Volume 32 » Tillamook, Oregon, Thursday, November 25, 1920 Many Prizes Captured VIGOROUS FIGHI FOR Lumber Prices By Stock of 1 illamook MIES TO BE INK . No 4 Campaign of Publicity For County Is Planned The Pacific-International Steck • Lumber Company reports that the Provided sufficient money can be ” ‘—— - Exposition, which has Just closed in tion; 2nd Carnation; 3rd F. R. Beals (price of lumber Is soon to drop. Next raised, the Chamber of Commerce coding the logged off lands, Portland, is said to have been the with Hengveld Burton DeKoi Her- A delegation of citizens met with Monday the new price list goes into “What confronts the Chamber of largest ever held in the United , tong; 4th Wm. Martin, Forest a wiuiuuu effect with a 25 per cent reduction. the County Court Tuesday to con­ is planning a publicity campaign, Commerce is the need of literature, States. Stock from all parts of the Grove; Sth Hollywood, 6th D. Mc­ brought about by the fact that in a i Hereafter $85 flooring will sell at something that is urgently needed, Pacific Coast were entered and com­ Keown; 7th Hollywood; Sth Yaki­ point rates for Tillamook County, $70. shiplap, formerly priced at $35 fer with the Judge and County few years vast stretches of timber for without it the organization can­ ma Vulley Breeders; 9th A. E. which Is in the same position as petition was keen. Commissioners in regard to matters 1 lands will become vast stretches of not function nor carry on a suc- will drop to $27 with other grades , Smith, Sumas, Wash; 10th Bishop. One thing was impressed upon the Astoria was several years ago whin in proportion. of importance to the city and com­ • waste land and desolation. To build cessful campaign. The junior heifer class had just breeders from Tillamook and that it was denied common point rates, The mill men explain the drop munity at large. “This county is splendidly adapted up while the process ot pulling down 1st Carnation; 2nd was that they must increase their ten entries: but victory came when the Cham­ in price as the result of the high to the culture of loganberries and One of the features of the confer- Carnation; 3rd Wm. Martin; 4th is going on, the Chamber of Com ­ endeavors and co-operate more fully freight rate and the impossibility of it is an Industry that is worth go­ in order to keep ahead of some other . L. J. Simpson, North Bend 5th Bish­ ber of Commerce of Astoria took getting enough cars for shipment, ence was the item of a tax levy of merce feels that it is imperative to ing after, for our idle Hinds can la op; 6th C. R. Evans, Halsey; 7th hold of the matter and eventually mills, which start a movement to bring new in­ this way be made to become valu­ localities in rgard to stock. During October the local mill had approximately eight had been made on the city taxpayer, dustries and more people Into the able. This is one feature that the It has not been many years since Bishop; 8th Clay Daniel, Mohler, succeeded in obtaining them, orders for about 30 carloads of lum- county and an earnest effort should Chamber of Commerce intends to there was not a registered cow in Oregon; 9th Anita Baldwin; 10th A. Tillamook county is taxed $200 ber cancelled, The western mills This has caused much discussion in- be made to bring as much of the idle give much attention. There is no asmuch as the money which accrued Tillamook county. Last week the E. Smith, Sumas, Wash. between certain points cannot begin to more per car compete with the The senior champion bull was land in the county under cultlva’l' u reason why the loganberry indus­ from this levy was not returned to Tillamook dairymen sent more than than Astoria and other points, and southern mills for the Chicago mar- $100,000 worth of high class stock Matador Segis Walker Sixth, owned the local Chamber of Commerce, the ket on account of the high freight Tillamook in any Improvement work. otherwise taxes are going to mater- try cannot be made as successful to the Exposition. With the same by L. J. Simpson. This bull Is three timber men, saw mill men, dairy rates which prevail, the middle west The matter was introduced by May­ tally increase from year to year, it and as important as the cheese In- proportion of increase Tillamook years old and also was grand cham­ men and business men believe that obbers getting southern lumber laid or-elect Moulton, who expressed his is claimed. dustry. pion of the Holsteins. With this object ln view a