HE The Voice r of the Pack * >. B y E dison M arshall pro»:»*, t>y as brav« and as warlike a rare as ever lived oc tic earth—arm*«! with bo»s and arrow* Any animal that hunt«*! men was im­ mediately kl'.'ed. and the rest found cat It didn’t pay. “Just as human hefnzs hare found out the same th'ng—that it d.w-sn't pay to hunt their fellow men. The laws of life as well as the laws of na­ tions are against it.” But the w.,r*t« «’ur*!ed weak an! dim under tb* w*» ghr of the tb robb tac derfcnes*: an*! Dnn eooldnt get aw«r from th* !*?•*» -fist the ce«!es of Ufe by vrtc'ch a**' B'eu Ifv***’ were fs ►fZ’itTef! qu’eklr In the »! z*4 ws of the pine*. Fv-n as he sreike «can was htm’ing ■ *»: on the ■! «• -*nt r 're where Wh** peri*eot the erogar hart bow'ed. TILLAMOOK Thursday, Decernber HEADLIGHT o'clock A. M. sell at public ne wat »nt ven ng an over w:tn □»■*- aactioa to the liigheet tid.f *r fur and fury. A twig cracked, far on the ridge cash I a hand the property hereinal? «bore Mtn. He leaned forward, peer ■ t«r deecribatd. The part'.cilar traeu fag. and the moonlight showed hl* or parcel* of ground to be sold, to­ fare tn eopa’dnr detail. It revealed gether with the name of the owner th* deep lines, the terrible drawn I or owners thereof, and the amount l!p< the ugly hair long over the dark for which each separate tract will b>* sold, are xs follow«, to-wit: ears. His Hl» »treat ban*!» cp'Q th* breech of th* rifle, District No. 11 South Tillamook figure grew x*-c»e. Sewer Thayer's Add. Block 45 1-J Of course It wouldn't de tn »*»( prey come to* etc«e. Landy Hüdre’b ! Lots 1, . 3. P W. Todd. Owner ««I ■ g*>od shot too, young as Cran Amt. of Lien Í92Í1; Int woo. an*! of *q«a! Strength ; and «•• Dec. X5, »- f Adv. j «* *'eting chance c'cld te taken in th * Norton's ton ka*l no taten rten kndr- tit eT*»r '•f rti rht«r 1 I» drotb Cost of Adv. S of sa’isfyiBg th* keliiiquent meats tor street improvements duly a ***■».*♦«! again»* said p oae«|y. to­ gether with interest and «.vats there­ on said assessment» having be-:u made by the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, on 29th day of June. 1929. and said assessments having beer, thereupon docketed in the docket of city liens of said Till­ amook City, and more tnan 30 days having elap*ed since said docketing and said assessments not having been paid in whole or in part, and the Common Council of Tillamook City. Oregon, baring, on October li, 1920. duly ordereM a warrant to issue for the collection of said de­ linquent asae.i.-ments. Dated this November 10th. 1920. M. E. GRUBER. Mar4.il of Tillamook City. Oreg.n DR. J. 0. TURNER Eye Specialist Permanatly Located in Tina Private Office in Jenkin’s jew Store. Latest Up-to-date Instrument* Equipment Evenings and Sundays by Appointments Bert < uh lOà 11» feet theoc* IS ■ ■ HNMBH North thence Ea u. stand rena feet ta place of beginning he e lu fall Harrison, CM:;. Amt. o 3194.44 Interest o Dec 15 34.37. rhe laws of the bills. The moon looked Coet of Adv. $C«6 ara ot> a certain aerara te ■’* on to fin*' hir. waiting Sa.d sale will taxe ptaee at rhe trail that wound d*-wn to the settle ­ plessi My front door of the City Hail tn Tills »ter he'd ments, bis rifle loa led and rea l; for ’ mook City, Oregon, being the front Al! the ar. cher kit*? of game than deer or door of the building in which the ht. Tou wo.'f. He wis waiting for Landy Hil- be* s-« of prey ar Common Council of «aid Tillamook sre. r>«r. when tl BOM Jb.n^s. the treth; and the greeting he had for City holds iu «esslons. deer : eed at Btgfe instead of in •he him wa» to de«tr*'.r all chances of the prosecuting attorney In the valley be­ The names of the owners, or rwtiigh 'S and t! ■lawn, An*! low learning certain tames that he puted owners of »aid property course the woive and th- ¡> co n hereinbefore given, are the names of hunt the deer. It nay N? lût they parTtcularfy wanted to know. saeh owners. or reputed owners, There was no breath of wind. The eep.” even are rc. ng cattle. they appear on the docket of great pines, ta and dark past belief, Ent I i IB s tea rira rfoa 5 s**»,*! absoluteiv absotatelv motionless. Ilk* motionless, liana of said Tillamook City. He wa-ri t CoereBt yet. -Th«-*' »’range pillars of ebony, Bert Cran- each of said tracts of land so be—hunt if man?