AMOOK HEADLIGHT * "J Hadley, Owner. Amt. of Lien, $3,794.82; Interest to Dec. 15, $85.38; Cost of Adv. $3.12. Tract beginning at a point 270 tt. West of the N. W. Corner of Lot 4 Blk. 9, Stillwell Add. to Jillamook City thence West 52.5 ft., thence South 105 fejt thence East 105 feet thence North 105 feet to the plate of beginning. Royal Stillwell Owner. Amt. of Lien $549.59; In­ terest to Dec. 15, $12.37; Cost of Adv. $3.12. Tract beginning 382.5 feet West of the N. W. corner of Lot 4 Block 9. Stillwell Add. to Tillamook City, thence West 47.5 feet thence South 105 feet thence East 47.51 COLUMBIA STORAGE BATTERY Net Exchange Price. Allen - $45.45 41.75 Buick Buick 6 - 47.70 Chalmers - 41.75 Chevrolet 41.75 Dort - 4175 Dodge 56.40 Elgin - 41.75 Ford 192U 41.75 Hudson 47.70 41.75 Liberty Maxwell - 56.40 Oakland - 41.75 Oldsmobile 41 75 Overland 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920 - 41.75 Saxon 6 - 41.75 Studebaker 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 - 47.70 I ''HE first time you notice a sign . of storage battery trouble, drive around around and let us correct it for you. a For we are in business for just that purpose, and to succeed we must make the business acquaintance of car owners such as you. What’s more, we riiust win your friendship by serving you exception- ally well. We’ll do that, and help prolong the life of your battery till it has yielded you its last drop of power, if you’ll give us the opportunity. I1 ■ Our success depends upon our winning your confidence by working for your best interest. The first time you notice a sign of storage battery trouble—but, anyway, drive around anil let us put you on our regular calling list for the distilled water your battery must have every 2j or 3 week. Columbia Batterys are guaranteed for one year against defects in material or workmanship. A. HUDSON GARAGE i Reese,of Garibaldi, at the Liisbcrg ; they expect to go south for Jimmies ' Hospital Saturday. health. Mrs. W. S. Shearer of Chehalis, ' A. G. Davidson left for his place Mrs. L. L. Stillwellleft Friday to | l of business at Barview Friday after Wash.,is visiting her daughter, Mrs. visit relatives. Francis Buckles and family at Ne­ I passing a few days here. H.A.Russell, of Brighton, was tn halem. Mrs. J. F. Lathan of Salem, left Tillamook Saturday. Mrs. F. L. Good returned to Port­ Miss Elaine Todd left Saturday Friday after a few weeks visit here land Monday after visiting with her with relatives and friends. for school in Eugene. niece Mrs. W. C. Lienkaemper since left Thursday. Miss Margery Bennitighoff, Helen Dürrer left for Portland and Tuesday for her home in Los Angel' s Seattle Tuesday for a vacation. Mrs. L. P. Christensen left for Mrs.II. F. Henshaw left Monday after visiting her sister, Mrs. Condit. Baker, Oregon after visiting her for Portland to do her holiday shop- ~Mrs? S. Gofden left for Portland daughter Mrs. Willie Wilkes of the ing. Monday after spending a few days Stkte Fish Hai< lii-ry. I Mi A. N. Wright.of Los Angeles, Mrs. E. T. Haltom was called to visiting friends and relatives here. and Mrs.C. H. Bedheffer of Portland Tocoma Friday by the illness of Mrs. M.E. Stanley and son Jimmie her sinter. left' for Oakland Saturday where they are spending a month at the Payne Twins were born to Mr. and Mrs. will meet Mr. Stanley. From there cottage at Ocean Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Buckles of £ Nehalem, are rejoicing over the bir- n th of a baby girl on Thanksgiving n day. November 2 5th. IS THE MOST IMPORTANT J Rev. A. F. Lienkaemper who has PIECE OF FURNITURE ] been visiting his brother, Rev. W. Lienkaemper. left Tuesday for HOME? ] 1 C. I N Y OUR his home in Portland. ! It is rumored that G.A. Reeher has bought out the furniture store of the HOW LONG COULD YOU GET ALONG WITH­ Harris Furniture Company and will conduct the business himself. OUT A COOK STOVE? WE HAVE THE BEST J.A.Todd, a former pioneer resi­ LINE OF RANGES IN TILLAMOOK CITY. dent of this city, was in town again last week looking over business int­ erests and visiting with his brother P.W.Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Todd left here about twenty years ago going “The Range With a Reputation to Salem, from whence they moved to Portland where they now reside. W.E. Anderson, who has been em­ ployed by the State Highway Com­ mission on the highway in the south ’5t!5PSE5?SE5?SilS£5B5aSBSH5Z5RSB5ES&5^5Z52S¿5?SZ525Z5?r2.