HEADLIGHT EVERYTHING IN THIS GREAT X MAS STORE 18 SUBSTANTIALLY DISCOUNTED IN PRICE DOLLAR IS A BIG BOY NOW For Five Years “Dollar Bill” Has Struggled Along Against a Steadily Rising Tide of High Prices. No Wonder He’s Fagged Out. The Wonder Is That He’s Done As Well As He Has —BUT THE LAST FEW WEEKS HAVE SEEN BILL’S" FAVOR. THE TIDE TURN •DOLLAR IN —••DOLLAR BILL" WILL GET IN HIS BEST LICKS FOR THE MARKET HAS DROPPED. AND "DOLLAR BILL’’ IS GETTING STRONGER EVERY MINUTE! AND HE’S TAKEN OFF HIS HAT. ROLLED UP STORE. TOO. HIS YOU HERE IN THIS FOR EXPECTING THIS DROP IN THE MARKET, WE CLEARED AWAY FOR IT. BOUGHT AN ABUNDANCE OF GOODS AT THE NEW PRICES AND STAND SLEEVES AND WITH A GRIN ON HIS FACE PROMISES YOU REAL VALUE AGAIN. READY TO GIVE YOU QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS. PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS FILLED ON DOLLAR ITEMS / A Prescription For Pessimists 3 Balls Shetland Floss $1.00 Jv'inese Crepe, Formerly 69e, 4 yards $1.00 Y» m may »elect fumi »eventi pretty vivid colors. In convenient hall forms. ily 26» yards of genuine figured Japeu- r.‘ Crepe; 30 inches and fast color*. Hosier Crochet Thread, 7 balls $1.00 $1.50 Wide FanOy Xmas Ribbon». Yard $1.00 Big «howiag of colors, *iz«i 5 to 100. High­ ly aiereerized. Offered when they’re most wanted. Words fail the writer at this time to expatiate upon them in the most fitting way. Cotta Crochet Thread. 12 Ball» $1.00 • • 09c Plain And Fancy Ribbon. 2 Yards $1.00 Approximately 500 yards. Suitable hair bow* and fancy Xmas articles. Women’s $1.25 Patent Leather Purses $1.00 for k good inexpensive Xmas gift, too. Hand bag style with mirror. $1.30 Comfort Size Select Cotton Batt, $1.00 60c Cotton Batts, 2 At $1.00 $1.00 Wide Hair Bows, 2 At $1.00 Made up hair bows in fancy. either plain or Best grad«, pure whit«, 16 ounce size. 45c Cotton Batts, 3 At $1.00 Children’s 45c-5Oo Stockings. 4 Pair $1.00 ». Ei —This country has harvested this year one of the largest crops in its history. —Its transportation congestion has been re­ lieved and its railroad system is for the flirt time in a decade on a sound financial and op­ erating basis. Wt have parsed through a national efea­ tion and assured four years of *■• ne administra­ tion of publie affairs. —Our banking system has withstood ihe greatest credit »train in its history and is on a sound and workable basis. The accumulated surplus of five year» of splendid prosperity is stored in many ways for our continuous use. —The markets of the world demand our pro­ ducts and a great mercantile marine is prepar­ ed to transport them. —This country has not been overbuilt or over-extended in any of its underlying activities, and faces no programme of readjustment along these lines such as usually precipitate panic conditions. We are in the soundest financial. Industrial and political condition of any impor­ tant nation in the world. For boys and girls. Sizes to 11. 