Thursday, November 25, 1020 Continued from page 6 1 Stillwell Add.—Block 11, Lot T, A. M. Austin, Owner. Amt. of Lien »549.59; Interest to Dec. 15, »12 37- Cost of Adv. »1.92 Stillwell Add.— Blodk 11, Lot J. A. M. Austin, Owner. Amt. of Lien. »549.59; Interest to Dec. 15, »12.37; Cost of Adv. »1.92 Tract beginning at a point «0 feet west of the S. W. comer of Lot 5, Block 10 of Stillwell Add. to Tillamook City, thence west 362.3 feet thence North 105 feet thence East 362.5 ft. thence South 105 ft. to place of beginning. C. E. Hadley, Owner. Amt. of Lien, »3,794.82; Interest to Dec. 15, »85.38; Cost of Adv. »3.12. Tract beginning at a point 270 ft. West of the N. W. Corner of Lot 4 Blk. 9. Stillwell Add. to Tillamook City thence West 52.5 ft., thence South 105 feet thence East 106 feet thence North 105 feet to the place of beginning. Royal Stillwell Owner. Amt. of Lien »549.59; In­ terest to Dec. 15, »12.37; Cost of each of said tracts of land so da- 1 scribed will be sold at said sals to satisfy the assessment, interest and costs due upon each tract as de­ scribed. and each tract will be sold separately. ,This sale is made for the purpose | of satisfying the delinquent assess- aenu .or street Improvements duly assessed against said property, to­ gether with interest and costs Xhere- on, said assessments ha< been made by the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, on 29th day of June, 1920, and said assessments having been thereupon docketed in the docket of city liens of said Till­ amook City, and more than 30 days having elapsed since said docketing and said assessments not having been paid in whole or In part, and the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, having, on October 18, 1920, duly ordered a warrant to issue for the collection of said de­ linquent assessments. Dated this November 10th, 1920. M. E. GRUBER, Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon Adv. »3.12. Tract beginning 382.5 feet West of NOTICE OF SALE FOR DETIN. QUENT STREET IMPROVE­ the N. W. corner of Lot 4 Block 9, Stillwell Add. to Tillamook City, MENT ASSESSMENTS. thence West 47.5 feet thence NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that South 105 feet thence East 47.5 1 by virtue of a warrant issued by the feet thence North 105 feet to City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore­ the place of beginning. Royal Still­ gon, dated November 10, 1920, and well, Owner. Amt. of Lien »497.26; issued by order of the Common Coun- Interest to Dec. 15, »11.19; Cost of ' cil of said Tillamook City, the un­ Adv. »3.12. dersigned, Marshal of Tillamook Maple Grove Add. Block 1, Lot 6. City, Oregon, has duly levied upon W. G. Dwight Est., Owner. Amt. of and will, on Monday, the 15th day Lien »537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, of December, 1920, at the hour of »12.08; Cost of Adv. »1.92, 10:00 o'clock A. M. sell at public Maple Grove Add.—Block 1, Lot 7, auction to the highest bidder for W. G. Dwight Est. Owner. Amt. of cash in hand the property hereinaf­ Lien »537.26; Interest to Dec. 15. ter described. The particular tracts or parcels of ground to be sold, to­ »12.08; Cost of Adv. »1.92. Maple Grove Add.—Block 1, Lot 8, gether with the name of the owner W. G. Dwight Estate, Owner. Amt. or owners thereof, and the amount of Lien »537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, for which each separate tract will be sold, are as follows, to-wlt: »12.08; Cost of Adv. »1.92. Maple Grove Add.—Block 3, Lot District No. 14, Fifth Street Sewer Tract beginning at a point 60 ft. 1, W. G. Dwight, Owner. Amt. of Lien »537.26; Interest to Dec. 15. East and 270 feet South of the N. E. corner of Lot 1, Block 1, King’s »12.08; Cost of Adv. »1.92. Add. to Tillamook City, thence South Maple Grove Add.—Block 4, Lot 80 feet thence East 105 feet thence 2, W. G. Dwight, Owner. Amt. of Lien »537.26; Interest to Dee. 15, North 80 feet thence West 1G5 feet to the place og beginning. »12.08; Cost of Adv. Tract beginning at a point 105 ft. A. A. Yager, Owner. Amt. of Lien West of the N. W. corner of Lot 4, »87.36; Interest to Dec. 15, »1.97; Block 9, Stillwell Add. to Tillamook Cost of Adv. »15.20. City, thence west 105 feet thence Said sale will take place at the South 105 feet thence East 105 feet front door of the City Hall in Tilla­ thence North 105 feet to place mook City, Oregon, being the front of beginning. John Groat, Owner. i door of the building in which the Amt. of Lien »1,099.19; Interest to Common Council of said Tillamook Dec. 15, »34.74; Cost of Adv. »2.92. City holds its sessions. Said sale will take place at the • The names of the owners, or re­ front door of the City Hall in Tilla­ puted owners of said property as mook City, Oregon, being the front hereinbefore given, are the names of door of the building in which the such owners, or reputed owners, aB Common Council of said Tillamook they appear on the docket of city liens of said Tillamook City, and City holds its sessions. The names of the owners, or re­ each of said tracts of land so de- puted owners of said property as scribed will be sold at said sale to hereinbefore given, are the names of satisfy the assessment, interest and such owners, or reputed owners, as costs due upon each tract as de­ they appear on the docket of city scribed, and each tract will be sold liens of said Tillamook City, and