High School SECRETARY SUBMITS 1920 /-------------------------------------- COUNTY FAIR REPORT Society News Report off' 1920 Tillamook Co. Fair as submitted by secretary R. O. Richards. Recelpts- Cash ou Hand ..................... 46.33 Concessioln, Rent barns, etc.1059.47 From State .......................... 1 085.63 From County ......................... 1500.00 Gate Receipts ............. . . . . 2612.17 Borrowed from bank ............ 265 25 NUMBEE Z ELKS HAVE BIG TIME AT I SATURDAY NIGHT INITIATION 1 i Local News ! I The B. P. O. E. have come and Last Friday was middy and shirt gone. Mrs. Leo Morrison and Mrs. Lynn 1 day, the boys wearing girls middy- Last Saturday, according to sched- Partridge entertained the following I ule, a Mrs. E. W. Perkins, wife of Dep­ bouses and the girls wearing boys' special train bearing several uty Sheriff Perkins, left for Spokane guests at a ”500’ party Tuesday af­ hundred shirts and sweaters. One demure Elks from McMinnville ' little ''Frosh” boy looked very sweet ternoon. December 7th: Monday for a visit. ''Perk’’ claims Finding Work For Unemployed Lodge 1283 and other outside points he is looking for another cook. Mesdanies Groat, Carrol, Robinson ---------- ? and winning in a lavender geogettc Be One of Local Post’s arrived in Tillamook where the local Lamar, Homes, Anderson. Ira crepe waist, while two Juniors were Mrs. Andrew Stan of Brighton has Ford Activities Driven By Bay City Man brothers had rounded up and hog- Smith, Grueber, Beals, Kuratli, O. M. clad in ruffly little sweaters ofpale Crashes Into Foelkner tied about sixty candidates for the been shopping in this city for sev­ Cook, Hall, Reichers, Alva Williams, order. blue andbright red. All the rest of , eral days. Machine Shearer, Hays, Barrick, W. A. Ben- AUXILIARY GETS CHARTER the boys wore middies, even our es­ Miss Hick of Hillsboro left for her After arrival of the train there i ■ V •• al-, ! AND ELECTS OFFICERS teemed "Sargeant at arms,” 16568.85 ■ nett, Conover, Hauslman, Chrlsten- was a parade through the streets home Tuesday after visiting with TWO Disbursements- though we are very much in doubt ' sen, Hadley, Farley, Mason, Frank- with a buffet lunch at the Tillamook friends and relatives here. GO TO HOSPITAL FOR Premiums .............................. ; 1 lin, J. about where he got one to fit him. H. Rosenberg, H. H. Rosen- hotel afterwards. The ceremonies 1616.98 TREATMENT AS RESULT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lamb left for State Compensation Law Favored By Some one made the remark, I believe For Judges ............................ Case, Turnbull, Leonard, began about 10:30 and lasted until 40.00 , berg, I California Tuesday where they will The Meeting.— Luncheon that it was originally purchased Air Plane .............................. 16.00 Reedy, Haberlach, Lewis, Beltz, Gle- the train left Sunday morning. There spend the holidays. Both Cars Badly Damaged.—Ford Hors® ruces, foot races, etc. . ham, Follows Business Condit, Campbell, Aberman, was a banquet at the Tillamook Ho­ from the “Willamette Tent & Awn­ .233.00 Driver Takes Responsibility I E. A. Ericksy of this place left Printing, adv. & supplies . ., .339.13 Small, Henkle, H. F. Cook, Glaisyer, ing Co.” tel sometime during the night at for Portland Tuesday on business. For Accident Badges & ribbons ................. 170.71 Broadhead, Bales, Miss Hansen, Miss which about four hundred persons Next Friday night Miss Barry's The American Legion and the Wo­ Band music .......................... Charley Vanderwal left for his Partridge, C. Holden, Crenshaw, 400.00 history calsses will give a pie social were seated. men’s Auxiliary held separate meet­ in the Gymnasium, the proceeds to Superintendents ............ | . 