^TTgSDAY. DECEMBER ». 1920 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT *1f i “ ’V ** V i“ G em I V»—V»-—y i f-i i^ytn j-yin ^y b - 4fr~ HEATRE Page Five --y-“ -y— y-** ■■y-** --y— -y *• y - -y - y i i- jy i A ttractions ? $ PROGRAM FRIDAY SATURDAY, DEC. 10-11—“BILLIONS” featuring NAZIMOVA. “One Reel Rolin Comedy” J è $ 1 SUNDAY, DEC. 12—“THE HIDDEN TRUTH,” featuring Anna Case. “Farmyard Follies.” Fox Sunshine Comedy. % a NAZIMOVA. IN MONDAY, DEC. 13—“THE BANDBOX,” featur­ ing Doris ’Kenyon “Two Reel Century Comedy ” DEC. 14 TUESDAY, ’DEC. 14—“THREE GOLD COINS/’ featuring 'l orn Mix. “Bathe News.” If it's thrills and action y'ou want Just Listen ! WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15—“JUBILO,” featuring Will Rogers. “Bray Pictograph.” BI LLLCLbLS“ r|^HEYhadthe millionair “Framed up” to work J the old “Badger Game” on him. . . The Adventuress liatl embraced him—her confeder­ ates turned on the lights . . I » WILLIAM FOX Presents THURSDAY, DEC. 16—“FORBIDDEN TRAILS” featuring Buck Jones. “Mack Bennett Comedy.” I ! Í AND DYNAMIC THE INIMITABLE DAREDEVIL OF THE SCREEN FRIDAY-SATURDAY, DEC. 17-18—“THE MIS­ LEADING LADY featuring Bert Lytell. AND There Was a Princess in His Bed ! COMING : “THE MIRACLE MAN,” taken from the play by Geo. M. Cohen and pro­ duced by George Loane Tucker. • The surprising dramatic situation is one of the many big scenes played by $ DEC. 16 IN 3 Gold WILLIAM FOX Presents BUCK JONES f ■ 1 I ’ $ IN saia ».• n ■ I If**' A Tale of Love, Stunts and Romance r $ The New Sensation of the Screen INI A Western Thriller Presenting the world’s Greatest actress in a screen play that affords full scope for her myriad moods—A cinematic achie­ vement oi the first importance. The Story of a cowpuncher who beat a corrupt political gang at tlie'r own game. DEC. 10-11 I I I i ■ fails to enter into contract to take TWENTY YEARS AGO (From the issue of • December the bonds in accordance with said bid. The City reserves the right to I 13th, 1900.) reject any ana all 'bids. METHODIST CHURCH I Tillamook Presbyterian Church We understand that the tug Vos- Dated this 9th day of December, The Sunday School meets at 10 I Sunday School, 10 A. M. Prepar­ : burg, belonging to the Nehalem 1920. A. M. Preaching at eleven o’clock ation are being made for a fine , Transportation Company, will leave FRANCES B. STRANAHAN, Subject of the morning discourse. IChristmas (Program, i Our 1 Whitef Portland the last of this week with City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore. The "Stewardship of Re.-ources.” Gifts for the King will go to the ; freight for Tilamlook. Mr. and Mrs. Doty left Thursday hour of the evening service is 7:30. orphans in Syria and Palistine. I The butchers’ fight is on in Tilla- for a few days visit in Portland. Subject of the evening serinon, “Sub­ Morning worship, 11 A. M. Sub­ ! mook—may it be bloodless. jects for Prayer." The numerous weddings which ject: “The Word made Flesh." These are vital subjects to the Evening Worship, 7:30 P. M. Sub­ have taken place of late must be children of men and especially sig­ ject: "Things Impossible to God.” indications of a severe winter. Who ia nificant toady. Special music We welcome you to share in our is next to come in out of the cold? I For the present indications it being planned for morning and ev- worship. looks as if there is to be a freight Program for Week December ening. Come, and worship with us. i Allan A. McRea, Minister. rate war betwen San Francisco and Some time ago it was decided to j 11th to 17th inclusive Portland, at $1 a ton. Yet from hold special services during the I REFORMED CHURCH Portland to Tillamook some of the month of January when Dr. Gilbert Sunday School at 10 A. M. citizens have to pay *6 a ton for our district superintendent. could Public Worship at 11 o’clock. i freight. But we see competition in be with us. At the monthly board Subject., “John the Baptist, proph­ sight for Tillamook as well. meeting last Monday night, the pas­ et of the Wilderness and Forerunner all I The question of bonding the city tor was authorized to appoint of Christ.” An Advent sermon. Spec­ needed committees io assist in com- ial music by the choir. You are cor­ ! for water, electric light and sewer- At 2:30 P.M. I age systems is beings discussed. Dieting plans for these special ser- dially invited to these services. 