Special Election Monday,-Dec. 6th, To Provide for County Fair Grounds. Vote 300 Yes I ' IteftligljL _7 •* ■»* Tillamook, Oregon, Thursday, December 2, 1920 Volume 32 GAME'WARDENS MAKE VISIT OF INSPECTION TO TI g LAIIOOK Local News WHAT THE HEADLIGHT HAD TO SAY TWENTY YEARS AGO I Number 5 NOTICE Retiring Lieu warrants . . 18.400.00 Notice 1s hereby given, that on ¡Monday, December 27th, 1920, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, at the Court House, in Tillamook County, Oregon, a public hearing will be will , held at which the taxpayers I be heard in favor or against any I proposed tax levies as shown by the following estimate on the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon. | Estimate of the amount of money i proposed to be raised by taxation i tor the ensuing year for Tillamook ■ County, Oregon. __ _______________ _ Figures assembled __ by ____ the ______ County ' z-,____ show v. *1 —* 1« —.411 — |Court that it will require »u.. the sum of $592,762 to defray the ex­ penses of Tillamook County, Oregon, for the year 1921, and for the ob­ ject and purpose of County improve­ ment, the maintenance of county buildings, roads, bridges and- for the salaries of county officers and em- ployees, and for other purposes, as follows, to-wit: ROAD PURPOSES District No. 1— Bar View to Brighton ..$25,000.00 Machinery, Repairs and Maintenance .................. 49,000.00 LOWEH FREIGHT RATES IN PROSPECT Total of all funds ....$592,762.00 (Front issue of December 5, 1900) Probable receipts of County other Tenth street, between Thayer’s ' 1 The county commissioners have than by direct taxation: and Millers addition has finally been leased the county sawmill to County Receipts from Clerk’s office opened up. The residents of that sec­ ............................................... $4,500.00 tion have tried for six years to get udge G. W. Sappington until the 1st of April to furnish planking for Dairy Herd Inspector . .-. . 1,500.00 the street through, but they and roads at $4.00 per thousand. ♦ Interest on county deposits 1.000.00 the city council were unable to a- The population of Tillamook coun­ Auto licenses ......................... 7,000.00 gree as to the sum to be paid for the ty Is 4471. In 1880 it was 2932; Election Boards Willing To Serve right-of-way. The opening of the in 1880 it was 970; in 1870 408; in Total . ...................... •I \ * .............. $14,000.00 Line of Carco Carriers Between Till­ Free In Special Election Next street is a great convenience to .the 1860 there were 9 5 inhabitants in amook and Portland May Result Total tax.............................. $578,762.00 ones living east of the dividing line this county. Dated this 1st day of December, Monday t From Chamber Activities. 1920. The city election on Monday was between the two additions, as It now and spirit of devoid of Interest HOMER MASON, County Clerk. enables them to take a much shorter route to the business section by the apathy prevailed for the reason .that The Chamber of Commerce Ull- What will bring down the high way of the new pavement that has few persons could be found who de­ dertook to solicit the co-operation of REV. AND MRS. LLENKAEMPER cost of freight into Tillamook coun­ sired municipal honors. The ticket just been laid on 6th avenue. the election boards in Tillamook CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDING ty is water transportation, and this nominated at the citizen’s meeting county in the special election to be may be brought about sooner than The Episcopal Guild will meet at was elected. Mayor, Dr. D. Wiley; Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Lienkaentper was expected, for Fred C. Baker, held next Monday, and as a result of Mrs. Stanley Coates next Tuesday aft­ Recorder. T. Coates; Treasurer, P. that effort avery large proportion of celebrated their silver wedding an- president of the Chamber of Com­ ernoon. As a mission is to be started W. Todd; Marshal, Clyde Clements; the election boards readily consented niversary, Sunday evening, Novem- merce, had a proposition put up to in this city, ladies who belong to that Councilmen: A. J. Cohn, M. Leach, to serve free. There were quite a him for a line of cargo carriers be­ ber 28. church are earnestly invited to be 1 W. H. Cary, S. A. Brodhead, and