Thursday', November 2 f SURPRISE FEATURE NO. 1 SATURDAY, NOV. 27TH ONLY! Women’s Celebrated $2.00 With- mor Waists Only SURPRISE FEATURE KO. 3 SURPRISE FEATURE NO. 2 TUESDAY. NOV. 30TH. ¡920 MONDAY. NOV. 29TH ONLY! 39c Best American Print 32jnch straw tick- ing: Yard - None Sold Before 10:00 A. M. —With purchase of »5.00 or over tn any section of the store, More than a dozen pretty styles. Sizes to 48. Displayed on balcony. No phone or mail orders. Featured in window on above date, Owing to the popu- larlty of the recent one held as well as having had a number of requests to hold a similar event, we deemed advisable to do so. Calico, Only, Yard 1 - None Sold Before 9:00 A. M. With purchase of »2.00 or over in any section of Come in neat Btrlped color combinations. Displayed under the balcony. No phone or mail orders accepted. Featured in window on above date. y None Sold Before 9:00 A. M. __ tftoi purchase of »2.00 ar over in any section ofthe stare. able for “men's n d' appaiti an well as oomfort covering, played under the balcony. Featured in window on above date. No phone or mail orders accepted. 8_________________________________________________________________ ________ 8___________________ ____ Unloading Sale—Unmerciful Slaughter Of Prices Prevails On Entire Stock Of Goods p J - 1 With Glorious Christmas Scarcely One Month Distant It Behooves Us to Make Preparations Now Now While Stocks Are At Their Best—Only 25 More Shopping Days. —The prime object of this Sale is to reduce stocks to mini­ mum. There is no philanthropy about it, even though we are reducing the prices below actual cost—in many instan­ ces—to us. c SURPRISE FEATURE NO. 4 —It is easy enough to give bargains that are not in demand, but when you give better values on merchandise that our hundreds of patrons want. Below is actual proof of what Haltom’s doing. SURPRISE FEATURE NO. 5 SURPRISE FEATURE NO. 6 THURSDAY. DEC. 2ND. ONLY! WEDNESDAY. DEC. 1ST! 81-inch full bleached Wear Boys’ $1.35 to $2.00 Shirts well Sheeting at ouly . FRIDAY. DEC. 3RD ONLY! 28c None Sold Before 9:00 A. M. Girls’ $2.50 to $3.00 School Dresses at J K________________________________ _________________ I J None Sold Before 9:00 A. M. —With purchase of »5.00 or over in any section of the store. These washable dresses come in a number of colorful patterns. Sizes 6 to 11. • On balcony. No phone or mail orders accepted. Featured in window on above date. V_____________________________________________________________________ Nowheres Arc Reductions More Pronounced On Women’s Lovely Apparel Tkan At Garment ALL THF. MORE REASON WHY NOW ABOVE ALL OTHER TIMES IS THE BEST TIME TO Buy Corsets ENTIRE STOCK AT Pronounced Reductions Miss Dora Smock Graduate Corsetiere in Charge, ren­ dering efficient service which gives assurance of correct fit and style. Three of the foremost brands represented. This .should attract women, not ouly in the city, but from neighboring towns as well. Many of our patrons select by number. Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Millineiy, Middies, Lingerie Wear, Etc. 1 bis is ®reat importance to this community as it involves the largest and finest stock of women’s apparel in the county1__and the savings are so pronounced that nearly every woman who has need for new winter tags'cannot afford to overlook Now is the log­ ical time to make selections as later on naturally, there will be a depletion. The winter months have just commenced just when vou’H worthwhile**6 m°St- Th6 CO1°rS 8eaSon’S bC8t' We re8ri8t space wiU not expatiate. though a. personal visit will be well As usual alterations done free of charge on women’s, men’s and children’s apparel! $25.00 Coats $15.65 —To $30.00 Women’s Coats............ $19.85 —To $43.00 Women’s Coats............ $25.95 —To $65.00 Women’s Coats ............ $37.65 —$99.80 Women’s Coats ................ $69.00 —To $125.00 Women's Coats ....$69.90 —To —To —To —To $13.95 x 19.98 $24.85 $33.65 Skills, Sale Skirts. Sale Skirts, Sale Skirts, Sale Gossard Front Lacing Corsets ___ x $4.50 __________________ $3.89 Model 241. Regular Values Model 250, Regular $5.00 ----------- Values . .. .$4.29 5.50, Values ....$4.87 Model 263. Regular » To $io.oa Women’s Dress Skirts $5.90 To $32.65 Wool Dresses $19.85 Nemo Back Lacing Corsets —$42.85 Models, Sale .....................