THE TILLAMOOK HEADLÍGHT Thursday, November 25. 1920 Benefits to be Thankful for 7old in Sermon for Thanksgiving •ot walk and have her being. Spinal BITTER TRAINING ÜÏOED •olved that we extend to them our walk and have her being. Spinal thanks for their hoapitallty. BT TEACHERS OF COUNTY tuberculosis bad done Its worst to "Fifth: Whereas we. the teachers her and still she wanted no one’s That the teachers of Tillamook of Tillamook County assembled in pity or sympathy. She could smile Thanksgiving sermon delivered , '--------------- ---------------- --------------------- through it all and see something county In favor of an increase to Annual Institute, have found dur­ this evening at the union services painting was being cleaned by a in life worth living for. She could the state superintendent's salary to ing the session much inspiration •< the Christian church: j'man upon a long .adder hoiding a laugh sway her pain and forget her $5000 a year was indicated at the from the program provided by our tBy Rev. Allan McRea) lantern, and all he could see was handicap of life. Brave, yes. He­ recent institute. held in Tillamook County Superintendent, therefore roic, yes. Subject: "Forgotten Benefits.” i little bit of painting lit up by when resolutions to that effect were be it resolved that we tender to Men and women we are thankful fc-e: _______ light. __________ 'ext. 103 Psalm, verse 2. "Bless the the lantern's Here „ he saw bu only as our souls are mindful of all adopted. him and to the Institute instructors lord, O my soul and forget not all angel’, head, but beside it hA I THE WISE FARMER CULTIVATES HIS BANKING . - _ j saw our benefits. We bless the Lord only | The teachers further went on re­ , our grateful appreciation of the pro­ bis benefits. I ihe grinning face of a demon. as we rise above the narrow outlook CONNECTION cord as favoring such legislation as fessional enthusiasm with which this A few years ago a young man was There he saw a litnb unattached to of the moment and catch a vision of I will insure in the future adequate institute has been held. Just as he sows his seed mjntbs before he expects a har­ in a hospital >n Alaska. By some i a human body, then a grotesque the glorious destiny which awaits I training of all teachers in the pro­ "Respectfully submitted , us over there. Forgetting God and 1 vest,so should the farmer establish his banking connections fession. There was no specific ref- i injury to his brain he had forgot­ body without head or limbs came His benefits is lack of thought—lack I "L. W. Turnbull. in adance of his needs for co-operation. ten bi» name, his home, his ti lends into sight. There was no harmony of mindfulness—lack of considera-1 erencc to proposed legislation in the I “W. L. Bryan, resolution. The First National bank is always ready to lend business­ or beauty in that tion — lack of soul. and who he was. The doctor treat­ painting surely, The value of industrial club work "Clara Burge, like support to legitimate endeavor. ing him somehow discovered that How could It ever have received was also indorsed and the success M 1 Com. on Resolutions." his former home had been in 1 illa- such a reputation for greatness, the institute was attributed to the Reformed Church DIRECTORS. jjHS MORGAN. C. J. EDWARDS , when program provided by County Super- ¡ it was really so hideous and At the Reformed Church Harvest niook and wrote to one of our doc­ Dr. and Mrs. Lebow will have AW. BUNN. B. C. LAMB, charge of Dr. Wise Dental practice tors here asking if any youi.g man ugly. The man returned to his Home and Missionary Sunday will intendent Lamb. HENRY KOGERS W. J. KIRCHERS The resolutions themselves read as while he is away. be observed next Sunday. Rev. H. 11-18tl c. A. McGHBB of the community was missing. Our hotel in disgust. ’ Heusser, a former pastor, and Rev. follows: Picture Is Enchanting doctor replied with the name of the “First: Whereas the improvemen', 1 A. F. Lienkaemper. a brother of Apples laid down at Tillamook, per But the next morning he only youqg man that he knew was was the present pastor, will be the out- I of the teaching service is the first box loose pack, $1.75. Rome Beauty, strangely drawn aim of this organization therefore, to look once more ! side speakers of the day. The spec- absent and in Alaska and the name we the teachers of Tillamook Coun­ Spitzenberg or Yellow Newton. N. L. he suggested was the true name of at that picture, But when his eyes al services will begin in the Sunday ty in Institute assembled, go on rec­ Guy, Dallas, Oregon. Il-llp4 School at 10:00 A. M. and continue that young man. The pathetic saw it he wa« enchanted by its har­ ord as favoring such legislation as Pigs for sale—E. Atkinson, Sand­ mony and beauty He seemed to live throughout