THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Thursday, December 2. 1920 * Penney’s Black Taffeta 36 Inches Wide $2.49 Colgates Tooth Paste Large Size 19C <6 Corticelli Sewing Silk 50 Yards * 7^ Coats’ Sewing Thread (150 Yds.) Page Good Grade Percale For 15< Snap Fasteners .... 8d Hooks and Eyes.... 4£ Pins........... 5C and 8C V, TOILET SOAPS 3 For __ 25c4 I ... Establishing New Price Standards F or Thrifty Buyers By Shopping at the J. C. Penney Company Store, You Share In Values and Economies Such as no Other Stole Equals. Remember Every Article Must Give Satisfaction. Prices Throughout the Store Are in Proportion to Those Shown Here. !HSESZ5HSE5Z5B5E5E5Z5¿SESZS?5E5H5H5B5B5HS25H5ESrL5E5E5HSHSH5HSH5ZSZ5BSB5Z5ESH5E!ESZ5B5H5E5H525BSE5B5E5H5ESE5BSZSB5a5ZS2SH5BSZ525E525H525HS25H5H5BS25?S25! Oil Cloth Standard Widths 39c yard Rockford Socks 15c NOT A SALE TALCUM POWDER 42c Do Not Construe This Price Revision As a “Sale.” The J. C. Penney Co. Does Not Believe In “Sales.” We Be­ lieve That If Merchandise Can Be Sold At a Certain Price On “Sale” It Can Be Sold At That Same Price Every Day, Moreover, “So-Called Sales Prices” Are Temporary. These Prices We Are Quoting Are Permanent. Shoe Polish, Shinola Serpentine Crepe 33c yard We were ready and bought at the bottom. thus effected is yours— MAKE USE OF IT. Huge new shipments—Beautiful Patterns—Prices Almost Unbelievable. I « We have delayed this announcement until our buyers, who arelocated in the heart of New York's greatest market district, could thoroughly sift the price decline. We are convinced that the market has touched bottom—at least for the next nine months—and we unhesitatingly advise that you cover your needs now. GINGHAMS AND PERCALER I I I at 6c It has never been the policy of the J. C. Penney Co. to get off half-cocked. Whenever we shoot, we set the mark that other concerns strive as they may. fall short of. This fact, and it is a fact, has caused Penney’s price quo­ tations to be recognized by both the trade and the consumer as authorive expressions of the market. 28-in. Ginghams—Toil du Nord, Bates, Red Seal and other best grades................................................................... 29c yd. 28-in Cheviot ...................................................................... 25c yd. Apron Check Ginghams ................................................. 19c yd. 28-in. Best Quality Percales.................................................. 15c yd. 36-in. Good Quality Percales.......................................... 19c yd. 36-in. Best Quality Percales...................................... 25c to 29c 33-in. Zephyr Gingham............................................................ 33c yd. Best Quality Kiddie Cloth and Galatea............................ 45c yd. SILKOLINES 29c yd. Best quality, 31-in wide This fact is amply reflected in every price we quote. tf 1 CL E A OVERCOATS ÿ 10.9 V MEN’S ¥ These coats are among a large shipment of men’s and young men’s overcoats we have just received. They were bought on the new lower market and the savings are pass-, ed direct to our hundreds of thousands of satisfied custom­ ers throughout the United States. You wll agree these coats we are offering for $16.50 are equal to any offered elsewhere for $25.00. Other overcoats received in this shipment are equally good values, at— $19.75 $24.75 $29.75 to $44.75 BE SURE AND SEE THESE COATS The savings Children’s Heavy Hose 29c DOMESTICS These prices are permanent. Some one-store merchant may take some one article and mark it same price or a cent or so lower, but compare all the prices and see how they stand. Hope Muslin .................................................... ....... i7%c Lonsdale Muslin ........................................... ......... 21C Fruit of the Loom Muslin............................ ......... 23c Berkeley Cambric ......................................... ......... 29c Berkeley No. 60.............................................. ..*... .29c Unbleached Muslin....................................... 17c to 23c House Lining .................................................. .......... I2C OUTING FLANNELS Best quality, such as Apple Wara, Swiss, Amoskeag, Daisy Cloth. Priced.................................................................... ».21c 36-in. Heavy White Outing............................................ 35c yd. $ Ladies’ Outing • Gowns $1.49 ■ $1.98 $ $ SHOES ? Shoes will be much lower next spring, but we have gone the mar­ ket one better and our shoes are at the present time all on next year’s market basis. Shoe the entire fam­ ily at the J. C. Penney Co. Store and you will be money ahead by a large margin. Every pair must give satisfaction. /\ correct fitting assured. $ $ I Men's Staple Dress Shoes . Men's English Dress Shoes $3.98 to $7.90 $4.98 to $8.90 DON’T BE MISLEAD BY ATTRACTIVE PRICE CUTTING QUOTATIONS. YOU ARE SURE TO PAY THE FIDDLER. NO ONE CAN STAY IN BUSINESS BY GIVING STUFF AWAY. THESE KIND OF ADDS ARE ALWAYS MISLEADING, AND VERY OFTEN UNTRUE. HENCE PENNEY’S STORE IS THE LOGICAL PLACE TO TRADE AS WE DON’T HAVE SALES BUT ONE PRICE FOR ALL. Something New In Corsets 1.49-2.98 Fancy Articles for Every Day Use VVe now offer corsets made in our oun sani­ tary, daylight factory. This enables us to prac­ tically duplicate the best- corsets at about half the price—see these splendid corsets and note the quality and saving. Creton laundry bags, table runners, shoe bags, pillow tops, etc. These articles are all made up ready for use as soon as you buy them. Also very good for Christmas gifts. Remember to These cold wintry mornings hop out of bed and into a nice warm “Cuddle Down" bath robe. We have them for the whole family, mother, father, sister and all, even to the little tots. These robes are made in both conventional and novel designs of the very best materials. Styles and sizes for men, women and children. Children’s ............................................. $3.98 to $4.98 Ladies’ Men's $6.90, $7.90, $8.90 . $9.90 Shop Early. __ _ Begin Your Christmas Buying Now Some things that will be appreciated by the person who receives them, because of their use­ fulness. Bedroom Slinners. felt.....................................$2.49, $2.98 Bedroom slippers, leather.............................. $2.49 • Dress Gloves, tan ....$3.50 Dress Gloves ....$2.98 Silk Sox ... 69c, $1.49 Bath robes , ... .$9.90 Childs' Dress Shoes................ $1 49 to $2.49 , Infants' Soft Soles .................... 39c to 98c T 7 THE GIFT FOR THE LITTLE ONES WE HAVE A WONDERFUL LINE OF TOYS AT PRICES FAR BELOW COMPETITION DOLLS AT ioc to $12.50 Men’s Low Top Work Shoes. $3.98 to $6.50 Boys' Staple Dress Shoes ... $2.98 to $4-50 Boys’ English Dress Shoes . . $3.50 to $5 90 Boys' Heavy Work Shoes $2.93 to $4.98 Women’s Louis Heel dress shoes 6.90 to8.90 Women's Mil. keel dress shoet $3.98 to 8.90 Women's Staple Shoes........... $3.98 to $4.98 Growing girls’ English walkers 4.50 to 6.90 kisses' Dress Shoes................ $2.69 to $4.98 Men’s Night Shirts $1.49 - $1.98 Pajamas $2.49 MECHANICAL TOYS 39c to $4.98 GAMES 29c to $3.98 horns , etc . ioc , 15c, 25c q A ^iation^ia^ Institut loin. 297 StOltES AND MANY OTHER TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION