V I hursdav, December Tillamook Headlight ing or repairing their building.-! would do well to get a copy of the ordinance from the city recorder for their guidance. Published by the HEADLIGHT PUBLISHING CO The Ginks CHESTER WHITE SWINE FOR SALE.' HeadlightClassified Ads Another gink just fancied Little Cost—Big Results. All Tillamook County Reads^Them.^ One Cent a Word Per Issue He’d never have a fire. To him inspection was all ‘‘bunk’’ And done for just plain hire. SPECIAL ELECTION For Sale—Nearly new boys all wool Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists THE LADIES OF THE CONOR EG A- He got by with this for twenty For »seven years the different fair National Building. tional Church will hold a sale of suit, long pants, size 34 or 36. Address years* boards have arranged and conducted aprons .aid home baked goods a*, P. O. Box 291. ' , 11-lltf. Gave every one the laugh — Singer Agency—opposite Postoffice. a county fair in Tillamook. They the Harns furniture Htore on It came—they saved the cellar; Pianos and tuning. All work guar­ began very modestly, for their first j Saturday, December 4. ll-25tl WANTED—MEN’S WASHING. Wil! anteed—H. F. Cook 131 W. If-4 tf The gink? He drowned in tears. attempt was held in a livery stable. | call for and deliver. Mutual Our county fair has developed from —Ohio Fiue Marshal's Dept. Bulletin. FOR SALE OR TRADE One Ton phone. Marie Getchell. 11-1 Str For sale: good steel range, also organ. a very small beginning to the most Ford Truck, pneumatic tires, Still another gink just fancied Call Flank Nelson. important county gathering of the worm drive,panel body. S* liab­ For Sale, two latest styls White sew­ That fire would pass him by — ing machines, almost new, Singer year. A few years ago a tract just le r at Zachman's. Il-25p2 Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F To him there was no danger, Agency opposite P. O. east of Tillamook city was leased Bldg, Tillayiook. Oregon. Though his neighbor's trash was HAY FOR SALE—BRIGHT, GREEN from the Southern Pacific company nigh. Money to loan — Enquire of John Shingles for Sale—All orders deliver­ for fair purposes and since then that leafy clover hay. No. 1 grade at A spark fell from a near-by flue Leland Henderson, 206-3rd St., ed free. Write W. H. Sales, Mohler, place htis been used for fair grounds. $22 f. o. b. Scheffltn, Oregon, Tillamook, Oregon. The trash began to burn, Or. But the lease has expired and the | 11- 4t 3m. grower. Write Joe Hannington, And gasoline stored in his back railroad company is liable to want Cornelius. Il-25t4 Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ Apples laid down at Tillamook, per yard their property at any time. It >s , al Mazda lamps. They give better FOR GOOD TABLE BOARD APPLY box loose pack, $1.75, Rome Beauty, possible that the fair board could ! Got action In Its turn. light. get the property for a year or so i ' —Safeguarding Arkansas Against at 810 3rd Street East. I have Spitzenberg or Yellow Newton. N. L. ‘longer but they would eventually | just two vacancies. 11-25»! THE GREATEST ARTISTS OF THE Guy, Dallas, Oregon. Fire. Il-llp4 have to move out and any Improve­ World have entrusted their repu­ FOR SALE — GOOD STEEL RANGE, ments made on the place in the Pigs for sale—E. Atkinson, Sand­ tations to the Victor Records. It is not toe early to begin your alp» organ. Call Walter Nelson, meantime would be lost, while, tn I Christmas shopping now, while the Hear them at their best in your lake, Oregon. fact, the tract is too small for the ‘ stores are well stocked, before ll-25tf the Mutual phone. own home. Tillamook Music Co., purpose for which it has been used. I rush begins, and (while the clerks STRAY HEIFER PICKED UP— Dealers, opposite P. O. 11-lKtf LOST—NOVEMBER 10 AT S. P A special election has been called I are still in a good mood. station, purse containing bills and Owner can have same by paying for the purpose of authorizing the money. Finder return to The charges. Walter Nelson, Mutual Let the Sunset Electric wire your county court to assess a 1 mill tax Headlight office and receive suit­ home and save you money. for the purchase and improvement THE LADIES OF THE CONGREGA- phone. ll-25tf able reward. Il-18p2 tional church will hold a sale of of 80 acres of land about two miles Osteopath aprons and home baked goods at FOR SALE HOUSE AND TWO Dr. Ramsey east of Tillamook city on the Fair­ Dr. Leb »w will be at Dr. Wise Room 110-1. O. O. F. Bldg., Tilla­ 1 lots on easy terms. Price $1,000. the Harris furniture store on view pavement, to be used for fair mook. Mutual phone. Bell phone Cloverdale office on Dec. 8th and Saturday. December 4. 