large disapproval of the levy, and others should be the high class stock coun­ “The tourist proposition is an- There were 12 entries in the aged Tillamook county is justly entitled down for about half the freight followed, all expressing the same delegation waited upon the county try of the world in 15 years. other very important element in the bull class; 1st prize L. J. Simpson, to common point rates and should costs of coast lumber. court on Tuesday afternoon and dis­ business life of the county, and A list of prizes awarded to the the The shutting down of the mills sentiment and the hope that the North Bend; 2nd Anita Baldwin; not be discriminated against to the County Court would see fit to eli in- cussed with that body several mat­ Chamber of Commerce intends to de- different breeds and classes is as extent of $200 on a car of freight will result in a number of men being 3rd Hollywood with Judge Segis, ters of considerable Importance to follows: vote considerable time and thought thrown out of work on the Pacific inate it from the 1920 levy. the llyear old bull which has taken between given points. The completion of the Bayocean the city and county. There were ten Jersey exhibitors so many prizes in the past; 4th Geo. to it. It is manifestly worth while To remove this discrimination it coast. It is estimated that $10,000 will to exert every effort to properly care Road was introduced for discussion from Tillamook county with a total is the intention of those interested Republic, Chico, Cal.; 5th A. E. by the President of the Chamber ot be required for the first year, as for the hundreds of persons who of 32 head of stock. The Tillamook Smith, Sumas, Wash.; 6th Bonner & especially the lumber and dairy in­ Commerce, F. C. Baker, who re­ much of that amount of money will come here each year and also to so breeders winning premiums are: Son, Joseph, Oregon; 7th D. Mc­ terests, to take the matter before STEERING GEAR BREAKS; Aged bulls, 3rd prize, F. Vincent; Keown, AUTOMOBILE IS DITCHED spectfully interrogated the Court as have to go into literature anl print­ advertise the county that the num­ Gresham^ 8th Terminal the Inter State Commerce Commis­ the probability of the work on this ed matter. There is none to be had bers may be greatly increased. With ....... I 1 2-year-old bulls, W. Robitch, 4th Steam & Navagatlon Co., Vancouver, sion at Washington and demand re­ now, all previous advertising being place, and H. Gruber, 6th; 3-year- B. C.; 9th C. R. Evans, Halsey, Ore.; lief. While driving into Tillamook on road be taken up again. Those in­ used up. The Chamber of Commerce the completion of the new roads terested were assured by the Court which make it possible to come in oldbulls, Joe Donaldson 3rd and L. 10th Bishop Farm. Informally the matter had been the road south of the city, the steer­ that the road undoubtedly would be thinks, considering the importance here at almost any season of the C. Daniels 4th; junior yearling bulls, There were also ten entries in the discussed by timber men and dairy ing gear on the car of Wesley Sut­ of the undertaking, that the county year, we bavé removed every ob- L. A.’ McCormack 3rd place; junior two-year -old bull class; 1st Carm- interests, but on Tuesday a move­ ton became unmanageable and in built, there being no mention, how­ should provide a large amount of stade in that way, but we must not bull calves, Albert Johnson 3rd, Al­ tion; 2nd Yakima Valley Breeders; ment was commenced to start an ac­ spite of Mr. Sutton’s efforts the ma- ever, of the time at which comple­ the money, and in behalf of the depend on the other parts of the bert Johnson 6th and Joe Donald­ 3rd J. J. Rupp, Tillamook, with tive campaign through the Cha 1- chine left the road and went into tion might be expected. Chamber of Commerce, Fred C. Bak­ country to do our adverising for us. Tillamook should have a large son 10th; 4-year-old cows, W. Ro- Hollywood Lilith Adverturess; the ditch Sunday. 