THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT and buy a ticket to the moving show. I get inside and am courteously led BURIED 30 YEARS IN A TREE to. a seat. Then I settle myself for an hour and a half of enjoymeri*. Talegraph Bracket Completely In­ closed In Wood la Found in About the next thing that happens Published by the California. is someone in the row behind me talking in ungi «rded tones of a i England presents the curious HEADLIÇHT PUBLISHING CO Thirty-six years ago a telegraph . anomaly of a nation fostering peac? party they attended, or a drink of bracket and Insulator was nailed to a booze they managed to get, or of a ' tor ’he world but with a civil war swell "feller” they had met. Then Douglas fl' tree near Arcata, Cut. A Harold Hamstreet, Editor j of her own in which the death toll something supposedly funny breaks fe« years luter ii falling brunch badly Leslie Harrison, Business Manager damaged it and the wire which it had ' has mounted into the hundreds. upon the screen and a braying Jack- I : been supporting was removed. The I From the point of view of the ob- ass to my right or left lets loose with ’ tree was growing thriftily, adding his loud “haw! Haw!” and drowns every summer to its diameter n new The truth about Russia would be i server it would be a great deal bet- all other sounds to be heard. This layer of woody material, aud this ! ter for England to bring peace ubout interesting. All testimony of con- sort of person would come in useful I growth gradually pushed ont around dltlons in that country allege the with Ireland before she insists as a fog horn, nothing more. If he the bracket on all sides, leaving It bur­ truth. But all testimony is conflict- tluough the League of Nation? that is quiet somebody's tired buby that : led in tlie tree trunk. should be home in bed starts crying Ing. It Is obvious then that none other countries shall be peaceful. At the end of 26 years the tip of the In a diverting way and increases the glass insulator finally disappeared o( it alone can be all true. What hubbub. Then we have with us the from sight and the only trace of It that I Senator Kenyon proposes that the then are the fact»? person who simply cannot resist tha could still be seen was a scarcely no­ Anti-bolshevists maintain the bol- national capital be split up. That is, inclination to read aloud and explain ticeable lump which looked like noth­ Bhevists are flooding the. world with that departments be removed to the act to the person accompanying ing more than a healed-over branch them, as if that person were unable stub. A few weeks ago the tree was propaganda, But the utter abhor- those parts of the nation in which to read or were an imbecile and not felled and the wood manufactured into their functioning has most to do. If rence with which the bolshevists able to understand the flint for barrel staves. The screech of the saw are Held in this country is pertinent it be on the grounds of destroying themselves. which happened to graze the edge of Usually there is an educational the glass called attention to to the charge that the antis have efficiency of the departments that the been skillful in combatting soviet ! proposal is opposed we heartily urge film shown which is full of interest usual “fossil." On splitting open the stave the move. Surely the inefficiency to anyone who has the mind to un­ literature. derstand these things. But there are whole story became clear in all its could be no worse. Strange to realte, but journalists always a few people in the audience tails. The clearly defined annual rings whose minds have never gone higher of the rapidly growing trees form un of repute have traveled Russia over Wounded veterans of the war have than a jazz dance or an ice cream unimpeachable historical record. and their written observations do frappe and who seemingly do not Tlie wood of the insulator bracket not malign the soviet regime. Rather been placed on poor farms by Uncle see any earthly use in trying to learn is still in good condition and the oak commander Sam, is the charge of the have their articles, starting on a something, for they .immediately of which It was imide bus received an biased' tact, gradually become tem­ of the American Legion, Is that the start making disparaging remarks unintentional preservative treatment, pered until at the end the bias ha kind of a reward a man should get when the educational features