D L I G H T Thursday, December 2 IWONDERFUL REDUCTIONS ON ENTIBE STOCK OF YARNS Saturday. Dec. 4th Only! Tuesday. Dec. 7th Only! Women’s $4.75, $5.00 And $5.85 “Mina Tay­ lor” House Dresses at 1000 Yards oí Holiday Ribbon, Worth 60c to $1.00, Choice, Yard At Haltom’s Unloading Sale Unlimited Inducements To Christmas Shoppers WE REGRET THAT THIS PAGE DON’T NEAR BEGIN TO DISCLOSE ATT THE STORE NEWS THAT WE WOULD LIKE TO; FACT IS¡IF WE I2E THIS WHOLE PAPER IT WOULD THEN BE INCOMPLETE. BUT THE FEW ITEMS LISTED GIVES SOME PROOF OF THE REMARKABLE IN STORE AWAITING THE FRUGAL SHOPPER. Beginning at 9:00 A. M. —For this on* day’» surprise event we offer this exceptional rib­ bon attraction, defected at random from our regular stock, taffeta and satin ribbons of good quality, vary­ ing in width upwards to 6 Vi inches. Occurring as this doe* at the begin­ ning of the Xmas season when wo­ men will be using yards and yards of thia, to be fashioned into lovely Xmas gifts, therefore we believe a more timely selection than this could not have been offered. Remember the date tho. Shown in plain colors, either dark or light as well as fancy. —With purchase of $3.00 or over in any part of the store. No phone or mail orders. On display in win­ dow on this date. Beginning At 10:00 A M popularity —Owing to the of house this famed line di•eses we deemed it advisable to give the name as much ;ec- og-r ition as the heading. Women ail ov< r America wear them as they are in a class by themselves. The ma- te als embodied into them are de­ pc dable and the styles are sueti as arc being worn. Sizes 36 to 51. SI own on the balcony. —With purchase of $5.00 or over a any section of the stOj.e. No phone or mail orders, See window display on above date. Z r 1 Wednesday. Dec. 8th Only! Kiddies Coveralls Formerly $2.00 At 69c Beginning at 9.00 A. M. — Exactly 219 youngsters cover­ alls to be sold on Wednesday at tills exceptionally low price 69c. Well made togs in several wanted color combinations: khaki, hickory cloth and blue denim. This should prompt parents. Sizes 2 to 8. With purchase of $4.00 or over in any section of the store. No phone or mail orders. See window display on above date. s---------------------------------------------------------- J Monday, Dec. 6th Only! PILLOW TUBING Only, Yard f Yard Wide Satins And Taffetas, Actual $3.00, $3.50 and 3.69 sellers, Yard 1 —Only 300 yards at this phenom­ enally low price—and we have a big reason in believing that this will be a huge drawing card as many no doubt will need just such tine silks as these for their holiday sewing. Others no doubt would like a dress or waist length needless io state would be an acceptable Christ­ mas remembrance as well. —With purchase of $5.00 or over in any part of the store. No phone or mail orders. Displayed in win­ dow on above date. Thursday, Dec. 9th Only! Famous Kloster Crochet Thread Only, Ball, 9c For both women and children and we're proud to stats wv'r» exclusive Tilla- mook agent« for this celebrated line of hose; carried by best »tores in America, In­ deed exquisite are the luxurious clocked silk hose in all brown or black with white clocking. $2.50 WOOL HEATHER HOSE SALE $1.93— — Wool heather hose is correct for w:n ter wear and of course you can get It at Haltom’s. Comparison of prices clearly indicate that you'll save 98e the pair. In rich heather combinations with green or brbwn predominating. Beginning at 9:00 A. M. —Such well known brands as Wearwell and Pequot Brands; In widths 36, 40, 42 and 45 inches. Perfectly bleached and free from dressing. Without a doubt the most distinctive concnption» we've ever shown, such as one would see on Fifth Avenue, . ,ew York. Words fail the writer at this time I to do them justice In print—and must be see n to be appreciated. Choose now for I Xmas gift giving. —Colorful Beads To Add A Touch Of C