$34.85 —$49.00 Models. Sale .....................$35.85 —59.90 Models. Sale ......................... $49.85 •—All Girls' Dresses Sale Pricetd. . $8.60 $11.65 $15.85 $19.85 Model 361, Regular $5.25 Values .... Model 355. ____________ Regular $6.00 Values _____ __ .. Models 320-22 and 559. $6.50 value. . Model 511-56-60; 7.25 Values ........... Medel 402, Regular $7.75 Values .. Models 508-52. Regular $8.00 Values $35.00 Imported English or Chamoisette Raincoats, Smartly Styled—Sale $25.90 These are genuine garments, f ir different from the ordinary too. Aside from being serviceable, practical and peculiarly adapted Tillamook weather they have plenty of style—very nifty uid half lined. All sizes. MILLINERY! MILLINERY! MILLINERY! HALF PRICE AND LESS. BALCONY LOVELY SILK PETTICOATS. ACTUAL $10.00 AND $1LOO VALUES AT $6.87. This should tempt women to buj now for holiday fancy woik. Thou­ sands of yards to select from, comprising both plain and fancy ribbon. (Front Commerce and Finance) A great many of our own people delight in fostering the idea that these little old United States face dismal days ahead, and they’ve been harping on this pessimistic theory ever since the war ended. Do you know that the Unit­ ed States has only 6 per cent of the population of the world and only 7 per cent of the land? That the United States is the richest country in the world? That the bank deposits hi !he United States exceed by bil­ lions the combined bank depos­ its of the whole world outside of this country? That we produce 2 4 per cent of the world’s wheat supply the cotton. 60 per cent the corn. 75 per cent the cattle. 27 per cent the hogs, 40 per cent the daily products. 25 per cent . , of all the Iron and steel, 40 per cent of all the gold. 20 per cent of all the silver. 40 per cent of all the coal, 52 per cent of all the copper. 6o per cent of all the oil. 66 per cent of u’l the per cent That is to ay, of all the to- _____ of the globe, we tai products contribute one-pnarter (25 per cent) of the agricultural sup- plies.________________t * Over one-third (34 per cent) of the manufactured goods. Before th* wai we owed Mil­ er nations » V) have not only paid ’bis deb but foreign tuitions now ow ci >00,000.000, and " hold ' ' ’-‘-■'d 8°ld r,tiPrve of any tm n the world. —$3 88 and $4.39 Heavy Quality Georgette Crepe, Yärd $1-98 —Men’s and Youths’ »65.00, »70.00 And »75.00 Hart Schaffner And Marx Suits, Snappy Styles Reduced To $48.90. —$5.29 Wool Tricotine, This Sale. Only. Yard $2.98 —Men’s and Young Men’s »25.00 Overcoats Of Famous Oregon Cassimere, This Sale, $14.80. Every Yard of Silk In Store Discounted 20 To 50 Per Cent. A broad assertion to make but investigation will convince those who are interested. A wise hint, ’’buy silks now for Xmas.’’ Gabardine Raincoats, Colors Dark Grey And .Black, 1135.00 Sellers. This Sale, $19,85, —"Alligator” Guaranteed Slickers, 3-4 Lengths, $5.45. Me Women’s $1.25 Super Quality Heavy Lisle Hose. Pair 89c —»5.00 Flannel Shirts, Splendid Quality, $3,95, —Extra Fine All Wool Mackinaws, Formerly Sold Children’s 45c-50c Stockings. Pair 25c. More fashionable matettals than these are not shown—luxurious broad­ cloths, Tricotines, Gabardines, Etc., and of very finest quality such as yon see I'a.-hioned Into the finest suit -, and dresses. Rich shades of blues and browns. Widths 48. 50, 54 and 56 Inches wide. ___________ —------------------------ —---------------------------------------------- — á Men’s Long Spoiling Gum Boo s I’ait $4.98. Men's Rubbers, English or Med- turn Toes. Plain or Rolled Edge, Pair $1.25 Hoys’ Rubbers, in styles same Men's. Pair 68c and 98c. Women's Rubbers, storm or Cro­ quet Front at 89c and 98c. Misses’ Rubbers, Storm Front. Medium or Orthopedic Toe, pair 79c - Consisting of black and brown kid high lace dress oots, combined with French heels. Also women’s and glow Ing girls’ calf or kid lace, shoes in black or brown. M ilitary heel. EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN STORE at »20.00, Dress Pants, »10.00, $11.00 And »12.00 Sellers, Only $8.45. Extra Heavy Dickey Kersey Pants, »7.00 And »7.50 Values 5,95 16 inch High Top Good Kip leather Boots (A Bear For Weari- Only 24 1 airs, sizes 6 to 11. Exceptionally Priced, Pair $13.45. Fashionable Woolens $8.00, $9.00. $9.50 