are being thoroughly impregnated with the resin of the surrounding fir. The in­ for offering his life for his country? shown. swerved to favor the soviet. All a person can hear is “Ah, gee, teresting specimen cun now be seen In Chaos in Russia is of course ad- what do they want to show this the wood collection of the forestry di­ A cure for leprosy by the use of for?” “I don’t see anything to this vision at tlie University of California. niitted. That is but natural, But —American Forestr/ Magazine. the bolslievists have weathered the | oil is claimed. Really the cure has picture.” Then ve have with us the pest stress of formation for four years. | not been found in oil at all, for if who insists In coughing in the back Four years is little in the making of the years of perseverance and endea­ . of a person’s neck, leaning forward TURKS TURN DOWN BUTTONS a nation. But if the Bolshevists vor are to count it is a discovery of i at the same time evidently believ- Refuse to Use Them Because They toll. • ing the person in front needs a were as weak as they have been Are Made From Bones of Dogs I shower bath. That Formerly Roamed Streets. made out to be those lour . years There are many other forms of Police of Boston have put flirt mean. a great deal. pests who have not been enumerated When I was in Constantinople I Still the United States has failed ing under the ban. Well it should here but which are present neverthe- made friends with several of the pa­ be put under something. At the rate less. But I have, taken un consider­ riah dogs that roved the streets, and to give them recognition. Many the reasons given why. But are we women are going today they are fast able of your shapce, but my feelings though they had their drawbacks it overcame me and I had to speak. always seemed to me that they were pursuing our course intolerant of outstripping the men. Signed: Cynicus. likable beasts, and not so great a nui­ the another peoples’ right to have So I penned a note to my contrib. sance as one would supi>ose they must Oregon and O. A. C. battled Satur­ Cynicus as per attached: government they desire and which be. I was therefore genuinely sorry though so strongly antagonistic to day to a scoreless tie in an endeavor Dear Cynicus: I dunt blame yuh [ when I learned that the remorseless our own may be in its peculiarities to land the state championship in for letting off yer mental steam . march of progress had led to the de­ against these here movie baccilli. j termination to get rid of them. You fitting and adaptable to the people football. Too bad all honors cannot I When those bugs get to operatin’ on will remember that tile poor dogs be shared as evenly. for whom it is designed? yer system they’re just bound to I were shipped off to various Islands and There is no doubt, there can be no get yuh riled up like when yer bil- | there left to die, because the Turk Turkeys 55 and 60 cents. Makes lious. I know how it is. I get bil- [ would not transgress against his re­ doubt, that this failure of recogni­ tion has been due to a juggling in you look twice at your pocket book lious quite offen myself. Just take ligion by killing them outright. That a dose of salts and you’ll be all was five or six years ago and appar­ diplomacy. And it begins to look and once at the turkey before buy­ ently tlie unhappy dogs all met their right. ing. Or was one look at your pock ­ as though it were diplomacy com­ Inevitable fate. Today numbers of Signed: Yer deer trend Tillie. mercialized in which the United et book sufficient? Russian refugees are housed on the islands which were formerly the dogs’ States has been tricked. prison, and the American Red Cross TWENTY YEARS AGO Too much Wrangel and the bol For months we have heard the authorities, who are caring for these (From the issue of Nov. 29, 1900) word that Russia was economically shevists won. particular refugees, have set their pro­ Messrs Sid Anderson and Frank tegees to work at making buttons from bankrupt. We have heard that tale Trout will put in a small Sawmill the dogs’ bones. I am not altogether so often and in so many different on the Wilson river and furnish peo­ surprised to learn that the Turks wlU forms and by so many different ple with lumber in that vicinity. not buy the buttons.