300 pairs. $4.00, $5.00 And $6.00 Trimmed Hats Choice $1.00 Women's $1.25-$1.50 Silk Hose, 2 Pair $1 00 Only 226 pairs. Plain and fancy. Black and colors, though not all »lr.es in all colors. Lovelleut and largest »election Splendid grade and wanted heavy weight. Black only. Woman’s 75c Lisle Stickings, 2 pair $1.00 With silk heel and toe. White and black. All sizes. ( Of pure, rubber. sizes. Of soft muslin and batiste, in pink or whit« and daintily trimmed with lace and ribboa. Sizes 36 to 44. $2.50-$3.25 Satins and Taffetas. Yard $1.00 In light, med­ $2.00 To $2.98 Infant’s Dresses $1.00 $1.85 Silk Stripe Shirting. Yard $1.00 Several beautiful pal terns and to assure best selection come early. Women will buy to make men's shirts for Xmas gifts. Infant’s $1.98 Sweaters $1.00 I $1.85-$2.5O Woolens. Yard $1.00 X Good assortment and in wanted colors. To 35c Laces. 10 yards $1.00 11 $1.39 And $1.59 Infant’s Caps $1.00 f $1.19 Infant's Rompers At $1.00 39c Bibs. 3 At $1.00 35c Booties. 4 Pairs At $1.00 75c Booties. 2 Pairs At $1.00 24c Mittens, 5 Pairs At $1.00 REAL HIT WITH WOMEN—ALL 5 Yards Outing Flannel. Yard $1.00 25»O yards of good weight outing, white edlum and dark. 5 Yard» 45c Percale For $1.00 About 2000 yards, best grade. 36 inch de. Many neat patterns in light, medium d dark. Best Quality Silkoline. 4 Yards $1.00 11 Shoes Too Are In Line—Greatly Slashed TIONS IN WO­ 5 Yards Victoria Chailies At $1.00 Pretty assorted patterns: suitable for com­ fort covering as well as hangings. $1 50 Table Danta»k. Yard $1.00 Perfectly bleached and mercerized, pattern*. 50« Piltow Cases. 3 At $1.00 6 Yards 25c Scum Curtaining At $1.00 ’40e Turkish Tewels. 4 For $1.00 36 Inches wide, white and ecru ground* with dainty contrasting patterns. riectly bleached, good weight and sire. To $1.69 Silk Floss Cushions $1.00 me in round and square shape and sev- sizes. Buy for gift giving 2 Yards Wearwell Tubing $1.00 nular 40 and 42 Inch widths, cached. 15 Lar^e Rolls Crepe Toilet Paper $1.00 $1.25 Fancy Turkish Towels $1.00 35c Huck Tewels 4 Fer $1.00 Large slze.heavy sad bleached. Perfect- omeu's $1.5O-$1.75 "Munsingwear" Vests And Pants. Garment $1.00 * eountry's most recognized line of un- *r. Pure white and come in regular it size«. 85c Dresser Scarfs.2 For $1.00 All white. One number with hems'itchlng. border, another with filet lace. 25c Extension Curtain Rods. 7 At SI.X) Come In brass finish $10.80 Women’s Dress Shoe*. ~ Pair $6.98. French and military heel. Hither black or brown. —Growing Girl’« $7.00 Shoes At $498 Made of good grade kid and calf skin. - Misses and Children's Dress and School Rhone. $6.50 value* Pair $3.98. $8.0» value* Pair $6.»8. — Baby's $1.»» Soil Sole Shoes 76c. Baby « $2.39 "First Step" Shoes $1.98 — Boy's Sturdy Loggers. Sale $7.45. *- Men's Florshefm Dress Shoes, $4.98 tip. — Men's 16 in. Top Kip Boots. Sale $13.45. — 300 Pairs Large Double Blankets, grey or tan. exceptionally priced. $3.45. —25c Extra Heavy Sox, 5 Pairs $1 00 The well known Engineer an . line. Colors brown and black. ■75c And 85o Heavy Wool Sox. 2 Pairs $1.00 t ome in grey and white. BOYS—BOYS—BOYS! —1 Pair Child’s Pebble Top Boots Sizes 5 to 10i/o At $1.00 —Boys’ Bib Overalls. Blue And Stripes at $1 —Boys’ $1.50 Waists At $1.00 In light and dark colors. To $3.25 Dress Spats $1.30 COMBINATION AT $1.00 Total . $1.3» I i JUST RECEIVED: WOMANS FAMOUS BEACON BATH ROBES. ATTRACTIVE PATTERNS. AT PRE-WAR PRICES. $5.79. 