the day. Harvest Home },thing about this young man is that services at 11 o’clock. Missionary I will insure that at some future time, lake, Oregon. ’ he attempted to commit a crime tn amid that scene of divine power and Rally at 2 P. M. Special music will every teacher in the State of Oregon manifest glory. The light streamed ■ will be well trained for the work. cur town last spring and has bee» within the room from the stained be rendered by the choir and male "Second: Whereas the salary now sent to the State’s prison for three glass windows in soft radiant colors quartette at these services. A lunch paid to the State Superintendent of years. making the man almost think he will be served by the ladies of the Another young man. a son of a was in heaven. What made the church at noon in the Ladies Aid Public Instruction is, in view of the mini-iter was in an army corps dur­ great diflerence? That first night room. Evening services at 8:00. I importance of the office, decidedly ing the European war, being trained he saw the picture as the artist nev­ After a short musical program and inadequate, therefore be it resolved ready to be sent to France. Sudden­ er intended that it should be seen. brief addresses by the visiting pas­ that we, the teachers of Tlllamook ly he disappeared from the camp and He saw only a part at a time out tors the pastor and wife will give County, recommend that the salary was listed as a deserter. HiB name of all harmony with the rest of the an informal reception to the mem-, be placed at not less than $5000 per year. stood upon the records of the nation painting and now at last he saw it bers and friends of the chuch. Industrial "Third: Whereas the #_____ ,___ in disgrace. But that young man as Michael Angelo, the master ar­ A cordial invitation is extended club work fostered by the County saw a chance to get to France by tist, planned that it should be seen, to all. Fair Board and the Oregon Agrlcul- a shrot cut bo he reenlisted under as a whole not bit by bit nor part Rev. W. G.Lienkaemper, pastor. tural College, is of incalcuable val- an assumed name. He was sent to . by part. ue to the boys and girls of the coun­ the front line trenches and amid | My friends, our great mistake in ty, therefore be it resolved that we, Presbyterian Church bursting shell and machine gun fire i life is to see it moment by moment i the teachers of Tillamook County, Sunday School. 10:00 A. M. heroically played the part of a man. | and hour by hour. If we see life do all in our power to further that Morning Worship, 11:00 A. M. : But he was wounded in the head, I bit by bit and hour by hour we has built cars upon the prac­ Subject: "Pilgrim Fathers, also work. all his memory of the past was for­ see nothing beautiful and divine "Fourth: Whereas the Tillamook gotten. He no longer knew his rea 1 i in it all. Then we look at life day j Mothers.” Pilgrim mothers have tical basis of dependability for two name, his home or his friends, He by uay we seo no loving divine I been neglected by historians i and City teachers have extended to us decades and it is only natural that each finally was discovered by some one | heavenly Father directing and guid- I writers,but we owe them a great every courtesy, therefore, be it re- yea- more and more business men and who knew him in the old days, re- ing us into the paths of peace. Here debt. professional men should choose Buick. Evening Worship, 7:30 P. M. stored to home and friends, and his • wt see tjle pain of a broken heart. Subject: ’’Increasing Crime, desertation at the Army trainin lS There we see the mangled form of In addition to their reliability for busi­ I Why?” This sermon was postponed camp forgiven. * j a man in a hospital, yonder is the ness use, the Buick Nineteen Twenty from last Sunday evening. Ameri- I grief stricken home from which the Cases of Amnesia , ca’s widespreading crime is laid at One Models possess power, beauty, These two young men were cases sun hides its face. the door of Prohibition by some. of what is called amnesia in the roominess and comfort that make them Whole Life Must Be Seen terms of medical science. They had We must see life as a whole be­ , Moving pictures by others. Why? especially gratifying in leisure hours to There will be special music. forgotten the past. ginning here amid earthly scenes the entire family. The new Buick three Everybody always welcome. Upon this 300th anniversary of and shadows and reacing out into Tlie home of good bread Allan A. McRea, Minister. Passenger Roadster is admirably fitted the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers that better world where sin and pain upon New England's shores it is shall be no more, If we are to see to the needs of business. and all kinds of fine pastry