—Near East. writers that we have come to accept Captain Dodge left overland on it as the truth. But hold, Have Friday for Umpqua to take command Swelled Head. again of the steamer Harrison, which you observed that Russia has been “I’m delighted to see wages go­ went ashore on a sand spit at that ing up and up. It’s a splendid thing manufac- placing big orders with place and lost her rudder. as long as swollen pocketbooks don't turers of the U. S. ? And payment "Bleeding Kansas” evidently is make swollen heads.” By TILLIE M00K to be made in gold? And big orders not as prosperous as it is painted, The speaker was Lady Duff Gordon. My name’s stuffin’ today. What’s even though it did go republican, placed in England with payment the She went on: your’n ? for in a letter from that state ask­ same? e“I heard a story the other day » » • ing for information about Tillamook about a man who brought a couple of Note this statement of W. D. Van- to be sent to thirty persons. It says: I met one of our feller residents friends home from the club and sent derllp of California, issued in Stock­ on the streets this morning. “Hello "Find enclosed list of names of peo­ dowil word to the cook that he’d like holm. following a trip into Russia; Jim,” sez I. “Whata yuh got to be ple who are dissatisfied, with their a few’ cheese sandwiches. present location” and who intend ‘‘I have obtained an agreement thankful for today?” "The maid who carried the ines- "Thankful that I’m one day nearer coming to Oregon next spring and sage returned in a few minutes and whereby the Russian government locate in Tillamook if they find I lie said: will purchase in America in three the day I’m goin’ to die, dawgonnit,” country will suit them, If they have ‘The cook wishes me to tell you, sez he. years $3,000,090,000 worth of mer­ means and want to be happy, pros- sir, that she can’t be disturbed, as “Yuh don’t say,” I ejaculated. chandise, offering in payment there­ “Yep." sez he. “Yuh know Tillie, perous and satisfled no better coun- she Is giving a small after-theater sup- for gold, platinum, furs, oil pro­ that I'm a bad man. I’ve sowed my try can be found for dairying than per part.v and is very busy cutting up the lobsters and opening the wine/ ducts, manganese copper, timber, wild oats and what’s more I’m here Tillamook. An endeavor is being made by an wood pulp, flax, hides, grain and to tell yuh that I’m still sowing ’em. I’ve seen fast days, I have. But the eastern concern to gain control of Raisin Imports Show Increase. other raw materials, great quantities Nearly 8,000.(XX) pounds of raisins bright lights are fast dimming. The timber lands in the Nehalem country of which are ready for immediate world is getting good too fast to suit at $5.00 per acre with the promise were exported from Malaga, Spain, to that if 50,000 acres are secured a the United States during the first six shipment.” me.” months of 1920. u quantity that ex­ “Too good to suit yuh. Gee whiz.” railroad will run into the country. Behold! A country labeled as The electric sawmill, which is lo­ ceeds the total rnisin export from that economically bankrupt that has for I wuz too flabbergasted to say any cated in a canyon near east Garibal­ port for the seven-year period. 1913 more. immediate shipment great quanli- “Yep, too good,” he went on grim- di, was put out of commission about to 1919. Inclusive, according to the bu­ ties of products! ly. “Yuh know yourself Tillie, that live o'clock Saturday morning when i reau of markets. United States depart­ Who told the lies? And for wiiy when the world wuz as good as it the dam used for water power gave ment of agriculture. Practically the way. letting a large amount of wa­ entire 1919 Malaga raisin stocks have were they told? Again we suggest could be made woman wore no ter demolish the mill. The aval­ been exhausted and there are no clothes at all, and as soon as she got it was commercialized diplomacy bad she began to wear clothes. Now anche made a clean sweep of every­ stocks on hand. The American con­ and Great Britian had her linger in woman is gettin' so she wears no thing about the mill, demolishing sul reports that there Is prospect of the pie. Else why did Great Brlt- clothes again, Aint that a fair sign and smashing up electrical apparatus Increased production. The raisin grow­ shafting and saws. Several people ers are looking for a continuation of ain lift her trade embarog on Rus- the world is golfin' good.” » » » who lived near the mill barely es­ the great demand for raisins In the ala last week and is now rooting caped