Page Four THE TILLAMOOK HEA D L I G H T __ _____________________________ rHragDATJHjCEintTyQ CALL FOR BIDS WITHOUT PROCESS OF LAW «Notice is hereby given, that Tilla­ A Weekly Paper Published Every mook City. Oregon, will receive bids Cowboy Quickly Settiod Matter toi Thursday by the Dispute, and No One Appealed for the improvement of Miller av­ Headlight Publishing Company, Inc. enue, from the South line of First From the Decision. Remarkable Feat of Freighter of Tillamook. Oregon Street, South on Miller Avenue to Little Cost—Big lesults. All Tillamook County Reads^Them. One Cent a Void rcr fc«,te For some time after the opening to the Early Days. the city limits, consisting of the ex­ ’ regular passenger service, the Cen ­ Both Telephones cavating and grading of said street tral Union Pacific railroad’s subordi­ » I to the proper subgrade. All dirt ex- nate departments wore rattier crude. FOR SAI F. For sale. good steel range, also organ. HAY AND GRAIN HAULING speciality. Oregon Tran«f«r B(„. Entered as second-class matter in ' cavated which shall be necessary for The sleeping cars were comfortable, Travarasd Eight Hundred Mllaa, on —----------------------------------------------Call Frank Nelson. phones. Opposite P. O. jj.g .*1 FOR SALE—CHEAP, THREE O. I I Horseback, In Five Daye and Thir­ the postoffice at Tillamook, Oregon. the filling of said street and bring- but tliere were no dining ears, and the -PURE BRED BROWN C. pigs, 2 1» months old. Must sell ^OR SALE teen Houre, a Record Never I ing the same to proper grade, shall facilities at the “restaurant” stations . 1 bull 4 years old. AT LAST—A VICTOR DKALBR~IN quick, short of feed. G. F. I Swiss cattle. Since Equaled. Tillamook County. Victor vic i be used upon said street. All in were decidedly primitive. r a fine individual; 2 bull calves Hackett. Mutual phone. 12-2t2pi Subscription Rates from good ancestors. John Boeckli. When the eastbound train arrived at trolas. $25.00 and up. Victor Be One year ........................................... $2.00 accordance with-the plans and speci- breeder ¡Of Brown-Swiss cattle. Alexander Majors, a pioneer freight­ FOR SALE—MAPLE AND ALDER cords, 85 cents and up. Tills Six months ..................................... 1.00 , ti cat ions therefor now on tile with Cheyenne one morning, the passengers Llnnton. Oreg., Route 2. 12-9 t6 wood. Mutual phone. G. F. er, whose determined foresight estab- monk .Music Co., Opposite P. o Three months....................................... 50 ihe City Recorder. All bidders must in the sleeper, all but one small group, Hacket. 12-2tp. i FOR SALE OR TRADE — LIGHT responded promptly to the summons. llshed Kansas City us the great trad- Payable in advance n-xstr j tile with their bids a certified check, “Thirty minutes for breakfast!” They Ing post of the Southwest, and to team, heavy hack and good set FOR SALE—Dried split Italian payable to the order of the City Re­ passed Into the large tent which was whose memory the erection of a monu­ Money to loan — Enquire of John of harness. Will sell cheap or prunes at $5 per 100 lbs., in sacks Leland Henderso^ 206-3rd St. corder, for not lees than 10 per cent equipped as a dining room; long ment was suggested at the time of Ids trade for cow. Call 9F23 Bell As good as any to eat but were A STEP FORWARD Tillamook, Oregon. 1 split by the rain before being phone.__________________ the of the amount of the bid, to be for- planks on rather high “horses” cov­ death, Jan. 14, 1900. gave the flow­ The measure authorizing ered with white “domestic” for tables, ing description of F. X. Aubrey’s fa­ felted to Tillamook City if the dried. H. G. Campbell, Dallas, suc- FOR SALE— UPRIGHT KOHLER .HE STANDARD OF THE WORLD County Court to assess a one mill Oregon. 