separately. This sale Is made for the purpose each of said trasts of land so de- scribed will be sold at said sals IO of satisfying the delinquent assess­ satisfy the assessment, interest and ments for street improvements duly costs due upon each tract aa de­ assessed against said property, to­ scribed, and each tract will be sold gether with interest and costs there­ on, said assessments having been separately. This sale is made for the purpose made by the Common Council of of satisfying the delinquent assess­ Tillamook City, Oregon, on 29th day ments for street improvements duly of June, 1920, and said assessments assessed against said property, to­ having been thereupon docketed In gether with interest and costs there­ the docket of city liens of said Till­ on, said assessments having . been amook City, and more than 30 days made by the Common Council of having elapsed since said docketing Tillamook City, Oregon, on 29th day and said assessments not having of June, 1920, and said assessments been paid in whole or in part, and having been thereupon docketed in the Common Council of Tillamook the docket of city liens of said Till­ City, Oregon, having, on October 18, amook City, and more than 30 days 1920, duly ordered a warrant to having elapsed since said docketing issue for the collection of said de­ and said assessments not having linquent assessments. Dated this November 10th, 1920. been paid in whole or in part, and M. E. GRUBER, the Common Council of Tillamook Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon City, Oregon, having, on October 18, 1920, duly ordered a warrant to 11-1H2 issue for the collection of said de­ linquent assessments. Budget for Tillamook City, for 1921. Dated this November 10th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that the | M. E. GRUBER, following budget is proposed by the Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon Common Council of Tillamook City, 11-1 lt2 Oregon for the year 1921. Any ob- NOTICE OF SALE Fun DELIN­ j’ections or remonstrances to .said QUENT STREET IMPROVE budget being adopted will be heard MENT ASSESSMENTS. at the meeting of the Common Council NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by virtue of a warrant issued by the of Tillamook City, Org~~*o he he's* p' City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore­ December 20, 1920. General Fund gon, dated November 10, 1920, and Issued by order of the Common Coun­ Salary City Attorney........... » 200.00 cil of said Tillamook City, the un­ Salary and , City Treasurer dersigned. Marshal of Tillamook 150.00 expenses ........................ City. Oregon, has duly levied up ,n Salary City Health Officer 120.00 and will, on Monday, the 15 h day Salary City Marshal ........... 1800.00 of December. 1920, at the bou.’ of Salary City night Watchman 1800.00 10:00 o’clock A. M. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for Salary City Recorder ........... 1800.00 cash in hand the property hereinaf­ Salary 2 Fireman.................... 3600.00 100.00 ter described. The particular tracts Fuel .......................................... 500.00 or parcels of ground to be sold, to­ Fire Dept.................................. gether with the name of the owner Printing ................................... 100.00 or owners thereof, and the amoun* Interest General Bonds .... 4130.00 for which each separate tract will V Miscellaneous ............. .. .......... 300.00 sold, are as follows, to-wit: Road Fund District No. II. South Tillamook Street Cleaning Dept. 2 men 3000.00 Sewer 100.00 Thayer’s Add. Block 4 5. S. 1-2 Cross walks ............................. Lots 1. 2, 3. P. W. Todd. Owner Lights .......................................... 3000.00 100.00 Amt. of Lien »92.61: Interest I- Engineering Dept................... 1000.00 Interest on Bridge Bonds .... Dec. 15, »2.08; Cost of Adv. »5.67. 625.00 Norton’s Add.—Block 7, Lot 8. i Library ..................................... John Afidreas Olson, Owner Amt. Sinking Fund ........................ 2000.00 of Lien »88.20; Interest to Dec. 15. FRANCES B. STRANAHAN, »1.98; Cost of Adv. »5.67. City Recorder. Tract beginning at the S. W. cor ; •• of Lot ■! Bieck 3 Drew’s Add to Tillamook City, thence South 105 Notice of Hearing of Objections to degrees thence west 110 feet thane*. Apportionment for Street Improve­ North 105 feet thence East 105 ments. Notice is hereby given, to all whom feet ta place of beginning T. F. A Karrison, Owner. Amt. of Lie:« it may concern, that the Common »194.04: Interest to Dec. 15, »4.37. Council has apportioned the cost of Cost of Adv. »6.67. improving that portion of Fifth - Said sale will tase prace at 'he Street, from the West line of Stillwell w"*fr« nt door of the City Hall In Till:« Avenue to the West line of Sixth I Book City, Oregon, being the front Avenue West, and Sixth Avenue West, l kdoor of the building in which the from the North line of Fifth Street. ifronimon Council of said Tillamook North to the South line of Fourth | City holds its sessions. The names of the owners, or re­ Street, upon each tract, lot or parcel puted owners of said property as thereof liable therefor, which is con­ hereinbefore given, are the names of tained within Local Improvement L such owners, or reputed owners, as District No. 17; that said apportion- ' they appear on the docket of city ment is now on file, and