4th ber of Commerce. er, who is the president, presented bitsch 9thplace. Although pinned beneath the car, tourist crop and everything possible wirtten briefs to the county judge ! That is absolutely up to us. Bishop; 5lh—A7 J. Statder, Riverside, Carl Haberlaeh, secretary of the "There is much that the Chamber 3-year-lod cows, L. A. McCormack Cal.; 6th~ John Ebinger, Tillamook, Mr. Sutton was only slightly injured. should be done to put the attrac­ and county commissioners, giving its Tillamook County Creamery* Asso­ tions of this part of the country be ­ I of Commerce can do under a sya- 10th place; 2-year-old cows, Alfred with A passing car soon came to his Sir Maplecrest Highlong ciation, appeared before the County reasons for starting the publicity 1 tematic management and effort for Zwald 6th prize; junior yearling Schinling; 7th Piet BergBma, Fern­ relief. His car was righted and was fore outsiders, it was declared at campaign. i Court and laid the whole plan be­ 'the up-building of thç çourGy. ft the meeting. Many roads need im­ heifers, L. A. McCormack 8th and dale, Wash.; the 8th, 9th and 10th found to be badly damaged. The brief follows: fore the Court, those present being ! cannot, however, function without proving, even though there haH been Joe Donaldson 10th; cows R. of M. were not shown. "The greatest period of develop- Fred C. Baker and R. B. Miller, rep­ great improvement in that direction i money. No organization is in such Record, 400 lbs. or over, W. Ro- The five entries in the senior m„. ,h„ Tillamook Con, | ri^lS7 MU »S resenting the Chamber of Com- ELECTION BOARDS OFFER already, it is said. The Netarts road herd, Joe bitsch 10th; exhibition yearling bull class were: 1st W. .1. er seen is Just at hand and at the 1 j with ■ - the people as the well organ­ Moulton, A. H. Har- merce, and S. is far from being in good condition. \ TO GIVE SERVICES FREE Donaldson 8th; young herd, L. A. Higdon, Tu'are, Cal. 2nd Carnation Talbott, representing The road from the beaches through same time there will be the greatest ized Chamber of Commerce, whose McCormack 4th and Joe Donaldson 3rd Bishop; 4th Yakima Valliy ris and F. W. period of devastation. Thousands of ( business and aim it is to properly the city, and George Watt of the to Wheeler should be opened up, on 7th. Breeders, 5tli not shown. President Baker of the Chamber acres of land will be made waste and exploit every industry and advant- Brighton Mills Co.. now account of the long trip that is Guernseys were represented There were three in the junior The of Commerce, reports that nine of unproductive, and the question con­ | age that our county possesses. necessury to reach towns in the by 24 head from Tillamook exhibit- yearling bulls as follows: 1st Tlios. the election boards of the county fronts us as to how well we are pre­ northern part of the county, ; Therefore it seems only reasonable resi- t 2nd ACTIONS OF FILIPINO ed by eleven owners. The premiums J. Owens, Kirkland, Wash.; who have been requested to give pared tp meet this unprecedented sit­ ! to request that the County Court awarded to the local breeders were Hollywood; 3rd J. A. McCormick, * BLAMED TO SICKNESS their services free on the day of the dents of that section maintan. t I provide at leust $7,500 for the pur- A matter that is claiming the at uation. as follows: Agd bulls, Frank Hunt­ Ferndale, Wa3h. Special Election, Dec. 6, have report­ “As an illustration of this the I pose of advertising the county and is tention of the people at this time I Nineteen entries in the senior er 1st prize; senior yearling bulls, A member of road gang number 9 ed favorably and it is expected that Chamber of Commerce will call yo>ir UfO John Berns 3rd and Rudolph Zwei- bull calf class with the following of the S. P. Company was taken in all will report their willingness to that of arranging some systematic, attention to the devastation tl|at 1 meeting such other expenses ¡.will oe necessary for the malnteq- well managed publicity work. The fel 4th; junior yearling bulls, R. Mc- ten taking the prizes: 1st Washing­ custody by Marshal Gruber Monday serve in this way. can be seen from the railroad in Clay 3rd, Joe Durrer 4th; junior ton State College; 2nd Hollywood; on complaint that he had been By this means it is expected that former Commercial Club,, later or­ the neighborhood of Timber and ance of a Chamber ui Co.»uierc0 |such as a community like Tillamook 4th ganized into the Chamber of Com­ ’ bull calves; H. Mason 9th; aged 3rd Yakima Valley Breeders; bothering the lodgers at a lodging $500 can be saved to the county. Cochran, and that is what a lnrge County 5th Grove; merce, has been doing a great deal merits. Providing the liter- cows, John Burns 10th; 3-year-old Wm. Martin, Forest portion of Tillamook County will house in this city. It is said that 6 th lature for the first year will be quite of this work but the problem is loo cows, Homer