12-2t4c cessful bidder shall fail to enter into and single planks on smaller "horses" mous ride: piano in good condition $150. Victrolas and Victor Records. tax for the purchase and improve- “ One of the most remarkable feats for benches at the sides. But the food Also Victrola and 34 records, $7 5. contract, with approved bond, for Tillamook Music Co., Opposite P. raent of a county fair grounds pass- wns excellent, varied, bountiful, and ever accomplished was made by F. FOR SALE - HOUSE AND LOTS Goyne Ranch. South Prairie. the carrying out of his bld If re- for $1000. Easy terms. Inquire at O. ll-18tf ed at the special election Monday. admirably cooked, while the flapjacks X. Aubrey, who traveled the distance 12-9 tf quired to do so. Bids will be receiv- I and maple syrup were delicious. Headlight office. 12-2 tf of 800 miles, between Snnta Fe, N. It is one more step upward, lift­ Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ WANTED ed up to the 20th day of December, | The one group that had not left the M.. and Independence, Mo., In five FOR SALE -NEW LIBERTY SIX ing the resident) of Tillamook al Mazda lamps. They give better 1920, at 8.00 P. M., and should be | sleeper consisted of Colonel Temple­ days and thirteen hours. This ride. Touring car. Terms to suit the WANTED—SECOND HAND BIRD county above the period when all light. In my opinion, In one respect was the ton. his young wife, and their slx- addressed to the City Recorder ->f Cage.. At Zachmann Shop. 12-9i 1 purchaser. Inquire at Headlight men lived in caves and wore animal months'-old baby. When all who In­ most remarkable one ever made by Tillamook City, Oregon. office. 12-2t2p WOOD WANTED—WE WILL RE WE HAUL ANYTHNO ANYWHERE skins for clothing. Dated this Sth day of December i tended to take breakfast were seated any man. The entire distance was FOR SALE -MODERN BUNGALOW ceive bids until December 20th at any time. Oregon Transfer. Slowly but surely Tillamook Is and had served themselves or been ridden without stopping to rest, nnd for 100 or less cords of old growth office opposite P. O. Both phones. 1920. on First street. Cheap if taken soon. having a change of horses only once served, the colonel reached over and ridding itself of the narrow minded wood; same to be delivered at the 12-9 tf FRANCES B. STRANAHAN, Phone 105 W. P. O. Box301 12-2 ip In every one hundred or two hundred Light Plant in Tillamook on mossbackism that has held it down City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore, took a milk Jug, from which he filled FOR SALE-FULL BLOOD GUERN- the baby's mug nnd proffered to the miles. He kept a led horse by his cars, or on any road suitable to THE GREATEST ARTISTS OF THE for so many years. It is coming to World have entrusted their repu­ proprietor a dollar, the price of a full side most of the time, so that when the sey bull. Inquire at Headlight office. haul on with trucks. Delivery to the front and assuming tlie aspect 12-2 t2p meal. one he wns riding gave out entirely, ________ tations to tlie Victor Records. commence not later than January If the THEIR DAY OF GLORY GONE of a modern community. The proprietor refused the money he chnnged the saddle to the extra HAY FOR SALE BRIGHT. GREEN 10, and at the rate of 15 to 20 Hear them at their best in your cords per day. We reserve light measure had failed it would have , and with needless emphasis said: horse, left the horse he had been rid­ own home. Tillamook Music Co.. leafy clover hay. No. 1 grade at to reject any and all bid.\ Coast “You ken eat all you want, but yer ing and went on again at full speed. Dealers, opposite P. O. ll-18tf been a direct slap at the endeavors •Vriter Sees Pathos in Vehicle«, Dis­ $22 f. o. b. Schefflin, Oregon, placed by the Victorious Automobile, Power Co., C. J. Edwards, Man­ “At the time he made this ride, in can't take nothing away!” “But I’ve grower. Write Joe Hanningtou, of those who have labored to bring ager. 12-9t.’ Let the Sunset Electric wire your Meekly Awaiting Dissolution. eaten nothing and am taking only a much of the territory he passed Cornelius. Il-25t4 Tillamook into its own, and their home and save you money. through he was liable to meet hostile cap of milk for my baby.” WANTED- GENERAL HOUSE efforts would have been practically The garage stood in the heart of the M bile the proprietor was emphasiz­ Indians, so that his adventure was FOR SALE—GOOD STEEL RANGE, Bell phone Main 64 12-2 tf THE WORLD MOVES; SQ DO WE. wasted. But the measure won out city. That was not strange. A great also organ. Call Walter Nelson, ing his indifference to the baby’s daring In more ways than one. Tn the Oregon Transfer, opposite P. O. ll-25tf WANTED MAIN’S WASHING. Will and the march of progress is on. many garages stand in the heart of a needs, there was a connnotion on the first place, the man who attempted Mutual phone. Both phones. 12-9 If call for and deliver. Mutual great many cities. What was strange to ride 800 miles In the time lie did side of the table toward the exit and Let’s not hinder It in any way. CLEARING SALE OF USED IN— phone. Marie Getchell. ll-18tf was the building which stood oppo- took his life In hfs hands. There Is presently a typical cowboy swung him­ TVNOISSHiOHd_________ struments. Piano, $95.00; Edi- ■ site the garage. This was a tumblo- self over and drawing his gun. perhaps not one man In a million who son talking machine, $5.00; diSC GIVE BILL THE GLAD HAND I down, rambling edifice, with a large marched LOST AND FOUND Dr. Ramsey Osteopath up to the proprietor and could have lived to finish such a jour­ records, 25c; organ, $50.00; sew- Saturday afternoon and evening and rambling buck and front yard, uud Room 110-1. O. O. F. Bldg., Tilla­ Lost—Hub cap off Elgin Six be­ pointing the muzzle of the pistol at ney. ing machines, $10.00; Player rolls, mook. Mutual phone, Bell phone we will have the B, P. O. E. with in the yards were old carriages. “Aubrey was a Canadian French­ his face, said, “Let the baby have hfs 50c, and many other articles, all tween Pleasant Valley and Tillamook 146-M. us. I do hot know If it was a junk shop bargains. Tillamook ifusic Co. milk!” man, of low stature, short limbs, built return to W. M. Powell, Tillamook, the or a repair shop, says a writer in the Victor Dealers. 12-4tf "Welcome them, turn over The proprietor did not hesitate, but like a jackscrew, nnd was In the very R. F. D. 32. 11-lltf Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentist». town to them, and honor them for Christiiin Science Monitor. I do know said to the colonel, “AH right, go on !” zenith of his manhood, full of pluck FOR SALE—HOUSE AND TWO National Building. that nowhere else could one see so and daring. Then the colonel extended the dollar their many benevolences. When the lots on easy terms. Price $1,000. STRAY HEIFER PICKED UP—I bv Davin- ! Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. many equipages of an ancient day. “It was Said he made this ride upon bill, whereupon the cowboy swung Owner can have same I Salvation Army is in need of funds Enquire at Headlight office.1 l-25t* n, Mutuai . «'<*• 'rillamuok. Oregon._________ One might sit in one’s car and buy cover a' bet of $1.000 that he could upon him nnd shouted, “ Are you go- charges. Walter Nelson, the Elks help them raise money. gasoline and oil and while these com­ fn, to give a dollar for a cup of milk? the distance in eight days. For Sale—Nearly new boys all wool Dr. Lebow can be found at Dr. phone. ll-25tf When the Red Cross starts a drive modities were being stored away one “One year previous to this, In 1852. suit, long pants, size 34 or 36. Address Get outen here!” The colonel got. Wise ’s Tillunook office, south of the the antlered herd is on the ground might examine at leisure that motley S33I10N SSSNISilS nor did the proprietor offer to detain he made a bet he could do the same P. O. Box 291. 11-lltf. Court Hous-: every Mondav, Tues­ in the midst of it. When families old fashioned crew huddled out In the him. The crowd cheered, while the distance In ten days. The result was FOR GOOD WOOD CALL THE ORE- day and Wednesday until ncn. are destitute the Elks will be found yards. cowboy returned and ordered a plate lie traveled it In a little over eight Shingles for Sale—All orders deliver­ gon Transfer, both phones. ed free. Write W. H. Sales, Mohler, There Is a buggy—the kind of bug­ of fresh flapjacks.—Exchange. days, hence his bet he could make the giving to them freely the necessities 12-9 tf If in need of glasses see A. H. Hanis. Or. 11- 4t 3m. Registered optician, at R. W. Ben­ gy that wheels softly down country ride In 1853 In eight days, the result of life. Such is the work of the nett's Jewelry store Tuesday and lanes in the moonlight and stops eas­ of that trip showing he consumed lit­ “Life” for Song Leader. Singer Agency — opposite Postoffice. Elks. For Sale, -two latest styls White sew­ Saturdays until further notice. Will ily ns the driver alights to let down Aroused to enthusiasm h.v the good tle more than half that time. ing machines, almost new, Singer Pianos and tuning. All work guar­ the bars. There Is the remnant of make dates any time. Phone 143-J. “T was well acquainted and did con­ work he had done for them the in­ anteed—H. F. Cook 131 W. 11-4 tf Agency opposite P. O. what was once a smart, high-wheeled ‘’TILLAMOOK COUNTY FIRST” mates of the county workhouse at siderable business with Aubrey dur­ New Castle, Delaware, requested the ing his years of freighting. I met him Tillamook county has about reach­ yellow dog cart. used to go bowling warden to give Emerson Stone, song when he was making his famous ride TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS French Art Loes oy War. ed the point where it will gain down the fashionable avenue In the fashionable hour. The hayrack—Its lender of the Wilmington Community at a point on the Santa Fo road called JUST MENTIONING HARD LUCK Notice is hereby given that the One of the most interesting Items more prominece and population. bright blue worn by now—lias carried service, a life sentence In the institu­ Rabbit Ear. He passed my train at a In the latest inventory of the losses County Superintendent of Tillamook As soon as conditions are any­ many a wholesome load of fragrant ftfil gallop without asking a single Here Are a Few Instances on Record of France throifirh the war is that County, Oregon, will hold the reg­ tion. Which It Would Seem Hard where near normal again prosperity hay in its day, with barefooted boys question as to the danger of Indians “Warden, keep that guy!” called which tells of the extent of the dam­ ular examination of applicants for to Beat. will begin, and everyone of us sprawling on the top of the load. out one of the prisoners when Mr. ahead of him. age to her art treasures and historic State Certifies !S at the Courthouse Look nt yonder queer old contrap­ Stone was about to leave after con­ "After hfs business between St. should do our part in bringing this monuments. The estimate for this There was a case described In the as follows; tion ! It was a shoe wagon and the Lotfis nnd Santa Fe ceased, his love ducting a “ sing ” In the workhouse re ­ loss, which has been obtained by the about. shoe dealer plodded along tlie rural cently. “Give him life. He’s too good for adventure nnd his daring enter­ ; papers recently in which a man, hur- Paris information service of the Bank­ Commencing Wednesday, Dec. 15. be Housing facilities should ■ vying to seek his bride who had failed districts titling every one’s feet with to get away frotq this place. We want prise prompted him to make a trip ers’ Trust company. Is placed at over ' at 9:00 o’clock A. M. and continu­ I to keep her appointment at the church, increased; the demand fur exceeds no trouble at till. from New Mexico to California with hltn all the time.” 125 million dollars. ing until Saturday, Dec. 18, 1920. the supply now. New industries That decrepit vehicle was n hansom Mr. Stone, formerly a cowboy In sheep, which he disposed of at good slipped, and a revolve-r which he hnd This figure has been arrived at af­ Wednesday Forenoon—U. S. His- In Ills pocket went off. He was wound ­ prices, and returned to New Mexico. should be brought in; they bring cab, nnd n very nobby one, too, in its Montana, arranged with the warden, ter an exhaustive examination of the . tory. Writing (Penmanship), Music» ed, and to increase the injury the po- “ Immediately upon his return he wage