THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT IAT, DECEMBER 8. 1920 Seven Office incidentals to be ap­ Flre Warden 1,000.00 by required to present the same for plied on purchase of type­ ^tice 1» hereby given, that on Agriculturist 1,600.00 allowance to the undersigned at his OBJECT TO MENIAL DUTIES ^¿ December 27th. 1920, at 1 writer and adding machine 420.00 (Club Work . .. . 5 1,800.00 place of business in Bay City, Oregon .M»11 . ’ thfl afternoon, at the Extra incidentale ............... 134.00 County Fair . , 1,500.00 within six months trom the date of Reason That la Assigned for the Pres­ j' Press. , Vr.tlinate of the amount of money and other expenses con­ Bounty ................................... 500.00 Howard Butler. Jr., Is trustee I of an I loosed to be raised by taxation nected with administering 'r* , h(. ensuing year for Tillamook Supt.’ office ...................... Important hespltnl here and he tell, Notice To Contractors. 960.H0 Total Geueral *132,450.00 i raunty. Oregon. Notice is hereby given that sealed me they need 30 per cent t more nurse* Market Roads .................. *22,696.00 i figures assembled by the County Total ......................... *3,900.00 Interest on bonds .............. 11,500.00 bids will be received by the Biard than they can get I _ lirt show that it will require the Treasurer's Offici “Why are nurses so scarce?" I 1 , of *592.762 to defray th« ex- Treasurer’s salary .............. *1,200.00 State tax estimate .... 160,000.00 of Directors of school t'is’.rict num­ asked. ber 20. Dolph, Oregon, Final Account,and that Wednesday. January Sth, 1921, at ten o’clock . . i m. has been fixed as the time tind (he Court House of Tillamook County, Oregon, as the place for the hearin.-. of said Final Account, before the said County Court. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN 1 that all persons must appear at said time and place and show cause if any there be, why said Final Ac- : count should not be approved and this administratrix dis­ allowed, charged, and her bondsmen exoner- ated. Dated December 2, 1920. Vine Dwight Administratrix of the Estate of W. G. Dwight, Deceased. 1 | ¿y ft WÎ : Marathon Lodge 93, Knights of Pythias I 7. ' | ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint- ed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, administrator of the estate of A. R. persons Batchelder deceased. All having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, as by law required, at the office of my ottor- neys within six months from ‘he date hereof. Dated this 8th day of December A. D. 1920. R. N. HINKLE Administrator of the Estate of A. R. Batchelder, deceased. Barrick & Hall, Attorneys for Administrator. 12-915 t i CASCARA FOR Colds, Coughs Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours — Relieves Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara is best Tonic Laxative—No Opiate in Hill's. U r1 (? HOW LONG COULD YOU GET ALONG WITH­ OUT A COOK STOVE? WE HAVE THE BEST LINE OF RANGES IN TILLAMOOK CITY. g The Great Majestic “The Range With a Reputation /I tí ,d ALEX McNAIR & COMPANY aB5H52SB5aKSa£H5t!5H52E2Sa525H5H5i5aSHS2S25e52525?325aJHS2SZ5B52SH5B525 CHESTER WHITE SWINE FOR SALE W’e are offering; a few fine young Boars which are ready for service. They are as follows : Big Bob, 95067.—Giant Buster, 95065.'—King Jumbo, 9506-L Their sire, White Boh 70439 grand sire, Woodrow of B.F 38919 White Boh in our herd sire, a yearling weighing 500 lbs. or more. Her sire Woodrow B.F. weighs 900 lbs or more, and has never been defeated for Grand Champion where shown. Chester Whiter produce large thrifty litters; we have had sows produce as high as 19 in one litter. We are offering a few Young Pigs, 4 weeks! old and up. Both sex « DON MEADOW JERSEY FARM, JOE DONALDSON, Prop Real comfort' Corinth Post. No. 35. Dept, of Oregon Meets on second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 1:30 p. m. in W. O. VV. hall. Visitors welcome. ■ pl •[ H. W. Spear, Com’dr. Samuel Downs, Adjt. I Johnson Chapter No. 24 . R. A. M. Stated convocation Friday • * Visitors welcome. I. E. Keldson, Sec. 0. A good oil heater filled with Pearl Oil assures you comfort. Gives steady heat at the touch of a match. No smoke, no odor, no dust, no dirt. Easy to carry about. Economical. Less furnace heat and fewer grate and coal-stove fires required. Oil consumed only when heat is needed—no waste. Pearl Oil Is refined and re­ refined by our special process which makes it clean burning. For sale in bulk by dealers everywhere-—the same high- quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name—Pearl Oil. Tillamook Lodge No. 1260 L. 0. 0. M. We recommend Perfection Oil Heaters. Meets every Friday PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT STANDARD OIL COMPANY Communications Stated Wednesday of second Visiting each month. Brethern welcome. Leslie Harrison, Sec’y. 4 I IS THÏÏ MOST IMPORTANT W Ä PIECE OF FURNITURE ...................... IN YOUR HOME? W. R. C. TillRmook Lodge No. 57, A.F. & A.M. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM I ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Corinith Relief Corps. No. 54 Dept, of Oregon, meets on first and third Frida, eveni-gs of each month, at 8 p. m. in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors welcome . Minnie Johnson, President Elizabeth Conover, Secy. S. A. Brodhead, Sec. SUNSET GARAGE AND La Grippe Regular Convention of order Marathon sharp. By of Lodge No. 89 K. of P. next Monday, the Chancellor Com­ Nov. 22nd. First rank will be con ­ mander. ferred on two candidates. Refresh John C. Carroll, C. C. ­ ments will be served. All membets are requested to be present. By order of John C. Carroll, C. C. K. of P. Hall. >=■" 6» ’OM^ Regular meeting Mon­ at 1 QUININE Marathon Lodge No. 89 K. of P. day evening at 7:45 i ■7—S—‘-y- Mutual Phone Kill That Cold With Help Furnished Free PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. 1.0.0. F. BUILDING Tuesday eve. 8 p. m. Rebekak. Wednesday evening Camp 2-4, Thursday I For Quiek and Sure Re ults Try a Classified Ad In The Headlight