** he asked -ertbed will be sold at said «ale 'he sron knelt In a brash oyrert. hts rifle -No. I * It was midwinter satisfy the assessment, interest and If*- loaded and rendy in his lean, dark e’d hav pack wa* «tírete K-.- costs due upon each tract as de ten better. It always I ooked No wolf --of ran the ridges, no hats be ha*! •,’«»,! too long for RTV scribed, and each tract will be soli If rhe V Id creatures had cougar that ns ■-! on tn* deer trails dreth to come . and the strain had t*>ld separately. _lln£ men. as -against s This sale is made for the pc rpoe* have Tb y*ve learnt It doesn't pay knew a wilder passion, a more terrible on him. He bad sworn co take no < rhe wolves and 'etir^ of blood-las» than he. It showed in hts false step»; chat every motion he A A sia haven't to and out. eyes, narrow ard never resting from made should be cool and sure, He Europe The narc -«lists say that the reason is the'r watch of the tra'I: it was tn his didn’t want to attract Hildreth's at- tenrf.xj by any sudden movement, All rather *iznpie—that the European posture; and ft revealed itself num's must be cautious and stealthy, But peas» n bls soul scared out of him by takably tn the curl of hLs lips. Some tn spite of all these good resolutions. the go trnmer.t he lived under, has thing like hot s*eam vts in hts brain always fled from wild beasts. They blurring his sight and heating h!- Cranston's gun simply leaped to his shoulder in one convulsive motion ar were tillers of the soil, and they car- blood. the first glimpse of his enemy as he The pine needles hung wholly rfed hoes Instead of guns. They never I The home if good bread emerged into the moonlight. put the fear of God into the animals tlonless above his head; but yet The end of the barrel struck a and all kinds of tine pastry and as a result there are quite a num­ dead leaves on which he knelt crinkle*' branch of the shrubbery as It went ber of true stories about tigers and and rustled under Mm. Only the keen up. It was only a soft sound; but In wolves that aren't pleasant to listen cat ear maid have ¡Jenrd the sound to. But our own frontiersmen were and possibly In his madness. Cranston the utter silence It travel«**! far. The not men to «rand any nonsense from himself was rot «ware of ft. And one gun barrel caught the moonlight as it have ■ ere*' ■ tong time as leupe*!. and Hildreth saw its glint iD wolves or cougars. They had tnn«. ■rou to wh.it caused It. ft vs* stmnlv that the darkness. and rhev knew how to use them He was looking for trouble. He ha*! dreaded this long walk to the settle- aients more tlian any experience o' his life. He didn't know why the let- ter he had written. asking for an armed escort down to the courts, had not brought results. But it was TU - - * wholly possible that Cranston would Joe sure way "C -have answered this question for him. pur pepato ycur This same letter had fallen into a cer­ jcbcnanany duy tain soiled, deadly pair of hands Is to Qet into d whtet was the last place In the wori»! that Hildreth would have chosen, and ft bad been ail the evidence that »as needed, at the meeting of the ring the night before, to adjudge Hildreth a t merciless and immediate end. Hil­ Slicker g¡ dreth would have preferred to waft in X Brere is d RSH porsifrly to write another the hills and i» X 2S252SH52S3S2SHSaSHS3SasaS2SHSHS2SHS2S2SaS2S25dbdbdÄh hîimm*»r a» hts rifle. The click toan«!led load tr th* silence. H* hod grown ren«e an*t •rill, and th* leaves no longer rnst!