few persons who could not serve on I A. E. Imbler. present. The many guests were enter­ tween this city and Portland, the account of being away, sickness and It looks as though the electric tained by music furnished by Marie boats to make three trips a. week, Instead of on Tuesday next. Decem­ i The proposition is conditional ar. to of being otherwise employed, whose ber 7th the regular day and date of saw mill at Garibaldi, which was de­ Ginger and the three children of Mr. whether sufficient freight can be sc- places were quickly filled, but com­ meeting of the Ladies’ Presbyterian stroyed by the breaking of the dam, and Mrs. Lienkaemper. cured to justify the vessels being paratively few of the persons asked Guild, will met on Wednesday, Dqc- will be rebuilt, contrary to reports. The happy couple were presented put into commission. Mr. Baker is refused to serve on the election I Beaver — Considering the number ember 8th, at the home of Mrs. Carl with a set of silver and $100 in bills not in a position to say what the boards free. This shows that Till­ Haberlach. Members and friends ia- of goats James Hughey has already by the congregation of the St. Johns freight rates will be, but he does amook people have the right spirit put on the mountain, he could prob ­ vited to be present. $74,000.00 Reformed Church here. Their form­ not anticipate that there will be Total ....................... I. 0. 0. F. ITEMS of co-operation when it comes to ably put 10,000 on land hitherto District No. 2— The 9 month-old baby girl of made but little use of. a worthy cause like the proposition I It has always been my intention er congregation of Portland also pre­ much trouble in obtaining the boat Schranz died Wednesday General Maintenance, Ma­ of obtaining permanent fair grounds. to write these items for the good of Peter sented them with a beautiful silver service, even if it is only one boat a Barnegat — The steamer Annar- | the order, and all three link meh morning of stomach trouble. The chinery and Repairs ..$49,000.00 sugar tray. week. He Is consulting with ship­ 'J'he election is made imperative on ine brought down the lighthouse know the meaning of this phrase funeral will be held at the Reform­ pers and business men and in com­ Bayocean .............................. | 25,000.00 account of the bad condition of the supplies on Thursday. Refreshments were served and a "for the, good of the order. ” It is ed Congregational Church at 1 munication with the shipping firm. buildingh on the present leased delightful evening was spent. not my intentions, in writing under ’ o’clock Friday; burial at Oddfel­ $74,000.00 Total .................. .. fair grounds. So Tillamook county NEW FURNITURE COMPANY will have the honor of setting a | this heading to stir up any strife or low’s cemetary. District No. 3— BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE STARTS BUSINESS THIS WEEK Machinery and Repairs. . 14,000.00 Miss Betty Warner left for Port­ precedent for other counties in Ore­ i hard feelings, but not being a grad­ Notice is hereby given, that the GIVEN FOR CAPTAIN FARLEY gon- 111 holding a special election uate from any school of journalism land Sunday after an enjoyable Roads, Bridges, and High­ I undersigned Sheriff of Tillamook I can not express my thoughts ac- The Harris Furniture Company where the boards wil! serve free. ways ................................... 60,000.00 Thanksggiving with her folks here. It was a complete surprise when j County, Oregon, by virtue of an at­ The Chamber of Commerce ex­ 1 cording to Hoyle, so must necessar­ Miss Warner is attending 'the Com- has sold out their store to the Rech- tachment execution issued' out of thirteen friends of Captain Farley ily do my writing after a style \;f i er-Bester Furniture Company, a I pects by the end of the week to have I $74,000.00 Total merc High of Portland. the Circuit Court of the State of walked in on him last week at Bar­ new firm for Tillamook. Mr. G. A. every precinct lined up, with the my own, and if by chance too much . GENERAL FUND Oregon, for Lane county is a case view to help him celebrate his birth­ I pep slips into these lines and pinches Reeher, one of the partners of the Mr. and Mrs. Burr Beals left this exception of two • precincts which Assessor ’ s Office — therein pending wherein Tillamook day. new concern, arrived here recently may not have sufficient registered whoever wears the shoe, please re­ for Hermiston, where Mr. Beals’ Assessor ’ s salary ................... $1,800.00 County Bank was plaintiff and W. It was just ten years and one day voters within them at the present member I am no graduate and it parents reside. The occasion was- the but the other member, Frank Bester, Salary for office deputy ... 