gon City by his daughter, Barrette Wheeler Uaited Lumber Company, a for* giving his cousant DeLlllis. corporation, and Al Martin for fore­ Too many persona in recant years J^gment have been coming to this city solic­ Chas. Pankow motored to Portland clo“ur* ®f u against the defendants for labor per­ iting money, and as they are becom­ Monday on business. formed while In their service. ing more numeroua each year the Miss Kittle Tucker left for her President of the Chamber of Com­ home in Portland Tuesday, In re­ merce adopted thia method of pro- TO THE BUSINESS MEN sponse to an urgent message. Miss _______ _____ ____ In view __ of _ a _______ practice which has tecting the business men, prevenr- Tucker has been employed at the constantly annoyed the business nien**ng annoyance of these solicitors Tillamook hotel. She expects to ■ of this c’*y, it se»ms th’t means during business hours. return. Many of the solicitors have some ’*♦ be «niployed io protect them kind of tricky advertising stoat clsv- . advertising solicit 'rs that The school district at Blaine Is It art .instantly coming here from erly presented, with which the bus­ building a new school house. iness man is tricked and deceived, 1 b to have several improvements or- Portland and other places. These individuals solicit money and if these schemes are investigat­ er the ordinary type of country the school house. John Slacki is the *or advertising and other schemes ed first by the President of I > hlch do not co icern this county, Chamber of Commerce the annoyance builder. ' and are in many cases for indlvid- need go no further. The Jersey Calf club will meet at ual gain. The local newspapers are ' the Fairview hall Saturday, November The Chamber of Commerce re­ best advertising mediums, and should 27. All members and parents aie qUeBtg that the business men refuse be supported in preference to ntraag- asked to be present, Prize money tQ give money to solicitors uless they ers who come here and impose on will be awarded, It Is an all-day have the approval of the President the business men. session. FRED C. BAKER. !of that organization, who will give be- President Chamber of Commerce. Gottlieb Wyss is putting In a num- ! ' all cases careful consideration ber of improvements on his place four and one-half miles east of town. Among the improvements is a con­ §E5Z5B5Z525ESHS2S25H5H525E5HSES25ÎSE525ZSH5E5E525HS25HSZSB5H5E52Sasa52K crete approach to the barn which stands on a hill side. The ap­ K proach will be arched with a con- K crete balustrade. The house on ths § place is also to be improved. Society and Club Events Members of the Tlllicum club to Folks, seived a delicious lunch and the number of thirteen were enter­ those present passed a delightful af­ tained by Miss Veronica Allen and ternoon. The ladies present were Mrs. F. A. Miss Eva Beekman at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robinson on First Beltz, Mrs. George Kingsland. Mrs. Mrs. street Tuesday evening. After the Clara Turnbull, Mrs. Percy. Mrs. Harold usual jolly evening a short business Mrs. Elmer Hoeg, meeting was held and delicious re- ! Hinshaw, Mrs. Falkner, Mrs. Alva I Williams, Mrs. Noyes, Mrs. Stutz, freshments were served. The next hostess will be Miss Mil­ 1 Mrs. Fronk, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. De i Lillis, Mrs. Upham, Mrs. Ginn, Mrs. dred Falkner. | C. J. Edwards. Mrs. Heaston, Mrs. The club was recently organized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dark. Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. T. H. Goyne Gaylord, Misa, Gaylord entertain­ and Mrs. C. O. Dawson. • e e ing. Another pleasant evening was passed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An enjoyable party was given last A. C. Everson last week. Miss Starr Wednesday evening at the home of as hostess. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sheldon of Gari­ baldi, for a number of young people • • • of the community. The evening was The Ladies Aid met at the home passed by the young people with of Mrs, Lloyd Turnbull last Thurs­ games, music and dancing. A lunch­ I day. The hostesses, Mrs. Turnbull,. eon was served at midnight. Every­ M.S. Lloyd Edwards and Mrs. Bert one reported a good time. 1 ■< L I i iff i Howard Douglas McLeod of Moh­ ler, was one of the Hill Military Academy cadets who attended the Pacific - International Livestock show at Portland. About 100 cadets went in one party and took note« and will write essays on what im­ pressed them most. While crossing the street between Wagner’s cigar stand and the Rialto Monday afternoon, M. F. Leach col­ lided with :: car said to have been driven by John Slackis of Beaver. Mr. Leach caught the Lizzie just off the port bov’. Little damage was done aside from a bent fender for the car and a bruised hand for Mr. Leach. i I 41 11 i I I f I 1 I F*- ; < I- III » IVORY, / BOX STATIONARY, PERFUMERY, PURSES, BOX CIGARS. All Moderately priced. We Are Exclusive Agents for Such Staple Merchandise as: EDISON PHONOGRAPHS COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONES ANSCO CAMERAS WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS PENNINGTON’S 4 QUALITY STORE For Your Pre-Holiday Shopping We’re CUTTING the PRICE on our entire stock of High Class Merchandise, especially Shoes for the entire family and our complete line of Dry Goods s E E E E E E E E E E E E E s E E E E I E E E E E E E I E PIPES, A case has been filed In the Ch’­ cuit court in which R. Madsen, Otte Seamon, Fred Freeman, Elmer La- Due, E. A. Reynolds, Edwin Baer, Bob Martin, Mrs. Al Martin, C. L. Clark, Mrs. Myrtle Burns, Ed Earl' and Laurance Burns are suing the LINGERIE UNDERWEAR t FELLOWS HATS AND CAPS NECKWEAR TRUNKS AND BAGS GLOVES i < MACKINAWS AND RUBBER 4 COATS AND WAISTS A large assortment of all. i FLANNEL SHIRTS SILKS 1 1 CLOTHING 1 1 Lamar’s Drug Store I “Where Purity Is Paramount” Cor. First Street and Second Avenue East Can Nd Margarine' M«™ P-e, 1 1 f v t r V u s a / I r25¿5H52SB5E525?5HSH5H5a5Z5ESHSa5E- Ida Ung tender, flaky pie crusts is not only an art, but a matter of using the right shortening. The owners of this store are in the market now purchasing the Latest Novelties. New goods arriving daily. *» •7 fl WHAT il Pastry made with Gem Nut fairly melts in your mouth. Not a hand touches it. either in manufacture or packing until you open. the carton. IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF FURNITURE I N Y OUR HOME? t d o eoooocooooooccooooocooooocoooooooi k u ’ tl t g >■ £ HOW LONG COULD YOU GET ALONG WITH­ OUT A COOK STOVE? WE HAVE THE BEST LINE OF RANGES IN TILLAMOOK CITY. . d Onfar wn S ed gy. SWIFT & CO. t I Do Your Pre-Holiday Shop­ ping at Maaurecturce Dally la Oir PaHlaaS rlawl The Great Majestic Another Farm Problem Solved $ “The Range With a Reputation No matter how well equipped the farm house or country home may be otherwise it is not really modern unless it has electric lights. ALEX McNAIR & COMPANY i As sure as you are a foot high i?.; il : you will like this Camel Turkish and Domestic blend! A I A 01 Tillamook, Oregon o SAVING ! t’t “ ■> ■ ASK OUR CUSTOMERS. < CumeM are aoid fverywhtn in .«rv ientificall seaiod' packagnn of 20 Cigarettes for 20 cents: orten pockanr-stlGO Charettes) in a lassine-paper-covered car­ ton. We strongly recommend thia carton for the home or of­ fice supply or when you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston Salem. N Q. : tl P Money saved is money earned. ' Make your Transfer Bills Thrift Bills. ’ \\ e help you do this when we serve you by doing fl it the economical way. Therefore satisfied patrons. Long or short hauls. x bl c w Oregon Transfer and Storage, | i c e 1 5 0 OFFICE: Across from Post Office, with Chester Holden’s Bell Phone' I *•-. •<) ■<) a •O’ I ^fsjgfaia/aa! % 4 Ji; Give Camels every test—then compare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in the world I n ti ft NR. F. ZACHMANN I' Y g ir ■4 ■O' OU never got such cigarette- ? *’ - contentment as Camels hand * you. Camels quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic Tobaccos make this goodness possible—andmakeyou Ti < j prefer this Camel blend to either^^^ , * kind ofobacco smokedstraig ht! Camels mellow-mildness is a revelation! Smoke them with freedom without tiring your taste! They leave no unpleasant ciga- retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor! $ < • < • y $ Come to onr show room unci set* one in oper­ ation. \ on will be amaztd and interested to see the beautiful, bright