llraîilW VOLUME 32 TILLAMOOK, OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1920. BEGIN WORK ON EMERGENCY I DITCH FOR CITY FIRE ENGINE IN SPECiHLELECTION Will Provide Plenty of Water For Fire Purpoie During Dry Season CREAMERYMEN PASS \Red^roy^cer Visits City NUMBER 6 FIRE CHIEF COATS ATTENDS NEW ASSOCIATION MEETING Local Department Has Made Must Progress Under Leadership of Present Head DREDGE ACCIDENT Mr. Harry M. Clark, Director of the Department of Accounts, of the Fire Chief Thomas Coates was In .Northwester^ Division I American Excavation on the emergency [Portland this week attending the I Red Cross, visited the Tillamook first meeting of a new organization, Unofficial Returns Indicate a Major­ supply ditch for the fire engine is Report of the Stockholders Meeting Chapter on Monday of. last week Antlered Herd From McMinnville to begin Friday. the Oregon State Fire Chiefs’ Asso­ Heavy Bucket Tips Over While ity of 100 In Favor Mr. Clark has spent several weeks of Oregon Dairy Council Is Will Take Possession of Repairs Are Bein? Several months ago, soon after the ciation, where he was honored by of Proposition visiting the Chapters in Oregon, Ida­ Presented Tillamook Made city had procured the fire engine being elected first vicepresident. ho, and Washington and the officers it was found that the water mains The purposes of the organization of Tillamook Chapter were very glad could not supply enough water dur­ are the promotion of fire prevention, VERY LIGHT VOTE IS CAST to have this opportunity to meet one CLASS OF OVER SIXTY TO BE COMMITTEE TO ENLIST COURT WORKMAN CAUGHT BENEATH ing the dry season to successfully the passage of laws pertaining to THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY combat a large fire in case one got AID IN FREIGHT RATE FIGHT ofthe Division representatives. AND CARRIED INTO WATER INITIATED INTO THE ORDER fire fighting and the promotion of In commenting on the present started in the business district, so _______ I other means to keep fire losses at a condition and future possibilities of 1 minimum. Slow Returns From Outlying Dis- it was decided to extend the pave­ Plans Inaugurated For Display of the Tillamook work, Mf. Clark is Dredge Was Making Ready ToDredge Big Banquet Will Follow Ceremon­ ment on First avenue East to the During the several years that tricts Hold Up The Official quoted as follows: Fire Ditch Near Turney Tillamook Cheese At Next city limits on the north and dig a ies.—Parade If Weather Chief Coates has headed the local ”1 find the local chapter doing a Tabulation Dock ditch from Hoquarton so the supply fire department it has progressed Year’s Exposition Will Permit splendid work in the clean up of the line of the engine could be dropped and gained a high state of efficiency, Home Service problems; t the officers into the water. placing it among the first volunteer The measure voted upon at the A serious accident occurred on tha The regular monthly meting of are capable and efficient in every "Hello Bill!" The pavement has been completed fire companies of the state. so special 'election Monday passed government dredge Wednesday af- way and anxious to take up the new the directors of the Tillamook Coun ­ I -------------------------- Next Saturday a special train for some time and the ditch will be far as could be learned before going ternoon about 2:30. ty Creamery Association was held work under a piece time . program. I bearing about 300 Elks from Mc- FOR HIRE CAR BADLY finished in a few days. to preHB. The workmen were taking the "One difficulty may be as true Minnvllle Lodge No. 1283 and other The government dredge, will do a t the Association rooms in the Odd­ DAMAGED BY FIRE There has been no official count as 3000 pound bucket apart to repair the work, underthe supervision of fellow’s buildine on Monday. The here as elsewhere, and that is that parts of the valley will pull into yet as some of the precincts have The King Eight automobile op­ one of the leaves when in some in­ foilawing directors were in attend­ the people do not fully Realize what Tillamook and "the fun will com- City Engluer Sappington. not reported and all precincts must erated by W. R. Davis as a for-hire explicable way the bucket tipped the Red Cross is doing and will do rnence. ance: be in before an official count Is made. Sollie Smith, J. .1. Rupp, T. W. to help communities in1 their every The occasion is to be the initiation car was damged by fire Monday toward the side of the loosened leaf PROPERTY OWNERS LIABLE However, sufficient information is evening. Mr. Davis was returning and in falling caught one of the day problems. i Lyster, M. Abplanalp, J. J. Earl, F. of a class of over sixty Tillamookera, FOR SIDEWALK ACCIDENTS at hand to justify us in publishing from the Coats camp after taking workmen, Morris Dudley, by the I “ The people should be made to E Meyer, W. II. Christensen, Wm. and they are to have a lively time, I an Incomplete unofficial count. . Last Monday night the Common I out some workmen, and upon reach­ foot, crushing that member very realize that the Red C»oss is their Maxwell, M. J. Jenck, .1. Donaldson, judging from reports. The unofficial count is as follows: ! Council was questioned as to who : ing a point near the Trask school badly, The leaf then slid from the Andrew Peterson, .1. 