1,200.00 H. Effenberger and Oscar A. Effen- is meant for the good of the order. | I visit of two aunts of Mrs. Beals sen­ is a pioneer resident of Tillamook from the time the steamer Argo sunk time to hold an election. Salary for field deputy, four berger were defendants, and on a County, and is very well known Yes, I believe in some of the old It has been found not necessary ior, aged 75 and 76 years, who made 600.00 judgment and order of sale made off the Garibaldi beach and Captain months ................................ to appoint special deputies which adage sayings, especially this one. the trip from Jamestown, N. Y. a- throughout the community. 420.00 and entered In said court on the 2 4 Farley nearly lost his life in the at­ Five Assessment rolls 1921 Mr. Reeher states that t-hey intend “ A wise man changes his mind, a will be a saving of $90.00. The to be lone t0 see their relatives in Oregon. to close out their stock of dishes and Tabs for 1921 assessment day of August, 1920, commanding tempt to rescue the passengers. Cap­ fool never." Not wishing t_ persons who bring the ballot boxes 126.00 the undersigned Sheriff to sell the tain Farley has been withthe Barvew rolls .. J.............................. classed with the latter I have chang- I Mrs. W. H. Bartges, mothes o' cooking utensils regardless of cost to the city will be paid mileage. following described real property of Life Saving Station since it was es­ in order to make room for a more Office incidentals to be ap­ The land at Fairview that is to ed my mind. You who read last Mrs. C. A. Brown, left Monday for plied on purchase of type­ said defendants, being the property tablished and during the time he has complete line of house furnishings week ’ s Herald noticed it was my Oakland, Oregon after a few weeks be bqught in the event that the elec­ writer and adding machine 420.00 attached in saidaction on April 21st, had many thrilling experiences in intentions to confine my writing to and floor coverings. He also states visit here. tion carries is admirably situated 134.00 1920, towit: that paper, only, but these items’be- that there will be big reductions in Extra incidentals . ............. his line of duty. for a fair grounds and tourist park. A team of aljout twenty-five from all other lines. It is their intention The West half of.the Southwest ing for the good of the order, and as The guests who were present were Following is the list of election 3, R & S. Washington Council No. Total ...................... ................... $4700.00 uarter of Section 1, and the East Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. to put in a $25,000 stock of first the fellow said, "circumstances al- boards so far: Tillamook M., Portland, arrived in School Supt. ’ s Office — half of the Southwest quarter of Sec­ cases,” but sometimes “cases al- class furniture in the near future. Sunnymead—Ethel Todd Hays, R. ter Salary of Superintendent $1,600.00 tion 2, in Township 2 North of Wood, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Krebs, Mr. ter circumstances,” after he had lost Saturday and exemplified the Super- B. Hays. to a class Excellent Master ’ s degree Salary of Assistant ............. 1,140.00 Range 10 West, W. M. Also lots 7 and Mrs. Craig, and Mr. McMonies, will notice Kelchis—Mrs. Harry Nelson, Jen­ out in a law’ suit, so you both GROCERY SALE 200.00 and 8 of Block 9 in Nehalem City, all of Rockaway, and Mr. and Mrs. Travelling Expenses . Tilla- of 26 at the Masonic temple,during these items appear in nie Finlayson. On account of wanting to t educe Stationery, Supplies, etc., according to the recorded plat there­ David Kuralti and Mr. and Mrs Burr mook papers, and will hereafter. the afternoon and evening. Bayocean- John A. Biggs, Swan con- and other expenses | We have at hand a clipping front our stocks several thousand collars of, all situated in Tillamook County. Beals of Tillamook. ■w Nuff said. Hawkinson, M. D. Spencer, H. O. nected with administering Oregon. Also lot 3, Block 1 ofTohl’s A good crowd out to lodge last a San Diego paper regardng William preparatory to taking our yeat ty in­ Hawkinson, F. D. Mitchell. 