with their lives. There was United States. I wandered me way to the P. O. with might and main to land that Sez I to the smilin’ face behind the about $10,000 invested in the plant big trade with Russia? and it is doubtful if it will be pos- French Forests Badly Hurt. wicket: “Have yuh any mail today slble to realize more than $1000 The forests of Fiance, so carefully Somebody lied about Russia. for Tillie?” now. protected and cultivated for centuries, He pored over a bunch of letters saved the cause for the allies, accord­ and finally fetched me a perfumed I The allument that prices must be ing to reliable Information In govern­ missile. I leaned against the bill Notice of Budget Meeting to The ment quarters. Mort- than 40.000 trees kept up or wages must be reduced board and red as follows: a day were cut during the tour years Taxpayers of the Port of Bay has been ridden to death. Now the Dear Tillie: of the war to meet the demands of City, Oregon. 1 noticed in a recent issue of The Mine subtle propagandists that military leader». Not only because of FUNDS AND RESOURCES. sprung the wage reduction plaint Headlight that you had started a these demands, but from neglect and "col yum” and welcomed contribn- Cash on hand, 11-1-1920 $31,4.74.46 are saying, if we go back to pre-war tors, and I have something to con­ Cash on hand 11-6-1920. 40,963.73 the ravages of war, the forests of i prices it will double the national tribute something which I hope will Hankers Acceptances .... 97,910.19 France have been depleted, the war having destroyed tnore than 2,000,000,- debt. To bolster up this argument it be taken to heart by those to whom U. S. Treasury Certificates 2,500.00 noo hoard feet of lumber and caused Port Bonds to be sold and de­ is pointed out that the purchasing it refers. the m gleet of about 750.000 acres of (A perfumed missile and a heart livered Morris Bros. January value of a dollar is in the neighbor­ valuable wood land. in it in the first paragraph . Oh. 1921 ..................................... 60,000.00 hood of half what it was before the boy, somethin’ hear for old Tillie Required from taxes .... 28.147.09 Notice to Contractors war. Therefore if we go back to thinks I, and eagerly I perused on.) Notice is hereby given that The most popular and convenient Total ...............................$260,995.38 pre-war prices it will double the val­ County Court of Tillamook County ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS ue of the dollar and accordingly way that we 1'illamookers have of will until 10 o’clock A. M. Decent- amusing ourselves after a day’s FOR 1921. ber 3rd, receive bids fur the tlear- double the national debt. work in tlie office or on the business To complete dredging work ing and grubbing of the Co. Road Sounds plausible. But was there end of a shovel or a pick is to visit on harbor project appi op dat­ right of way through what is known any propaganda that wasn’t made to the moving pictures. The proprie­ ed ..................................... $.160.000.00 as the Scovell cut off on the North tors have n good sense of entertain­ Less paid Contractors: ring true? That’s why it's Fork of the Nehalem River, a dis­ ment for they nearly always have Voucher 181—$17.189.28 ganda. Tho ulterior motive tance of approximately 1300 feet. the best films obtainable and most ' Voucher 186— 38.S87.20 No bid will be considered unless fully concealed in the attempt to of us appreciate them. We Smile ’’ ” 183-185— 433.63 accompanied by cash, bidders bond confuse the people, dull the percep­ with their comedians, we weep with Voucher 187— 724.51 57.234..62 or certified cheque for an amount their tragedians aril study with pro­ tion and attain the object sought. equal to at least 5 per cent of the interest their educational Balance unexpended We predict prices will continue to found total amount of the bid. i films. The moving picture show is 11 1 20 . .................... $202.765.38 Specifications may be seen at. the drop mol ci i drop safely a consider­ the center of community interest For Interest on Port Bonds— office of the County Clerk of Hlla- able a ..nd Is wlih ,ii to f lay and prosper. Due Dec. 31, 1920 .... 18,210.00 mook County. should 1 ,’rt l.o writing this a.c un ad- DueJuno 30. 1921 .......... 20,010.90 The right is reserved to reject any Due December 31, 1921. 