earners. Better transporta­ day—quite a novelty In the commun­ for weekly sings In the workhouse, ruins of historic monuments, statues, Drawing. with special Sunday song services In met a friend, a Major Weightman of | lice summoned him for currying anus churches, museums and their contents. tion facilities should be provided; ity, no doubt, when it made Its first I Wednesday Afternoon — Physiol- appearance. Now it stands cheek by addition, and he Is considering the or­ the United States army, who was a without a license. Afid, of course, the The irreplaceable nature of these jogy, Reading, what industries we now have are Manual Training, Com Jowl with a throe-wheeled dump cart, ganization of glee clubs and a band groat admirer of his pluck and dnrlng, wedding was interfered with. losses Is indicated by the sum of 600 position, Domestic Science, Methods: cramped on account of not being whose social standing was never any­ among the inmates. Almost on a par was the case, lVeightmnn was at that time editor million francs, which Is set against j in Reading, Course of Study for able to ship their produce. thing but low. “I was certainly delighted with the of a small paper called the Snnta Fe which happened some time ago, of a “moral Injury." I Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. little boy — of course, a naughty little What a queer old crowd they are— music those men mnde,” said Stone to Herald. At their meeting, ns was the All these things can be brought “This sum of GOO million.” explains Thursday Forenoon- Arithmetic, about with the proper co-operation these outworn, outgrown vehicles of the warden after the first entertain­ custom of the time, they called for boy—who was comfortably and hap- the official text, “is an approximation History of Education, Psychology. from plly engaged in stealing apples drinks. Their glasses were filled and another day. They »rive up their Iron ment, "There is no reason why we of everyone in the county, but not of the loss the French people have Geography, Mechanical and bolts to the juukuian quite will­ could not organize at the workhouse they were ready to drink, when Au- a farmer’s orchard. He was getting sustained by having lost forever works ¡Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of as long as the intense feeling of i along very nicely, with pockets that ingly, for the streets no longer tempt with such material, a really fine glee hrey asked Wetghtman why he had of peculiar value because of their Study for Domestic Art. sectionalism rules here as it has In them to roll along tlielr wide ways. No Thursday Afternoon — Grammar, club, We did that out lu Montana, published a damned He about hfs trip were really bulging, when a cow beauty and historic associations." the past. —another, newer, swifter method of where we have an honor system for to California. Instead of taking his strolled under the tree, The animal’s Geography, Stenography, American Literature, Physics, Typewriting, Forget these petty grievances. transportation has come In—and tlie penal Institutions admirably worked drink, IVetghtninn tossed the contents appearance startled the boy; he Motor Alcohol From Molasses. Methods In Language, Thesis for of his glass In Aubrey’s face. Aubrey slipped, and fell on the back of tlie Make it “Tillamook County First" old wagons in the old yard tremble a out.” “Motor alcohol,” a substitute for | Primary Certificate. mnde a motion to draw hfs pistol and cow. little ns a huge motor truck roars vic­ and all of us will profit by it. gasoline, made from molasses on the Friday Forenoon—-Theory anti Tlie Impact scared the cow. and It shoot, when Weightman, knowing the toriously by. They tremble a little, Mounting a Print Without Buckling. Hawaiian sugar plantations, which ¡Practice, Orthography (Spelling). but It Is only that they have waited so How many times have you pasted danger, drew his knife and stabbed made straight for home with an ex- has been allowed to run to waste or Physical Geography, English Litera­ > NOTIFY AUTHORITIES Aubrey through the