960.00 addition to Nehalem City, in Tilla­ Supt.’soffice .......... .v . . . D. Stillwell, Jr., the son of Arthur voice, we will offer special prices Next Thursday, December 9th, will Stillwell -Mrs. Maud Wilson, El­ meeting, over 50 being present, elec­ J. Stillwell, a former resident of th 13 during the week of December 6th mook County, Oregon. t tion of officers, you know, but no ex­ occur a big event for .he ex-service mer Hoag, R.C. Magarrell, Mrs. Jen­ to 12th and quote you the following . .-.$3,900.00 . . Total .................... citement. If any of you absent place. The clipping states that Wil­ Will, on Monday, th^ 3rd day of men of Tillamook county. nie Erskine, Leroy Edwards. Treasurers Office— brothers are not satisfied with the liam, who ls 12 years old, weighs prices subject to stock on hand and January, 1921, at the court house On that date the Local post of The Trask—Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Erwin we wish to assure you that we have . . . $1,200.0») Treasurer ’ s salary . . new’ officers, ust keep quiet, but 72 pounds, and is only 4 feet, 7 door in Tillamook City, Tillamook American Legion will g’ve a free en­ Harrison, Mrs Lena Klinehan, Miss hands to commence a large stock on sup- Expenses, incidentals, inches tall, is the president of ’he County, Oregon,at the hour of to tertainment at the K. P. Hall which come out next election. Marie Nelson anti May Paul. 500.00 o’clock A.M. sell at public auction to | plies, etc...................... All elected officers are expected student body of the Sherman school. the sale with. all persons who saw service in the Maple Leaf -J. H. Johnson, An­ Fruit granulated sugar. . $10.95 cwt to be ready for installation as soon It is said he presides at meetings of jhe highest bidder for cash in hapd great war and their mothers, wives, drew Anderson, L. S. Hushbeck, Mrs. flour . .$2.80 sack Best hard wheat . $1,700.00 Total .......... ......................... after Jan. 1st as possible, do not the class room presidents. Introduces all of said property, or sufficient sisters, and daughters are Invited. It A. Smith, Fred C. Baker. Sheriff’s Office— Re- measures to be voted upon, and has Best creamery butter ..$1.25 square keep ;the Rebekahs waiting. thereof to satisfy the judgment ren­ is to be a get-together meeting and Hays—G. VV. Burge, E. M. Condit, All best grades coffee .............. 50c lb. Sheriff’s Salary ............... conducted a physical drill for a class member they are a live bunch. dered in said cause, which Is in fa­ an attempt will be made at that time A. H. Harris, Mrs. Eva McGee, Mrs. Wheeler Encampment came down of 125 boys. He has had very fav­ >6 lb. Tea free with each 5 lbs. De­ Salaries for deputies . . . vor of plaintiff and against the de­ to get the Women’s Auxiliary better Viola Mills. pendable coffee. Stenographer .................... in force last Saturday evening and orable mention from his teachers for fendants, for the sumof $2000.00, organized. The Auxiliary has not yet Carnahan—Ruth Desmond, Anna conferred the Royal Purple degree his ability to handle difficult cases Wheat ...................... .*. $4.00 per cwt Traffic Officer .................... with interest at 7 per cent per an­ received a chapter, on account of not Graf, Mary Snook. May Powell, Fred on seven candidates, and they, the and his leadership» has never been Citrus powder, 5 pkgs.................. $1.40 Tax Statements ............... num from Au,;:ist 14th, 1919, the having received enough applications Robitch. Dried Italian prunes . . . . ’ 10c pound Stamped envelopes .......... the questioned. Williams was named af ­ candidates I mean, were all alive further sum of $200.00 as attorney’s for membership, but it is hoped to ptit Foley—Paul Cooper , Mrs. Kate I next morning. A fine time was en- ter his grandfather, Captain W. D. 10 lb. sack yellow corn meal 70c sk. -Stamps ................................. fees, and the costs and expenses of the thing over at the meeting Thurs­ Wilkes, Mrs. Dora Daniel, L. Kinney, joyed by all. A great spread in 'he Stillwell of this place. 