150.00 Baker, Heisel, Clough, Crank. Pen- The candidates who were Initiated home in Hillsboro Tuesday after j A serious automobile wreck occur- ings at the K. P. hall Thursday ev­ ■ go to the starving children in Ar­ Ticket sellers & gate tenders l 177.50 nigton, Merril Smith, Koch, Poor- were: O. M. Cook, R. W. Watson, spending a few days in this city. red on the curve near the Swenson ening, each of which had a large at­ Nightmen 114.0') man. Stone and Moulton. menia. The different committees for John Strong left for Portland . ¡place on the Bay City road Wednes­ Frank Fitzpatrick, Lawrence Moul­ tendance. Mrs. A. A. Hull received first ton, Sam Moulton, David Kuratli, Tuesday to spend the Holidays. 25.00 the occasion are as follows: Enter­ Alttractions .......................... day noon. The occasion for the Women’s Lumber ................................. r • 279.17 honors and Mrs. W. A. Bennett the Glenn Woolfe, Ray Grate, H. L. Gil- i 1 O. A. Schultz of the Tillamook Chris Foelkner was returning to Auxiliary v?as the application for a tainment Committee: Gerald, Graves, 10.20, consolation prize. Bryan Tucker, Leia Smith and Eve- Installing telephones .. . ham, Ben Joy, C. F. McKinley, C’nris Lumber Co. left for Portland Tues- town from the Schultz camp and charter for that organization and the i lyn Stillwell. “Eats" Committee: Roofing Ac hardware . . . . .. 280.46 Foelkner, Clint King, Paris Lamar, day on business, had arrived at the curve when he election of permanent officers, A The Tillicum club held a well at- L. Harrison, F. L. Eberman. H. M. i j Mrs. O’Dell of 24.64 I John Geinger, Mildred Johnson, Ed­ Milk testing ................ ui 'i a Ford going in the opposite di ­ Garibaldi, large number of applications for who was 18.76 tended meeting : last week for which Shearer, Henry Plasker, S. W. Con- na Small, Jim Sharp, Viola Wilson, Flubbing ............. rection. said to have been driven by a week-end visitor here, membership were received. returned as | over, O. A. Schultz, C. B. Stanley, 6.95 Miss Mildred Foelkner acted Ruth Miller and Mary Lamar. Fi­ Long distance calls .... • Mr. James of Bay City, The Ford to her home Tuesday. The election resulted in the fol- hostess, Five hundred was pliyed nancial Cimmittee: Leia Smith and Straw ..................................... . 119.25 kept to the right until it almost Burr Beals, H. Nordstrom, J. H. lowing officers: President, Mrs. Al- Mrs. F. C. Feldschau left at four tables, prizes being award ed for Port- j Lee Stephens. Decoration Commit­ Ball game ............ reacheu Che Foelkner car when it Wells, W. E. Lebow, A. C. Crank. C. land Tuesday fred Anderson; vice-president, M rs. to spend the holidays. | tee: Jack Driscoll. Arjine Heyd, Wil­ Coast Power Co..................... , . 361.63 to Miss In mas and Miss Mills. Mrs. E. Mowrey, L. V. Eberhardt, Harold swerved to the left and ran head-on Everett Wells; secretary, Mrs. B. L. liam Olson and Glee Rusk. EE. T. Haltom for mdse. . 70.68 C. Foelkner and Miss Florence Mason, J. P. Maginnis, Chas. D. ' i Mrs. C. L. Dark, 'who underwent into the other machine. Both cars Beals, Jr.; treasurer, Mrs. Leland Er­ ' an operation at a Portland hospi- were badly smashed and Mr. and Before the social three Basket­ Labor ..................... ................ . 958.42 Whltcome assisted the hostess in Sellwood, F. D. Small, D. J. Barnett, win. . ’ tai last week, is reportcd as getting I 5.28 serving refreshments. ball games will beplayed, one by the ; Refund on stall rent .... H. E. Wells, G.W, Leach, Harry J. Mrs. James were taken to the Boat’s The executive committee, consists Sophomores vs. Freshmen, along nicely and will be able to re- Mrs. L. W. Turnbull, Mrs. Floyd Ditter, E. W Stark, another Expense Co. Exhibit at hospital suffering from bruises and W. C. Bacon, J. of Mrs. A. C. Crank, Mrs. J. E. one by turn home soon. State Fair ....................... . 