heart, from which ceedingly unwilling passenger clinging Well founded rumors have come long, standing out tliere In all weath­ down a paper or mounted a print to burned for the recovery of potash, Is ture, Chemistry. ers, on three wheels or two, with one find that when it dried it had buckled blow he dropped dend upon the floor. I tightly to Its back. The farmer hap­ a new automobile fuel which ft Is said Friday Afternoon—School Law, to us of various attacks upon girls shaft off and their paint in disrepair, pened to be at home to receive the cow, “ The whole affair wns enacted In disappointingly? The Scientific Amer­ gives more power, greater mileage, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. and women of this city, but the They tremble a little, but waft meekly and, as the boy fell off his pockets one or two seconds. From the time ican gives the following Instructions Saturday Forenoon — Geometry, easier starting, and more freedom peace officers have not been inform­ until some one shall come and wheel as to how to avoid this difficulty: they started tn take a friendly drink emptied themselves of their store of from carbon than gasoline, Hawaii Botany. ed of the attempted assaults until them away Into oblivion. Keep the mount flat and with a till Aubrey wns lying dead on the apples, Let us draw a veil over the has molasses enough available to pro­ Saturday Afternoon—General His­ such time has elapsed that it has small wad of cotton wetted in clean I floor less time elnpsed than ft takes ensuing tragedy of the farmer and the duce 9.000.000 gallons of “motor al­ tory, Bookkeeping. nnughty little apple stealer. G. B. LAMB, water, slightly dampen the approxi­ to tell the story.” been impossible to find the guilty cohol”—enough for all the automobiles * HAD QUEER MENTAL STREAK The scene was Hyde Park corner. A 12-9tl Co. School Supt. ! mate area to be covered by the print. on the Islands. oarty. Not Enough Time. Cover the back of the print with paste I very well-dressed man. evidently hur­ In a case of this kind it is by fat­ Stories Told of Oliver Cromwell Would sir Thomas Lipton told nt a New rying to Victoria station, cut across —preferably arubol—smooth and thin. Music. Lead On« to Doubt Hie Com. ■etter to notify either the police Apply the print to the mount, and York luncheon a story about a prof- the road. He slipped and fell. His We love that most human of instru­ NOTICE TO PROPERTY plete Sanity. bag strongly objected to this rough I Iteer. r the sheriff’s office immediately, with aid of a paper blotter and a ments. the violin, and also the fl ate. OWNERS Í “A profiteer,” he said, “bought a treatment, and promptly emptied Itself small roller smooth the print from its •elay may mean some horrible I Tf Oliver Cromwell had Uvcd tn centor outward. No paste will appear magnificent steam yacht and went of its week-end contents. The man the trombone, the tenor, the alto horn, rime committed, as haH happened In All property will be held f these days a committee of alienists outside the Unfits of the print; any yachting In the Mediterranean. Off the was nearly run over; some of tlie t*e ukrtele. the player piano and the for water rent after Jan. 1st 'her communities. doubtless wi ould have Investigates) hfs dampness exceeding these limits will Spanish const the yacht hit n rock and things out of the bag were quite run coloratura soprano, but of all the mu­ 1921. sic that is dreamt of in your philoso­ It seems to be the Idea of the vic- sanity before now. For the Protector over, and the only consolation the evaporate. Any paper shreds left by sank. The profiteer hnd a very nar­ By order of Tillamook Wa­ phy. Horatio, we are fondest of the m to escape publicity so they say had a most abnormal streak In his the blotter, etc., may be wiped clean row escape from drowning. man got was the remark of a passing ter Commission. 