11. Holgate, C. organization, the medium through The B. P. O. E. headquarters will • -wr No Yes is liable in case of occident on faulty I house noticed the smell of smoke. float into the water, carrying Dud- to expect I which they have a right A. McDonald, W. K. Scovell, C. S. be at the Tillamook Hotel and the 27 or unsafe sidewalks. Rockaway .............. .............. 3 ley with it. I ceremonies will take place in the K. | Upon investigation it was discovered Atkinson, E. J.Geinger, Ollie Wood, assistance wherever it is needed. 0 Wheeler ................ ................ 6 covers Dudley was rushed to the Boat’s Ordinance number 342 I front seat from defecive wiring. A "The response to the present Roll and Earnest Haag. Mr. llaag ap- P. hall. A big banquet has been ar- "Maple Leaf............ ............ 36 0 this and makes the property owner l fire extinguisher was carried on the hospital where the injured foot was | Call has been very good, yet it does peared as a representative from the | ranged for the visiting and local 0 liable for all accidents in case the Tillamook .............. ............ 19 not seem that it represents the entire Elks and managed by C. F. Gerard machine but failed to work when amputated about two hours later. Blaine Creamery. 0 walks are not kept in a safe condi­ ’Dudley is a native of Yamhill Stillwell ................ ........... 12 [the owner tried to use it on the A report of the stock holders' country as it should. , of Bay City. It is possible that a 3 tion, It may be necessary for a few county, having been In this vicinity Hoquarton ......................... 25 I flames, and the fire soon had con- "The local organization is anxious 8 damage suits to be brought up in meeting of the Oregon Dairy Council to organize classes to be taught by parade will be held Saturday even­ I rol, damaging the body beyond re­ for several years. Hayes ....................... ........... 40 ing if the weather permits. o Tillamook before some of the pro- was given by F. W. Christensen who Goodspeed .............. ............ 29 The dredge had come up from the pair. The engine, chassis and tires [ an instructor nurse, otae of the represented various factories of the The local members have expressed 12 perty owners wake up. Cloverdale .............. ......... 13 were unhurt. The machine was bay and was preparing to dredge the ' greatest helps that can be given to association at that meeing. Mr. themselves as very well pleaset at 13 Sunnymead ............ ............ 8 ' any community. A good nurse in ha ving the McMinnville lodge come valued at $3150 and was insured at fire ditch near the Turney dock Christensen also presented his re ­ I. 0. 0. F. Items. 0 Trask ....................... ............ 9 when the accident occurred. $1700. Having again planned to make it port as cheese inspector which show­ every household would1 be possible over and put on the work as this 3 Long Prairie.......... ............ 14 Captain Groat states that the if the community as a whole could 28 a 1 rule to initiate all new candidates ed that 209 triplet cheese and 23 Y. be made to appreciate the opportun­ will be the first time an Elks’ in­ 'Tusatalia Club Meets Bay ............................ . ............ 0 leaves have been removed in the itiation has taken place in Tilla- One of the most interesting meet- same manner many times before but 30 on i the first meting night of each A.s manufactured during October ity of this valuable training. Hebo ......................... ............ IS mook. ings of the Tusatapla Club was held he has never heard of a bucket tip- 2 month, first degree on the „ second were second grade out of a total of Sandlake ................ ............ 24 í "In cases of epidemics or disast­ There are obout 100 Elks in the last Friday evening, when Miss ping over in just that way. 4 meeting, Second degree third meet­ 17,513 triplets, 3383 Y. A.s, 40 ers that may at any t|ime, capable Carnahan ................. ......... 32 ing, and the third degree on the county and some day they hope to I Juanita Thompson entertained at twins and 2966 Long Horns made. ............ 1 27 nurses among the women of the com­ have lodge af their own here. Dr. Glaisyer and D. R. Tinnerstet ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- BRING SUIT TO RECOVER 22 fourth meeting nights, the Brothers Little Nestucca . . ............ 