^rB5^^2?^S_ part of the county, tvas in town last closed up for the winter season, and week. The road work has just about i Mr. Anderson.who is an engineer on the works,has some leisure time at > present. LOCAL NEWS 1 hursday, December 2- 102 > ÆbïszsFsesïSiszsasEsasasHSHsssasHsasBSMHsâsËsâszHKÂHsiSg—TT7 ■ 1 of June, 1920, and said assessments « having been thereupon docketed in the docket of city liens of said Till­ amook City, and more than 30 days > 9 having elapsed since said docketing I and said assessments not having been paid in whole or in part, and the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, having, on October IS. to 1920, duly ordered a warrant issue for the collection of said de- linquent assessments. Dated this November 10th. 1920. BELL PHONE. MAIN 3. MUTUAL PHONE M. E. GRUBER. Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon 11 -llt2 ¿5Ma5HSg5g5a5B5B5B5'25a5a52‘iBK5B5e5aá¿5¿525Z5B5e5a5g5B5gsg5a5E5a5g5a5j¿ Dr. E. L. Glaisyer g iS in I 8 VETERINARIAN, Courtty Dairy Herd Inspector feet thence North 105 feet to the place of beginning. Royal Still­ well, Owner. Amt. of Lien $497.26; Interest to Dec.’ 15, $11.19; Cost of Adv. ¡$3.12. Maple Grove Add. Block 1, Lot 6. W. G. Dwight Est.. Owner. Amt. of Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, $12.08; Cost of Adv. $1.92. Maple Grove Add.—Block 1, Lot 7, w. Dwight E.-t Owner. Amt. of Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, $12.08; Cost of Adv. $1.92. Maple'Grove Add.— Block 1, Lot 8, W. G. Dwight Estate. Owner. Amt. of Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15. $12.08; Cost of Adv. $1.92. Maple Grove Add.—Block 3, Lot 1, W. G. Dwight, Owner. Amt. of Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, $12.08; Cost of Adv. $1.92. Maple Grove Add.—Block 4, Lot 2, W. G. Dwight, Owner. Amt. of Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, $12.08; Cost of Adv. Tract beginning at a point 105 ft. West of the N. W. corner of Lot 4, Block 9, Stillwell Add. to Tillamook . City, thence west 105 feet thence i South 105 feet thence East 105 feet thence North 105 feet to place 1 of beginning. John Groat, Owner. I i Amt. of Lien $1.099.19; Interest to Dec. 15, $24.74; Cost of Adv. $2.92. Said sale will take place at the front door of the City Hall in Tllla- 1 mook City, Oregon, being the front door of the building in which the Common Council of said Tillamook j City holds its sessions. The names of the owners, or re­ puted owners of said property as hereinbefore given, are the n. tnes of such owners, or reputed owners, as they appear on the docket of city liens of said Tillamook City, and each of said tracts of land so de- scribed will be sold at said sale 10 satisfy the assessment, interest and costs due upon each tract as de­ scribed, and each tract will be sold separately. This sale is made for the purpose of satisfying the delinquent assess­ ments for street improvements duly assessed against said property, to­ gether with interest and costs there­ on, said assessments having been I made by the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, on 29th day | BUILDING OREGON $ $ I ’ No one appreciates the growth and development of the State of Oregon more than the Public Utilities who serve it and supply the telephone, gas, electric anil transportation facilities which pro­ mote the business of the State and the welfare of its people. Proof of that growth is scarcely necessary. The statistics published daily in the press, showing bank clearings, building permits, importsand exports, real estate transfers, all bear testimony to a tremendous business activity and a voitini of trade far in excess of that of five years ago. / < ’ With all the growth and activity there has been an increasing demand for telephone service—greater than our present facilities can supply and greater than our present revenue will allow ns to meet. Duringthe present year we have handled in excess of 48,(160 orders for telephone service in the State of Oregon and at the present time have 3560 unfilled * orders on hand. ? The constant demand for telephone service can only be con­ tinuously met with a plant sufficient for present needs and a reserve for growth which will permit of promptly handling installations, changes and moves. This Company has no apology to offer for what it has accomplished in the way of meeting the demand for telephone service during and since the war. It is a record to be proud of—but it cannot continue to meet this demand with its pre­ sent facilities exhausted and a deficit in its earnings. Arrangements must ^e made for the necessary plant and equip­ ment to keep pace with Oregon’s tremendous growth- We want the people of Oregon to realize our present situation and the pro­ blems now confronting us and help us to take a proper part in the development of this State. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. WBÄT The Great Majestic ------- -¡e nr WE HAVE MANY PRACTICAL AND SUITABLE GIFTS FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM. ALEX McNAIR &■ COMPANY Dependable CoHee ? VACUUM PACKED w 5 POUND« T™ $2.50 $ DEPENDABLE TEA ¡> Vacuum Cleaned. No Dust, No Dirt, i Pound FREE 40c This makes you a price of $2.66 for 5 pounds of gua­ ranteed well {known Coffee or 42 ¡cent per pound. Dependable Coffee will be served with Tillamook Co’s. Fatuous Cream by Betty Fitzjerrell, an expert demonstrator, on date shown below. YOU AKE INVITED fillamook Mercantile Co. DECEMEER 6th to 11th. NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELIN­ QUENT STREET IMPROVE 'MENT ASSESSMENTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, flint by virtue of a warrant issued ny th» City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore gon. dated November 10, 1920, and issued by order of the Common Conn cil of said Tillamook City, the un­ dersigned, Marshal of Till into d: City, Oregon, lias duly levied upon and will, on Monday, the 15th day of December, 1920, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. sell nt public auction to the highest bidder foi cash in hand the pioperty hereinaf­ ter described. The particular tracts or parcels of ground to be sold, to­ gether with the name of the owner or owners thereof, and the amour,' for which each separate tract will bo sold, are as follows, to-wlt: Delinquent Street Assessments Dis trict No. 10»-3rd St. Tract beginning at a point 120 ft. East of the N. E. corner of Lot 4 Block 3.Maple Grove Add. to Tilla­ mook City,, thence east 50 tWtnce south 105 ft. thence 50 feet thence north 105 place of beginning. M.A. Baker Estate,Owner. Amount of Lien $522.42; Interest to Dec. $12.37; Cost of advertising, $1.72 Stillwell Add.—Block 5, Lot [C. N. Large and I.lsiie Harris. Own­ ers. Amount of Lien $549.59; In­ terest to Dec. 15. $12.37; Cost of Advertising, $2.12. 3'illwell Add. Block 11, Lot 7, J, A. M. Austin. Owner. Amt. of _ _____ Lien | $549.59; Interest to Dec. 15, $12.37; ■ Cost of Adv. $1.92 $ Stillwell Add.- Block 11, lx)t 8. J \ M. Austin, Owner. Amt. of Lien A '■>49 Interest to Dec. 15, $12.37; J I Cost of Adv, $1.92 >, Tract beginning at a point CO feet j west of the “ ' S. ~ W. corner of i ! Lot 5, Block 10 of Stillwell Add. to & I Tillamook City, thence west 362 3 DECEMBER 13th to 18th. J feet thence North 105 feet -------- ------ - ~------ ’ thence East 342.6 ft. thence ^|M--------- ii---------------------------Y a *V*43 |105 n- 10 >l*oe of beginning. South C. E. Vaughn & Larsen, CHRISTMAS CARDS A new stock of Holiday Greeting Cards. A large assortment of pretty designs to select from. Choose now. - 1C. to 50c. Ideal Loose-Leaf Photo Albums in Black and Fancy Leathers. Also Linen and imitation Leather Prices from 50c. to $6.00. New Calenders. Dolls! DoDs!! Dolls 11 15 Per Cent Ofl The Real Effainbee American Made Dolls. All Size ! All Kinds I PRICES FROM 85c. to $8.00 Nothing will please the little ones more than one of these beautiful bright eyed dolls. BRING THE CHILDREN WITH YOU. FOUNTAIN PENS Always a suitable and practical Gift. ON ALL' OUR GENUINE PY-RA-LIN IVORY From now until Xmas. We have a $3000.00 stock to choose from. I It w/U be a pleasure to show you these beautiful Gifts. . Here are a few items: Powder Boxes $1.19 to $4.60 Hair Receivers •• $1.20 to $5 00 Picture Frames 50c. to 6.85 Lady’s Combs 40c. to 3.30 Jewel Boxes , > $4.45 to 10.20 9 Clocks $3.85 to 14.40 Nirrors 90c. to 13.75 Hair Brushes $2.00 to 13.20 Military Brushes . $4.50 to 11.50 Soap Boxes , , o .,v. , to $1.65 35c. 15 Per Cent OFF EVER-SHARP PENCILS Nickle Plated, Silver Plated,Gold Plated $1.00 to $3.50 Special Designs for Women S1.50 Up. C. I. CLOUGH CO THE REXALL STORE. TILLAMOOK OREGON.