«>:n*tre*t ysr*t- up rhe trail The trail itself wen, «t-*‘ght rbrougb 't. An,I tn an in «rant more Hll lrerh pushed throng! th* bnckbrc«h and »too*i revealed la the moonlight. If there ts one quality that mean success in th* mountains it ts con srant. unceasing self-control. Crno *ron tho*jgb’ he had It. Bu’ per­ Tillamook Bakery Everything Strictly Sanitary Chas. Vogler, Prop Let s «go FISH brand Hf'’/ Reflex LAMB-SCHRADER CO. Kill That Cold With CASCARA D QUININE Po* Calda, Caagk» AND Grippe Neglected Coids are Dangerous Tak« no chances. K««p this standar d ramady handy for tha first «Mm Breaks ip a cold in 24 hours — Relieves Gnppe tn 3 days—Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara is best Tome Laxauve—No Opiate tn Hill s. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Gem Nut Margarine Make» Them Smile der the pines. A moment before the rush and whir of the grouse (lock had dried the roof of his mouth with terror. The tall trees appalled him. the shadows fell upon his spirit. And when he heard this final sound, when he saw the glint that might so easily have been 1 gun-barrel, his nerves and muscles re­ acted at once. Nor even i fraction o< a s«*cond Intervened, His ran flashed up and a little, ingry cylinder of flame darted, as a snake's head darts. from the muzzle. Hildreth didn’t take alm. There wasn't time. The report roared In rh*- darknes»: rhe bullet sang harrolessi- and thudded Into the earth: and both of them were the last things In the world that Cranston had expect­ ed. An*! they were not a moment too ao*x>. Even at that instant, his finger was closing down upon the trigger Hildreth standing rienr and revealed through the sights. The nervon« re «ponse that few men tn the worl*' would be self-disciplined enongfa t* prevent occurred at the same Instant that he pressed the trigger. His owr. fire answered, so near to the other thgt both of them sounded is one re­ port. Most hunt.-rs can usually tell, ever If they cannot see their game fall whether they have bit or missed. This was one of the few times tn his life that Cranston could not have told. He «new that as his finger press*»,! he had held as accurate a “bead” as at any time tn his life. He dfd not know »till another circumstance—that In moonlight he had overestimated the distance to the clearing, and instead of one hundred yards it was scarcely fifty. He had held rather high. And he looked up, nnkr.owirg whether he ha*! succeeded or whether he was face to face with the prospect of a duel to *.he death tn the darkness. An*i all he saw was Hildreth, rock ing back and forth tn the moonlight— a »tract* picture that he was never AJTOWER Ca esweuSHCO aa» BOSTON MAsa Dirt in your Cngine, Oïl Qet ria of it ! X LARGE quantity of dust-laden air is "inhaled” by the * ».amber. *« u-r-'rrora had slept almost since dawn. It is a significant quality In the felines that they »Imply cannot keep in condition without hours and hours of «teep. In this matter of sleeping, they are In a direct contrast to the wolves, who seemingly never sleep at all, unless It is with one eye open, and in still greater contrast to the kin« of all boosts, the elephant, who ts satd to slumber less per r..giit than that great electrical wizard whom all men know and praise. (Continued Next Week' NOTICE or SALE FuK DELIN­ QUENT STREET IMPROVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN hat bjr virtu* of a warrant tawiert by th* ity Recorder of THIamonk Cr,-. Or»- >n. dated November 14. 1924. and sued by order of rhe Common Coni*, l of .«aid Tillamook City, the un­ dersigned. Marsha! of T'linmook Ctty. Oregon, has duly levied upon and will. on Monday, th* It h rfnv of December. 1JM, at the hour of ACKLEY A MELLES. TILLA3ÍCOK ANLERSON 3 ROS XT7.HALEM BAY CITY E.U ACE. 3 AY ¿ITT 30CN < HATHZLD CLÔ7ER2ALE ffEEG GARAGE. HELO T-.HAI.EM GARAGE. .VEHArFy STAR GARAGE. TILLAMOOK T ..LAM00K TUE CG TILLAMOOK T: :g.E RIVr.RSßiilAGE. HEBO T-LLIAX3 à WL.LUM3 TILLAMOOK I