Values. Yard. $6.49 BUBBER FOOTWEAR Rubbers. Boots and Shoes Women’s $10.00 Kid Shoes Only $6.98 AT INTERESTING REDUCTIONS Saie $15.85. Approximately 400 pairs of boys' and girls' splendid black ribbed stock­ ings. in medium and heavy weights. Sizes 6 to 11. Seldom do you ex­ perience such wonderful lieso values. To give every one a chance in the county to partake of this sale, we're making this a one week’s event. UNLOADING SALE PRICES Especially suitable for —»4.00 Flannel Shirts. Good Weight $2.95. We’ve selected one of our bent selling numbers too: celebrated Burling­ ton brand. Full fashioned and come in a good range of colors including black. On all Men’s. Women's * Children’s To $1.25 Brassiers at 87c —Mon’s and Young Men’s Hart Schaffner And Marx And Griffon Suits, Good Styles, Best »55 00 And »60.00 Values At Only $39,85 The 1,<•• 'g really is all tiiat is necessary to disclose as this most popu­ lar weave is in the height of fashion for suits and dresses. 48 inches wide. Standard size 31^x6*A inches. None sold to dealers or printers. reserve the right to limit quantity. 250. Regular $2.50 Values...........$2.19 246-76 Reg. $3.00 Values ......... $2.45 202-96 Reg. $3.50 Values ................ $2.98 408 Regular $3.75 Values ......... 302 Regular $5.00 Values ... 390 Regular $5.50 Values......... Several styles and all sizes. stout figures. This Is In A Condensed Form Bfit Every Item Means Money For You This includes our entire stock. Don’t be deceived by making yourself think ¡.hat this is ordinary light weight cepe that is being flooded in the market today Ours is of wanted quality. 40 inches wHa ana com« tn both light and dark colors. Envelopes, 25 To Pack, Tuesday, Only. Extraordinary At 3c Model Model fdodel Model Model Model Men! —To $2.98 Infants’ and Gills’ White Poplin Dresses $1.59 When You Feel Pessimistic Look At This American Lady Back and Front Lacing Corset. 5 Cunning little creations, about six dainty styles and trimmed, rather em­ broidered in blue or rose. Sizes 1 to 5. $4.79 $5.39 to f —Entire Stock Of Ribbons 20 Per Cent To 50 Per Cent Less Than Regular It ' -With purchase of »5.00 or over tn any section of the store, This famous Wearwell sheeting is full 9-4 wide. Your V__ opportune „„„„ chance v« to replete your linen chest with standard grade of "sheeting "at” this "above exceptionally low price. Displayed under the balcony. No phone or mail orders accepted. —With purchase of »2.00 or over in any section of the tore. Come in neat patterns. No phone or mail orders accepted. Displayed under the balcony in men’s section. Featured in window on above date. pect ever exce may vote time - Your Attention Is Directed To Entire Florshelm Shoes On Sale At $4.98 And Up. Stock X. f Boys, Steel Fibre Nik Sults, Wear Twice As Long As The Sale $10.80. Ordinary Ones, Bovs’ $21.00 All Wool Steel Fibre Nil: Suits, Reinforced Sent And »5.05) Sale $15.95. »13.50 Knees (Saving Little Fellows Overcoats Ages 3 to 6. »98)0 Values. Sale ..................»7 15 Ages t to 13 »13.50 Values. Sale..............$10.25 Ages 15 to IS. $17.00 Values, Sale............ »13.25 Celebrated Star Brand Shoes for Children — »4.98 All Leather Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, $3.98 —»5.98 Ail Leather Shoes, sizes 8’4 up $4.98 —»8.00 All Leather Shoes, sizes 11*4 to 2 $6.98 Lot Baby's Shoes. Sale, Pair 25c to a will perst to th Th. be be tlon for a Fo boarc Sui B. Hi Ke nie F Ba: Hawk Hawk Stll mer 1 nie E Tra Harrit Marie Mai drew . A. Sm Hay A H. Viola Cari Graf, 1 Robitc Foley- Wilkes Mrs. E Fair Leona Good Burr E Shaw. Blair Speece, Woods, Tillar R. Rich R. Beall Hoqut Noyes, Mrs. Hil Hebo Meyer, 1 Nehal Beave head. D< Goldswot Little T. R. W Next J mook con of purchi No. 201. 1 at Tillam Loans ant (jverdrafti Bonds an Stocks, se Furniture Other real Do» trpm Due front Checks am > Exchanges Cash on h interest ea Customer’s Oi her 1 esc Total Capital sto Surplus tu V ndivided Dividends t Due to ban postal Savi Individual < Demand cet Cashier clie Certified cl Time and Si Xotes and h Bills payabl ••Acceptance Total *v State of Orel L B. L. B that the abo »10.00 Mackinaws, sizes 10 to 18. Sale »7.30. Youths’ High Top Solid Leather Logge r Shoes. Sizes 11to 2. Pair $6.60 Liberty Bonds Taken For Mer-cliandtsc At Face Value In Lieu Of Cash. Subscribed