Mason 3rd; 2-year-old Frank W. Connell. Hillsboro; the man, who is a Filipino, came to look like in a comparatively short jan item, and necessitates quite an great to be undertaken by a few time. heifers, Homer Mason 6th; senior Washington State College; 7th A. town Sunday and took lodgings at RED CROSS MEMBERSHIP ¡outlay of money, but no one will at­ yearling heifers, John Burns 5th; E. Smith, Sumas, Wash.; 8th Bish­ one of the rooming houses, During DRIVE MAY EXTENDED busness men and financed by a fow "While this devastation is going tempt to guinsaw that advertising dollars In monthly dues. The oppor- junior yearling heifers, Homer Ma­ op farm; 9th Anita Baldwin; 10th the night he is said to have walked on there should be a counter move pays, especially when there is back son 2nd and 4 th; junior heifer Carnation. the floor of his room and the hall­ Owing to inclement weather the tunlties of the county, the necessi’y in building up. This otherwise non­ The junior bull calf class also had calves, Homer Mason 4th, 5th, 9th way and tried the doors of the other past week, it was decided to ex­ of locating industries, attending to tax paying land should be developed of it the possibilities of this won­ andlOth; Ira Lance 8th; senior nineteen entries: 1st Yakima Valley rooms in the place. Monday morn­ tend the time of the Red Cross the correspondence of prospective and brought into a condition that derful county of Tillamook.” champion bull, Frank Hunter; young Breeders; 2nd F. R. Beals, Tilla­ ing he was told that the house did membership drive, or until such homeseekers, all of whom ask for will tend to distribute the taxes herd, Homer Mason 4th; calf herd mook, (Mr. Beals sold this calf l'or not have room for him any longer time as all the districts have been literature, are among the numerous much an they ate now, rather than to ( 4th items of community interests which throw the whole burden, which is REASONS FOR CALLING Homer Mason 2nd; produce of cow, $725); 3rd Carnation Farm; as his room had been spoken for. ind fully canvassed. i are not attended to because there now partly borne by the timber in­ Homer Mason 5th; get of sire, Ho­ F. R. Beals, Tillamook; 5th Bishop; he left. He was found wandering SPECIAL ELECTION GIVEN From present indications the 6th Bishop; 7tb Carnation; 81h W. mer Mason 6th. is liable around the Southern Pacific station county to fall is no proper channel through which terests, on those who are now paying A special election will be*held on The Tillamook Holstein breeders | J. Higdon, Tulare, Cal.; 9th B. R. and brought to the sheriff's office. A below its quota, If any indication they may be handled. All of only the small portion of the taxa­ Monday, December 6, for the purpose were up against strong competition Statder, Wineville, Cal.; 10th Ad­ physician who examined him ¡stated can be gathered from the reports of matters are arguments for th tion. It is worth while to consider as the states of Oregon, Washington, am’s Eden Farm, Warren, Oregon. that he did not think his mind was the solicitors in this city, However per maintenance of a Chaml r oí that while we are carrying what we of voting on the uestlon of purchas­ California and Idaho had large rep­ deranged but that he probably had but few outside precincts have re­ Commerce that will be obliga d to consider a very sufficient tax, the ing a tract of land at Fairview for The speciul resentation with some fine cattle. WIFE ACCUSED OF USING been sick, which caused his unusual ported and when the reports are re­ take care of everything that per- greater portion of it is paid by the county fair grounds. election is necessury on account of Washington breeders seem to be well ceived it is hoped that sufficient tains to the community affairs. timber interests. FOUL LANGUAGE ON MATE actions. organized and had little difficulty in The matter was presented to the members are enrolled to make up the "The Chamber of Commerce Is the failure to get enough names on .Oulity Court in a convincing man­ ready to take hold of this proposi­ the petition so the measure could be carrying away a large share ot the Foul language and a threat to AVERAGE POUNDS OF county’s quota. ner by a number of citizens, each tion if sufficient funds can be obtain­ voted on at the general election. prizes. shoot him are charged by George ifiUK FEB COW 302 one of whom emphasized lhe great ed to carry on the work in a way How long the present