peculiarly fitting and appropriate anything desirable and wonderful tn Christian Church A nation-wide Buick Service re-inforce» that we should not forget the bene­ it all. Paul said: "Our light afflic- Services Sunday morning and ev­ fits of Almigthy God for us and for tion which is but for a moment the Buick dependability ening will be helpful to all and you our great nation during the past. worketh for us a far more exceed- attend invitation to have a cordial f Forgotten benefits from God, why ing and eternal weight of glory." find this the home- Thanksgiving enlarges life. It Strangers will it is so easy to forget any divine like church. favors, and not a few would say gives vision of harmony when no Bible School at 10 A. M. What has God done for us? Forgot­ harmony can be seen. It increases Preaching and communion at 11 ten benefits, no rich gifts of natural our happiness for we know all resources bestowed upon us as a fa­ things work together for our good. o'clock. Special program Sunday evqping. vored nation. No benefits lavished It enlarges character and develops Evening service at 7:30. the soul. Thanksgiving forgets nut upon us with bounteous hand un­ Harry E. Tucker, Minister. seen. No divine loving care shaping all his benefits. There is nothing so little and and moulding the history of this American empire where men are free dwarfing in its nature as ingrati­ ' Methodist Episcopal Church to work out their own destiny. No ! tude, Ingratitude makes men mean Regular Services on Sunday: Sun­ A It narrows divine power stretched out to ward and miserly of soul, day School 10 A. M. Church Ser­ Jhe sure way to oft the dangers which threaten and blights all life like the night vices 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. put pep into your us as a people. No divine benefits of death. Where ingratitude fills jobonaralny day The evening for the mid-week to be grateful for and nothing to be the heart there is a blackness there prayer and praise service has been Is to get into <9 thankful about, that is benefits for­ like the despair of the lost. changed from Wednesday to Thurs- gotten. - Thanksgiving Is Praise day. This week, however, the mid- Thanksgiving is praise to the Al­ week meeting will be omitted be- We dislike to be under obligation to any one. It is human nature to mighty for all his favors and bene- cause of the joint Thanksgiving wish to be independent of every­ I fits. It is harmony of a soul in day services on Thursday ReFlex thing and everybody. The most of tune with the infinite. It is true Christian Church. Slicker paying Its j us dislike to go to any one and ask religion if you please There Isa FISH I a personal favor which will place debt to its Maker, It is only return- BRAND^arment The opening dance of the season ■ us under any obligation. It some- j ing love for love when we are \ x for every kind of at the Fairview Hall will be given I how hurts our pride and takes away j thankful to God. ? wet work or sport The only beings that love ingrat- Saturday night by the baseball boys something of our own self esteem. who are anxious to raise money this | We hate to feel that what we have itude are the demons of hell. They and what we are we owe to any are the only ones that delight in winter to buy new uniforms. The AJTOWER CO. I human being upon the face of the discord and darkness. They are the music will be furnished by Wilkin’s CSTABUSMEO KMG JjL _.«® Jazz Orchestra, and the boys prom ­ only ones that love hatred instead of BOSTON MASS j earth. Not only that but we try tn v fminimize the obligation which we love. No one but the evil can love ise you all a big time who attend. ll-26tl I owe to the Almighty Himself for jangling and murmuring Instead of ‘-till his benefits. We are not always , song and praise. No one but a mor- Steady to appreciate the eternal sac- i bid life can take joy in complaining Irifiee of Jesus Christ for us on the and fault-finding. To be sick is to Icross that He might redeem us and be abnormal and out of harmony with God and nature. Heaven is Esave. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WIIL BUILD THEM Humility Held «... neiu Required nvquocu ! filled with praise and thanksgiving. Thankfulness does indicate obll- To sing God’s praise is one of the Bgation for favors rendered. It docs greatest acts of our souls. God T KIndicate that we have received gifts, planned this world for beauty and Bmervices, benefits for which we have song, not for discord and evil. The All Kinds of Building Bot given full value in return. It birds sing as they rise up into the takes humility to be devoutly thank­ ethereal blue. The brook laughs in >air Work. ful and humility irks us and wounds glee as it sings its way to the sea. 1 Estimates The breakers roar. yes, but *t has our pride. roar Furnished, I Yes. we are usually thanful for i been found that amid a fine Thanksgiving dinner, at least ;there is some thing of mtfcfc and ADDRESS : the men are, there is no doubt of ! God’s eternal harmony. BOX 542, TILLAMOOK, OR. that. We are like the little boy 300 Years of Care We are today giving thanks for .at a big Thansgiving dinner who S^ate chicken and turkey, and cake 300 years of God’s Almighty care for and pie until everybody began to this great Republic of ours, since wonder where he could find room to the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, stow so much food. Finally a man to say nothing of the Pilgrim spoke up and said “My boy if you Mothers. We all have homes for eat so much, you'll make your stom­ which we should be thankful. We ach ache.” To which the boy replied all have life with all its opportunity promptly "I tell you it does ache, and possibility. We have some one •nd 1 i expect exnect to make the old thing who loves us and cares whether we and ache a lot mory before I'm done live or die. We all have friends who enrich our lives with the magic with It.” touch of friendship with all its No Benefits Seen The great reason we forget all beauty. Above us all there is God the benefits of the Almighty is sim­ on his throne keeping watch over FOR ply because we do not see any ben­ his own. His care is for us all and Colds, Cougti Grippe efits from Him. We are all honest over us all in tender mercy. Wa rnd we pay our honest debts, if we have a Master of men who is a friend Neglected Colds are Dangerous could, but the fact is we do not feel who sticketh closer than a brother. Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. We have the church of Christ which under any great indebtedness to Breaks up a cold in 24 hours — Relieves God. We may deny it if we will has been the great civilizing agency Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache of the world for these last 2000 but nevertheless its true. Quinine in this form does-not effect the head—Cascara is best Tonic Perhaps much of our forgetting years. If we are seeking things for Laxative—No Opiate in Hill’s. h because our eyes are blinded to which to be thankful we can find God's favors and benefits. V> e can them, if we will. One of our American Legion boys easily »ee the things which we dis­ ANNOUNCING THE APPOINTMENT OF like but it is not so easy to see what had been wounded most severely u. we do like. It is so easy to see the and sent to a base hospital. Finally shadows and to forget the sunshln-. after months he was able to be sent . is so easy to see the evil and at GALLE1 THREE............ But now "r.’>' time overlook the good. . back to our own shores zSBii can see what is wrong with ; one arm was paralyzed and per­ • he world and everybody, but it j4 manently useless. The other was al- . e isy to see the wondrous j most useless, except that he could Barney & Berry Skates, have the same "•* LSiy and glory of the world and use two fingers of the hand. His merit as the famous WINCHESTER («uns has become “ The W inchester Store ” body had been crippled with wounds ’’’ a man was In Rome one time and I until he could no longer labor and and Ammunition, which we also sell. for this community. tly wished to see that fani- work physically. But when he was We are making a special exhibition Our being selected for this association asked about the war he said. "Oh, but' it was worth it sir. I wouldn't O* painting. "The Last Judgment makes us sole d istributors in this territory this week, of all these new and interest« " Michael Angelo. He was so m- give much for another war. but I ing W inchester goods. for the new WINCHESTER products. xlou- to‘see the picture that he left wouldn’t take anything for my share Come in and see them. They give to We believe you will find the new in this one. ” ’ ° hotel that first night and sought BELL PHONE, MAIN 3. MUTUAL PHONE Steel Does Hot Daunt Girl , .he place where It could be W inchester Tools, Cutlery, Fishing our store a new interest, for men, women C, °ut ? But he met with a dlsap- There was a girl with a herol’. Vaddc, Flashlights, aud .W inchester and children. >S25a5HS25Z5252S252Ä5ZSa52S2S^5ZS25H5ES2525ES2 ¿Utment which staggered him. The heart whose body wore 17 pounds The first National Bank BUICK B UICK Tillamook Everything Strictly Sanitary Chas. Vogler, Prop Let’S FISH BRAND I G. H. BENNETT & SONS Contractors and Builders ? lífíí&resmi - Kill That Cold With CÁSCARA E> QUININE F*. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT King-Crenshaw Hardware Co. TO REPRESENT A FAMOUS MANUFACTURER Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN County Dairy Herd Inspector INTRODUCING NEW PRODUCTS King C. ear Law Hardware Co. iZO 1