211.06 Gardner and Miss Florence Whit- M. Hansley, Robert the Seniors vs. Juniors, and I a severe shaking up. E. Kial, Sidney It Is not Reedy and Mrs.Hoyd Gardner. the last between the winners of the Manager secretary’s salary.. 450.00 come were guests of the club. i Mrs. S. F. Hickman arrived here 1 known just how serious their injur- J. Rickett, Wm. J. Anderson, A. L. The Legion took many matters two. The club will meet in January Fair board salary .. . 298.00 Thompson, Thos. Cathers, C. A. Ma­ from Spokane last week to join h|r I ies might be. pertaining to ex-service men, among Tretsurer’s salary . . . 20.00 with Miss Florence Heffy. han, W. S. Hare, J. R. Patterson, W. husband who is a member of the i It is said that James admits the which being a state compensation, » » • » Out standing warrants, Headlight mechanical force. I responsibility for the accident. Washington has instituted a compen- The Harlequin club met at the L. Campbell, J. B. Brider. H. R. Mc­ Fairview Dance 1919 paid ................. 51.50 Mrs. Albert Bailey left for Boise, Kinley. Lowell Moulton, B. J. Coop ­ The baseball boys will give anoth- home of Mrs. Lloyd Edwards Tues­ se,,on for men who served in the Idaho, this week to spend the holi­ day afternoon, Mrs. Turnbull as­ er, C. F. Girard, F. W. Talbot, A. days with relatives of that city, world war and it may be that the er big dance at the Fairview Hall OFFICIAL COUNT SHOWS $6568.85 Hudson, I. W. White, L. E. Par­ sisting Mrs. Edwards as hostess. people of Oregon will be questioned next Saturday night, December 18 j Mr. and Mrs. Griffin are happy FAIR GROUNDS MAJORITY! 11 tridge. ov- The music will be furnished by Wil- The afternoon was spent playing as to their attitude in this matter. er a baby girl born Dec. 9 at The local members are planning the Aleeges Breach of Contract clever Xmas games and the beauti­ Another matter discussed was kin’s jazz orchestra and a good time The figures of the official count In a complaint filed in the circuit ful decorations of Tillamook shrub- a Christmas tree in the city hall Eastman hospital. is assured to all who attend, in the special election are now at Ev- the maintenance of some sort of u I Mr. Moore, who has been in the court this week L. E. Hays alleges bery and evergreens made those pres­ auditorium on ChriAtmas day for ail hand and are as follows: labor bureau to assist ex-service erybody dances. the youngsters in town. They are hospital with rheumatism for some that on the 25th day of October, ent feel as if Merry Christmus was men to obtain work. It was thought yes no also preparing to feed any destitute time, is getting along nicely. 1920, he bought from A. E. Coughin already here. Mrs. I Netarts that in the near future a great many Harold Hinshaw 0 3 Guild To Hold Sale 11 head of milk cows, 5 2-year-old received a Yuletide prize for making families that might be without a Mrs. Burgantz is able to leave for j Maple Leaf men will be thrown out of work on 36 0 On Saturday, December 18, in the Christmas dinner this year, and re ­ heifers, a Guernsey bull and 5 calves home after undergoing an operation i Trask a Xmas book first, account of the temporary closing I window of the Alex McNair making one 9 0 Hard- for a consideration agreed upon by twice in quest that anyone who knows of a which has kept her in the hospital ISunnymead succession. down of some industries and an or­ ware Company’s store, the ladies of 8 13 case of this kind put the information the contracting parties. for four weeks. J Santa Claus was kind to everyone I Stillwell I ganization of this kind would be of the Presbyterian Guild will con­ 12 10 The plaintiff claims that the de- for he left numbers hidden around into the hands of some of the mem­ Fairview Mr. Price is recovering nicely un ­ great help to ex-soldiers and sailors. duct a sale consisting of fancy hand­ 42 3 bers of the lodge. fendant represented the cattle to the house easy to find, that corre­ Goodspeed der the care of Dr. Robinson. Henry Heisel, Adjutant of Post 47, made articles, aprons and home- 27 3 be in good healthy condition but that sponded to number of-pretty colored I Dr. and Mrs. Allen are the proud South Prairie was appointed to take charge 0 • cooked goodies. I afterward It was discovered that the presents on a big Christmas tree Arrested On Disorderly Charge Tillamook bureau. 