e Eight THE TI L L A M_O OK HEADLIGHT Thursday. November 18 Store Closed All Day (1 hanksgivin^l Thursday, November 25th—Your Needs May Best Be Taken Care Of Here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------s Smash! Smash! Smash! Haltom’s Smashing High Cost of Living—Launching Our 4th Series Of 6 Days Dura- Tillamook, Oregon k____________________________________________ —j THE BIG FEATURE IN MEN’S StCTION— EVERYTHING IN THE STORE DISCOUNTED UPWARDS TO Contract Goods WITH EVERY SUIT SOLD A People Are Buying Like They Never Did Before, Supplying Their Needs For Months To Come $6.00 HAT Make Your Headquarters at Haltom’s, Largest Dry Goods House in Tillamook County-- Overflowing With Newest and Most Desirable Winter Merchandise. This Ad. Conveys Only In Part Of The Extraordinary Savings That Await Those With Lean Purses (LATEST STYLES AND COLORS) ‘‘Kingsbury Make” r s EXTRA! Saturday Only EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! MONDAY. NOV. 22ND. ONLY— MILLINERY $1.50--$1.75 BASKETS $5.50. $6.00 and Up To S8.U0 Values. Choice 49C $1.98 Starts at 9:0" A Anyone making a *5.00 purchase or over in any section of the store is entitled to one of inese late style models at the exceptionally low- price of *1.98. Comparison of prices clearly indicates how deeply we’ve cut prices. No doubt there are women who desire a new hat by now. Millinery salon on Balcony. $50 00 and $60.00 SUITS Including a $6.00 Hat, Both . . . LESS ’ i —This is still more important and worthy of constderxtion as a Satisfaction of Guarantee -’<>es with . v Ilart ><•)■ 'f, r and Marx suit sold, you arc entitled to complete satizi^clion. You will get ail- wool or wool-and-silk fabrics, thoroughly shrunk, all seams silk sewed, tailoied in clean sanitary shops and correct in style. —Furthermore if any H. S. & M. suit proves not right, or not wholly satisfactory your money will be refunded. As an evidence of good faith Hart Schaffner and Marx Trade Mark is in these celebrated clothes. Real clothing, men. to fit you. See window display. Occur­ ring just at a time when you men want a new and complete outfit to wear on Thanksgiving. — Exquisite Silk Shirts. New Color Combinations; *lf*59. *13.q0 and |15.00 Values, Choice *8.55. —*6.50 Silk Stripe And Fiber Silk Shirts, In Wanted Patterns, sizes 14 to 17%. Sale *4.65. —Best Knit Silk Socks. Regular *1.50. Colors Champagne. Da k Grey. Green. Pearl, Navy. African Blown. Also Black. This Sale. Pair. *1.00. __ 40 Dozen Men’s Silk Lisle Sox. In Black. Brown. Palm Beach. Slate And Green; Regular 65< Quality. Sale 5 Pairs For *2.00. BOYS’ SUIT SALE THAT WILL ATTRACT PARENTS FROM NEAR AND FAR THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS SALE—$1080 SALE—$1200 SALE—$12 80 SALE—$14.00 SALE—$14.80 SALE—$18 00 SALE—$16.80 — Fact ia the boy suit story can be shown better than told. only necessary to see the knick era turned inside out. ___ They wear twice as long as the ordinary suit. — Sizes, 6 to IS. inclusive. Good patterns too. 35c Victoria Chailies THE YARD 5c M. Sta'is at 9:0° A. M. —Anyone making a *5.00 purchase or over in any section of the store is entitled upwards to 10 yards of this splendid material at, yard 5e. Especially suitable for comfort covering and hangings. Only 500 yards. Under the Balcony. No phone or mail orders. It is ONE ONE ONE ONE GROUP. GROUP. GROUP. GROUP. FORMERLY FORMERLY FORMERLY FORMERLY EXTRA! EXTRA! ‘•STAR BRAND’’ EXTRA! WEDNESDAY. NOV. 24TH ONLY— 45c PERCALE Shoes for Children Cost Less Per Month DECIDEDLY UNDERPRICED CHOICE. THE YARD 9c TO 19.98 VALUES. SALE 11.65 TO 24.85 VALUES. SALE $15.85 Women’s Unique Wrappy Coats at Price Reductions Vorth Taking Advantage 01 Including a $6.CG Hat, Both . . • SUITS. SUITS. SUITS. SUITS. SUITS SUITS. SUITS. DEAL And the largest and best selected stock of women's and misses smart skirts in Tillamook county to choose from. $65.00 and EXTRA! ______________________________________________________ ./ GREATEST SALE OF WOMEN’S DRESS SKIRTS RECORDED THUS FAR THIS SEASON TO $10.00 VALUES. SALE $5.90 TO $13.95 VALUES. SALE $8.60 EXTRA! TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 23RD ONLY— N______________________________________________________ ' WHICH INCLUDES SUCH RENOWNED LINES AS HART SCHAFFNER AND MARX AND GR j F- TON SUITS. UP-TO-DATE MODELS. HERE'S THE FREE OFFER: BOYS’ BOYS BOYS’ BOYS’ BOYS’ BOYS BOYS’ EXTRA! Anyone making a *5.00 purchase or over in any section of the store is entitled to one of these beautiful fancy baskets at only 49c. Among the different kinds are shipping baskets, auto baskets and waste paper baskets in various lovely color combinations and must be seen to be appreciated. No phone or mail order. Dis­ played on balcony. "SELECT YOUR THANKSGIVING TOGS FOR A GREAT $13.50 $1500 $18.00 $17 50 $18.50 $20 00 $21.00 EXTRA' SATURDAY. NOV 20TH ONLY— Starts At 10:00 A M. DOUBLY IMPORTANT AS EVERY MAN'S SUIT IN STORE IS GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE EXTRA! $25.00. THIS SALE .. ................... .. $15.65 TO $30 00. THIS SALE............................. $19.85 TO $43.00. THIS SALE.......................... $25.95 TO $65 00. THISSALE ............................. $37.65 Starts at 9:0" A. M. ~—Anyone making a *4.00 purchase or over >n any department of the store Is entitled upward • to 5 yards of best quality percale, 36 inches wide at only, yard 9c. Approximately 2000 yards in light, medium, and dark patterns. Un­ der the balcony. No phone or mail orders. —These are al) leather and good leather too. in black kid and brov 1 calf. Shoes that will gi.- excellent service both for dress and school wear. Olhopedic and roomy Engli.-h la ts. S'.arB.and shoes for children and Misses, 8% to 11 and 11% to 2 respectively. $5.98 Star Brand Shoes. 8% Up. Pair. $4.93 $4.98 Star Brand Shoes. 11 Vo 2. Pair. $3.98 —All Children’s Coats And Dresses Sale Priced. | Free Alteration Service on Men’s. Women s and Children’s Apparel SNOW WHITE ■fl HERE’S THE ANSWER—WERE BOUGHT EXTRA ! EXTP A $8.00 Star Brand Shoes 11% to 2, Pair. $6.98 FRIDAY. NOV. 26TH ONLY* , 40c TURKISH TOWEL THANKSGIVING TABLE LINENS AT WHOLESALE COST TO YOU. EXTRA! WHEN PRICES WERE GREAT DEAL LESS THAN THEY ARE TODAY—PASSING THE Women’s $2.50 House Slippers. This Sale. Pair. $1.98. 6c SAVING ON TO OUR CUSTOMERS. tThanksgiving) -To -et the good eats’off fittingly on this great feast day. it is only natural to think of fine linens, that which plays an im­ portant role. Usually, if at any time, this is one occasion the proud house­ wife dt -ires new liner,i- and npienishes her linen chest for at least a who]« year. The above heading welldescribes how rfdlcuously low linens may be procured here and now is your opportune time to supply your needs. Bear in mind that the astounding headinc don’t indicate that there is an over supply of linens, far be from such. Only for the fact we’re trying to create a aMUMtlon in selling of linen«. Starts at 9:00 A. M. With leather sole and beel. - Anyone making a *2.00 purchase or over in any section of the store is entitled to 2 good -.ze. full bieached soft thirsty turkish toweis at the small sum of, each 6c. .Under the bal­ cony. No phone or mail orders. Fine Table Damask At Wholesale To You Every Yard of Silk In the Store Discount­ ed 20 to 50 Per Cent Table Cloths and Napkins — *1.50-*1.75 Satin Finish Table Damask. 58 and 64 In. wide; 6 differ­ ent patterns, pard. 98c ■65 inch Satin Finish Table Damask, worth *2.00. Poppy design, yard. $1 49. — 72 inch Linen Table Damask, worth *5.00. Thanksgiving sale /»rd- $3 19. -72 inrh All Linen Heavy Quality Damask, worth *6.00. Thanksciviag Sale. $4 49 71 rich All Linen Table Damask, worth *5 75. Thank-giving Sal«, yard. $4 39. 8-4 Linen Table Cloth and 1 Doz. 22 in. Napkins, Carnation pattern. Set. Sale $22.98. ’ — 8-4 Heavy Quality Linen Table Cloth and 1 Dozen 24 in. Napkins. Set. Sale $27 65 —.70x70 Table Cloth. Sale $5.90 —70x70 Table Cloth. Sal. $8.68 —70x«0 Linen Table Clotb. $10.60 70x80 Linen Table Cloth. $12.69 22x22 Linen Napkina. Dozen, $13.48 24x24 Linen Napkins, Dozen. $17.48 “ z $10 00 Madeira Hand Embroidery Set. 13 Piecei $6 69 Beautiful 1* piece set. daintily embroidered and scalloped. Fact is cold printer's ink proves wholly inadequate in revealing about the exquisitenevs nt this set. Buy now for Xmas gift giving. READY MADE NAPKINS •¡i —17x48 Dresser Scarfs, lace trimmed, also hemstitched, this sale. 89c. —Girls. Misses And Youths Gym­ nasium Shoes. White Bals. All Sizes Sale $1.98 18x1* Mercerized and Hemmed. Sale. Dozen. $2.93 - 19x19 Mercerized and Hemmed, Sale, Dozen. $3.89 Come in pretty patterns. December Delineator And Fashion Sheets Ready For Distribution Liberty Boras Taken for Mdse. In Lieu I of Cash Headquarter» For Wet Weather Goods