17.45. $8.89. $9.98. $10.90. EXPRESS SHIPMENT OF C“ WOMEN'S ~ " LOVELY COLORED SILK UMBRELLAS Libert! Bonds Taken At Face Valis For Merchandise In Lien Of Cash. MEN’S CELE­ BRATED “JOIN KELLY­ KID BRB0S BOOTS HERE • FOR Y0BR Of- SPECTION. WIDTHS AAA TO D. had t Isprea lunch tablet Chris: candi« other Afti ng w ery a or th ras d< heetra 3 Pairs Leather Palm Gloves $1.00 $1.00 Attraction In Shoe Dept Consisting of 5 articles as foltows: —Military Kit .............................. 50c —Choice of any two color* of Kid Cleanser, 25c each................... 50e —Choice Black or Brown Polish 1 5e •—Choice of any color Lace . . 15e men that men acco dowi gani grea Heni ■was burei Fireman SATURDAY. DEC. 11TH. TILL xxuuai FRIDAY 17TH. INCLUSIVE Kin. IWJLUSIVh LATEST CREA­ Medium weight; high neck, long sleeve» and an­ kle lengths. ardi Cre»h Toweling (30c Bredel $1 00 »xtra heavy weight, linen Pnish. REDUCED Line» finish, size 42x38 inches, wide hem Woman'» 2.00 Union Su'ts V. $1.00 —15c Canvas Gloves. 10 Pairs At $1.00 —5 Pairs Knit Gloves. Elastic Wrist At 1.00 —12 Pairs Cotton Work Socks. At $1. 00 —$1.50 "Best Knit’’ Silk Socks At $1.00 —5 Arrow Stiff Collars At $1.00 —50c Soft Collars. 3 At $1.00 —12M>c White Handkerchiefs, 12 At $1.00 Men ! $50.00 and $60.00 Mart. Schaffner And Mail Suits At $39.85. $65.00 and $70.00 Suits This Sale. $48.90. Best of quality; crochet neck and front. in both plain and figured. 36 inches wide. 35« Wash Geods. « Yards $1 00 'aly 4M yards, consisting <>t gingham«, ■bray. atrongcloth and percale. Light. Hull aad daik patter«*. ■N —Ribbed Union Snita At $1.00 Well made and come in wanted medium weight. This is an exceptional bargain at |1. Famous Miller brand. Colors black, brown, green, gray and Palm Beach. Neat Infant’s $1.39 Finest Cashmere Wrappers 1.00 t —4 Pairs Men’s Black Merino Sox $1.00 —4 Pairs Men’s Mixed Henry Wool Sox $1.00 —$1.25 To $1.50 Rain Hate At $1.00 —80c Linen Handkerchiefs,2 At $1.00 —President Suspenders, 3 At $1.00 —50c Silk 4-in-hand Ties, 3 At $1.00 —75c Silk Feur-in-Hand Ties, 2 At $1.00 —$1.25-$1.50 Four in Hand Ties. At $1.00 —75c String Ties. 2 At $1.00 —2Uc Black Dress Socks. 7 Pairs $1.00 —75c Bill Book. Now 2 At $1.00 —$1.50 Bill Book. Now At $1.00 —75c Black or Brown Cashmere Socks. 2 Pair At $1.00 —60c Lisle Socks, 3 Pair At $1.00 Alterations Free Of Charge A» Usual — All $45.00 To 55.00 Women's Suits At $29.65 —All 79.00 To 89.00 Women's Suits At $57.80 —All Women’s 46.85 to 52.95 Silk Dresses 32.90 All Women’s 67.00 to 84.85 Silk Dresses 46.60 ALL COATS AT GREATER REDUCTIONS values, sale 15.95 $125 values sale 69.90 values, sale 19.85 $35.00 Imported Raincoats, . . 