10 munity would render it! unnecessary may always know the regular lodge rendered a ccounts of their activities Nair. . ............ 9 30 FOR MATERIAL AND LABOR who during the month.’ Rr. Glaysier al­ : to send out for them and, as is well EX-SERVICE MEN MAY HAVE The young hostess had prepared 2 routine, and we hope those Foley ........................ ........... 9 known, there are time^ when epi­ A case has been filed in the circuit 21 take part in those degrees will al­ so spoke on the subject of diseases demics are so general amd so severe ............ 3 WAR INSURANCE REINSTATED a program of varied amusements, court wherein M. D. Ackley, R. B. ways be on hand to fill their places. including music and a reading by of dairy cattle and of the work of I ........... 42 S Miller and G. A. Martin are the We are in receipt of a communi­ I Miss Cordelia Oatfield. C. B. Stanley, Jno. Schlmming the department handling dairy in­ that nurses are not to be secured at ............ 7 17 any price. cation from the Bureau of War Risk Numbers of different games were plaintiffs, and W. R. Davis the de- 1 and W. H. Martin were initiated last vestigation at the State Agricult­ ......... 10 "In my mind the instructor nurse Insurance in which it is stated that played, and the young people enter­ fendant. meeting, and the degrees will be ural college. It was moved and se ­ 14 Beaver....................... ............. 19 would be the very best thing the after December 31st, 1920, and up ed into the spirit of the 'ocasion Plaintids allege that between the conferred according to rule. cond and carried that the associa­ chapter could institute, jbut to do it to July 1st, 1921, all ex-service men with an enthusiasm »which made blank day of June, 1920, and the Bro. J. A. Smith reported to be tion go on record as favoring an ap­ 270 Total ................ ____ 395 the people would have to get behind desiring to reinstate their govern­ , the refreshment hour and time for 26th day of November, 1920, they slightly Improved. Bro. G. L. Dick propriation of $15,000.00 South Prairie—No election. by the the move and support it. The chap­ ment insurance, regardless of the departure come entirely too soon. sold and delivered to defendant cer­ Wilson, Netarts, Neskowin, Bay- reported sick. State Legislature which meets in Jan ter is not financially able to carry date of their discharge, must fur- 1 The Tusatalia is completing its tain materials antf labor to tile 43 members out to lodge last meet ­ I ocean—Not yet heard from uary for this work, and also that the on the work, to a completion, but I nish evidence of insurability satis- first year since organization, and amount of $1364.75. They further This gives the measure a lead of ing. representatives from this district be The initiatory degree team as urged to support this appropriation. believe it would be willing to give a factory to the director of the Bureau is one of the live clubs of the young­ allege that though demand has been ¡125 votes, which are not likely to be made upon the defendant he has on er girls. usual conferred the work in a com ­ 'Dr. Glaisyer was appointed to present demonstration of its value, in this of War Risk Insurance based I overbalanced by any of the precincts way finding out whether or not the full medical examination to be fur­ failed to pay said indebtedness ex­ I not yet reported and it is thought plimentary manner and we certainly .the matter to Mr, Edwards and Mr. people would want to continue it. nished with the application for re­ [that at least two of the missing pre- appreciate the pep with which the Beals. Motor Service To Discontinue 1 i cept the sum of $795.31. The plain­ "The Red Cross also looks after Ray Grate, S. P. agent, reports tiffs are suing for the sum of Kcincts will go in favor of the meas- work was put on. Now this is not The matter of th« check being the health of the school children, instatement. that the motor now running between $568.94 or the balance alleged to be By this it will be seen, that for any advertising for this degree is past. '.lire when the ballots are brought In. made by the federal government of having them organized into the Tillamook and Mohler will be dig­ unpaid. Bro. F. A. Beltz, the captain of the ; ex-service man to reinstate his In ­ ■the tubercular tests being made by Junior Red Cross, the chapter em­ surance without medical examina­ continued next Sunday, making its Obituary of Donald Cook first degree team, promises to out-1 I Donald William Cook was born do the initiatory team. That may i i Dr. Glaisyer was brought up and a ploying a nurse whose duty it is to tion he must do so before the 31st last run