20,010.00 and all proposals, or al 1 thl, ki nt proposal deemed best io. si : i ,e riy- Total Requirements . $260.995.38 County, to be somethin’ Ploase take notice that n meeting Signed, me studious at- of the taxpayers of ‘he said Tort of HOMER MASON. , County Clerk, tny heels into a Bay City li hereby cs lied to meet at First publication. Novi ember 18, 1920 y cud into the the offico of tho Fir it Bank of Buy Last publication, December 2, 1920 tooth Vn the k i't City. Oregon, on the 4th day of read more.) comber. 1920 at 10 o'cloek a.m, Notice To Contractors. o say was this: the purpose of discussion of said V the undeveloped members Notice is hereby given that sealed Whenever I find n extra quarter timates or budget. of the luduktiia| family who nil I bjua will be received by the B >.ird in my pocket and the inclination By order of the board, of Directors of school (’¡strict num­ out to their Jus. proportions during strikes nie I step up to the box Office Theodore Jaco Secretary. ber 20, Dolph, Oregon, on or Tillamook Headlight the abnormal times that should now retain their size in the return to normalcy. But It is the bloat that ! will make prices fall. Tlffie MooQ’s 0\Vn Gof Yum 1 ^hursday.November 25, 1920 1 o’clock, P. M.. ’December 15th, 1920, for the building of a public school building in the said district, according to the plans and specifi­ cations now on file with the district clerk at Dolph, Oregon. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to school dis­ trict No. 20, Dolph, Oregon, for the sum of $100.00, as a guarantee that the contractor will furifsh an ap­ proved bond equal to- 50 per cent of the contract within ten days after (the awarding of the contract. Plans an.l specific"tlons may be seen on’ tile with th? dlatrkt clerk. Mrs. Ellen Munro, Dolph, Oregon. The successful bidder will be re­ quired td give references and an ap­ proved bond equal to 50 percent of the amount of the contract. Flagramele for week of * The board reserves the rght to reject an^and all bids. By or," of the school board of SAT., NOV. 27-DEC. », INCLUSivE district No. ff), Dolph, Oregon. Rex Theater Special Matinee II-18t4 Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 P. M Evening at 7:00-9:00 P. M. Saturday, Nov. 27 Bill Apperson’s Boy” Star Jack Pickford “A Lion’s Alliance” Comedy Sunday and Monday. Nov. 28 & 29 Special Matinee Sunday at 2:30 “The River’s End” Neilan Special Her Night Out” Announcing Comedy Tuesday, Nov. 30 Gilded Dreams” THE OPENING OF OUR AGENCY AT TILLAMOOK Comedy “Getting an Eye Full” and Universal News Four Reasons Why You Should Buy the Noi e- less Typewriter i 2 3 4 Wednesday, December 1 In Search of a Sinner” Star Constance Talmadge Nights and Righties, IT IS NOISELESS. IT IS DURABLE. IT DOES BEAUTIFUL WORK. Comedy Thursday and Friday, Dec. 2 & 3 IT IS SPEEDY Money Changers” All Star Cast We Stand Ready To Make The Demonstration At Your Convenience. 1 “Help Help Help” , Comedy W. F. BAKER, Agent Matinee Saturday at 2:30 ’N T F» 'T NOISELESS TYPEWRITER DIST. CO No. io, National Building “The Little House with Quality Pictures. * OU probably know that af­ thorough flushing agent that does ter a few weeks of driving not contaminate the fresh oil. your lubricating oil becomes dirty Our skilled mechanics know with carbon, road dust and fine how to clean out a crankcase with particles of metal, which circulate it correctly and quickly, at a nom­ through your engine and cause inal cost to you. unnecessary wear on bearing This service assures proper lu­ surfaces. And gasoline escapes brication for your cleaned engine. past the pistons and dilutes the We refill the crankcase with fresh oil. GrantecLThere’s nothing new Zerolene of the correct grade. about that— but— Y Here’s an absolutely new way to get rid of this dirty, diluted oil and put your engine in line for better performance ard longer life. It is called Modem Crank­ case Cleaning Service. Modern,—because we use Calol Flushing Oil, the new, scientific, We recommend Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service as the latest word for better engine operation and longer life for your car. TODAY: Bring in your car for Modem Crankcase Cleaning Service. ACKLEY & MILLER. TILLAMOOK ANDERSON BROS., NEHALEM BAY CITY GARAGE, BAY CIIY BOON & HATFIELD. CLOVERDALE HEBO GARAGE. K 'BO NEHALEM GARAGE. NEHATEM STAR CARAGE. TILLAMOOK TILLAMOOK TIRE CO.. TILLAMOOK THREE RIVETS GARAGE, HEBO WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS, TILLAMOOK