10 !b. sacks rolled oats . . . .70c each Printing ........................... .. the sale less $124.76 of the princi­ day night. Mrs. Ethel Sales. „ Smell white beans ................... 7 l /6c lb. Return envelopes ............. dining room, consisting of something pal of said judgment, and the In­ Mr. and Mrs. Pres. Cutler left The local post has now about 240 Fairview—A. B. Folks, Minnie less than a quarter of beef, the hind Plain mixed Christmas candy 27c lb. Binding tax receipts . . terest on the sum of $2000.00 paid members but they should have all the for their home in Oregon City Thurs­ Leona Rupp. Golden amber syrup .... $1.45 gal. Collection Register .... leg of a hog, mashed potatoes and day after attending the funeral of to May 28th, 1920. rest of the ex-service men in the co­ Goodspeed--Gus Wicklund, Mrs. brown gravy, peaches with whipped Crisco 3 lb. pails ..............9 5c each Freight and drayage . . Dated this December 2nd, 1920. unty and make it a 100 per cent post. Burr Beals, N. W. Barker, J. C. cream, gallons of hot coffee, with the Mr. Cutler’s sister, Mrs. J. D. Ward Crisco, 91b. palls ............. $2.85 each Gasoline and tires .... W. L. CAMPBELL, of this place. After the meeting there will be a Shaw. Other special prices too numerous to Miscellaneous, including part test of the fixing all prepared by Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon free dance. The hall has donated by Gus Wisklund left for Portland Blaine—A. V. Spence, W. R. Chef Hushback—Oh, Boy! mention. Extra help in tax collecting » 250.00 You Thursday to be gone a few days. thethe K. P. Lodge. Speece, 0. W. Kinnaman, Jesse should have been there. Better get —EDMUNDS. I payment on adding ma­ Medals For Ex-Marines Ready Woods, Fannie Smith. Mrs. S. F. Cla.k and three small chine with assessor .... 520.00 your name in on that next class of The District of Oregon Headquart­ Tillamook M. R. Hanenkratt, J. candidates to take the degrees next daughters left for Portland Thurs­ There will be a music recital :n PROMPT FIRE ADJUSTMENT R. Richardson, Mrs. Kuratli, Mrs. A. meeting of the camp. day. $9,500.00 ers U.S. Marine Corps has received the High School assembly hall next Total ................................ Farmers Mutual Fire Relief Assn., R. Beals, H. H. Rosenberg. theVictory Medals for distribution Tuesday, December 7th at 8 o’clock, Mrs. MorgorieCge left for Porlarl Surveyor's Office— J. A. Smith and Carl Dawson are 1 HOquarton—Mrs. Aiderman, Mrs. the only sick members to date. $2,250.00 among all Ex-Marines in the state. when Miss Ethel White will present Salaries ........................... Thursday after Vi.iting her daugh­ Portland. Oregon. Noyes. Blanche McNair, Alex Watt,’ uj .- aadxa o) arisap j tuatuaiiuao Supplies a..d qulpment 250.00 All that is necessary to secure thia the following pupils: Ruth Mahon, Dues are coming in from delin- ter, Mrs. L. Litsche. you >uy appreciation of the prompt­ Mrs. Hill. An altercation took place Sa il - quent members slowly. Brothers beautiful emblem of Victory which- Ruth Kuralti, Maxine Baker, Ruth $2,500.00 every man who served with the Ma­ Beals, Rolland Beals, Dorothy Eas- Hebo—Wm. ,P. Peacoch, Frank look at your last receipt, if not up day night which left one the part ■ ness and courtesy with which 'lie Totai .................... loss incurred by me recently was ad­ Meyer, Mrs. Ott. Clerk's Office— to date, see your secretary and make icipants with a badly bruised face. justed. My residence in the Pleas­ rines during the war is entitled to. som, Bister Boals, Robert Boals. ............ $1,800.09 Clerk’s salary .. . The trouble was between Preston it so.—F. F. Conover, Secretary. Nehalem -Emil G. Kardelt. is for him to mail his discharge cer­ Elvan Smith, Rowena Hanson Han­ ant valley district, in Tillamook Deputy’s salary . ............ 1,200.09 son. LeValle Baker, Florence Stran­ Williams and S. G. Clark and is said Beaver—E. K. Gilbert, Ed. More­ tificate by registered mail to the U. ahan and Lucia Wiley. Miss Betty County, was destroyed by fire on ,,........... 