Fair Board can A list of the various prize taking Phelps against his wife, Florence According to < report of the cow I INQUEST IS REQUESTED need there is to get Tillamook op­ that will really get results. It is a use the present fair grounds, and Holsteins follow Phelps, in a divorce complaint filed testing association of Tillamook Aged cow class: 1st Hazelwood last week. APTER BURIAL OF BODY portunities ai.J resources before the big undertaking and concerns the how soon they will be called upon county just issued for September by Ormsby Posch. ibis cow was bought people. It Is reasonable to believe future welfare and development ot to vacate, and, added to this, a waste Mr. Phelps conducts a store at D. A. Wilber, tester, and sent out by by a Seattle man for $2000 and was Garibaldi. He further alleges in The body of John Morgan, the la­ that the County Court will realize the entire county—therefore too big of money in repairing the old build­ F. K. Blackadar, secretary, the av­ grand champion of the Holsteins; the complaint that his wife ordered now, if ever, is the time when finan­ to be attempted by u limited number ings now on the grounds, are given erage pounds of milk per cow total­ borer who was killed some time ago 3rd Carnation farms entry; 4th Wm. some of the best customers out of cial assistance is imperative. An or­ of business men when It comes to the as reasons necessary to cull u spec­ near Mayo, was buried Wednesday. but­ Bishop farms of Chimacum, Wash.; the store and took money from the ed 602. The average pounds of Coioner Henkle held the body for ganization should be perfected tha* matter of finances. And it Is well ial election. ter fat per cow were 27.13. 5th Burr farm, Los Angeles; 6th till amounting in the neighborhood The number of cows tested dur- some time pending the arrival of will be the channel through which to consider that every move made John Ebinger. Tillamook, Oregon, of |800. ing the month were 886. Of thls friends or relatives but no one was every problem of a community in­ by the Chamber of Commerce in a FARMER USES GARAGE IN with Pauline Victory De Koi Long- An injunction has been filed to number the cows producing more located until Tuesday when a friend terest may be worked out; a source publicity way pertains to the coun­ NEW WAY WITH WAGON feld; 7th R. W. Watson, Tillamook, prevent Mrs. Phelps from entering than 40 pounds of butter fat were of the dead man arrived from Port­ of information for all who seek it; ty as well as the city—rather more, What next? with Canary Forbes May DeKoi; Sth the store until the case is decided. the medium through which inves ­ for it is the various industries th it land. Morgan was a native of Eng­ 86. Monday evening while Vic White Buck & Hoeni, Snohomish, Wash.; land and apparently had no relatives tors and prospective industry build­ our county is well adapted to that was in sole charge of the Sunset Three high pure bred herds are: 9th, Burr farm, Los Angeles; 10th WORKERS IN RED CROSS ers may receive the help and en­ the Chamber of Commerce exploits. Av lbs Av lbs in this country. Garage a stranger entered and ask­ David McKeown, Gresham, Oregon. CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS Owner "The Chamber of Commerce will ed if he could run his "wagon” in­ After the burial the British con­ couragement that can only come Fat No. tpws Milk Three year cow class, 21 entries: through the efforts of those who n rii/ call your attention to the fact that sul at Portland decided that an in ­ SjF z L. A. McCormack . 13 753 39.46 side. 1st Washington State College; 2nd Those in charge of tJKa^.'.et» Cross 876 31.76 quest should be held but the coron­ have time to devote to this impor­ every quarter section of land that Via said "Sure, go ahead,” and Jack Rupp, Tillamook, with Irene i membership drive in Ti JWtnooK coun­ ■tfohn Schilds .............. 26 is logged off means that much more er believes that^ this is not necessary tant work. went to get a storage tag for the Countess of Summerset, daughter of ity feel confident that-Vne county is A. Hoffman ....... 17 891 31.67 as it was a clear case of accidental taxes to be placed on dairy farms, Three high grade herds are: "machine.” last year’s grand champion; 3rd going to do its share in furnishing death. property, etc., and with these con­ 0CT0BER MILK CHECKS In came the "wagon,” and it was Bishop Frams of Washington; 4th I a large membership. There are a Joe Durrer ................ 