19 • Anyone wishing to contribute to herd was diseased. As a result of Ralph JSadus was arrested Sat- parents of an eight pound girl, born Hays that sparkled and glistened with fes ­ Tuesday, December 13. 38 After the meetings of the Auxli- this sale, will please leave their ar­ 10 this plaintiff alleges that he has tive gifts and decorations. There urday night for being drunk and Hoquarton 25 iary and the Legion a lunch that ticles for sale at the above mention­ 3 Miss Wheeler is getting along disorderly and it being his third of- been put to something over $1000 were exclamations of delight Sandlake as 2 24 had been prepared by the women was ed place on Friday evening or early nicely after an operation at the expense to get the cows in shapy, each one opened their packages and fenBe he was given the maximum Garibaldi spread. One of the features of the j Saturday morning. 1 27 sentence, $150 fine and 60 days in Boals hospital. and he demands judgment for the found dear little gifts that Wheeler lunch was the decorations, The made 6 0 Mrs. Cougran of Cloverdale was ail. Upon the damages incurred. advice of friends he Beaver them think of childhood's tables were decorated with small happy 19 14 operated on Tuesday at offered to ship on some vessel going the Boats Bayocean * Cow Testing Report days. Christmas trees and lighted with 9 0 Report for Month of November to the Orient if the sentence was hospital. Bay W hen the guests were told to And candles stuck in apples, while all 0 28 Rural Carrier Examination : for Tillamook Cow Testing Assn. remitted. This he was allowed to Mrs. Hegier left for California Cloverdale 13 12 The United States Civil Service their places at the table they again other lights were extinguished. ¡Sent December 8, 1920 by D. A. do and left Thursday morning for Tuesday where she will make her Kilchis 10 1 cried out with delight for in the After the lunch there was danc­ 1 Wilbur, Tester. F. K. Blackador, has announced an examination for Carnahan 28 Portland where it is understood he home. 4 center of the table was a lovely the County of Tillamook, Oregon, to ing with music furnished free by Secretary. Average pounds of milk Hebo will 15 ship on a boat for Hongkong. 30 There were four operations last be held at Tillamook, on Jan. 8, Christmas tree with goodies and very Wilkins orchestra. Long Prairie per cow 384. Average pounds of 14 3 week at the Boals hospital, all of The Auxiliary and the Legion are butter fat per cow 20.46. Number 1921, to fill the position of rural car­ tiny candles on it, and at each place Wilson 0 0 them caused by accidents. Jersey Club Meeting rery appreciative to the K. P. lodge of cows tested during month 734. Tier at Bay City and Tillamook. ati d was a little Christmas tree with a Neskowin 8 8 A meeting of Jersey Club members Ev­ on candle and nuts and candies. On Saturday, December 18, there Little Nestucca tor the use of their hall, which ¡ Number of cows producing over 40 vacancies that may occur later 10 22 is called for Tuesday, December 21, will be a sale of Bungalow Aprons rural routes from other post offices eryone lit their candles and when vas donated, and to WilLkin’s or-1 pounds fat 22. Union 7 17 be (dress style), children’s aprons, sew­ in the above mentioned county. The all the tiny red candles were lighted at Fairview hall. AH members ikostra for their donation of the rau- Foley Three high pure bre d herds are: 8 2 salary of a rural carrier on a stan­ there was a ruddy Yuletide glow present as this is the last meeting ing bags for Xmas gifts, other arti­ e. Nehalem L. A. McCormack ..16 548 30.48 9 30 before budget meeting and there dard dally route of 24 miles is are shining over the table and its occu­ cles, and a variety of home baking Blaine I John Schild ............. 