Pbursdav, December 2, 1920 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Page Seven I -e<*’ Marshul of Tillamo >k each of said tracts of land so de­ Notice to Creditors. been paid in whole or in part, and quired to give references find an ap­ ¡¡* Oregon, has duly levied upon scribed will be sold at said sale in the Common Council of Tillamook Notice is hereby given that the tin proved bond equal to 50 peicqnt of I 1 d, will, 0,1 Monday, tb<‘ 15th day satisfy the assessment, interest and City, Oregon, having, on October 18. the amount jf the contract; dersigned has been appointed admin December, 1920, at the hour t>f costs due upon each tract as de­ 1930, duly ordered a warrant to, The board reserves the r ght to istratrix. with the will annexed, o ?n-00 o’clock A. M. sell at public scribed, and each tract will be sold issue for the collection of said de- I ; reject any and all blds. the estate of David O’Donnell, deceas­ Lction to th* highest b'dder lor separately. . linquent assessments. By order of the school board of ed by the County Court of Tillamook ,ash in hand the property hereinaf­ County Oregon, and that the under­ This sale is made for the purpose Dated '.his November 10th, 1929. i | district No. 20, Dolph, Oregon. ter described. The particular tract.« of satisfying the delinquent assess­ signed has qualified as such admin­ M. E. GRUBER, 11-1814 istratrix. All persons having claims or parcels of ground to be Bold, to­ ments for street improvements duly Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon ' gether with the name of the owner assessed against said property, to­ 11-1H2 against said estate are requested to ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICEE TO present the same to the undersigned or owners thereof, and the amount gether with Interest and costs there­ CREDITORS for allowance as Required by law at ior which euvh separate UHct will be on, said ass« sments having been Notice of Hearing of Objections to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the office of Botts & Winslow, in Til­ »old, are uh follows, to-wlt: made by the Common Council of I Apportionment for Street Improve­ by order of the County Court for lamook City, Oregon, within six District No. 15, Sixth Avenue East Tillamook City, Oregon, on 16th day Tillamook County, Oregon, duly ntopths from the date of this notice. of Aug., 1920, and said as-essiaents ments. i Paving ' made and entered, the undersigned Dated November 4th. 1920. Thayer’s Add., Block 45, Lot S. having been thereupon docketed in Notice is hereby given, to all whom Margaret O’Donnell. 1-2 of lots 1, 2, 3, P. W. Todd. Own­ the docket of city litns of said Till­ it may concern, that the Common Bertha M. Johnson, has been duly appointed administrix of the estate 11-4 to Adminlstrtrix. er. Amt. of Lien $249.53; Interest amook City, tnd more than 30 days , Council has apportioned the cost of of Ella J, Shattuck, deceased, and I to Dec. 15, $2.49; Cost of Adv. $15.10 having elapsed since said docketing improving that portion of Fifth has qualified as such, TAKE NOTICE. Said sale will take place at the and said assessments not having Street, from the West line of Stillwell NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN Citizens of Tillamook and vicinty: front door of the City Hall in Tllla- been paid in whole or in part, and that all persons having claims the Common Council of Tillamook Avenue to the West line of Sixth against the said estate must present Until further notice I will carry pas­ •City, Oregon, having, on October 18. Avenue West, and Sixth Avenue West, them to the undersigned administra­ sengers from Tillamook Hotel to 1920, duly ordered a warrant to from the North line of Fifth Street, trix, together with the proper vouch­ Fourth and Alder Streets, Portland, issue for the collection of said ÒC- North to the South line of Fourth ers, on or before six months from for $4.00 Leaving Tillamook at 7:30 A. M. Tuesday, Thursday and Satur­ linquent assessments. Street, upon each tract, lot or parcel this date. day. E. A. Ellis. U-18p3 Dated tills November 10th, 1920. thereof liable therefor, which is con- Nov. 11, 1920. I M. E, GRUBER, tained with-n Local Improvement BERTHA M. JOHNSON, Willard Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon District No. 17; that said apportion- Administratrix of the Estate of I 11-1H2 Ella J. Shattuck, Deceas'd ment is now on file, and may be seen Í»uÚ' Bay City, Oregon. by any one interested, in the office j NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELIN­ of the City • Recorder of Tillamook S. S. JOHNSON. To Employers of Labor Attorney for Administratrix. QUENT STREET IMPROVE­ I City Orgon, and that the Common By- the 11-1H4 MENT ASSESSMENTS. Council has appointed Monday, the Inside your battery box 6th day of December, 1920, at the hour NOTICE TO CF EDITORS •re rubber Jars. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that of 8 o’clock P. M. at the City Hall in Notice is hereby given that the un- Inside the jars is the by virtue ot a warrant issued by the Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time dersigned has been appointed ad- ! solution. City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore­ and place for hearing objections to ministrator of the estate of John The Oldest Offiee in Oregon gon, dated November 10, 1920, and In the solution are the Larson, deceased. by tiie County issued by order of the Common Coun­ I said apportionment. Headquarters, for positive and negative That the property charged with the Court HX MORGAX. C. J. EDWARDS, In 1 reorganizing my stage line S.W. BUNN. door of the building in which iae B. C. LAMB, Tillamook Battery Station HENRY ROGI- RS W. J. RIECHERS, Common Council of said Tillamook tween i Portland and Tillamook I Melili EE putting on two large Cadillacs City holds its set;, ions. Willard Service The names of the owners, or re­ place of the Buick I have been puted owners of said property as I ning. One Cadillac is already hereinbefore given, are the names of the run. Both tars will be in splen­ such owners, or reputed owners, as did condition and passengers will they appear on the docket of city receive the very best of service. The liens of said Tillamook City, and cats will be comfortable and warm, each of said tracts of land so de- even on the coldest days, as I will scribed will be sold at said sale to install heaters and shock absorbers satisfy the assessment, interest and | on both cars. Both drivers will be costs due upon each tract as de­ the best obtainable. Portland head­ scribed, and each traqt will be sold quarters will be at the Hoyt Hotel. 