may be seen liens of said Tillamook City, and by any one interested, in the office I THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT of the City Recorder of Tillamook City Orgon, and that the Common Council has appointed Monday, the 6th day of December, J 920, at the hour of 8 o’clock P. M. at the City Hall in Tillamook City, Oregon, aa the time end place for hearing objections to said apportionment. That the property charged with the ' cost of said improvement included within Local Improvement District No. 17 is all the property included within the following boundaries; Beginning 165 feet North and 60 feet West of the Northwest comer of Block 1, of Central Addition to Tillamook City, thence West ,1455 feet; thence North 165 feet; thence West 270 feet, thence South 680 feet; thence East 1620 feet; thence North 245 feet; thence East 105 feet; thence North 270 feet to the place of be- ginning. After hearing and determining ob- jections to such apportionment the Common Council will proceed to as- sess the cost thereof to tho property benefitted thereby. Dated this 24th day of November, 1920. j FRANCES B. STRANAHAN, City Recorder Tillamook City, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, that th? undersigned has been appointed ad- ministrator for the estate of Maud liotts, deceased, by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same for allowance to the under­ signed at office of Botts & Winslow, Tillamook, Oregon., within six mon­ ths from the date of this notice. Dated this 21st day of October, 1920. H. T. Botts, Administrator of the estate of Maud Botts, dec’d. TAKE NOTICE. Citizens of Tillamook and vicinty: Until further notice I will carry pas­ sengers from Tillamook Hotel to Fourth and Alder Streets, Portland, for »4.00 Leaving Tillamook at 7:30 A. M. Tuesday, Thursday and Satur­ day. E. A. Ellis. Il-18p3 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICEE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by order of the County Court for Tillamook County, Oregon, duly made and entered, the undersigned, Bertha M. Johnson, has been duly appointed administrix of the estate of Ella J. Shattuck, deceased, and has qualified as such. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all persons having claims against the said estate must present them to the undersigned administra­ trix, together with the proper vouch­ ers, on or before six months from this date. Nov. 11, 1920. BERTHA M. JOHNSON, Administratrix of the Estate of Ella J. Shattuck, Deceased Bay City, Oregon. S. S. JOHNSON, Attorney for Administratrix. 11-1H4 present the same to the undersigned for allowance aa required by law at the office of Botts t Winslow, tn Til­ lamook City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated November 4th, 1920. ( Margaret O'DonnelL 11-4 t5 Administrtrix. erson, at Tillamook, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated October 14th, 1920, the first publication of this notice. Mary Meaner. Administrator of the estate of P. H. Meaner, de’cd. John Leland Henderson, Attorney for said estate. Notice notice to creditors Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed ad­ ministrator of the estate of John Larson, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, County of Tillamook. All persons having claims against said estate are here­ by required to present the same for allowance to the undersigned at his place of business in Bay City, Oregon within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this November 11, 1920. John A.Nelson. Administrator of the es- tateof John Larson, de ceased. i In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tilla- mook. In the matter of the estate of P. otherwise H. Meaner, deceased, known as P. H. Messner. Notice is hereby given to all to whom It may concern that the und- erslgned has been, by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon. duly appointed Administratrix of the estate of P. H. Mesner, deceased; and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same, duly verified, as by law required, to the undersigned, or to her attorney, John Leland Hend- FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' Resources > Loans and discounts, including rediscounts ... 1 Overdrafts,, ......................... U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value ................................................ .. ............ 25,000.00 Pledged to secure postal savings deposits (par value) ...................................................................... 1,000.00 Pledged as collateral for State or other depos­ its or bills payable.............................................. 103,950.00 Owned and unpledged ............................................ 5,100.00 Total U. S. Government securities............ Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. 9. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) ............................................................... Furniture and fixtures ....................................... ► . .. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank.......... Cash in vault and net amount due from national banks .............................................................................. Net amounts due fiorn banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States............... Checks on other banks in same city or town as reporting Bank .......................................................... , Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items............ Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer................................................. Interest earned but not collected—approximate —on Notes and Bills Receivable not past due t TOTAL I Liabilities Capital stock paid in ................................................... Surplus fund .................................................................... Undivided Profits ................................................... . Circulating notes outstanding . . . .. ........................ Net amounts due to national banks................. Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States and foreign countries ....................................................... „............ Certified checks outstanding ................................ ... Cashier’s checks on own bank outstanding .... Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check................. Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed)..... Other demand deposits .............................................. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) ............................................................... Postal savings deposits .......................................... Other time deposits................................................... Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank............ Liabilities other than those above stated. . . Total CLOSE OF ttjlto* I for the Home $ These new 50-watt White Mazda Lamps can be used in any socket or fixture where you now have 40, 50 or 60-watt clear bulb lamps. They bum in any position. They are suitable and satisfying for every room in your home. The china-white glass bulb gives an evenly dif­ fused, soft light—brilliant but without glare, kind and pleasing to the eyes. In these new ? * 135,050.00 141,033.36 2,250.00 9,559.36 54,788.40 $ 9» ------------------------- ------------------------- 9 EDISON MAZDA LAMPS will be found a beauty, dignity and efficiency never before combined in any one lamp. See them lighted, at Coast Power Co “The Electric Store 12,940.62 5.376.3S 11,834.36 i 9,432.23 1,250.00 IF YOUR THANKSGIVING NEEDS include tooth paste, massage cream, orany toilet preparations have us supply them, At any rate better get a few indigestion remedies in case the children eat too much on the great feast day. We also make a specialty of filling prescriptions. Accuracy Is the watchword. 8,265.36 »1,241,511.45 50,000.00 25,000.00 21.452.22 25,000.00 3,544.97 IE. E. KOCH Druggist 21,554.7 1 1,540.60 17,071.30 . *’ 600,503.97 Transfer Wood Gravel 49,723.30 1,522,99 53,172.34 403.06 296.446.28 70,000.00 4,575.68 Phone 37 W 11,241,511.45 «riilaiU Willard I < • THANKSGIVING VISIONS ARE IN THE AIR Threads, because they provide an easy path for passage of current from plate to plate. Rubber, because that is the ideal in­ sulating material for use inside a battery. Ask us about Threaded Rubber In­ sulation— the kind that has been selected by 136 builders of trucks and passenger cars. £ »846,961.49 2,769.84 State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, ss: Notice to Creditors. I, C. A. McGhee, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swea: Notice is hereby given that the un- that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. dersigned has been appointed admin­ C. A. McGHEE, Cashier. Correct—Attest: istratrix, with the will annexed, of B. C. LAMB, the estate of David O’Donnell, deceas­ W. J. RIECHERS, ed by the County Court of Tillamook A. W. BUNN, County Oregon, and that the under­ Directors. signed has Qualified as such admin­ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day 6f November, 1920. istratrix. All persons having claims SIDNEY S. JOHNSON, Ndtary Public. against said estate are requested to My commission expires Dec. 22, 1923. Threads and Rubbed* « $ REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE AT TILLAMOOK IN THE STATE OF OREGON, AT THE BUSINESS ON NOVEMBER 15, 1920. ’ Ohe White MAZDA Lan and no doubt you have been plan­ ning to furnish your home with an up-to-date bath-room. If so let us give you an estimate on the cost of installing new tubs, basin and other fixtures. You’ll find our figures ns low as any and lower than many. Hight grade workmanship consider­ ed. We can refer you to the quality of our work. Tillamook Transfer Co, Liberty Temple. CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING I.O.O.F. BUILDING A. F. WALLACE Mutual Phone GEORGE BURCHARD Get Rid of Your Cold rAf TT» C? LAXATIVE LLUulrll O QUININE COLD TABLETS A scientific compound containing quinine, ; tanilid, capsicum, inicac, aloin and Dodonhvllum breaks up a cold without starting a buzzing in the head. It aids nature in combatting the germs am; freeing the system from infection. It quickly r • licves pain and headache. CLOUGH’S HOARHOUND LUNG BALSAM Money By Wire To get money there quickly and to the right person is often vital. WESTERN UNION Money Transfer is the quickest, surest, safest means to send money anywhere for any purpose. For the accommodation of our customers and the public generally, we are hand­ ling Western Union Money Transfers. Tillamook Battery Station Willard Service C. I.CLOUGH The Rexall Store TILLAMOOK, OREGON County Bank ♦