Saturday afternoon. Ask For Street Light At the regular meting of the Com­ Mlear Addy, Stevens County Washing- be hot air. The second and third motion was adopted requesting the visit the schools and have careful of this month. mon Council Monday night a peti­ ton on February 20th, 1908 and died degree captains promise to do their boards of directors of each factory oversight over the children. BRIEF LOCAL MENTION The government insuranc e now "I take it that this community has has many advantages that it did not ; >t the family residence 2mlles south best. This is all for the good of the to refuse the milk of any patron who Mr. J. E. Johnson of the Juno tion was presented asking for si Àfcst of Tillamook, Oregon, on Dec- order and that is the purpose of refuses to permit the recheck to be no other relief organization and tliai have when first issued and Is to be Camp left for Portland Wednesday. street light at the corner of First made in his herd. the Red Cross would be the only recommended to any eligible person j Mrs. Peter Luthi left Wednesday Avenue west and Tenth street, The 4ggnber 3rd, 1920 age 12 years 9 these items. - .»Months and 13 days. There will be,a join installation ‘ A letter from F. C. Baker, presi- agensy to take care of the county’s who wishes this form of insurance. to visit her daughter Mrs. Posse tti request was granted. ' He was the son of George and of Rebekah and Odd Fellow officers dent of the local Chamber of Com- problems, working, of course, in of Juno. Margaret Cook who have lived in soon after Jan. 1st. All Encamp- | merce was read and on motion was connection with the county author­ Mrs. Joe Blaser left for Mohler MISS WHITE PRESENTS HER APPEALS FROM ORDER OF PUPILS IN MUSIC RECITAL ities. ■Re vicinity of Tillamook for the ment members are requested to be ■ laid on the table. Wednesday to visit Mrs. Mike STATE ACCIDENT COMMISSION Rickenbach. "Another branch of the work that ■fctit five years, having come here present next Thursday night, as j A committee, consisting of Carl Miss Ethel White, teacher of mu­ Joe Donaldson and Sollie is especially well suited to this part ■fam Walla Wala, whither they had special business will be before the ¡Haberlach, I W. H. Webb. Sandlake resident, sic in the Tillamook schools, present­ | A case has been filed in the Cir ­ l Smith was appointed, on motion, to of the country. Is that of Water Fir­ *rked Cea Obitruct Traffi« Tuesday December 21st. such as this wonderful country !» of land and that he has not paid the in Seattle Thursday after »pending been awarded the contract for build ­ ffcere has been considerable trou- of Franz Schubert— Robert Life entitled to, for Tillamook county is taxes or kept up the payments ac­ several months in this locality. Mr. ’Jtotely with people who park ing a cheese factory near Gaston. Boals. contract ceitainly an empire in itself. ” cording to the terms of the Bruce expect to return next summer New Building Almost Readv ir cars on the curve of Second Part of the building machinery left I The new building erected by Hen­ "March Militare,” Schubert Duet which they pray the court to dla- Eddie Glad the son of Erick Glad hue east near the creamery. The this week via auto truck. Mr. Heyd ry Rogers on 3rd street and which Klinehan, Sarrette IX- — Gladyce solve. was operated I for appenditis on /Navy Maa Rome On Leave Dt at this place has been widened has gained some reputation as a ' will be occupied by Burge- A Son as Lillies. at Boals Hospital December 7th, Ted Liisberg, who enlisted in the Mo eliminate the narrow turn builder of cheese factories, having a grocery store, is nearly completed. Song—Good Bye. ar.d is reported getting along all navy some time ago, is home on a Make Favorable Freight Rate been called to various parts of the ■ was formerly there, and not to: ; the second serious The t*nants hav e started right, this- being to get who ar- The parties in Ptrtland few days leave. ■irking place for automobiles. It -late before to plan and build them. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Webster and their fixtures placed in the More He is now stationed at Ban Diego - wanting to put on a cargo boat be operation on him by Dr. Boals dur- | be neceaaary for some arrest: i.-e daughter Margie of Portland MI m Alta Btaehl«, who has room and report that they will be The first one Ing th« past few days, on on« of the Wa»t« boat« which to- tween that city sad Tillamook have ba made before people will lear- ♦i.iltia* M':« Beheld, ì*f: tor open 1er busthe..< .usui tn« 2».h of (ompasy ‘ to obstruct tho e’reet at th ke'ng th* »Moral of a bon* out if here vlattlng Mr. and Mrs. A. C. he •eap'.aMti -.hen if-z aiee- .h« ■». »oat« I« HtlleWro, Thursday. Wro »J. |th« ■MBth. his «eel. wake al «eeaa trip. favorable rate of $».09 per to«. I