ? Open evenings Christmas week. Shop in morning hours if possible. $