25.90 values, sale 25.95 $65 values, sale 37.65 ALL $10.00 DRESS SKIRTS $5.90 $13 96 Dress Skirts .. t......................... $8.60 $19.95 Dre“« Skirt* ................................. ; ¡11.85 $24.85 Dress Skirts ................................. | ¡15.85 $33.86 Dress Skirts ................................. ! ¡19.85 Group Of $8.00 To $13.25 Silk Waists. Choice $4.98. $10.00 And $11.00 All Silk Petticoats At $8.87. All Children's New Wool Dresses And Costs —New Low Sale Prices Affixed. $9 98 Coats ... $6.98 $8.90 Dresses .. $4 98 $13.6» Coat* .. $9.98 $13.98 Dresses . $9.98 $18.96 Coats . . 13.85 $19.60 Dresses $14.70 WHAT $ ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY UNDER THE: BALCONY $2.00 Bleached Sheets At $1.00 u A big selection, washable; sizes 6 to 14. Men’s Extra Heavy Weight Bib Overalls At $1.00 ✓ II Girls’ $2.25-$2.50 And $3.00 Gingham Dresses At $1.00 SATURDAY, DEC. 11TH, TO FRIDAY. DEC. 17TH. INCLUSIVE II APPAREL VALDES THAT ARE MAKING A SATURDAY. DECEMBER UTIL TO* FRIDAY. DEC. 17TH, INCLUSIVE Sizes 72 by 90 Inches, perfectly bleached: nen finish. s these. Girls 59c And 79c Bloomers 2 At $1.00 $1.98 Middies At $1.00 And Haltom's is the store of the Xmas spirit and the logical place to purchase practical quality gift merchandise. Then, too there's an added satisfaction of knowing that selecting gift things at Haltom's bears a mark of dis­ tinction. Developed nt mercerized white poplin. Ef­ fectively embroidered in pink or blue. Sev­ eral dainty styles. Sizes 1 to 5. for To $2.19 Children’s Aprons $1.00 Size« 12 to 40. Come in all white; collar trimmed in contrasting colors of copen, rose or cardinal. Only 13 More Shopping Days Till Xmas Small, medium and large Nearly every woman has use Plain and fancies. Lds. $1.98 Combinations $1.00 -—There i* a nicety of Gift sending that is only found in leisurely «elections and fore­ thought. —It costs no more, it brings more pleasure to Christmas time-—to shop early. CUNNING LITTLE THINGS FOR INFANTS f AT $1.00 65c Rubber Panties. 2 At $1.00 Infant’s 75c Cashmere Hose, 2 Pair $1.00 II Developed of sturdy percale, neat patterns, in light and dark patterns. Lds. $1 93 Heatherbloom Pettieoate $1.00 Early Christmas Shopping Is Advisable Each worth 15c, 3 in a box. Black and cordovan colors. 800 yards of lace to chose from, in white, cream and ecru. Women will buy for Xmas sewing. shown. $1.20 and $1.25 Handkerchiefs At $1.00 69c Handkerchiefs, 2 At $1.00 59c Handkerchiefs. 2 At $1.00 73c Handkerchiefs. 2 At $1.00 3 Boxes Children’s 'Kerchiefs $¡.00 Woman's 50c Hose, 3 Pair $1.00 Only 230 yards, yard wide. ium and dark colors. ever / Women’s $1.75 & $1.98 Coverall Aprons 1.00 It behooves those who are at all interested in hats to come early lor best selection. V. Christms ’Kerchiefs n John ;reed in tri the He pla lit but > that laintifi mount jming The c lourt, |udgeme naif of 1 A safe Anderson Monday ver take' which th' Boys Two y< aged 20, 21. wereti Iff Campt plaint tha cook hous some cure Both ad Plan i The loc planned to