25 614 22.17 3 21 matters of interest to be talked ov- in Conover & Condits window. $1,800 per annum, with an addition­ pants. Rockaway A. Hofmann ............. 15 460 19.78 al $30 per mile per annum for each 3 Sues For Taxes 29 er.- By order of Joe Donaldson. The lunch was very dainty and Three interclass basket ball ■ John Simmons claims that he. Three high grade herds are: mile or major fraction thereof in delicious and all guests present de- games and pie social for the benefit Total 395 284 Agreed with Ralf Blum to use a cer .. ­ Durrer Bios................. 30 630 30.56 excess of 2 4 miles. The exaniina- dared it to be a wonderful after- Ladies Aid Meeting of Armenian children who are starv­ L. C. Daniels ............. 25 This makes a majority of 111-In 522 29.27 ■tin tract of land, each paying imi f tion will be open only to citizens noon. The Ladies Aid of the Methodirt ing. Bring your Christmas offering. favor of the measure, There seemed ■f the taxes against the property. Paul Fitzpatrick ..12 466 28.03 who are actually domiciled in the The members and guests presen; Church met at the home of Mrs. Al­ No admission. Tillamook High to be quite a little opposition High pure bred cow, May Jersey. territory of a post office in in She plaintiff says that he paid his were as follows: the va Williams Thursday afternoon,, School gymnasium, December 17, nt some parts of the county as eleven half but that Blum failed to pay his Owned by L. A. McCormack. Months county and who meet the other re­ Mrs. Floyd Inghram, Mrs. Harold Mrs. F. R. Beals and Mrs. C. J. Ed­ 8 o’clock. precincts declared themselves Milk 861 lbs. Fat 54.24 quirements set forth in Form |o that it was necessary for the record: No. Dimmick, Mrs. Robt. Coleman, Mrs. wards assisting as hostesses. Roy Bracket of Idaville left against the fair grounds, evidently plaintiff to pay Blum’s half of the lbs. Almost every pne’s ¡needle kept 1977. Both men apd women, if Cloyd Dawson, Mrs. Alva Williams, High grade cow. Laura. Jersey, ■mount to keep the taxes from be- qualified, may enter t w is examination Mrs. Robt. Stillwell, Mrs. Edwin Bo- busy and the afternoon was spent Thursday for Portland to spend the not approving of county improve­ Owned by Dave Fitzpatrick. Months holidays. ments of this sort. Seventeen pre­ homing delinquent. but appointing officers have the legal uiat, Mrs. Bess Hewitt, Mrs. Paul most pleasantly. record : Milk 1188 lbs. Fat 59.40 lbs. cincts voted for the measure while right to specify the sex desired in The Misses Bernice and Beatrice [ The case is filed in the Circuit Delicious refreshments were serv- Skeels, Mrs. James Gailey, Mrs. Har­ requesting certification of eligibUs. old Hinshaw, Mrs. Leo Morrison, Court, where the plaintiff asks ed by the hostesses who are famous Harrison, who have been visiting at in two precincts. South Prairie and the Goyne home, left Thursday for Wilson, no election was held. Judgement for $46.17 or Blum's f Women will not be considered for The club will hold its next meet- for their wonderful cookery. Wheeler Couple Married Here half of the taxes. William J. Mix, 58, and Mrs. Floi- rural carrier appointments unless ing at the home of Mrs. Robt. Cole- The members and friends present their home in Yachats, Oregon. ence Smith, 45, both of Wheeler, they are the widows