6th and Hoyt, but passengers will be separately. This sale is made for the purpose picked up anywhere on 6th street of satisfying the delinquent assess­ between Hoyt hotel and Terwilliger ments for street improvements duly boulevard It arrangements are made assessed against said property, beforehand; will also call for pass- ' eagers elsewhere at special request. Fare is $4 50 and the time 5 hours, leaving Portland 8:30 a. m. and Tillamook at 8 a. m. until further notice. This schedule will be main­ tained all winter, with the safety i of the. passengers in mind however. ll-25tf IVAN DONALDSON I I I I WOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that Another Farm Problem Solved matter how well equipped the farm house or country home may be otherwise it is not really modern unless it has electric lights. The Fairbanks Morse Home Light Plants Are Second To None Conic to our show room and see one in oper­ ation. \oil will lie amazed and interested to see the beautiful, bright anil clear lights it produces. R. F. ZACHMANN Tillamook, Oregon Help Furnished Free What’s Inside PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO Transfer wood Gravel TRANSFER Phone 37 W Take Your Family Into Your Confidence on Shooting ET your new Winchester Hunt- ing Rifle now and take it along on the family vacation trip to practice up. Take a Winchester .22 Caliber Repeater and teach the boys and girls to hit the bull’s-eye. Buy one of the new Winchester Junior Trapshooting Outfits and in­ troduce your folks to the new sport of family trapshooting. Drop in today and let us fit you out. JI King-Crenshaw Hardware Co THE ’WIKCff££T£R STORE Tillamook Transfer Co Liberty Temple R E Notice To Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly and reg­ ularly appointed administratrix of the estate of John Lange deceased, by the County Court the State of Oregon for the Countj'Mf Tillamook. All r^jsons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the sam for allowance to the undersigned, Johanna York, at Nehalem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 20th day of November, A. D., 1920. JOHANNA YORK. Barrick & Hall, attorneys for admin­ istratrix. 11-2515 Money By Wire To get money there quickly and to the. right person is often vital. WESTERN UNION Money Transfer is the quickest, surest, safest means to send money anywhere for any purpose.. For the accommodation of our customers and the public generally, we are hand-* ling Western Union. Money Transfers. Tillamook County Bank. 4 * 1 CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING I.O.O.F. BUILDING A. F. WALLACE »«»•»•> p »«~ BELL «5) i rTis welcome as the morning toast and asjhendly Notice to Contractors Notice is hereby given that .the County Court of Tillamook County wilt until 10 o’clock A. M. Decem- ber 3rd, receive bids for the clear- ing and grubbing of the Co. Road right of way through what is known as the Scovell cut off on the North Fork of the Nehalem River, a dis­ tance of approximately 1300 feet. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by cash, bidders bond or certified cheque for an amount equal to at least 5 per cent of the total amount of the bid. Specifications may be seen at the office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ mook County. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals, or to accept the proposal deemed best for Tillamook County. Signed, HOMER MASON, County Clerk. First publication, November 18, 1929 Last publication, December 2,. 1920 A good oil heater filled with Pearl Oil gives agreeable com­ fort. At the touch of a match there is friendly warmth. No smoke, no odor, no dust, no dirt. It is convenient—easy to carry •bout, and economical — oil is consumed only when heat is needed—no waste. Pearl Oil is refined and re­ refined by our special process which makes it clean burning. For sale in bulk by dealers everywhere—the same high- quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name — Pearl OU. We rccomme-id Perfection OU Heaters. Notice To Contractors. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the B >.»rd of Directors of school f’ls rlct num­ ber 20. Dolph, Oregon, on or before 1 o’clock. P. If , December 15th, 1920, for the building of a public school building iu the said district, according to the plans and specifi­ cations now on file with the district clerk at Dolph. Oregon. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to aahool dia- PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) HEATAnD light Il* tiètJ STANDARD OIL COMPANY THIS TIME, when labor and building materials are still alarmingly scarce Fire’s constant raids de­ mand your attention. The Hartford Fire Insurance Company will make good your financial loss, yet the Nation’s wealth is lessened by every fire. This property waste can be stopped only by constant, intelligent, individual care­ fulness. The Hartford sells sound insurance and pays losses promptly. In addition, and without cost, it gives expert fire prevention service carried out by skilled engineers whose advice is invaluable to property­ owners. Simply by asking, you can find out all about it from this Hartford agency. R0LLIE W. WATSON -THE INSURANCE MAN” Tillamook,‘ Oregon National Building