Thursday, November 2; - WW--------- «»-' -WW -'W Gem Theater Attractions “The Fatal Hour VV— $ $ Program Nov. 26-27 Friday-Saturday, Nov. 26-27—‘THE FATAL HOUR” Metro Screen Classic Special Production featuring an all Star Cast. Taken from “The Marriages of May- fair” by Cecil Raleigh. One Reel Rolin Comedy. Sunday, Nov. 28—“DARLING MINI*’’ featuring Olive Samuel Goldwyn è Thomas. ’ 1'is people like Kitty McCarthy, and the lovin' heart of her, that makes God love the Irish. Two Reel Comedy. Monday, Nov. 29—"Desert Gold.” Taken from the story by Zane Grey. Two Reel Comedy. Tuesday, Nov. 30—"THE LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COMI by John Fox, Jr., featuring Jack Pickford. A drama of Kentucky Hills and the South PA T HE REVIEW. Wednesday, Dec. 1—“STRICTLY ALL-STAR CAST in-THE FATAL HOUR On the brink of a precipice Two men, Sworn Enemies, Struggled—one to Save Woman’s Good Name, the other to Besmirch it. A Sin- le Mis-step and Both would be Plunged to Destruction! Pulse-Quickening Action of This Sort Packs With Thrills the Titanic Melodrama----- “The Fatal Hour” Enacted for the screen by an All-Star Cast including CONFIDENTIAL,” featuring Madge Kennedy. Bray Pictograph. Thursday, Dec. 2—"ROSE OF NOME. ’ featuring (dad , s Brockwell. A tale of courage and Cupid amid Alas­ kan Snows. Pathe News. Friday-Saturday, Dec. 3-4—"ARE ALL MEN ALIKE? ’ featuring May Allison. esert Gold Thomas W. Ross, Wilfred Lytell, Gladys Coburn, Thea Talbot and a Score of Other Distinguished Players. Based upon the Tremendous Stage Triumph, “The Marriage of Mayfair.” $ A ROMANCE OF THE $ KENTUCK MOUNTAINS; WITH THE SPELL OF SOUTHERN CHIVALRY AND A STORY THAT WILL APPEAL TO YOU. I ' ADVENTURE, THRILLS AND by Zane Grey THE BIG OUTDOORS! Nov. 29 tween Portland and Tillamook 1 -m ' putting on two large Cadillacs in ISO ACRES OF GOOD LAND LOC1- For Sale, two latest ryu Notice is hereby given that the place of the Buick I have been run­ ted 4 miles south of Tillamook ieg machines, mw iin^aj Let the Sunset Electric wire your If in need of glasses see A. H. Harris. notne and save you money. undersigned has been duly and reg- . ning. One Cadillac is already on City, on gravel road, close to par­ Agrucy opposite P. C Registered optician, at R. W. Bon­ Babel of Tongues at Burmese City to ularly appointed administratrix of! the run. Both cars will be in spleti- ed road. Place runs 13 cows at nett’s Jewelry store Tuesday and Witness Dedication of New D t » Allen and Sharp. Dentists. the estate of John Lange deceased. | did condition and passengers will present time, can be improved to Money to loan—Eaqisr- tf Saturdays until further notice. Will Pagoda. National Building. Leland Henderson, IH-JM St- by the County Court of the State of j receive the very best of service. The run 60 bead. First ; ia-| I money. Finder return to The On another corner a Mohammedan other day with his trusty pump tallied all winter, with the safety Headlight office and receive suit­ bird dealer sold caged paroquets to gun our noted dairyman, Elmer of the passengers in mind however. able reward. Il-18p2 Buddhists, who piously set them free. Bailey, alias “Slim,” spied a bunch ll-25tf IVAN DONALDSON At very modern booths one could buy of four large wild geese sitting in Ice cream, soda or tea. Mandalay his upper pasture; the same four When in need of something electric was a gorgeous spectacle and the new that have been hunted by so many just call on the Sunset Electric. pagoda was the center of it. of our. Cloverdale Nimrods without Every pagoda has at Its summit a success. Ev^n our constable had Do you wart to own the classiest till, or cap. the placing of which is tried his hand but could not bag a Occasionally subscribers move and ask us for a continuation of telephone car in Tillamook CounytTWill sell my (WANTED — GIRL OR VC |I a N TO often a herculean task. Tbe one goose; I guess It was ber- ecause there ' Stutz 4 cyl. 16 valve, 4 passenger, service at their new location. They may be told that compliance with their to be raised weighed several hundred were ladies present. Bu iflBr "old?