and clear lights it Z»roduces. r « ? The Fairbanks Morse Home Light Plants Are Second To None Í* 1 I » if * S M / I I 28 W 1 ¡TURKISH & DOMESTICI blend < I C A R I T t I I J LAMB-SCHRADER CO. 2S2SZKS2S2S2aS2SSS2s2S2S2Sasas2S25Z5asasaSESa5SES252Sö'Eb25Z5e5Z5H525 I k t MEN AND LITTLE FANCY HOUSE SLIPPERS ROYAL AND WORCESTER CORSETS BLANKETS AND ROBES BROWN & HALEY BOX CANDLES iflk. *-■ • "tt'r.'wv-. CLOTHING FOR EVERYTHING THE BABIES WEAR e HOSIERY EVERSHARP PENCILS 4 if ft I Now Showing a Complete Line of: You AU Know « I I i B rows and performed old and beauti­ HIGHSCHOOL NOTES Tuesday the football men gave ful dance steps. This custom of short speeches on the games with dancing on the green has been beau­ Oregon City and on their trip to tifully photographed In one of the Oregon City. Most of the men seem scenes of “Strictly Confidential.” to think that Oregon City High has l iIiss Kennedy, as is well known. Is poor sp ’it for the size of the school | a splendid fancy dancer. And here A chick -n dinner was served after I s^e was given an opportunity to the ga io by the Domestic Science disclose her lightness and agility in the girls, which they testify was very a scene which was all fun in i making. good. The ! eating system in the gym- nasi urn ran not yet been completed, After tl is has been finished the LOCAL NEWS gymnasum will be open to the Till- Florence Hayes left Monday for amook people In the evenings. Bay City where she is employed. The ast football game of the sen­ Pomona Grange will meet at son will be played today with tite , Fairview Thursday, December 2. All St rs, a Tillamook team. Monday morning the Upper Frances Tone left Tuesday for Sa­ classmen noticed that the Sopho­ lem on a Thanksgiving vacation. mores had tacked their class pen­ Mr. and Mrs. Naegeli left for Port­ nant in the Assembly hall. This is considered a serious offense and al­ land Wednesday to visit her sister. ways results in the pennant being I A baby girl was born last Th'irs- captured and destroyed. The pen­ jday to Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Goldsmith. nant was rescued by Lee Stephens, a Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Edmonds are member of the Sophomore class be­ lenjoving a visit of relatives from fore it had been damaged. t Maishfieid. Friday James Sharp, president of T. II. Ric.iarJson ar.d Tom Ander­ the Juniors, challenged the rest < f son of Coates’ Camp, left .or Port­ the High School to a game of foot­ land Tuesday. ball. The challenge was accepted. Mrs. J. R. Collins left for Port­ It has not been decided when this land Wednesday to visit her daugh­ game will take place. ter, Mrs. E. E. Quick. Saturday, December 4, a dinner’ Mrs. F. J. Kllnehan left for Port­ will be served at the High School ! by the Sophomore class. The class land Wednesday for a visit with has voted the proceeds to thel920 friends and relatives. Rev. Richard Schuetze of the Re­ Annual which is being published by formed Congregational church, left the Junior class. for Portland Tuesday. Lydia Shultz left for her home In Gossip of Gem Theater Attractions. Idaville, Tuesday, after a few days Gladys Brockwell has sent to the visit here with friends. Bureau of Ethnology in Washington Fred Poorman was brought from the skull of what she Relieves to be Garibaldi to Tillamook this week a prehistoric man, found by her on suffering from sn«illpox. Walnut Creek, near Fladstaff, Ari­ Mr. McPherson, an insurance man zona, when she went there to make “Rose of Nome,” in which she is to who has been visiting at the Feaster open at the Gem Theater on Decem­ home, left Monday for Portland. A- C.Ailderson.merchant ,of Ne­ ber 2. Miss Brockwell was taken on an halem, came down Wednesday to see expedition to the ancient ruins at if Tillamook was still on the map. Walnut Creek by Jimmy Swinner- Mr. and Mrs. Blackmore and ton, the cartoonist, who makes bis daughter, Dorothy, of Mohler, were home at Flagstaff. In this city visiting friends Monday. Ancient stone habitations and Ruby Armstrong was charged the remains of forts and settlements with bootlegging and fined $250 are Strewn for miles up and down and costs in the justice court this the creek. week. Here and there are mounds and Tony Dalpaz of Pleasant