12-2t5 shrill squeal of the profiteer. — Ohio dhing about It, but they evidently mental make-up. Fancy a man thnt “'Yes.' he said afterward. T hnd a woman, who said that she admired his State Journal. from the prfut’s surface with the same narrow escape. I thought I was done taste in pajamas! not realize that their silence may could sign the death warrant of a damp wad of cotton. And the last example of hard luck. for. However, some Spanish Asher- ■an Injury or even death for Home- king and then turn and spatter the men rescued me at last, and I was It happened on the east coast, He ink from his pen Into the face of a Tasting Strength of Concrete. dy else. He was an enthusiastic fisherman friend. In his youth taverns were the As the strength of a concrete mix­ put ashore at Alicante.’ i^ooking at it in this light, chief resort of Cromwell. “ Tradition has It.’ said the profit- had had a very successful day, and His ru»u ture is much affected by tlie amount uldn’t It be much better to put and boisterous behavior early es­ of water contained, the novel appa­ eer’s companion thnt when a man Is proudly exhibited his catch to a ■ information in the hands of the tranged him from his equals and he ratus of the United States bureau of struggling hopelessly In the water for stranger. Then he got another bite. horitles than to let false modesty came to associate with a clnss beneath standards Is designed to give an ac­ his life he remembers every single evil In his excitement he overbalanced. him. For he could brook no Interfer­ curate test of tlie fluidity of flow. A deed he ever committed, Was this Fortunately the water wasn't deep. He (anger others? touched bottom and came up with an ence or contradiction. The matter of circular table-top 'mounted on a plun­ so In your case?’ • id you notice the item on another the score at the Inns where he ger Is raised and dropped half an Inch • “ 'Well, not altogether.’ said the enormous crab clinging viciously to e comparing the difference in caroused concerned him very little; by a cum on the shaft of a hand­ profiteer. ‘You see. I was only strug­ his leg. When he crawled out he found that the hills frequently went unpaid and crank. A sample of the mixture, mold­ gling about eleven hours,’ ” es of Wisconsin and Tillamook the stranger had disappeared with his he became extremely unpopular with ed Into a truncated cone 6 Inches tall se? And they have been mak- the alewives of Huntingdon who, when nnd 8 to 12 inches In diameter, ts Wintering Geranium Planta. catch of fish, and that his fishing rod cheese longer in Wisconsin than they saw him coming, would lock the placed tn the center of the table, and A big assortment of Xmas gifts aireadv Take an old plant out of the bor- had gone for a trip to sea. But what I have In Tillamook. doors to keep out the noisy hully. So the crank Is given 15 revolutions. The der In the nntnmn before frost has really broke his heart was the action here and more coming. Come in and pick of a facetious pier attendant, who Oliver turned out to be a wild and dis­ average diameter to which the snm- Injured It. Do this on a dry 'lay out your needs and place them aside untH pie Is spread out Is divided by the Shake all the earth from the roots, and threatened to run him In for bathing -•member, that when you put sipated youth. The same Incorrigible original diameter and multiplied by suspend plant, head down, in a cellar without a proper costume!—From An­ spirit ran throughout his life. It led you are ready to send them You will find Antl-tuberculosls Christmas 100. Tlie result Is the flowability num­ or dark room, where It will not freeze. him to encourage his soldiers to play swers, London. in our assortment Jouled Sets, Manience on your outgoing mail you are practical Jokes upon each other, such ber—150 Indicating n strong material It will become yellow nnd sickly, but Sets, White Ivory with a 15 per cent di • ng to save lives hy doing so. as putting hot coals tn the other fel­ for bricks, and 225 one suitable for when potted about the end of May 'A*«ste S’a&er. rJ and exposed to gentle warmth will count, Kodak«. Candy, Thera,,» Bo Iks’ low's boots. At the marriage of his reinforced concrete. Few of us realize the Importance of recover and grow well. w many have done their Chr- daughter In 1057 to Rich, the Protect­ saving waste paper. Today when the Stationary, Fountain Pena i.