| >■ do lw^isework neatly in small Bulldog model, cheap. Terms to res­ | family. Good location. Good pounds and consisted of a glided ball scout Slim,” took a qui^r desires is immediately impossible owing to lack of “telephone facilities’ in a w^Tneak on I Inquire Headlight of- ponsible party. Guaranteed to be in and crown and a great spindle above It. Mr. Geese and downed all four of j wages. particular locality. “Why,” one will say, "the poles and wires are on the ll-25tf fist class mechanical condition. Good To get It to the top an Inclined them without a miss. Some pre­ I flee. street and the house is already wired.” plane of bamboo scaffolding like a huge thought for Thanksgiving, eh.— rubber extra wheel and tire. John toboggan slide had been built an<1 Nestucca Valley Enterprise. THE LADIES OF THE CONGREGA- A. Carroll. We wish that the problem were as simple as it sounds. There may be was decorated with silk flags and tional Church will hold a sale of poles and wires, but every wire may be in use in giving service to others. umbrellas. Up the Inclined plane the aprons and home baked goods at For Sale—Upright Kohler piano in There may be a cable, but every circuit in it may be' assigned to telephones heavy cap win slowly pulled, Six the Harris furniture store on good condition. Also Victrola and 34 The Growth of the Pythians in days were required for the ascent and Saturday, December 4. ll-25tl already installed. There may be a telephone in the vacant house or apart­ records. Goyne Ranch South Prairie. • Tillamook. a seventh to fasten It In place. ment to which you move but no spare wires and circuits from your location It will be remembered by those FOR SALE OR TRADE—One Ton 11-llp. Ford Truck, pneumatic tires, who were connected with Pythian to the central office. There may even be sections of switchboard in the Had the Wrong Car. worm drive,panel body. See Bab- For Sale: Vaughn dragsaw, with 1914 My husband deals In old and new circles that about the year central office but not available for operation on account of the lack of neces ­ clutch, almost new. Also new ones. ler at Zachman’a. Il-25p2 cars, and I seldom drive the same ear the affairs of Marathon lodge, K. of sary switchboard apparatus such as ringing keys, relays, etc. E. G. Krebs. P., No. 39, were in a very deplor­ twice. The reason for the shortage of telephone equipment is simple. During The other day I drove an old car able condition Its membership had HAY FOR SALE—BRIGHT, GREEN leafy clover hay. No. 1 grade at Listen! Have you an old piano you downtown, and after doing some shop­ dropped to about 15 in good stand­ the war period we were unable to maintain our reserve or stock plant as the want to sell? I will pay the top $22 f. o. b. Schefflin, Oregon, ping started for home. I had not ing. Some of them were for return­ price — cash! Or, possibly you are same materials we use were required and taken for Government purposes grower. Write Joe Hannlngton, gone many blo'ks when I discovered ing the charter to the grand lodge. thinking of trading it in on a new Cornelius. Il-25t4 and for industries properly favored by the Government. Since the war, with I was not driving the same car I had But as the election of officers was one or a Player. Write or phone when I left home, and Immediately near this was deferred. the unexpectedly prolonged problems of reconstruction, production and de­ and I'll be around to see you. Aoning those who were known as FOR GOOD TABLE BOARD APPLY iurned back. Where I hnd taken the land B. Erwin. The Piano Man. livery of materals needed to meet even current demands have been delayed. at 810 3rd Street East. I have car I saw an officer talking to a very the old guard were Judge Stanley, just two vacancies. ll-25tl A. II. Gaylord, Albert Plank, John Itvery business concern is having similar experiences, The manufacturers much excited woman. For Sale—Nearly new boys all wool I offered all sorts of explanations, Znimsteln, Baxter Stillwell, Captain of telephone equipment have been bending every effort to fill our orders but It was most embarrassing, for the Richardson, Jack Selby. In July of FOR SALE—GOOD STEEL RANGE, suit, long pants, size 34 or 36. Address also organ. Call Walter Nelson, but they, in turn, arc meeting P. O. Box 291. 