of U. S. soldiers, man, M rs. Gimmick assisting 3 August Brauns of Portland was a LOCAL CHEESE MARKET as were: Mrs. Clara Turnbull, Mrs. Bess Hewitt, Mrs. Lloyd Turnbull, business visitor through this part of were married at high twelve in the sailors or marines, or the wives of hostess. Safe At Nehalem Blown CONTINUES IN GOOD SHAPE » * • Mrs. Cloyd Dawson, Mrs.W. M. the county this week. safe*ln_the store~of_A~ C? * H. offlce of Justice Stanley in the U. S. soldiers, sailors or morinee who are physically disqualified for ex­ Mr. and Mrs. Leo Morrison and Heaston, Mrs. C. J. Edwards, Mrs. I’. Secretary Haberlach, of the Anderson at Nehalem was blown (-’ou,t HoUBe Wednesday. Miss Pearl Church left Wednes­ Mr. Mix Is the superintendent of amination by reason of injuries re­ Mi. and Mrs. Lynn Pa’-’ridge Monday night and»about $15 in sil­ i en- H. Goyne, Mrs. F. R. Beals. Mrs. R. day for Portland. Kelso and Oswe­ Creamery Association, stated Wed­ ver taken. No clews were left by the Wheeler mill and has been con- ceived in the line of military duty. tertained at 500 Wednesday even- B. Miller, Mrs. Frank Paul, Mrs. go where she will spend the holidays. nesday that the cheese market is and application ing, December Sth. Folowing were Robert H. McGrath, Mrs. Edwin Bo- which the criminals might be traced. nected with the Duboise interests Form No. 1977 Mrs. L. L. Stillwell was called to still in good shape, and that the end for 30 years in different parts of blanks may be obtained from t]ie of­ the guests of the evening: Mr. and uist, Mrs. G. A. Martin, Mrs. N. E. Hillsboro Wednesday by the illness of next week will see all the Novem­ the county. His bride, formerly of fices mentioned above or from the Mrs. Oscar Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. C. Noyes, Mrs. A. G. Beals and ber cheese shipped. Rev. of her mother, Mrs. Gardner. Boys Charged With Robbery Indiana, is the sister of Mrs. Abbie United States Civil Service Commis­ Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamar, Dr. Dark. The following prices prevail tor Two young men, Walter Brown, i Mrs. Chas. Taylor of Moclips. sion at Washington, D. C. Applica­ and Mrs. Turner, Mr. and Mr*. J. P. Lofton of Wheeler. Tillamook cheese: Triplets 30c. Long aged 20, and Jesse Reynolds, aged Wash., was a business visitor in this The couple will make their home tion should be forwarded to the Mcginnis, Mr. and Mrs. Winslow, Horns and Y ting Americas 31, with 21. weretaken into custody by Sher­ Asks $2500 Damages city for several days the past week. in Wheeler. Commission at Washington.D. C., at Mr. and Mrs. Belchers, Mr. and Mrs. the prices to consumers 1 cent high­ That he was struck by an auto- iff Campbell Tuesday on the com­ Captain John Groat was in Port­ er. Four pound Christmas Y. A..4 theearliest practicable date. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bennatt, mobile while walking on the roa al plaint that they had broken into the Tillamook lield a special election i Mr. and Mrs. Plank, Mr. and Mts. near Hemlock last August 26th and land this week in the interests of are selling at 35c. cook house at Idaville and stolon this week to vote funds to purebue The Wisconsin product advanc id Carl bruised so badly that ae was eon- Morris Dudley, the workman who some cured meats. county fair grounds. Talk to any Armenian Drive Leader Appointed Max Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. was injured on the government this week when Twins went to 19Uc Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Barrick, \!r. fined to the house for thirty days Frank A. Rowe, of Wheeler, has Both admit the crime. Was hington county citizen and he dredge last week. Daisys and Long Horns are selling will agree that an annual fair in been chosen chairman of the Coun­ and Mrs. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Leoii- aad unable to work for eight weeks at 21c. W. H. Teoley, of the Saudlake is the allegation of Henry A. Schmidt I ard, Mr. and Mrs. Koch, Mr. and this county would be a big succès.-, cil in Tillamook county, which is to Plan Get Together Meeting country, was in town on business to ­ It Is reported from Seattle that in a suit brought against The start a drive for money for the re ­ Mrs. Burge, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. The local fire department. lias but we wonder if he believes it the Washington daily men ate re­ Cudahy Packing Company, said to day. lief of 3,500,000 starving and Mrs. Small, Mrs. Stranahan, Miss children enough to vote the levy, It mig'ht planned to have a get-together meet- A stick of wood was thrown thru ceiving $1.90 per hundred for their be the owner of the machine. | Ruth Partridge and Irvie Keldson. in Burope. A meeting will be held ♦JU of the firemen, the present coun- be worth trying and would at least Schmidt alleges that the machine a plate glaze window in the T 11a- milk at the condensorles, showing •cil’ the newly elected council and ___ settle the fair question. With at 7:30 on Friday evening to or- was traveling on the left side of the mook hotel some time ago. which act that the Tillamook farmers are for­ ganlze the county. -the iwater commission, to work out grounds provided it should be easy io Turkey Shoot road and in approaching him from will set somebody back to the tune tunate iii having n stable industry There will be a turkey shoot held •n»me better ways and means of fire form an association to finance the the rear no warning was given, nor of $195. It pays to be more careful to buy their produce. New Fire Apparatus Makes Good event with a little assistance in the protection. The local department under the auspices of thé Tillamook i wih that stuff. Coos and Curry cheese is being The deluge set. recently bought oj Gun Club at the fair grounds next did the machine slow up to prevent .believes that this is the only way re­ way of a state appropriation such 'sold in Tacoma and Seattle at 25c hitting him. the fire department, was tried out as is given other counties and a sults can be obtained. Sunday. Shooting to begin at J2:3< The plaintiff asks for $2500 dam­ M01 Or SERVICE ?0 CONTINUE according to reports, while tn The meeting is scheduled to take .*»««• _°f the county fair fund, Every Wednesday evening wlh the result P. M. If the weather conditions d< Angeles it is bringing 25c and 27 UNTIL iSTH ages and costs and disbursements ^place soon at the council chambers one believes a Washington county that he firemen were able to throw not permit the shoot will be held on Cont t ry to tne , aort In the last delivered. of the suit. fair would be a big success from the a stream of water 180 feet with 450 the following Sunday at the unm: Qa the city hall. weeks issue the b. i . officials ha”e start, and we believe it would. The pounds of pressure. time and place. decided to operate the motor servlci Miss Dena Hansen of Chicago wni only trouble is to get a Mrs. R. Miller, who has been visit­ between Tillamook and Mohler start, and • The Red Cross room has moved un­ has been visiting Mrs. Emmet Bates George W. Phelps, . , of Garibaldi, _ to the office of the Chamber of Com- the Tillamook plan may do this.— Gordon Shartel left for Portland ing Mr. and Mrs Asch for the past til Sunday December 26th. The for the past few weeks, left for San was a Tillamook dur -- visitor -------- „„ring, the Wednesday where his parents nterce in the city hall. re­ three months. left Thursday for lust Hillsboro Independent. week.' run will be made Christmas side. home In San Antonio Tayas. I Francisco, where she will spend the day. holidays. I I A _____________________________________________________ auto ram