11-25'2 Enquire at Headlight offlce.ll-25t* purposes. 11-W2 146-M. Tentative plans for stock .and ex- CLEARING SALE OF USED IN— YOUNG WOMAN WISHES WORK bibit buildings, airplane field .a nd struments. Piano, $95.00; Edi- as nurse in confinement cases. race track, and a baseball and ath­ son talking machine, $5.00; dlSC Write Route 1, Box 39. Il-18p3 letic field have been considered. Pro­ records, 25c; organ, $50.00; sew- vision may also be made for a tourist AT LAST—A VICTOR DEALER IN camping park, for there is a natural ing machines, $10.00; Player rolls, Tillamook County. Victor Vic­ 50c, and many other articles, all grove of young spruce and all that trolas, $25.00 and up. Victor Re­ bargains. Tillamook Music Co. would be necessary to convert it cords, 85 cents and up. Tilla­ Victor Dealers. 12-4tf Into a park would be to cut drive­ mook Music Co., Opposite P. O. ways through the trees. There is a FOR SALE—CHEAP, THREE O. I. ll-18tf very good site for an airplane field C. pigs, 2% months old. Must sell and Tillamook should have one for quick, short of feed. G. F. 180 ACRES OF GOOD LAND LOCA- the airplane is due to become as im­ Hackett. Mutual phone. 12-2t.’p ted 4 miles south of Tillamook portant a factor in transportation TE wish to announce that we have pur- FOR SALE MAPLE AND ALDER City, on gravel road, close to pav- here as it has become elsewhere. The 1 chased the furniture stock and accounts wood. Mutual phone. G. F. ed road. Place runs 13 cows at Wilson River Water company has Haeket. 12-2tp. of the HARRIS FURNITURE COMPANY, and present time, can be improved to the pipeline to supply the place with a 6-inch main with a plentiful sup- FOR SALE—Dried split run 60 head. First class build- Italian expect in the near future to show to the people ply of the best water. Ings on place. For terms see own­ prunes at $5 per 100 lbs., in sacks of Tillamook County a comp’ete stock of The location of the proposed As good as any to eat but were er, W. H. Goyne. Il-18t2 grounds is convenient, the purchase split by the rain before being furniture and floor coverings. price reasonable and the grounds dried. H. G. Campbell, Dallas, THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD alone are very attractive. With all — Victrolas and Victor Records. Oregon. 12-2t4c Our policv will be “FAIR AND SQUARE DEAL­ these advantages taken together we Tillamook Music Co., Opposite P. urge the voters to go to the polls FOR SALE - HOUSE AND LOTS “YOUR MONEY’S RINGS TO ALL.” Our motto ----- ----------------- O. 11-1 8tf for $1000. Easy terms. Inquire at next Monday and cast their ballot Headlight office. 12-2 if for 300 Yes. Dr. Lebow can be found at Dr. WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK.” FOR SALE -NEW LIBERTY SIX Wise’s Tillimook office, south of the Court House every Mondav, Tues­ BUILDING ORDINANCE Touring car. Terms to strit the We intend to discontinue some of the lines has been brought to our atten- purchaser. Inquire at Headlight day and Wednesday until noon. now carried, :itid will dispose of same regard that quite a few of the prop­ office. 12-2t2p Lost—Hub cap off Elgin Six be­ erty owners of Tillamook city are less of cost.® We will also give a liberal re­ unaware that a building restriction FOR SALE-1918 FORD $25.0. NEW- tween Pleasant Valley and Tillamook ordinance has been passed embrac­ duction ou all goods now in stock. ly painted. Now a bug but will return to W. M. Powell, Tillamook, ing the business section of our town. put on milk wagon body. E. L. R. F. D. 32. U-lltf Though the measure has been pub­ Stewart. 12-2 tip The new firm lias had a wide experience in lished in our local papers and con­ If in need of glasses see A. H. Harris. siderable publicity has been given FOR SALE -MODERN BUNGALOW Registered optician, at R. W. Ben­ the“furniture business; and, with our knowledge its passage by the council, we have on First street. Cheap if taken soon. nett’s Jewelry store Tuesday and of buying, will be able to sell you goods at the some people with us who do not Phone 105 W. P. O. Box301 12-2