1,140.99 Mrs. Ruby Armstrong, who was to have started over domestic mat- 'November 9th. The loss was fully Deputy’s salary . head, Dee Jones, Jack Davis, James S. Marine Recruiting Station, 3rd & . ........... 1,080.00 Lantz Will assist with violin selec­ arrested and charged with' bootleg­ ters. fhe two met in the Rialts adjusted and payment of claim was Deputy’s salary . Goldsworthy, R. O. Richards. Alder Sts., Portland, Oregon, and his tion. Miss White has requested that printing. ging, was found guilty by the Jus­ and started to quarrel but went out- made on November 23rd by George Books, stationery, Little Nestucca—R. L. Redberg, ............ 2.280.00 discharge will be immediately re­ no flowers be brought. , side to he front of the building be- Williams, local agent. The adjust- l( etc.......................... tice court and fined $250. She T. R. Wilson. turned to him accompanied by his I fore they tame to blows. Williams unable to pay herflne, however, ment was entirely to my satisfaction $7,500.00 medal. The discharge certificate I was arrested and fined $10. Total .................... was taken to Portland Sunday Mrs.’ Charles Johnson assisted ■ Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Terry and son, and I heartily recommend your asso­ County Court— must be endorsed by that office in by M*rs. Ebersole entertainet the Next Monday the voters of Tilla­ Deputy Sheriff Aschim to put in fire ciation to all persons seeking County Judge, salary .......... $2,000.00 order for medals to be awarded. mook county will decide the question days in the Multnomah county jail, Leland, left for points in southern insurance. Sunshine Club November 30. The Yours very truly, ¡Commissioner’s, salaries .. 2,760.00 of purchasing a county fair grounds. as Tillamook county lias no accomo­ Oregon and California this wek. 12-4tl (ladles busied themselves making art- ELMER E. SNOOK. Their visit will extetfa through the Expences, supplies etc. . » 2,240.00 dations for women prisoners. i i icles for the W. R. C. bazaar which holidays.' into be held December 11th. A A FAIR PROPOSITION NOTICE TO PROPERTY Total ................ J...................... $7,000.00 •Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock and twin ho. 201. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF ! I The hostesses served delicious After consenting to serve free on OWNERS Court House and Jail— sons. Ray and Roy, of Newberg, are 1 cakes and ice cream. There were . ..$ 200.00 here visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. F. the bandlake election board, one of Insurance .................... | sixteen members present. ft was All property will be held the members wrote with this pro­ Jailor’s salary .... . . . .1,080.00 Schultz. decided to omit the December mee’- for water rent after Jan. 1st, at Tillamook in tile State of Oregon, at the close of business Nov. 15, 1920. 750.00 Joseph Rust has returned from an viso: “If the Chamber of Commerce Wood . .... t............. 9 ( ing. The next meeting will be held 1921. RESOURCES 450.00 eight months visit with relatives in will use their influence to get us Light and W’ater . . . Loans and discounts............................................... By order of Tillamook Wa- 1 with Mrs. Oathoat Jan. 18th. $711,286.41 Switzerland, arriving here Saturday. some road work done, We need Telephones .................. 600.00 ter Commission. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured................. 3.621.91 He reports that the prices in that some plank for repairs and a bridge Supplies, repairs, etc. 12-245 500.00 H. J. Simmons of Portland, who Bonds and warrants .................................... . . . . 100,630.69 country are very much higher than across Gale's creek, It is almost County Jail, etc. . . . 920.00 has been helping Louie Lebowhch Stocks, securities, judgments, etc...................... 2,032.25 in America and that business gener­ impassable, Now if you want its for the past few days, left Thursday. Furniture and fixtures.......................................... 6.750.00 ally is in a very disorganized con­ to help you—you help us." $4,500.00 ; Total ............. Other real estate owned ..................................... 795.85 dition. This is not surprising con­ The Chamber of Commerce is en-1 School Fund No. 1 09 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Out frpm hanks (notreserve banks) ............ 