1 ‘• a Thc pastor solicits your vices, ------------------— W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. Saturday, Dec. 11, prayers and hearty cooperation in ___ __ c - CALL FOR BIDS the planning and carrying out the I Notice is hereby given, that Tilla­ U. B. SERICES mook City, Oregon, will receive bids Starving- Dolores U. B. services for next Lord’s Day: for the improvement of Miller Avenue, from the South line of 1st Street ___ __ Cassiuetti Comedy. Throbs - ---------------------------------------- Sunday School at 10. Preaching at 11 _____ . South to the South line of 8th, ______ stree^>.land Thrills 11 A. M. end 8:00 P. M. Subject in j, all in accordance with ths plans and i BARRICK & HALL the morning—-‘‘The Possibilities of j specifications Jtherefor now on file I Sunday and Monday, the Insignificant." Evening’s sub- J with the City Recorder. Said improve- ■’ •• ATTORNEYS AT LAW ment consisting of paving the same Dec 12 and 13 ject—” Is the Christian Life Worth 24 leet in width and 6 inches in thick­ National Building While." ’ Preaching also at Yellow ness, building curbs and constructing ALLAN DWAN’S SPECIAL Fir at 2:00 and Pleasant Valley at laterals for sewer connections, and by Tillamook, Oregon in A cordial welcome to building concrete increte sidewalks t f. feet I Zfirra. Ilf--^4. _ T’-.-.l ff J 3:15 P. M. s. in width on i each side of said street, | 1 UC McdlT 01 3 1 001 services. all of these 1 ■■ — together with all matters appertaining ' R. Fisher, pastor. thereto, as set forth in said plans, Comedy—Shell and Shi vers and specifications. I DR. O. L. HOHLFELD ---------- I REFORMED CONGREGATIONAL All bidders mugt file with theirj Tuesday, Dec. 14 'bids a certified cneck payable to the rnnir TVfiilC *. irr madut VETERINARIAN Sunday School 10:00 A. M. order of the City Recorder for not * Ltt MUKAN Preaching Service, 11:00 A. M. les3 than 10 per cent of the amount I i n Bell Phone 2F2. Hutu:. IPhone A cordial welcome to all. of the bid, to be forfeited to Tilla-1 mook City if the successful bidder Rev. Richard Schuetz. Tillamook, Oregon shall fail to enter into contract with K. approved bond, for carrying out of CHRISTIAN CHURCH ! the bid if required to do so. Bids f Sunday School at 10 A. M. will be received up to the 20th day of , Comedy—Cutting out his December, 1920, at the hour of 8:00 W. C. DUEBER Preaching and Communion at 11. vacation. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. o'clock P. M. and should be addressed ' to the City Recorder of Tillamook DENTIST j Song Service and Preaching at City, Oregon. Wednesday, I>ec. 15 Tillamook Building Dated this 8th day of December, 7:30 P. M. ANITA STEWART (Over Haltom’s) A cordial invitation to everyone 1920. in FRANCES B. STRANAHAN, Tillamook. Oregon to attend these services. City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore. J Harry E. Tucker, Minister. | \-------------------------------------------------- I I r"~ —————————■ ! NOTICE OF SALE OF CITY 1M- EPISCOPAL CHURCH Dr. J. E. Shearer Dr. A. C. Crank .PROVEMENT BONDS At a meeting on Sunday after the j Notice Is hereby given that bid Comedy—Shanks and Drs. Shearer and Crank morning service Archdeacon H. P. .will be received by Tillamook City. II Chivalry. Chambers, of the Episcopal Church , Oregon, for the sale of *10,077.35 medicine & S urgery made a proposition whereby Wash- improvement bonds issued by Till- Thursday and Friday,, National Building ......... . ........ December 16 and 17 Tillamook. Oregon become a Joint mission, one clergy- within Tillamook City, Oregon. Said J man having charge of the two coun- bids to be received up to 8:00 o’clock EDGAR LEWIS PRODUCTION \__________________________ . I»» * ■ r* vr ofuk 1 aha « ii ui j ,. in ties, services to be held in each P. M. December 29th, 1920. All bids | to be addressed to the City Recorder county every other Sunday. ; of said Tillamook City, Oregon, and R. T. BOALS M. D. must be in the hands of the Clty'Re- . . , „ , corder on or before 8 o’clock P. M. Comedy -Whos Crazy Now Surgeon and Physician Mr. W. S. Cone left for Portland on ¿ate_ an START THE YOUNGSTER A Savings Account As a Christmas PRESENT A Dollar Will Do It- a & 1 1 ¿c'ï25?Â525H5E5H5ï525B5ES25aS3SESa5HSH5H5cSRSB' f f i * Is to Aet into a Statistics Show That Uinted 8tatea Has Been Able to Hold High Mark Set During War. ics! manufacturers." to be present. By order of the Chan­ cellor Commander, John C. Carroll. ^N\lhesuréwayto TRADE Offlclnl statistics.for the fiscnl year i 1920 demonstrate ' that this country t has been able to keep Its trade in chemical and allied products very near the high mark set during the war, de­ spite the loss of markets for pnrely war supplies and despite the pressing demands that must be met In the do­ mestic market Such Is the conclusion reached by O. P. Hopkins, a well-known statis­ tician, writing in the Journal of Indus­ trial and Engineering Chemistry. “In almost all lines except muni­ tions,” he writes, “the exports in 1920 exceeded in valuo those of 1918, a fact that can be explained in some cases, perhnps, by rising prices, bnt which nevertheless warrants the assertion that the position has not been weak- : ened. These exports, which very greatly exceed those of the last nor­ mal pre-war year, lire made up almost entirely of manufactured products. “Imports have more than held their own and comprise raw and partly man-1 nfactured products required for fn* ■ ther advancement by Americas «hero­ • it 1 ■ ó» i i b 4 5 £ § I / T illamook C ounty B ank . sasasaszsaszsaszszszszszsa >■, V1 « I