11-lltf. uui uiey, turn, arc meeting the the same difficulties in securing rubber, paper, woman whose ear I had taken was my 1915 the officers were installed: H. -III- —1 • • ll-25tf next door neighbor, with whom I haft T. Stafford. C. C. Baxter Stillwell, Mutual phone. silk, glass, porcelain, tin, thread, shellac, metal parts and other articles not not been on speaking terms for ail V. C., John Zuimstein, M. of W., Lost—Hub cap off Elgin Six be­ generally associated in the public mind with telephone service. months.—Chicago Tribune. Fred Rorebeck, M. at A., Harry STRAY HEIFER PICKED UP— tween Pleasant Valley and Tillamook Owner can have same by paying At the same time with this abnormal situation with reference to mate­ Kerr, prelate. Captain Richardson, return to W. M. Powell, Tillamook, charges. Walter Nelson, Mutual Inner Guard. John Kunzie, outer rials there exists an unprecedented demand for telephone service, and even Wars of the United States. 11-lltf phone. ll-25tf R. F. D. 32. A stray paragraph on “Wars of the guard. under these circumstances our record is one of fulfillment of demand. F or sal S- farm of 130 " acres As if by magic the lodge outgrew Gunited ______ States” enumerates 19 wars. Well» watered. 90 acre»: tillable In the first nine months ------ ~ of 1920 we made a total net gain of over 7300 Ten of these were conflicts with In­ its quarters and moved into larger 30 acres wood, btg brush, telephones in the State of Oregon, A fact worthy of consideration in our dian tribes, of which the most impor­ ones. After a time they were com­ eight toor.t hou pelled to move again to find rootn I tant were probably the Black Hawk operations is the large number of tc le phones handled in proportion to net water, telephone for the growing membership, until! Dr. Leb >w will be at Dr. Wise Twar and the Seminole war. If these barement. Barn increase. In those nine months we di »connected, connected and mover 41,140 are called wars, an eleventh might be today the old Marathon boasts of Cloverdale office on Dec. -»th and chlonx, new 12 good stand- about 350 members in instruments to secure the net gain above mentioned, 9th. 11 18t2 added—the Modoc war of 1873. The and chicken h htnoortent wars on the lb t the ing. We desire to give service as much as a patron wishes to receive it. We buyer include 7 cowi OR Constant vigilance is the price of YOUNG WOMAN WÎTXii : War of the Revolution, the War of, machinery, t oc desire to promptly comply with the suggestions of public authorities who as nurse in conflnemen 1812. the Mexican war. the Civil war, safety. There la plenty of material ensilage. Price 15000 Write Route 1. Box 39. 11-lFpl the SjMinlsh war, the War with Ger­ in the Held so keep the good work have taken a proper in lerest _ .__ _ in the situation. v v v ci arc facing abnormal con- We No agent. For p; ■Oculars Inquire up and let us get a thousand mem ­ many. The minor conflicts Inclnled In AT LAST—A VICTOR DEALER IN ditions but we are trying to overcome our difficulties. of Feldman ft Wlttenburg Wor- bers and make Marathon the best in the list are: the War with France, Tillamook County. Victor Vic­ eerier, N. Y., K. D. No 3. Il-18p3 ll-2otl 1798; the war with Tripoli. 1803; the Oregon. trolas. $25.00 and up. Victor Re- Philippine war, 1809.—Outlook. cords, 85 cents and up. Tilla- WANTED .MEN S WASHING Will “ON THE ROAD TO MANDALAY” Notice To Creditors. Supplying Telephone Service Class fled Ads The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company NOTICE In reorganixing my stage line be- mook Music Co.. Oppoaite P. O. ll-18tf call phone for and deliver. Marie Getchell. Mutual