5,414.29 sidering the proximity of Switzer­ deavoring to help the whole cotupy County Institute Fund . . $ 250.00 Due from approved reserve banks.................... 29,806.15 land to the Great War, for business and as this a fair proposition, the County School Fund, 2 mills Checks and other cash items................................ 2.215.92 in the United States is generally oil president of the Chamber says he or about the same as last Exchanges for clearing house................ 6.872.25 the decline conditions in the Euro­ will endeavor to obtain the •relief year ....................................... 40,000.00 at Bay City, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business Nov. Cash on hand ............................................................. 10,912.71 pean countries must be much worse. asked for. But what is the coun'y High School Fund . . . .... $18,00.00 RESOURCES Interest earned but not collected...................... 8,000.00 Miss Sarette DeLillis returned court going to think of voting pre County Poor.................. . . . . $5,000.00 Loans and discounts . . . . . .$ Customer’s liability account of “Acceptances' 33,000.00 Monday from a week’s visit with rel- cincts that will be asking for road Circuit Court. Jurors, Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .......... Wlt- Other resources ...................................................... 197.96 latives in Portland and Oregon City. lBds and warrants and U. 8. Cert, of Ind work when the electin boards refits, ex- ntssfi, Bn Iliff’s and . 6.000.00 Banking house ............... Captain W. D. Stillwell expects to to help the county save a little mon- ' penses ............ .. Total $921.536.39 make a visit to Seaside next week ey at the special election next Mon­ Cotoner, fees and inquests. 150.00 Furniture and fixtures LIABILITIES t Other real estate owned when his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Eb- day when the president of the Cham Disttict sealer of weights Capital stock paid in ............................................... $ 40,000.00 erman, returns to her home there. ber of Commerce files his list of the 100.00 'Due from banke (not reserve banks) .. and measures Surplus fund ................................................................ 10,000.90 Dm- from approved reserve banks............ Justice and F. D. Mitchell of Bayocean was persons and precincts that Justice Coupt, Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 15,782.99 in Tillamook this week on business serve free? Checks andother cash items . . . . ............. constable fees, jurors, wit- * Dividends unpaid ...................... 822.00 connected with his property at Bay­ CttHhon hand ..................................................... Responses in regard to election nesses and supplies . . . Due to banks and bankers . . ••• 6,231.27 ocean. He expressed anxiety for the boards serving free at the special Mother’s pensions ............ Postal Savings Bank deposits 163.02 completion of the Bayocean road by election Dee. 6 have been receiv ■ p »• • JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, Notary Public 1 60 O’, T. E ASHi.EY, Notary Public. My Cot'mis-ion nrpl"e- My commission <* pires Aug 19, ’924. dr. Ray C. Steele, United States Game Warden at Spattie, and Mt Brentmer, State District Game Warden, accom­ panied by Gaine Warden George Rus- bcll went over affairs in Tillamook last week, to ascertain whether ducks are being hunted from power boats I in Tillamook Bay. Several parties j were picked up and the cases were re­ ferred to the Department of Agri­ culture at Washington to see what disposition can be made of them. They asserted that it is unlawful to hunt wild ducks from a power boat any where in the state and that is ; prohibited hunting from any kind ¡of boat at Netarts Bay. They also stated that a permit must be obtained to keep wild ducks in captivity. These permits may be obtained free of charge by applica­ tion to the United States Game Ward­ en at Seattle. Anyone wishing to secure a copy of the game laws smay do so by ap­ plying to the proper authorities. I I THE TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK THE FIRST BANK OF BAY CITY I % T!