THE TILLAMOOK ISDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1920 HEADLIGHT 5T Page Three So Called Sales Come and Go—We’re Here To Stay Beginning Dec. 11th and ending Dec. 31st, Pennington’s Department Store begs to announce to the buying public this l> •! Holiday Sale Extraordinary I! A regular House Cleaning of the High Class Stock of Merchandise this store is known to carry. Realizing that people are de­ manding the full purchase value of their dollars, we have cut the former prices in half, making it worth while to do your holiday ¡> shopping of useful and desirable goods at this House Cleaning Sale. Everything goes. Nothing reserved. Do your shopping early before stocks are broken. Considering the quality of merchandise we are underselling all comeptition. ? I Don’t Wait. Get Busy and Take Advantage of This Sale Extraordinary at Pennington’s Department Store. Ladies Shoes, the Best There is. $17.00 Price Cut to as Low as $7.75 in High Grade Shoes. Bed Room and House Slippers, fancy felt and fur trim­ med, Prices to Suit. Silk Waists Just Received Boudoir Caps—the latest Ladies Fine Coats. $20.00 buys a good one. Middle Blouses. House and Street Dresses $15.00 to $25.00. Biggest Stock of Hosiery in Town. Ladies Specials in Silk Values Cut. $1.25 to 89c. to 98c. $2.50 to $1.89. $3.00 to $2.09. Others Values in Wool Hose. $1.50 Our Stock of Piece Goods is Completed. Outing Flannels, 1000 yards at 25c yard. , Dress Goods closing out regardless of price. HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS FOR MEN Our entire Stock of Men’s Wearwell Work Clothing. Coats, Slickers, Eeac. - • t Umbrellas Fine Neckwear, priced $1.00 values, at 69c. Shoes, $6.00 Shoes $6.00 Pants—Work and Dress at Cost. Fine Neckwear, priced $1.50 values, at $123 I Fine Neckwea priced $1.25 values, at 98c. In Holiday Gift Boxes—Arm Bands, Suspenders, Garters. Initialed Handkerchiefs. 35c. Reg. 50c Value. Work Shirts —a full Stock to Select From. Rubber Clothing, Boots and Hats. Mackinaws and Stag Shirts. The Best Brands at Factory Costs. * Blankets and Comforters at Less Than Factory Cost. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES FOR ALL f $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 Stock Too Large To List Here Our selection of Silks, Taffetas. Crepe de Chine and Sat­ ins is worth while and prices a surpise. Boys' and Misses’ Hose 35c up. Little Fellows Clothing ment in Town. Department—Largest Assort­ Two piece Suits, ages 3 to 15 years. Overcoats and Mackinaws. Child’s Wool Hose at 35c. Night Gowns and Pajamas Finest Line of Umbrellas $1.65 to $17.20. ■! Dress Shirts Wool Shirts Famous Brandagee Suits for Well Dressed Men. ■! House Slippers Fine Overcoats at Less Than Wholesale •! Beautiful Lot of Auto Robes. Boys’ School Shoes $3.45 Leather Belts Hats and Caps at Factory Prices baldi and will be sawed up when the dicated in a glance at t. he' returns get a motor boat, since there are plant begins operating within two from Tuesday’s election, In twelve such excellent opportunities for or three months. A section may be instances in which the governor’s boating in the Pacific waters near mt off the log for display purpos« s. appointees were up for re-election Lor, Angeles. Tom good-naturedly The mill is expected to begin op­ ilicy have been returned. in most ' replies, with his delightful western erations some time in February and .cases by handsome majorities and drawl: it will be operated entirely by el-1 in not a single instance was an ap- "They can’t kill me with bucking ectrlc power. The mill has an 11 jpointee of the present ex-state ad- horses, with runaway teams, and mile railroad up the Kilchis river, t ministration tur: ed down by vote with racing autos, so now they want tapping the primeval forest, and of the people at he general election. to try it with motor boats. I am I ' has made a fill covering many acres -—Salem Journal. no wild waves cowboy. What would of the low lands.—Oregonian. 1 do on the bucking waters with a It o and a gun? Hard to l.ndc'atand. Hunte. Is Fined $25. —Char’es 1 Happiness is to be found In mtinv t Christensen of Tillamook, Or., ar­ places. A few year- ago a very rich One of the interesting features of rested on Tillamook bay for usin a young man was a favorite In his clubs " file Hidden Truth,” Anna Case’s motor boat in hunting water fowl, and in his social circle. He married first picture, a Select Pictures spe­ was fined $25 by Judge E. W. Stan­ a beautiful and accomplished girl. cial at the Gem Theatre on Sunday ley. according to word received here Then hfs father’s business went to December 12th, is that the music smash during the war. Nothihg was theme of the production is based on yesterday by the stat game warden’s left. The young couple moved to a that popular old ballad, "Annie Lau­ oilice.—Oregonian. small farm In Now Jersey. He re­ signed from all o^hfs clubs and they rie,” a song that Miss Case has been R. W. Shultz left for Portland have not been b.v friends for requested to sing perhaps more often Saturday. three years until the other day. He ■ than any of her contemporaries, be­ was In town shopping. He met a cause of the exquisite rendition she friend and said: “1 am just learning gives it. that life Is worth while." His expres­ sion showed that he meant It. His “Billions.” Nazimova,s latest con friend went to the clubs that night tribution to the screen, at the .Gem and told the news. "I can’t under­ stand IL” he said. “He looks anil is Theatre, Friday and Saturday Dec­ happy. Why, his nails haven’t been ember 10th and lltli, makes use of manicured for months!"—New York nutnesous unusual and fanciful sets, I Correspondence Indianapolis Star. all of which have ben designed un­ der the personal supervision of Why Not Kill the Fire Bugs? Nazimova. Simplicity, however, has Elizabeth ami her benu ran ten long been the keynote, even where squares to see the Are In Massachu­ setts avenue. Also she stood around bizarre was sought. i watching It for more than an hour Incidentally, it is a tale that will with her foot “Inst killing" In r. baffle the fan who likes to anticipate i Site was sure this wits one tire that the unfolding of the plot by pre­ she was Interested in so the next day dicting developments In advance of she rend about it As she finished appearance. For “Bill! ins” the story she looked up and «nid : their “Well. I can’t stty mil'll for the board is a picture of surprises. of health of Indianapolis.” Father stopped drinking bls “Three Bucks,” yes but worth long enough to nsk : “Wha more tbart many time three dollars. I has the board of health got For the three Bucks referred to hero the fire?" Elizabeth replied : “That Is the sec- i are Buck Jones, the Fox star, wh ond big fire In the last two weeks and is to appear in Forbidden Trails, 1 think that the board of health a western th rille w from ho pelt of should be nble to disinfect the lumber Charles Alden Seltzer, at the Gem yards and kill those fire lings."—In­ Theatre Thursday December 16th; dianapolis News. Buck Herzog. tar second baseman of the Chicago Clubs; and Duck Firs Yield Much Turpentine, Forty gallons of turpentine from a Weaver, the hardest hitting White Dougins Hr tree Is not uncommon Sox infealder. yield according to'men engaged fn the Buck Jones met Buck Herzo: Industry. This branch of work Is a while, the latter wan in Los Angel« I new one tn British Columbia, but the on the training trip of the Club i. suec<