„ t ’’ Matter of Taste. s shopping yet? Don’t put it or threw sack posset among the ladles country Is threatened with a wood and Pe,E,l». Cigarette Case» and Mouih Piece? Health and Travel. Overheard at "The Mikado.” paper famine and our forests are dis­ ntil the last thing. Only flf- to soli their rich clothes, which they Perfumes, Toilet Waters. Face P.J.u ’ “Would you advise me to travel for appearing so rapidly every effort He -I don't think much of this show took as a favor from him, strange as it days more. Shaving Stands, Razors, Toilet CaL Mk’ my health?" It Isn ’ t as good as "Listen. Luster. ” may seem. And he put sticky candy should be made to save every scrap “No.” replied the doctor. "A man i She—But it’s not the same kind of upon the .-hairs where his guests were of paper. It is estimated that the sav­ rors. Traveling Sets and many other items’ wants to be In first-class physical con­ money paid to Oregon Fire to sit, and pulled olT his son-in-law’s show. ing of paper would make It possible to dition before he tnkes on the worries all in attractive Xmas boxes, readv t<> any He — 1 know it But it hasn't to throw It Into the peruke, pretended ace Companies helps to build save over l.OttO.OOB.tXM feet of lumber of travel nowadays." catchy tune«. pack and mail. to i State of Oregon.—See A. H. tire, and ended hy sitting on it.—Phll- each year. Waste paper, such as old The wrong Pencil. magazines, books, all kinds of printed d before placing your insur- I adelphla Record. As residents of Maine know, the Mrs. A., aged sixty, was very matter and paper books, takes the black bear Is usually a shy. Inoffen­ proud nnd haughty. Iler hair wns a place of wood pulp and saves mil­ ’limber From Dead Tree». sive animal. Hit a farmer who lives in Some prejudice exists against the Brownville ran across one not long beautiful snow white color, but her lions of trees. Such material is used ATTENTION I eyebrows were usually penciled quite for paper, making paper boxes, roof­ use of timber ent from dend trees, ago that proved to be a very lively ex ladies of the W. R. C. will black. ing and building boards and pnper says the American Forestry Maga ­ eeption to the rule. The bear attnekisl eir annual Christmas Bazaar On one occasion she wns attending n shipping containers of all kinds, which ft I zine. As a matter of fact when sound hltn In the woods about a mile from store of Vaughn & Larson dead trees are sawed Into lumber, and fashionable reception. She hnd been carry as much as 100 pounds, If ev- I 3 hl# house so fiercely and persistently there some time when her daughter ery one would save the waste paper 3 y December 11th. tlie weathered or charred outside 1» that it defeated his every effort to es cut rway. there is no method known capo until he managed to pick up two came tn. Looking at her mother, th»- In his home It would not be necessary daughter said. “Oh. mother, how you to use a single tree for such material. 0 Cha». I. Clough Co. to the forest products laboratory by heavy clubs. By feinting with one look—you have blue eyebrows." It would require more than 500.000.000 g secured the Agency of the which the lumber can be distinguished club and hitting the bear with the oth Some one had dropped a blue pen­ feet of lumber each year to make the ALPEN KRAUTER REM- from that ent from live trees, except er. he fought It off until he worked cil In the drawer where she kept her paper ahlpplng cases used throughout that the lumber from dead treat may e will now carry a complete hta way to an open field.—Youth's black eyebrow pencil end. tn a hurry. the country-—Boys’ Life. ba portly seasoned when sawed. Companion. nt of this line at all times. i ■I h - heil h - m <1 rhe blue Tillamook Headlight HIS RIDE FAMOUS Headlight Classified Ads r•i I Ï F I Watch Our Show Win lows lor Santa Claus Prices ranging from 50c to $75.00 C. I. CLOUGH THE REXALL STORE, TILLAMOOK OREGON. Ci