heel fulness to Milady’s Dress. —Thousands Of Beautiful Handkerchie fs For Women And Children. —Silk Floss Cushions In Both Round And Square Shapes- Lovely Cretonnes To Enrich Them With. -—Fancy Turkish Towels. . -—Women’s And Misses Unique New F ar Trimmed Hats Have Just Made Their Appearance. You Are Cordially Invited T o See Them. — With purchase of $5.00 or over in any section of the store. No phone or mall orders. See window display on above date. —This is the time for every brain and hand to utilize every atom of energy, every constructive thought. every helpful suggestion that will furnish more power to the business motor. —This is the time when the gen- ertils of business must take off their coats, roll up their sleeveH. spit on their hands and re-vlm every depart- ment, inside and out. 100 per cent management must register 110 per cent and more. —Inertia begets inertia; every complaint imagines another. —This is the time when the bus- iness whiner should be ostracized. the gronch banished, the discouraged Inspired. —This is the time—let’s all go to work for the new era of real pros- perity. ations Free Of Chaise All Women’s Silk Dresses In Two Groups All Women’s Suits Io Two Srovps $79.00 to $89.00 Values $45.00 to $50.30 $32.90 —By buying now you ge* : . c; nt gt of sea-on-end p ices and a full sea- Needle • to ro into detail as discriminating women are fam- $15.35 $19.35 $25.95 $37.65 $69.00 $69.90 $25.90 SERGE DRESSES $9.98. Sale ........... $13.60. Sale........... $18.95, Sale ......... DRESSES $8.90. Sale ........... $13.98. Sale ............. $19.60. Sale ........... $26.98, Sale « stantially Reduced In Price. Nemo, Gossard, American Lady Corsets. Graduate Corsetiere in charge. Women’s Women’s Women’s Women’s Women’s EXTRA! EXTRA! $13 SILK WAISTS Specially priced in five groups for easy selection. At there prices: women can well afford to choose a new >ne to replace the one they’re wearing—and such a change it will give to milady. X expressing fashions ingenuity 11} decorative touches of colorful silk a number of pre-holiday social ac­ welcomed. Dress Skirts, Sale Dress Skirts, f$ale Dress Skirts. Sale . Dress Skirts, Sale Dress Skirts, Sale shoes ! $5.90 $8.60 ¡11.65 ¡15.85 ¡19.85 SHOES! SHOES! UNQUESTIONABLY THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY AT UNLOADING SALE PRICES — fo feel fully convinced, come and see for yourself. Always pleased to show. Footwear for men, women, ..hildren and infants. Remember our "Wizard” expert, Mr. G. A. Gilbertson, who will be pleased to examine your feet free. Ask the many satisfied ones he has fitted. Just an illustration of some of the wonderful shoe values. r TL^°?,an’s Extra Heavy Waterproof Blucher Leather Shoes. $5.95. All —Woman’s Dress Shoes, Black And Blown Kid. High Medium and Low Heel. Sale $6.98. —Women’s Dainty Georgette ant crepe de chine waists at an average price reds^tion of 50 per cent, opportunity that don’t occur once In a great while, ;fffd prompt women (as well as men wish to buy practical Xmas gift for her) to buy right now before sizes are depleted. Styles, just as you see portrayed in fashion journals. All wanted colors. Sizes 36 to 46. $1.49 $1 98 . $2.98 $3.98 $6.98 $ 10.00 $13.95 $19-98 $24.85 $33.65 $46.60 $10.00 And 11.00 Women’s Splendid Quality Silk Petti- coats At $6.87. Procured At An Extra Special Price Concession: Enlivened PVith A Number Of Models Se­ lected From Our Regular Stock —50 In All. $4.98 . $9.98 . . $14.70 $19 97 . HATS HALF PRICE AND LESS —$3.50 Hats. Unloading Sale —$4.50 Hats, Unloading Sale —$6.50 Hats. Loading Sale . —$8.50 Hats. Unloading Sale . —$14.50 Hats, Unloading Sale Entire Stock Of Corsets Sub­ $4.98 $6.9» $9.98 $13.85 • —Captivating originations, artfully winter styling. With delightfully novel embroidery, heading and sequins. With tivities being held this no doubt will be