30 914 41.37 dltions confronting thè county and 824 41.26 TO BE OUT DECEMBER 10 the taxpayer, it follows that some no Ford, neither was it a Dodge nor A. E. Smith, Sumas, Wash; 5th number of enthusiastic workers in L. O. Daniels ........... 25 The scrub cow that made the high u Buick. It was a real wagon, with Carnatipn farms; 6th Carnation every school district, but owing to Patil Fitzpatrick ..12 745 36.89 systematic effort should be made to High pure bred cow, No. 26, Reg. milk record recently and which was Vic farms; 6th Carnation farms; 7th the wind and rain the early work ■it Carl Haberlach reports that milk replace the devastation caused by two nags for motive power. Holstein, owned by John . Schilds. owned by L. McCormick was found wus somewhat taken aback but al­ Bonner & Son, Joseph, Oregon; Sth the drive has been slightly delayed. checks will be out December 10. The ti logging operations.” Washington State College; 9th Those wohkers who have reported Months record: Milk 1545 lbs. Fat dead Sunday morning. association has 280 cases of cheese "It is true that Tillamook County lowed the owner to store his outfit, Dr. Hohfeld performed an autopsy in storage in Los Angeles and about It seems reasonable enough when Bishop farms; 10th Buck Ac Hoeni, ( so far have met with great success, 69.53 lbs. has been lagging behind for a num­ High grade cow. Pennie, Jersey, off the carcass and decided that the a person stops to think about it, i Few persons have refused to join. Snohomish. 250 cases in San Diego, otherwise ber of years, very little unproduc ­ owned by L. A. McCormack. Months cow had died from arsenic poison­ In the two-year-old class there I the October cln ese Is sold. tive land having been cleared up for commented Vic. Not so long igo record: Milk 960 lbs. Fat 68.16 lbs. ing. were 22 entries. Prizes were awarded , SPECIAL CAR CHARTERED The Tillamook cheese situation is dairy purposes, consequently the th»' livery stables had to store auto­ Roll of Honor Cows: as follows: 1st Carnation; 2nd Bish- : BY WHEELER ENCAMPMENT better, probably than any other agri­ dairy Industry has not Increased as mobiles. Turn aooul is lair play. op Farms; 3rd Carnation Farms; 4th , cultural line in the country, as over it should have done, owing to the Pct. Class A. 5 years and over A. E. Smith, Sumas, Wash.; 5th Wm. ■ On Saturday evening of this week Owner of Cow. Name of Cow Breed Lbs Milk fat 90 per cent of the season’s make has high cost of clearing land. GIRL IS CAUGHT FLEEING i Martin, Forest Grove; ’6th Holly-j the Wbeelef tjneampment of the I. John Schilds ............................... No. 26 been sold. This is in great contrast R.H. 1545 4.5 "The county provides a large FROM FAllENTAL BONDS wood farm. 7th Bishop farm; 8th O. O. F. is coming in a special car L. A. McCormack Pennle J. 960 with condensed milk and grain and amount of money to help develop the 7.1 Anita M. Baldwin, Santa Anita, Cal.; chartered of the Southern Pacific to Joe Durrer . . J il • ■ i t* / V ti ri UHI t f u 1 1 221 r» ?. 6 178 4* taf w Il H K, it* IJ ti 11,1.- h'ic V Uckli 1 1 IIIJ n ...... o i li i_ i n g IS « 1 ¡I - 9th A. E. Smith, Sumas. Wash; 10th pay homage to their brothers of the A. K. Rogers ...... .............. Princess R.H. 1980 3.2 63.36 i>een >olil and against which large propi fated to Indue the ho ni eseek- L'd to breuk parental Tillamook encampment. For this Joe Durrer ................. ............... Beauty Hollywood farm. J. 1194 5.2 62 09 sums of money have been borrow. <1. er to con io Ocre an d turn the ldl>'. te her way to I'ort- There were 19 entries in the sen-| occasion a special meeting has been Joe Donaldson ■.......... .................. No. 20 J 1281 60.21 Reports hav 4.7 ■ Just been received unproductive land ilio tax paying s detained at Beaver, ior yearling heifer class and ihe called for the purpose of having the Joe Durrer ........ ....................... Dot J 1287 4.5 57.9 ' from one of tin great cheeæ centers property. brought back home, it Royal Purple degree conferred on John .Schilds............ ................ No. 16 prizes were divided as follows: R.H 1 521 3.8 57.80 In New York. Jtica, showing 'hit “The Char uber of Commerce will ylng ’to gel aw ay on David all eligible candidates of any en ­ Carnation farm; 2nd Joe Durrer . . . j . . ..................... La ly 1110 J. 5.1 56 61 year h average price of 25.2 ccnrs also call yoi r a tien tion to f he fact m obile stages. Keown. Gresham, 3rd Anita Bai-I­ campment In the county. for their cheew -. agal fSt JJ0.67 f $uts thnt the Till ainoofc < ounty C¡ earner y Class B. 4 Years to 5 Years drli of tiie stage vin; 4th 1 >l!yv >od farm: 5th Car­ Plans for the event are enthus­ Joe Durrer ............... ....................... Lily H. 1287 3 9 50.19 last year. Thi ; íiíííiinsf Tillaniook’fi ArfiOChUioi. 1 lu» appi ont ho <1 }25,o00 I. In tn questioned but nation farm; 6th Yasuna Valley iastically going forward among the L. C. Daniels .......... ..................... May J. 864 5.8 50.11 price of 32.4 c ent« 1 is) year and a to advert ise Tillamt ok Chee se next ; they k Ilolsein Breeders Association; 7 th lodge members. Dave Fitzpatrick . . ..................... Rose J 972 47 63 probahl ’ avern ?e of 29.7 cents this : ear, and it I r proj ¡¡ill to expend 4 9 id were i David Meh own, bih Hollywood, L. C. Daniels............ ...... J 82 2 5.6 |25,060 on ii (»mund» 46.03 year. Thi« «h ew Fair ftverure in 9th Geo. Republic, Chico, Cai.; loth PAIR OF ROEDERS GET L. C. Daniels............. ................ Purple J. 930 5.1 47.43 favor of '1 Ilian “it is al ,<) pi opos id to up point a this year of 4." lardali returned rocen Wl Iti: C. R. Evans. Halsey, Oregon. YEAR EACE. iN PRISON oiinty Agri ulturlst , also a County Clag' C. 3 Years to 4 Years cents a pound cheeB* agniîii t nni land where he has )V( Of the 22 entries in the Junior Hunter A. Wheeler ....................... Pct .1. 804 6.0 48.24 j 1.73 cents la-.f ear. In otle Club Leader th'?, hi tir» <»p :u>e i o iy frc >m . . stock < Xpoall ion. He yearilngs the following were prize Bert Carrol and H. F. Wilder, the Josi Bros. A Perrin . ....................... Eva J 813 5.2 42.28 last year Tillarnook received 5.64 be >7.400, b< ing div idcd ns f olloivs iw every show in Port- winners: 1st Carnation i 2nd D. Mc- men v.ho robbed the outfit car of L. A. McCormack . . ................ Cricket It J. 792 5.2 41.78 i per cent more tl uiu N< w York < hc" County 13,40 G, balai ri# th State his two weeks stay In Keown; 3rd Bishop; 4th Anlta Bald- the S. P. recently, pleaded guilty Paul Fitzpatrick . . . .....................Hart 786 J 5.2 40.87 While this .nil ’ h prie ■ will run 17. V and Federal 1 OV O1‘ il nein. I taic< 6th F. R. and were sentenced to a year in [ l . C. Daniel, ............ .................. Dai-.- win, 5th Hollywood. I J. 702 5.8 40.72 psr cent higher $2500 to ru i the 1 air, the county 1 Beals, Tillamook, with N (oyfolk Do- the penitentiary. •lonn i bnnpson, v. eil-itw puylng »1,500, the ba Class D. Under 3 Years Koi Stella; 7th Yakima Valley Andrew Zuercber pleaded guilty L. C. Daniels ................................... Lady respected attorney ot Gberiv R.J. 705 7.0 from the state; It ta Breeders; Sthrn L. J. Simpson. North to burglary and was sentenced to L. C. Daniels ................................. Queen step-brother ot Sam L. i,.ip R.J. 921 4 pay the dairy Inspc ictt of the Tillamook stock on exhib nt Bend; 9th Yakima Valley Breeder's five years in the penitentiary and Paul Fitzpatrick ............................ Tillie Oregon poet, met his death J. 735 5.6 county veter to the show in Portland, brought flu. with Bessie Canary Mercedes. (This fined $500. V. He was paroled from Hunter /- Wheeler .... even! g tn Sheridan by beiri, . . . Silina G. 756 ar i per day when at animals to Tillamook Saturday, He heifer was bought by R. W . Watson the sentence but the fine was em­ Pnul Fitzpatrick ............ by an auto. J. . Princess 6 6 600 county. returned to Portalnd Monday. of Tillamook); lOtb Anita Baldwin. ptied. Under the terms of his pa- Josi Bros. & Perrin .. . f. . . Clover 759 5.2 "But the oversight stems to be Rev. C. L Dark, pastor of t ha There were 37 entries in the M?n- -ole he is not to leave the state for L. A. McCormack.......... . 759 .. . Marte R.J. 4 8 Mrs. Cross of Netarts left for ¡hat no tiou 7 is appropriated to Methodist church, and Mrs. Dark, ior calf grade and the prizes were five years and must make reports Joe Durrer ...................... . . Mlget J. 504 7.2 Portland Monday where she will VlH- bring in nc homeseelters. put'In- In 8 left Monday for a few days visit in Im larna- po; lodicaily to the authorities. distributed as follows: |L. C. Daniels.................... J. «51 .......... Dot 5.5 It he.' mother for a s'uort time. lhe Idle land Into cultivation and ra­ Portland. i I