Valley, evidences of an irrigation system. the farm Wednesday long forsook In the mounds human skeletons enough to give Tillamook the once are sometimes found. Miss Brock­ well was diggng on one of the over. Adam D. Krumlay and Ora A. Pa- mounds when she came upon a skull, which plainly was not shap­ quet of Garibaldi were married in ed like the skull of the white man Tillamook Friday by Justice of the Peace Stanley. nor even of the Indian of today. Judge Bagley came in Saturday to attend to several cases pending When "The Shepherd of King- following indictments returned by Gem dom Come” I k shown ai the thr grand jury. Theater on Nov. 30 the millions of Dr. Shearer reports a girl born to readers of John Fox, Jr.’s books will have a chance to see Jack Pickford Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lawrence on girl to Mr. and Mrs. in the role of one of the best liked the l-'.th and boy characters in American fiction. L. L. Litscher on the 17th. Chad, tlie hero of the photoplay ver- Mr.-. Maria A. Smith, a pioneer ’filon of Mr. Fox’s novel, is a perfect of Oregon who has been in this place role for Jack Pickford. The book It- on business for the last low dayB, self sold more than 1,000.000 copies left for Portland Wednesday. and Is well known to two generation The grand jury did not return r.n of AmerlcanH. indictment in the case against Fred The author’s interest in tlie life of Lewis, who was charged with fraud­ the mountaineers of Eastern Ken­ ulently selling a storage battery. tucky led him to picture it in sever­ C. H. Anderson of Nehalem was al novels, as "The Kentuckian,” in town Wednesday. Mr. Anderson •’Knight of the Cumberland,” “The Trail of the Lonesome Pine,” and reports everything going along nice­ ly in the north end of the county. "The Heart of the Hills.” Al Haas came in Sunday to enjoy Not only Is the story of "The Lit tie Shepherd of Kingdom Come” a the duck season. Mr. Haas and his true account of the customs of the sister, Theresa, will spend Thanks­ mountaineers, but also a beautiful giving at their home in Oregon City. represc ntat ion of Home Incidents of Mr. and Mrs. P. Farley left for the Civil War. their home la Loveland. Oklahoma, ! A beautiful love story involving after a few weeks visit with their a mountain girl’s sacrifice of her lov­ neice, Mrs. Frankie Talbot, of this er add a touch of pathos to a beau­ city. tiful photoplay. G. A. Reeher. who has recently ar rived here, plans to opeu a retail fur- i How a little Irish Immigrant girl niture house in this city as soon as broke into the cast of a Broadway he is able to find a Suitable store­ musical show and converted some of room. the meaner .‘‘tills into real human Mr. and Mrs. Van Larken and beings is told in "Darling Mine," Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sherlock of , starring Olive Thomas, which will be Newberg, left Monday after a few shown at the Gem Theater, Sun'll). days visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. November 28. I As on interpret jr of life behind Sebnitz. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Williams. Mr. the scenes. Olive Thomas, for all of her fi e feet, four Inches, Is head and Mrs. Bill Coburn and Mr. and and shoulders above most stars cf Mrs. E. l> H our passed the weekend the silver sli eet. She has made the at Netarts goose hunting. They re- 1 make-believe land behind the foot- port fair luck. lights eem real to thousands who Mrs. A. C. Woods is spending a never thought that there were few dnys in Tillamook thi.« week hearts and heartache ?s, romances and I Mrs. Wood is a great admirer of till i I county. She lias been camping >n tragedies in » ageland. tti Trask liver for several months. Williams A- Williams garage re­ ports having sold a Studebaker Sp - | ! clal Six to E. H. Earhart of N— balem, and a Studebaker Light Six to Norman Christensen of Tillamook. J. M. DeLillis left Saturday for Hollywood. Cal., to visit with his and ball t oo’ a ere plentiful daughters. Mrs. Harry Herman. Mr*. I people of th«' ,l]l..r,es enjoyed J. C. Neidlinger. Mrs. C. J. Braun-1 dances in the open. A few tl< ger, and families. He was iiccom- • were hired and the dancers ri panted us tar us Portland and Ore- themselves about in circles or k