son's service. Women’s $25.00 Coa Unloading Sale Women’s to $30.00 Coats, Unloading Sale . Women’s to $43.00 Coats, Unloading Sale . Women's to $65.00 Coats, Unloading Sale . Women’s to $99.80 Coats, Unloading Sale . Womens to $125.00 Coats, Unloading Sale Women’s $35.00 In ported English Raincoats $67.00 to $84.85 Values $46.85 to $52.95 Values $57.80 $29.65 FULLY 267 WOMEN’S AND MISSES J —Traveling Bags —Silk Scarfs Handkerchiefs Linen and colored borders. — I*ej«mas —Silk Socks -Silk Arm Beads —Silk Garters Silk Neckwear galore —Belte - Seegenders — H*ts. Caps —Tranks —Silk Umbrellas —Gold Plated Cigar Cutter — -Cuff Linx —Gold Plated Knives —Collar Pins —Soarf Pins —Exquisite Silk Shirts —Warm Wool Slip - On Sweaters tn Plain and Fancy stripes. MORE OPTIMISIM SHOULD BE INSTILLED IN US Yjg Most Siibstfin.,.:! Sayings At A Time Wh. n Mort Bt e i ei- A flmt Prfc-Holiday Treat. Never Before Have We Marked Such Decided XojartfaM Absolutely No Mark Ups B ’ B< p ifld " •‘ . W nt rite Your Pe-sonal Investigation And Your Own Judgment And Comparison Of Values And Pi.res. Al er- Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly or mall orders. Displayed in window on above dnft^ fvCdU lllla Outstanding Feature Women’s and Smart Winter Apparel Is Still Further Reduced Formerly Formerly Formerly in any section of the store. No phone 1 ( XMAS SUGGESTIONS FOR MEN S______________________________________ J — Naturally most mothers have all they can do to at­ tend to their regular household duties let alone assuming the responsibility of doing sewing for their daughters— and to those who wish to have their kiddies becomingly togged at a substantial reduction in price will do wisely by coming direct to Haltom’s. They're all this season's styles, too. With purchase of $2 00 or over 1 J —UNIQUE (COIN) HAND BAGS Beginning at 9 .00 A. M. 19c 1 "HOLEPROOF HOSE— AH Childret’s Wool Coats And Dresses Are Decidedly Underpriced We selected this daily extra special, principally with this object in view and knowing that the de­ mand for crochet thread is at Its best now on account of the many dainty Xmas articles that may be daintily made. Note the color range: yellow, delph and light blue, ecru, linen, lav­ ender, light and medium pink, old rose, also white. Gift Giving ifiar with the smart models that !Tr.ltom*s carry. J If THESE TOO. ABE INCLUDED AT PRICES BELOW REGULAR 79c Beginning at 9:00 A. M. Appropriate for i Xmas i Recent Arrivals,- 4 Friday, Dec. 10th Only! ™ U™- SAVINGS —AU Men's Florsheim Shoes On Sale From $4.98. GirlS Sh°eS’ I)eveloped Of Kid And Calf ~fntTrn£« A1,Tj-eatl?e2x.ShOe?UAt A Bi? Reduction. —Lot lo $5.50 Misses Shoes This Sale Psir on «¿W wh,te w,Ih “ J —One Lot Baby Shoes At 25c. —One Lot Baby Shoes At 50c —One Lot Baby Shoes At 59c Owing To Its Popularity We're Repeating This Much Wanted Surprise $6.00 KINGSBURY HAT FREE SATURDAY AND MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th and 5th RESPECTIVELY WITH EVERY MAN’S SUIT SOLD NOTE $50.00 and 60.00 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suit plus $6.00 Hat Free $39.85 Alterations Free $65.00 and 70.00 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suit Plus $6.00 Hat Free $48.90 —Men’s $3.00 Heavv Weight Onti, g Flannel Night Gowns at ... $1.95 —Men's $11.95 Logger Shirts. 0. D. and Grey. Extra $8.45 —Men’s $4.00 Heavy Wright Outing Fiannel Pajamas. This Sale $2 95 —Men’s $5.00 Danne] Shiits. Splendid Quality ... $3.95 —Men's $12 50 And $15 00 Beautiful Silk Shirts $8.65 iL-i’i All Wool Mackinaws. Worth $20.00. Sale $15.35 - Men's $10 00. $11.00 And $12.00 Dress Pants. Choice $8.45 —Men’s Extra Heavy Blue Bib Overalls At • $1.95 —Men's $3.00 Good. Heavy Wool Underwear, The Famous Gl»sten- bnry Brand. The Gannet ........................ —Boys' Blue Bib Overalls. Ag-s 6 to 16 At -.LLAM0OK. OREGON V.lue For h of - „